Saturday, January 3, 2015

Isoxrom and Polyedr Flash news in brief (January 2015 - C)

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Sunday he is concerned about so-called lone wolf attacks in the United States by Islamist militants inspired by al-Qaida affiliates.

Holder met with his European counterparts in Paris on Sunday to discuss ways to prevent violent extremism, after Islamist militants killed 17 people in several attacks in the French capital.......................US Official: Concerns Over 'Lone Wolf Attacks'


  1. Australia on Tuesday raised the ­terrorism threat level against the police force to high for the first time, saying there were small but growing numbers of citizens involved with jihadist groups and intent on attacks...

    Australian Federal Police said the ­decision had been taken based on ­intelligence-gathering and discussions with partners and was in line with the ­broader threat for the country, also raised to high in September.

    The heightened alert, raised from medium to high, also comes after a "known terror suspect" was shot dead in Melbourne in September after ­stabbing two police officers, a day after the ­Islamic State group called for Muslims to kill Australians indiscriminately.

    Both policemen survived the attack.

    "While relatively small, there are ­increasing numbers of Australians who are connected with or inspired by ­overseas terrorist groups such as the ­Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, with the ­intent and capability to conduct an attack against police," the federal ­police said in a statement.

    The factors that had led to the ­elevated general terrorism threat level for ­Australia to high in September had ­persisted and the security ­environment was ­"increasingly complex and challenging­," it said.

    "Recent events in France, Canada and Australia serve as a sobering reminder of the risks associated with policing," the federal force said in a statement...................

  2. Porté par l'économie, Obama à l'offensive face au Congrès ...

    Porté par une série de bons indicateurs économiques et une cote de popularité en hausse, le président américain Barack Obama décline mardi devant le Congrès, désormais dominé par ses adversaires républicains, ses projets de réforme, fiscalité en tête.

    Lors du traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'Union au Capitole de Washington à 21H00 (02H00 GMT mercredi), M. Obama avancera une série de propositions devant permettre, selon lui, que la croissance, au plus haut depuis 11 ans, "profite à tout le monde"..............

  3. Obama urges Republican-run Congress to back taxes on rich ...

    President Barack Obama challenged the Republican-led Congress on Tuesday to break out of the “tired old patterns” of confrontational politics and back an effort to lift the middle class, with higher taxes on the rich and trade deals.

    Dogged since the start of presidency six years ago by an ailing economy, Obama appeared before a joint session of Congress and millions of Americans watching on television to declare that his policies have paid off with an economic revival that has trimmed the jobless rate to 5.6 percent.

    It is now time, he said, to “turn the page” from recession and war and work together to address those middle-class Americans who have been left behind.................

  4. Paris Mayor: I'll Sue Fox News for Post-Charlie Hebdo Remarks ...

    The mayor of Paris said Tuesday that she intended to sue Rupert Murdoch's Fox News over insults she said the U.S. cable television network hurled at the French capital following this month's massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine.

    In an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Mayor Anne Hidalgo said Paris planned legal action because the city's honor was "prejudiced" by Fox reports that wrongly suggested areas of the city were "no-go zones" that were closed to non-Muslims.

    "The image of Paris has been prejudiced and the honor of Paris has been prejudiced," Hidalgo said.

    Fox on Saturday issued several apologies for statements made on the air that suggested such zones existed in Europe..................

  5. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was rushing home from the Middle East Wednesday to take charge of Tokyo's response after Islamic militants threatened to kill two nationals unless he pays a $200 million ransom...

    A defiant Abe vowed he would not bow to "terrorism" as Japan was thrust abruptly into the conflict gripping Syria and Iraq, where jihadists have seized control of large areas.

    "I strongly demand that they not be harmed and that they be immediately released," he told a news conference in Jerusalem.

    "The international community will not give in to terrorism and we have to make sure that we work together."

    The self-styled Islamic State group (IS) has murdered five Western hostages since August last year, but this is the first time the jihadist group has threatened Japanese captives.................

  6. Cuba lowers expectations on eve of high-level talks with US ...

    A senior Cuban official said yesterday (Jan 20) that restoring diplomatic ties with the United States won't immediately lead to a full relationship between the Cold War foes after a half-century of enmity.

    The message appeared designed to lower expectations a day before the arrival of the highest-level US delegation to Cuba in decades and just before President Barack Obama made his case in the State of the Union Address for seizing the opening with Cuba by ending the US trade embargo of the island. Mr Alan Gross, whose release from Cuba in a prisoner exchange last month cleared the way for a new relationship, sat next to Mrs Michelle Obama.

    “We are ending a policy that was long past its expiration date,” Mr Obama said. “When what you're doing doesn't work for 50 years, it's time to try something new.”....................

  7. EU to continue to exert pressure on Russia over Ukraine — Mogherini...

    The European Union intends to leave open the possibility of dialogue with Russia on Ukraine and on global issues, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said on Tuesday. Also, the implementation of the Minsk agreements remains a key issue for Europe, she told an audience at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.

    According to her, the EU will continue to support Kiev, including financially. Brussels wants to be sure that the situation in Ukraine’s economy and society returns to normal, Mogerini said, adding that the EU regards this step as a response to “Russia’s actions.”...............

  8. La France et l'Allemagne doivent pousser Kiev à renoncer au règlement du conflit dans le Donbass manu militari, a déclaré mercredi le ministre russe des Affaire étrangères Sergueï Lavrov...

    "Il faut que nos partenaires occidentaux, dont la France et l'Allemagne, élèvent leurs voix pour exhorter les autorités ukrainiennes à empêcher un scénario militaire de se reproduire. C'est l'objectif le plus important", a indiqué le chef de la diplomatie russe au cours d'une conférence de presse à Moscou.

    Mercredi 21 janvier, M.Lavrov prendra part à une nouvelle réunion sur la crise ukrainienne au "format Normandie" tenue à Berlin...............

  9. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has slammed the European Central Bank's policy of imposing "austerity" on nations with high levels of debt...

    Renzi said on Wednesday at a conference on leadership at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos: “Europe should stress the importance of growth, not only the discipline of austerity."

    "The European Central Bank could help in finding a new direction."

    " Europe is not simply an economic community. Europe is not simply the euro. Europe is an idea that has meant 70 years of peace and stability," he added.

    Renzi suggested that Europe should adopt the Roman motto, “Carpe diem”, meaning “seize the day".

    " Europe could be in the next years not simply the last, but the place in which we can give a message of innovation in culture.Europe should lead the world in a new Renaissance," he said...............

  10. Jihadisme: la Turquie critiquée pour sa frontière poreuse avec la Syrie ...

    Le bref séjour en Turquie de la compagne d'un des auteurs des attentats meurtriers de Paris et sa fuite en Syrie ont ravivé les critiques et les doutes sur l'efficacité des contrôles mis en place par Ankara et sa volonté de lutter contre les filières jihadistes.

    "Il est toujours possible de trouver un passage". L'aveu vient du chef de la diplomatie turque, Mevlüt Cavusoglu. Il éclaire le casse-tête auquel son pays est confronté pour surveiller les 900 km de sa frontière syrienne et, plus encore, repérer les recrues du groupe Etat islamique (EI) dans le flux des réfugiés qui fuient la guerre.

    Un bref passage sur la ligne de démarcation entre les deux pays au sud de Sanliurfa (sud-est) suffit pour s'en convaincre. Traverse à peu près qui veut.

    Entre chaque poste de garde, un simple grillage de 2 m de haut court sur des kilomètres le long d'un chemin de terre. Si elle a sorti ses blindés autour de Suruç, face à Kobané assiégée, l'armée turque y est bien plus discrète lorsqu'on s'éloigne vers l'est.................

  11. Wegen Kämpfen in Donbass: Poroschenko verkürzt Besuch in Davos ...

    Laut dem Pressesprecher des Präsidenten, Swjatoslaw Zegolko, soll Poroschenko noch am Mittwoch in die Ukraine zurückkehren.

    Wie zuvor offiziell berichtet wurde, sollte Poroschenko am Rande des Forums mehrere bilaterale Treffen zu Finanz- und Verteidigungsfragen durchführen.

    „Wegen der verschärften Lage hat der Präsident beschlossen, seinen Besuch in der Schweiz zu verkürzen. Er wird am morgigen Mittwoch schon in die Ukraine zurückkehren“, schrieb Zegolko am Dienstag auf Twitter. Ihm zufolge wurde der ukrainische Staatschef, der „in ständigem Kontakt mit den Militärs steht“, am Dienstagabend über die verschlechterte Lage im Raum des Flughanfes Donezk informiert.............

  12. Japanese foreign minister’s claims turn history upside down — Russian ForMin ...

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has voiced surprise over claims by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, who has compared the current situation in Ukraine and Tokyo’s territorial claims to the Kuril Islands.

    “One cannot but feel surprise over Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida’s statements made during his visit to Belgium on January, in particular the comparison of the current situation in Ukraine and the problem of what Japan commonly refers to as ‘northern territories’ — the South Kuril islands, which have belonged to Russia since World War II. In particular, it was said that the point at issue was ‘changing the status quo with the use of force’,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    “In that connection, it is worth recalling that militarist Japan and Nazi Germany in pursuit of world supremacy used force to upset the status quo that had existed before World War II and occupied a number of states,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said...............

  13. John Boehner invites Netanyahu to Congress on Iran ...

    US House Speaker John Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress on Iran.

    The move is seen as a rebuke to President Barack Obama's threat to veto any additional sanctions on the country during his State of the Union address.

    The White House has said it believes new sanctions will be harmful to negotiations on its nuclear programme...............

  14. Poroschenko spricht von rund 9000 russischen Militärs in der Ukraine ...

    Auf dem Territorium der Ukraine halten sich derzeit laut Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko rund 9000 russische Militärs auf. Entsprechende nachrichtendienstliche Daten seien von unabhängigen Quellen bereits bestätigt worden, sagte Poroschenko am Mittwoch auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum im schweizerischen Davos..........

  15. Libyan rival parliament suspends U.N.-sponsored peace talks ...

    (Reuters) - A parliament set up in Libya to rival the elected assembly has suspended U.N.-sponsored peace talks because of what it called fresh violence from the country's recognized government, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

    Last week, the United Nations launched a new round of talks in Geneva aimed at defusing the oil producer's violent struggle between two governments and parliaments vying for control four years after the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi.

    The rival assembly, known as the General National Congress (GNC), was set up after an armed group called Libya Dawn seized the capital, Tripoli, last summer. The internationally recognized prime minister, Abdullah al-Thinni, transferred his government to the east................

  16. Russlands UN-Botschafter: USA schüren Konflikt in Ostukraine...

    Russlands Uno-Botschafter Vitali Tschurkin hat auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem jüngsten Kiew-Besuch des Chefs der US-Truppen in Europa und der militärischen Eskalation im Osten der Ukraine hingewiesen.

    „Im Laufe der gesamten Ukraine-Krise spielen die USA eine destruktive oder, genauer, eine aufwieglerische Rolle“, sagte Tschurkin in der jüngsten Sitzung des Sicherheitsrates. „Nach jedem Ukraine-Besuch ranghoher US-Vertreter verstärken die Kiewer Behörden die Konfrontation in ihren Handlungen. Die jüngste militärische Eskalation fiel erstaunlicherweise mit dem Kiew-Besuch des Chefs der US-Truppen in Europa zeitlich zusammen.“

    „Wohin Washington auch schauen mag, sei das der Irak, Libyen, Syrien oder die Ukraine, überall entstehen Destabilisierung, Krise und Blut“, fügte er hinzu.

  17. Venezuela tightens control of food amid shortages, ‘economic war’...

    Venezuela plans to tighten control over the food distribution and supplies amid unprecedented shortages in shops, the country’s President Nicolas Maduro said in his annual address to parliament on Wednesday.

    Maduro said the food shortage is the result of an “economic war” waged by the political opposition in an effort to remove him from power.

    The president, the successor to late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, announced plans to change the current model of distribution and trade in the recession-hit Venezuelan economy.

    “Starting from today, the government will carry out a campaign on thorough checks of suppliers of consumer goods in the framework of the fight against the severe shortage of some goods and the poor provision to the population,” Maduro said................

  18. Syrian refugees plot Cyprus escape as camp closes...

    It costs thousands of euros for a false passport and place on a boat to Turkey, but Syrian refugees stranded in Cyprus are ready to try anything.

    After already paying thousands last year to take a boat from Syria that was abandoned by smugglers at sea, many of the 345 refugees who were rescued and bought to Cyprus are already planning another treacherous voyage.

    "There aren't the advantages (in Cyprus) that there are for refugees in other European countries," says Salwa, who left her two young boys behind in Syria to flee on the boat with her daughter.

    "I can't bring my children, so it's completely impossible for me to stay here," Salwa, not her real name, tells AFP from inside her tent at a temporary camp west of Nicosia......................

  19. Ukraine, Russia agree on demarcation line for heavy artillery pull-back...

    High-level talks in Berlin have yielded progress toward a new ceasefire in Ukraine. Representatives from Kyiv and Moscow have agreed that both sides would pull back heavy arms from the front lines in eastern Ukraine.

    Amid fresh clashes in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, the foreign ministers of Ukraine and Russia made progress in negotiations toward a ceasefire. The high-level meetings held in Berlin were mediated by their German and French counterparts.

    While a truce remained beyond their reach, the opposing sides - with Russia widely believed to be providing financial and militaristic support to separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine - said they would ensure that heavy arms were pulled back from the front lines.

    "Today we have finally agreed that the demarcation line mentioned in the Minsk agreement is the line from where the withdrawal of heavy weapons needs to take place now," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (pictured) told reporters late on Wednesday........................

  20. Σουλτς: «Να γίνει δίκαιη μεταχείριση της Ελλάδας» ....

    Λίγες μέρες πριν τις εκλογές ο πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου Μάρτιν Σουλτς ζήτησε τη δίκαιη μεταχείριση της Ελλάδας. Σε συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στο σημερινό φύλο της γερμανικής εφημερίδας Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung ο Σούλτς υπογράμμισε ότι «για να επιτευχθεί μια σταθερή οικονομική ανάπτυξη και σοβαρή μείωση του χρέους χρειάζεται ένα δίκαιο πλαίσιο σχέσεων συνεργασίας και όχι απειλές».

    «Η Μέρκελ εμπιστεύεται τους Έλληνες»

    Όπως τόνισε «η Ελλάδα χρειάζεται ένα έξυπνο μείγμα πολιτικής που να αποτελείται από μέτρα σταθεροποίησης των δημοσιονομικών της, δομικές μεταρρυθμίσεις και επενδύσεις σε τομείς του μέλλοντος που να οδηγήσουν σε μια βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη». Ο πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου εμφανίστηκε πεπεισμένος ότι η καγκελάριος Μέρκελ εμπιστεύεται τους Έλληνες και τους θεωρεί ικανούς να ορθοποδήσουν στηριζόμενοι στις δικές τους δυνάμεις. Παίρνοντας ως αφορμή το αρνητικό κλίμα στην Ελλάδα προειδοποίησε ωστόσο ότι κανείς δεν μπορεί να εκβιάσει την ΕΕ και τη Γερμανία.

    Την ίδια ώρα η αντιπρόεδρος του κόμματος «Η Αριστερά» Ζάρα Βάγκενκνεχτ είπε ότι σε περίπτωση νίκης του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ θεωρεί ότι η Ελλάδα δεν θα βρεθεί εκτός ευρωζώνης.......................DW.............

  21. Ukraine: l'armée ukrainienne abandonne l'aéroport de Donetsk...

    Les militaires ukrainiens ont abandonné l'aéroport de Donetsk, théâtre de combats acharnés ces derniers jours, a annoncé jeudi le bataillon nationaliste ukrainien Azov sur sa page Facebook.

    "Comme cela a été annoncé, les militaires ukrainiens qui défendaient l'aéroport de Donetsk ont été obligés d'abandonner ce qui était il y a un an encore un aéroport moderne et beau", indique la page.

    L'armée ne peut ni démentir, ni confirmer l'abandon de l'aéroport aux insurgés, a annoncé ultérieurement à RIA Novosti le porte-parole des forces armées ukrainiennes Leonid Matioukhine.

    Mercredi soir, le ministère ukrainien de la Défense faisait état de combats acharnés à l'aéroport et de pertes humaines des deux côtés. Selon le ministère, les militaires ukrainiens occupaient toujours plusieurs bâtiments de l'aéroport.

  22. Gov't Forces Retreating From Donetsk Airport, Say Ukrainian Officials...

    Ukrainian forces are retreating from the Donetsk airport's new terminal, a representative of Ukraine's General Staff, Vladislav Seleznov announced Thursday.

    "Fighting continues at the airport. Our forces continue defending the airfield. Because of the constant shelling of the position of our 'cyborgs,' the territory of the new terminal is practically destroyed. Because this terminal's territory is exposed to fire, a decision was made to leave the territory of the terminal to join other line. The fighting goes on even now," he said at a briefing.................

  23. Soldados ucranianos reconocen haber perdido el control del aeropuerto de Donetsk ...

    "Los militares ucranianos se vieron obligados a dejar una instalación que hace un año era un extraordinario y moderno aeropuerto.
    La epopeya de su defensa duró 242 días. Los soldados ucranianos resistieron en unas condiciones en las que defenderse es prácticamente imposible", escribió Azov en su Facebook.

    Los separatistas de la República Popular de Donetsk (RPD) insisten desde hace días en que el estratégico aeropuerto -escenario de incesantes combates incluso durante todas las treguas decretadas- está bajo su control..................

  24. ECB to buy €60 billion a month in bonds aimed at stimulating growth ...

    ECB President Mario Draghi has announced a multi-billion-euro package, aimed at fending off deflation and stimulating growth.

    He said the bank will buy €60 billion in assets a month from March until September 2016.

    The money will include some from existing programmes.

    Countries under a bailout programme, such as Greece, will be included but with some additional criteria.............

  25. Japanese officials silent as hostage clock ticks ...

    With only one presumed day left to save the lives of two Japanese hostages, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Thursday the government had been unable to make contact with the Islamic State group.

    A masked militant with a knife declared in a video on Tuesday that Tokyo had 72 hours to pay a $200 million ransom for their release.

    “No, we haven’t received any contact” from the radical Islamist group, Suga told a news conference.................

  26. Nato wegen erneuter Kämpfe in Ukraine besorgt - General Breedlove ...

    Die Nato ist wegen der Wiederaufnahme der Kämpfe in der Ukraine auf dem Niveau, das vor dem Abschluss der Minsker Abkommen beobachtet wurde, besorgt, wie der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, US-General Philip Breedlove, am Donnerstag in Brüssel zu Journalisten sagte.

    Laut Breedlove sind in Donbass russische Luftabwehrsysteme zu sehen..................

  27. Iraqi police: new ISIS commander in Anbar killed ...

    A newly appointed ISIS commander in Iraq's Anbar province has been killed, a police chief from Haditha told Al Arabiya News Channel on Thursday.

    U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones earlier told the channel that theU.S.-led airstrikes have “taken more than half” of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group’s leaderships.

    Jones described the airstrikes as having a “devastating” effect on ISIS, after Baghdad criticized Washington for doing “enough” to eliminate the Islamist group.

    “We estimate that the airstrikes have now killed more than 6,000 ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq,” Jones said................

  28. Le commandant adjoint de l'état-major des milices de la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk Edouard Bassourine a annoncé la reddition de 44 militaires ukrainiens...

    « Ce jeudi à midi les pertes totales de l'armée ukrainienne dans la zone de l'aéroport et dans son voisinage ont constitué 597 morts. Je parle des militaires dont les corps ont été découverts dans la région de l'aéroport et du village de Peski. 44 personnes se sont rendues », a-t-il déclaré aux journalistes.
    Lire la suite:

  29. Commissioner Stylianides to visit Ukraine as EU steps up humanitarian aid ...

    The European Union is preparing to step up its humanitarian aid to the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, especially the displaced and those who need help to weather the severe cold which has gripped the country. Commissioner Christos Stylianides, responsible for humanitarian aid and crisis management, will be in Ukraine on January 26-27 to discuss the emergency with the authorities in Kyiv, to meet victims of the crisis in the East and to reaffirm the EU's solidarity with the affected people.

    "I am very worried about the situation of the thousands of Ukrainians thrown in a real humanitarian crisis by this conflict. Winter is making their suffering even greater, and is especially harsh on the displaced, children, the elderly, the poorest. Europe has been helping the most vulnerable victims of this crisis since its early days and we will continue to do so. I will be in Kyiv and Dnepropetrovsk to make sure our assistance continues to bring relief everywhere it is needed. The Commission is preparing a joint humanitarian package with Member States – yet another sign that we stand together by the Ukrainian people and that our solidarity is tangible and collective," Commissioner Stylianides said.

    Collectively, EU Member States and the European Commission have provided over €76 million in humanitarian and recovery assistance for Ukraine. On the ground, this assistance is translating into shelter for the displaced, health care for the injured and the sick, food, water, sanitation and other emergency aid. According to the UN, the conflict in Ukraine has displaced more than 600,000 people inside Ukraine and has forced close to 600,000 people to flee to neighbouring countries.

  30. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday accepted an invitation to address US Congress about Iran and Islamic extremism...

    In a statement, Netanyahu's office said he had agreed to speak at a joint meeting of Congress in early March following an invitation by House Speaker John Boehner.

  31. Malte: 87 migrants secourus sur un canot pneumatique, 20 autres seraient morts ...

    L'armée maltaise a annoncé jeudi avoir secouru en mer et mis en quarantaine 87 migrants en provenance d'Afrique qui étaient à bord d'un canot pneumatique et ont dit avoir jeté par dessus bord une vingtaine de leurs compagnons morts pendant le périple.

    Ces clandestins, tous des hommes, qui ont déclaré être originaires du Burkina Faso, du Mali, de Guinée et de Côte d'Ivoire, ont été placés en quarantaine pour 21 jours, même si aucun ne présentait les symptômes de la maladie causée par le virus Ebola............

  32. The leader of Greek left-wing party Syriza says an end to "national humiliation" is near, as opinion polls put the party ahead three days before the general election...

    Alexis Tsipras asked supporters for a clear mandate to enable him to end the country's austerity policies.

    He repeated his promise to have half of Greece's international debt written off when the current bailout deal ends.

    Greece has endured deep budget cuts tied to the massive bailout.

    Sunday's election is being closely watched by financial markets which fear that a Syriza victory could lead Greece to default on its debt and exit from the euro.

    "On Monday, national humiliation will be over. We will finish with orders from abroad," Mr Tsipras told thousands of cheering supporters at the party's final election rally in Athens.

    "We are asking for a first chance for Syriza. It might be the last chance for Greece.".............

  33. The British government began a historic transfer of powers to Scotland on Thursday, keeping a pledge it had given to persuade Scots to reject independence as renewed nationalist support surges....

    The draft bill, to be enacted after a general election on May 7, will further dismantle Britain's highly centralized system of government, a move critics fear could trigger the beginning of the end of the United Kingdom....................

  34. Lebanese cabinet unanimously condemns alleged Israeli Strike on Golan ...

    In a meeting held on Thursday, the Lebanese government unanimously condemned the alleged Israeli strike on a Hezbollah convoy on January 18th,The Daily Star reported on Friday.

    Presided over by Prime Minister Tammam Salam, the head of the government remarked on the “dangerous developments the region was witnessing which could affect our internal affairs,” a likely reference to the Hezbollah militants killed in the attack.

    Hezbollah, considered by Israel and the United States to be a terrorist organization, enjoys Iranian support and is suspected to have been present in the Golan as part of a plan to engage Israel in a military confrontation.

  35. WSJ: Το μοιραίο λάθος της Ελλάδας, και της Ευρώπης (upd)...

    ΟΙ επενδυτές ανησυχούν ότι οι Έλληνες ψηφοφόροι είναι στα πρόθυρα του να βυθίσουν την ευρωζώνη σε άλλη μία κρίση εάν οι εκλογές την Κυριακή φέρουν στην εξουσία ένα αντιμνημονιακό κόμμα, αναφέρει σε δημοσίευμά της η The Wall Street Journal.

    Όπως επισημαίνει χαρακτηριστικά, αυτό υποθέτει αισιόδοξα ότι μια κρίση μπορεί να αποφευχθεί εάν οι ψηφοφόροι αλλάξουν απόφαση την τελευταία στιγμή. Το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα σε αυτή την προεκλογική εκστρατεία είναι πως έρχεται έτσι κι αλλιώς, άλλη μία κρίση στην ευρωζώνη........

  36. Donetsk condiciona la normalización con Ucrania al reconocimiento de su independencia ,,,

    La autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk (RPD) podría normalizar las relaciones con Ucrania una vez que Kiev reconozca su independencia, declaró este viernes el líder de la RPD, Alexandr Zajárchenko.

    En una rueda de prensa, el dirigente miliciano no descartó la normalización con Ucrania, aunque solo después de que Donetsk sea "independiente, logre el reconocimiento como Estado, establezca las fronteras de la República y decida qué se debe hacer con Ucrania". Zajárchenko volvió a insistir en la independencia de Donetsk, que se está "separando de Kiev con cada hora que pasa". "Desde que se derramó la primera gota de sangre, solo podemos hablar de qué clase de vecinos seremos, buenos o malos", aseveró...............

  37. Abkhazia, S.Ossetia’s merger with Russia in out of the question, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said Friday...

    “We are not even talking about it,” Karasin said addressing the lower house of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, during the ratification of the strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Abkhazia.

    Lawmakers from the State Duma ratified on Friday a treaty on allied relations and strategic partnership between Russia and Abkhazia.............

  38. Journalists criticize Abe’s response to hostage crisis...

    As the hostage drama continues over two Japanese held by the Islamic State group, journalists versed in Middle Eastern affairs are questioning how the Abe administration is handling the crisis.

    The fate of the two men — freelance journalist Kenji Goto, 47, and Haruna Yukawa, 42 — hangs in the balance, now that the 72-hour deadline the Japanese government presumes was 2:50 p.m. Friday has passed..............

  39. Moldavie: les partis pro-européens forment une coalition ...

    Le Parti libéral-démocrate et le Parti démocrate de Moldavie ont signé un accord sur la mise en place d'une coalition parlementaire pro-européenne, a annoncé vendredi le président des libéraux-démocrates Vlad Filat.

    "Les libéraux-démocrates et les démocrates prennent la responsabilité de la direction du pays. Les détails de l'accord de coalition seront révélés plus tard", a déclaré M. Filat du haut de la tribune parlementaire.

    Le 30 novembre, les Moldaves se sont rendus aux urnes pour élire leur parlement unicaméral de 101 sièges. Au terme du scrutin, le Parti socialiste est arrivé en tête des législatives avec 25 mandats suivi du Parti libéral-démocrate (23 mandats). Les communistes ont obtenu 21 mandats, le Parti démocrate 19 et le Parti libéral 13 mandats..................

  40. Le autorità del Donbass non cercheranno il dialogo con Kiev per la tregua ...

    La Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk non tenterà più di negoziare con Kiev un armistizio, ha dichiarato oggi il presidente delle autorità separatiste Alexander Zakharchenko.

    "Ora vedremo come reagirà Kiev. Kiev ora non capisce che siamo in grado di avanzare su tre fronti contemporaneamente,"- ha affermato.
    Per saperne di più:

    1. Donetsk: "No volveremos a hablar con Kiev sobre altos el fuego" ...

      La República Popular de Donetsk (RPD) no celebrará más acuerdos de paz con Kiev, ha anunciado Alexánder Zajárchenko, máximo dirigente de la república.

      "Ya no habrá más treguas. Se realizarán solamente intercambios de prisioneros: nuestras autodefensas deben volver a casa", ha declarado Zajárchenko durante una reunión con estudiantes de la RPD. El dirigente, citado por el centro de prensa Novorossia, hizo hincapié en que las fuerzas de la república combatirán hasta tomar control de todo el territorio de la provincia de Donetsk.................

  41. Mogherini appelle à renforcer la pression sur la Russie ...

    Les pays de l'UE doivent renforcer la pression politique et diplomatique sur la Russie, a déclaré la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini dans un entretien à CNN.

    Selon elle, les membres de l'UE doivent être unanimes et faire tout pour soutenir les négociations entre le président d'Ukraine Piotr Porochenko et son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine.

    Toujours vendredi, le premier ministre des Pays-Bas Mark Rutte s'est prononcé en faveur du maintien des sanctions contre la Russie bien qu'il ne trouve pas nécessaire de les durcir.
    Lire la suite:

  42. Bulgarian government keeps South Stream project on list of its priorities...

    The construction of the South Stream gas pipeline still remains a priority on the Bulgarian government’s working schedule, Deputy Prime Minister Rumyana Bachvarova told a news briefing on Friday.

    “As long as we have no official notification of its termination South Stream will remain on our program,” she said.

    The executive director of the company South Stream-Bulgaria, Dimitar Gogov, said in a televised interview on Friday the work under the project was continuing.

    “We are trying to achieve a concrete result to ensure the project should be one of the company’s assets, and not a liability,” he said............

  43. Aunque gane Syriza, expertos dudan que haya medidas económicas radicales en Grecia...

    A pesar de que encuestas recientes declaren vencedor de las elecciones generales griegas del domingo al partido de oposición de izquierda Syriza, aún queda por ver si podrá ganar una mayoría absoluta y poder implementar sus propuestas económicas radicales, dijeron a Sputnik el viernes expertas en política de Grecia.

    "Los sondeos de hoy muestran que la diferencia entre Syrizia, que lidera la intención de voto y Nueva Democracia está creciendo. Es de un 5%. La interrogante es si podrán obtener la mayoría absoluta. No lo sabremos hasta el domingo, ya que el porcentaje de votantes indecisos bordea el 10%", dijo a Sputnik Stella Ladi, especialista en política griega y miembro de la Asociación de Estudios Políticos del Reino Unido..........

  44. Austerity-battered Greeks favor radical left before vote...

    The winds of political change are coursing through austerity-weary Greece, but a financial whirlwind may lurk round the corner.

    Opinion polls ahead of Sunday’s closely watched national election agree: The radical left opposition Syriza party, which has vowed to rewrite the terms of Greece’s international bailout, is poised to defeat Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ conservatives. To govern — in a historic first for the Greek left — it may need the backing of a smaller party, but most seem willing to oblige.............AP...................

  45. Greece is in the grip of a very strong economic crisis trend for five long, eternal years. Like Argentina of the immediate post-dictatorship, so Greece has proved itself as a zealous student of the International Monetary Fund and ready to acknowledge its requests and economic recipes...

    Those of the IMF and those of the European Central Bank. But the policies implemented by the government to rationalize the Greek state budget have produced results contrary to expectations. There was no economic recovery, no development, no balanced budget. The only growth was in the number of suicides, in that of the joblesses and miserable, in the number of bankrupt companies, in that of the Greeks emigrated abroad in search of a new future. Yet not one of "those who matter" really seems to consider the possibility of changing approach to the problem or at least soften their intransigence of thought.

    The people? Indignant. What's more, the heart fills with anger. Because we see what Greece is now but remember what she was, what she gave to Humanity........

  46. Two Greek fishing boats retreated after a Turkish submarine surfaced in front, as they were about to enter Turkish waters off Turkey’s western Bodrum district...

    Two Greek fishing boats approaching the Kardak islets, 4.5 nautical miles from the Turkish coastal town Bodrum, retreated back to the Greek island of Kalymnos on Jan. 22, after the Turkish submarine “Tayfun” (Typhoon) surfaced in front of them, inside Turkish territorial waters.

    The Kardak islets - known as Imia in Greek - are a pair of two small, uninhabited rocks in the Aegean Sea situated between the Greek Dodecanese island chain and the southwestern mainland coast of Turkey. Greece and Turkey almost went to war over the islets in 1996.

    Tension often rises between Turkish and Greek coast guard boats in the Aegean Sea due to the conflicting claims both countries have over the territorial waters dividing them.

    Most recently, a Turkish coast guard boat prevented Greek fishermen from casting their nets inside Turkish territorial waters on Dec. 7, 2014, while a Turkish submarine and a Greek coast guard vessel were engaged in a maritime standoff on Nov. 17, 2014.

  47. According to preliminary data, ten people were killed as the result of the shelling of Mariupol by militants in the early morning on Jan. 24, head of Donetsk regional police department Viacheslav Abroskin has said...

    "Ten people have been killed as the result of the shelling of Mariupol's residential area in the streets of Kyivska, Olimpiyska, Pershoho Travnia by militants. The details are being specified," he wrote on Facebook in the morning on Jan. 24.

    According to him, the city police has been put on high alerted. A municipal investigation team is working at the site.

  48. If EU opposes Islamophobia, it must accept Turkey as member: Erdoğan ...

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said that the European Union "must admit Turkey" as a member if it opposes Islamophobia.

    Erdoğan became the first Turkish President who visited Djibouti on Jan. 24, one day after he interrupted his Horn of Africa tour to attend King Abdullah's funeral in Saudi Arabia. Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh welcomed his Turkish counterpart at the Djibouti City airport................

  49. Source in Syria says two Japanese hostages captured by the Islamic State still alive ...

    An anti-government source in Syria told Kyodo News on Saturday it heard that the two Japanese hostages captured by the Islamic State group were alive at least until Saturday afternoon local time.

    If true, it would be the first information indicating journalist Kenji Goto and private security contractor Haruna Yukawa may still be alive. The hostage crisis broke out Tuesday and an apparent 72-hour deadline set by the Islamic State militants expired on Friday afternoon. Kyodo contacted the source by phone................

  50. First US troops head to Middle East to train Syrian opposition...

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered the first group of about 100 U.S. troops to head to the Middle East in the next few days to establish training sites for Syrian opposition fighters battling Islamic State militants, the Pentagon said Friday.

    Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said the troops, mostly special operations forces, were authorized last week and would begin arriving in countries outside Syria in the coming days, with a subsequent wave of several hundred military trainers following in the weeks thereafter.................

  51. Die Kiewer Armee hat weite Agrarflächen auf dem Territorium der selbst ernannten Volksrepublik Donezk in Minenfelder verwandelt. Das teilte Republikchef Alexander Sachartschenko Journalisten am Samstag mit...

    „Bis zu 30 Prozent der landwirtschaftlich nutzbaren Flächen sind bereits von den Ukrainern vermint. Minen wurden von verschiedenen Armeeformationen ohne Abstimmung miteinander und ohne Markierung der Koordinaten gelegt. Deshalb gibt es keine umfassenden glaubwürdigen Minenfeldkarten.“ Sachartschenko zufolge werden Angehörige der Pioniertruppen der Donezker Republik im Frühling mit dem Freilegen der Territorien beginnen..................

  52. Australian Women Joining ISIL Terrorists ...

    Increasing numbers of young women are altering the profile of Australians joining ISIL in Iraq and Syria, Attorney-General George Brandis said Saturday, enticed by the "false glamour" of the organization.

    "At an earlier time, perhaps even six months ago, we were concerned almost entirely about young men," Brandis said, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

    "But a more recent estimate by the national security agencies suggests that a growing number of young women are travelling to participate in that fighting as well."

    Brandis said about 90 Australians were now believed to be caught up in the conflict, compared to 70 last year, the ABC reported.

    Ever more young people were being "enticed and ensnared here in Australia with the false glamour of participating in the civil war on behalf of ISIL," he added.

    "The Australian people should be aware that this is a real and growing problem."

  53. Police have searched two airliners at Atlanta's airport after "credible" bomb threats, US officials say...

    Airport spokesman Reese McCranie said the threats were received against Delta and Southwest flights coming from Portland and Milwaukee respectively.

    He said both planes had landed safely and had been evacuated.

    Two US fighter jets escorted the planes into the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. The airport later said no bombs were found.

    In a tweet, airport officials wrote: "All clear for both aircraft & normal airport operations have resumed. Thank you for your patience. Safety & security are our top priorities."

    The bomb threats were made online - reportedly on Twitter..........

  54. Kiev Announces Reinforcing Positions in Donbas Conflict Zone ...

    The Kiev troops are strengthening their positions in the areas where clashes between the Kiev forces and the Donbas militia are taking place, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said Sunday.

    "In order to react appropriately to the actions of the terrorist groups, we keep reinforcing our positions almost in all combat zones. Besides, in our permanent disposition areas, we continue to restore our military units that have returned from the anti-terrorist operation zone. We are strengthening our troops, delivering weapons and equipment, coordinating actions," Poltorak said during a meeting of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council.................

  55. UN Secretary General`s Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide will brief on Monday the UN Security Council on developments in the UN-led efforts aiming at a settlement of the problem of Cyprus, divided since the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974...

    According to information, this time Eide`s briefing will be “more objective”, and he will receive questions from several SC members. A UN source has confirmed that the UN SG`s Special Adviser met in Davos, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum annual meeting, with President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, without however giving further details.

    Meanwhile Cyprus` Representation at the UN continues its contacts at the UN seat in view of the Security Council`s briefing by Eide, while Greek Cypriot negotiator at the UN-led Cyprus talks Andreas Mavroyiannis has concluded his contacts in New York with representatives of the SC permanent members as well as with representatives of most of the non-permanent members.

    He also had meetings with high ranking officials of the UN Secretariat and with leading members of Cypriot organizations in the US.

    According to sources, during his meetings, Mavroyiannis explained the reasons of the deadlock in the talks and noted the need for them to be included in the UN Security Council resolution on UNFICYP, as this was not the case with the UN Secretary General`s recent report on the UN operation in Cyprus. He also took note of other points included in the report which do not respond to the reality................

  56. Greeks go to polls in critical snap general election ...

    Greeks began voting Sunday in a high-stakes election that could put the country, economically battered by crippling austerity measures, on a collision course with the European Union.

    The left-wing, anti-austerity Syriza party has been leading the polls ahead of Sunday’s vote and is likely to win the general election, although the party may not gain a large enough majority to form a government.*

    FRANCE 24’s Christophe Robeet, reporting from a traditionally left-wing neighborhood of Athens shortly after polls opened, said voting had got off to a slow start. “It’s still very quiet here, mostly elderly people have come out to vote. More voters are expected later today,” he explained................

  57. Ukraine: l'armée dément attaquer les quartiers résidentiels ...

    Les forces armées ukrainiennes n'ouvrent pas le feu sur les quartiers résidentiels, a déclaré dimanche le ministre ukrainien de la Défense Stepan Poltorak.

    "Nous n'attaquons que des cibles vérifiées, qui se trouvent au-delà des localités", a fait savoir M.Poltorak aux journalistes.

    La situation dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine s'est nettement aggravée ces derniers jours, des dizaines de civils ayant trouvé la mort dans la région de Donetsk dans des tirs d'artilerie dont les forces gouvernementales et les indépendantistes du Donbass se rejettent mutuellement la responsabilité.................

  58. La coalición radical Syriza reúne un 35,5% en los comicios de Grecia, según exit polls ...

    La coalición izquierdista radical Syriza reúne hasta un 35,5% en los comicios parlamentarios que se celebran este domingo en Grecia, adelantándose de 6 a 10% al partido gobernante Nueva Democracia, según los primeros sondeos a pie de la urna, cuyos datos obran en poder de Sputnik.

    Nueva Democracia, de centro derecha del primer ministro Andonis Samarás, marca de 25,5 a 27,6%, situándose en el segundo lugar. Le siguen el ultraderechista Amanecer Dorado (6,4%), el nuevo partido de centro To Potami (El Río, 6,2%), el Partido Comunista (5%), PASOK (4,5%) y Griegos Independientes (ANEL, 4,3%)..............

  59. Obama Says US Not Interested in Seeing Russian Economy in ‘Shambles’...

    The United States is not interested in seeing Russia as a weak country and its economy in "shambles", US President Barack Obama said Sunday.

    "We have no interest in seeing Russia weakened or its economy in shambles … It would not be effective for us to engage in a military conflict with Russia on this issue," Obama was quoted as saying by The Times of India during a joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    The US president also expressed concern over the violations of ceasefire that are currently taking place in eastern Ukraine.....................

  60. Schicksalstag in Griechenland: Die Parlamentswahlen in dem hochverschuldeten Land haben begonnen. Als Favorit gilt das Linksbündnis unter Alexis Tsipras. Für Athen steht alles auf dem Spiel...

    In Griechenland hat am Sonntagmorgen die mit Spannung erwartete Parlamentswahl begonnen, bei der eine Richtungsentscheidung über den künftigen Kurs des hochverschuldeten EU-Staats fallen wird. Knapp zehn Millionen Menschen sind zu den Urnen gerufen. Das laut Umfragen favorisierte Linksbündnis Syriza will den von den internationalen Gläubigern verordneten Sparkurs aufkündigen, was zu einem Ende der Hilfszahlungen und damit theoretisch zum Staatsbankrott führen könnte...............

  61. Με το hashtag #icannotvote επέλεξαν να διαμαρτυρηθούν στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης οι Έλληνες που ζουν στο εξωτερικό, στους οποίους δεν δόθηκε η δυνατότητα να ασκήσουν το εκλογικό τους δικαίωμα...

    Δεν είναι λίγοι αυτοί που αναρτούν στο Twitter ή στο Facebook φωτογραφίες με πλακάτ στα οποία αναγράφεται: «Είμαι Έλληνας και δεν μπορώ να ψηφίσω».

    «Μια υπενθύμιση ότι σε εμάς που ζούμε στο εξωτερικό και ακόμη φορολογούμαστε στην Ελλάδα, ΔΕΝ μας επιτρέπεται η επιστολική ψήφος», είναι ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικά tweet..............

  62. Νίκη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ με 8,5 - 9,5% και θρίλερ για αυτοδυναμία δίνει το exit poll της ΚΑΠΑ Research...

    Καθαρή νίκη ΣΥΡΙΖΑ με διαφορά έως και 9,5 ποσοστιαίων μονάδων από τη ΝΔ δίνει το exit poll της Κάπα Research. Σύμφωνα με την πρώτη ανάλυση των στοιχείων συνεντεύξεων κάλπης ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ λαμβάνει ένα ποσοστό μεταξύ 33,5%- 37,5% ενώ η ΝΔ βρίσκεται μεταξύ του 25 και του 28%.

    Σύμφωνα με αυτά τα πρώτα στοιχεία, θρίλερ προδιαγράφεται για την αυτοδυναμία καθώς οι έδρες του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ κυμαίνονται από 148 - 154.

    Την τρίτη θέση φαίνεται να εξασφαλίζει η Χρυσή Αυγή με ποσοστό 5,5% έως 7,5%, ενώ ακολουθεί το Ποτάμι με 5-7%. Το ΚΚΕ βρίσκεται στο 4,5% με 6,5%, το ΠΑΣΟΚ στο 4 - 6%, ενώ οι Ανεξάρτητοι Ελληνες εξασφαλίζουν καθώς φαίνεται τη συμμετοχή τους στο Κοινοβούλιο με ένα ποσοστό μεταξύ 3,5% και 4,5%.

    Στο όριο του 3% δίνει μάχη το Κίνημα Δημοκρατών Σοσιαλιστών με ποσοστό από 2,2 έως 3,2%

    Σύμφωνα με το exit poll της Κάπα Research για το,, και τον ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό BHMA99,5 η δύναμη των κομμάτων, στο 70% της ανάλυσης των στοιχείων έχει ως εξής:

    ΣΥΡΙΖΑ 33,5 - 37,5

    ΝΔ 25 -28%

    Χρυσή Αυγή 5,5 - 7,5%

    Ποτάμι 5 - 7 %

    ΠΑΣΟΚ 4 - 6 %

    ΚΚΕ 4,5 - 6,5 %

    Ανεξάρτητοι Έλληνες 3,5 - 4,5%

    Κίνημα Δημοκρατών Σοσιαλιστών 2,2 - 32%

    Άλλο 7.3 - 9,3 %..................

  63. E.E.: Την Πέμπτη έκτακτο Συμβούλιο Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων για την Ουκρανία ...

    Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα συγκαλέσει κατεπειγόντως το Συμβούλιο Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων την ερχόμενη Πέμπτη για να συζητηθεί η αναζωπύρωση των αιματηρών συγκρούσεων στην ανατολική Ουκρανία, σύμφωνα με την Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπο της Ε.Ε για την Κοινή Εξωτερική Πολιτική και την Πολιτική Ασφάλειας (ΚΕΠΠΑ) σήμερα.

    «Συγκαλώ ένα έκτακτο Συμβούλιο Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων την επόμενη Πέμπτη για την Ουκρανία και τη Μαριούπολη», έγραψε η Φεντερίκα Μογκερίνι στο Twitter...........

  64. Τουλάχιστον επτά άνθρωποι, συμπεριλαμβανομένων πέντε πολιτών, έχασαν τη ζωή τους την Κυριακή στη Δαμασκό όταν περίπου σαράντα όλμοι και ρουκέτες που εβλήθησαν από αντάρτες έπληξαν την πρωτεύουσα της Συρίας...

    Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες που δημοσιοποίησε το Συριακό Παρατηρητήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, οι επιθέσεις που εξαπέλυσαν οι αντάρτες σημειώθηκαν δύο ημέρες μετά την απειλή τους να προχωρήσουν σε αντίποινα για τις πολύνεκρες αεροπορικές επιδρομές των δυνάμεων του καθεστώτος εναντίον μιας περιοχής που ελέγχουν οι αντικαθεστωτικοί κοντά στην πρωτεύουσα.

    «Πέντε πολίτες και δύο στρατιώτες σκοτώθηκαν και δεκάδες άλλα πρόσωπα τραυματίστηκαν όταν οι αντάρτες εκτόξευσαν 43 ρουκέτες και έπληξαν με όλμους πολλές συνοικίες στο κέντρο της Βαγδάτης», ανέφερε το Συριακό Παρατηρητήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων................

  65. Κύπρος: Διασφαλισμένοι οι Τουρκοκύπριοι σε σχέση με το φυσικό αέριο ...

    Ταύτιση απόψεων αναφορικά με το μείζον θέμα της κατοχύρωσης των συμφερόντων των Τουρκοκυπρίων σε σχέση με το φυσικό αέριο, έχουν τόσο ο πρόεδρος της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Νίκος Αναστασιάδης, όσο και ο τέως πρόεδρος Δημήτρης Χριστόφιας.

    Και οι δύο, σε χωριστές συνεντεύξεις τους στην εφημερίδα «Χαραυγή», δήλωσαν ότι τα συμφέροντα των Τουρκοκυπρίων, εφόσον λυθεί το Κυπριακό, διασφαλίζονται με τις συμφωνίες Χριστόφια- Ταλάτ και Χριστόφια- Έρογλου.

    Η εφημερίδα τούς έθεσε σειρά κοινών ερωτημάτων και από τις απαντήσεις τους προκύπτει, όπως αναφέρεται σε σχετικό ρεπορτάζ, ξεκινούν από την ίδια βάση: Τις συγκλίσεις Χριστόφια- Ταλάτ και Χριστόφια- Έρογλου......................

  66. Greek Prime Minister concedes defeat to far-left Syriza party in election ...

    Outgoing Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said he respected the decision of the Greek electorate after official projections showed voters rejecting his conservative New Democracy party in favour of the leftist Syriza party.

    "The Greek people have spoken and we all respect their decision. I have a clear conscience," Mr Samaras said in a televised statement.

    "New Democracy will remain ready to play a decisive role in future developments, as the guarantors of the country's European course," he said.

    The party of anti-austerity leader Alexis Tsipras is close to an overall majority in the 300-seat parliament, according to projections, nearly nine points ahead of New Democracy.

    Mr Samaras called Mr Tsipras this evening to congratulate him on winning the election....................

  67. Hochrechnung in Griechenland: Syriza ist klarer Wahlsieger ...

    Das Linksbündnis Syriza hat Hochrechnungen zufolge die Parlamentswahl in Griechenland mit klarem Vorsprung gewonnen. Die Partei von Alexis Tsipras kommt demnach auf 36,5 Prozent der Stimmen. Die bislang regierenden Konservativen unter Antonis Samaras erhalten laut Hochrechnungen 27,7 Prozent. Dahinter liegt die rechtsradikale Goldene Morgenröte mit 6,3 Prozent. Die proeuropäische Partei der politischen Mitte, To Potami (Der Fluss), kommt demnach auf 5,9 Prozent. Die bislang mitregierenden Sozialisten landen mit großen Verlusten bei 4,8 Prozent.............

  68. Europa und Griechenland: Nächster Halt: Troika

    Alexis Tsipras und sein Linksbündnis Syriza werden in Griechenland regieren. Schon jetzt steht die wichtigste Station seines Fahrplans fest. Denn im Februar läuft ein Teil des Hilfsprogramms aus. Ratschläge könnte sich Tsipras aus Zypern holen.

    Auf seiner letzten Pressekonferenz vor der griechischen Parlamentswahl übte sich Alexis Tsipras am Freitag in einer Disziplin, in der er früher nicht antrat: Er pflegte eine Rhetorik der Zwischentöne, schränkte ein, differenzierte, relativierte. Es hörte sich so an, als spräche da bereits ein Ministerpräsident in dem Wissen, dass die Worte eines Regierungschefs ungleich schwerer wiegen als die Forderungen eines Oppositionsführers. Dass die Sparpolitik „nicht Teil der europäischen Verträge ist“, hatte Tsipras schon bei früheren Gelegenheiten gesagt. Diesmal fügte er hinzu, ein Griechenland unter seiner Führung werde zwar die „politischen Festlegungen“ ablehnen, die frühere Athener Regierungen mit den Geldgebern des Landes getroffen haben, seine „institutionellen Verpflichtungen“ gegenüber der EU jedoch achten..............

  69. Griechenland:Die Nacht des linken Triumphes...

    Aus ganz Europa sind Menschen nach Athen gekommen, um den Wahlsieg der griechischen Linken zu feiern. Sie erhoffen sich eine politische Wende auf dem Kontinent. .................

  70. Wahl in Griechenland Tsipras: „Die Troika ist beendet“ ...

    Nach seinem überwältigenden Wahlsieg stimmt Syriza-Chef Tsipras die Griechen auf eine Abkehr von der harten Sparpolitik ein: Die Wähler hätten die Troika für „beendet“ erklärt, sagt er. Trotzdem werde er mit den Gläubigern eine „neue, machbare Lösung“ aushandeln.

    Der Vorsitzende des Linksbündnisses Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, hat den deutlichen Vorsprung seiner Partei bei der Parlamentswahl in Griechenland als historisch bezeichnet. „Das griechische Volk hat Geschichte geschrieben“, sagte Tsipras am Sonntagabend in Athen. „Es lässt die desaströse Sparpolitik hinter sich.“ Das Votum der griechischen Wähler bedeute, „dass die Troika beendet ist“, sagte Tsipras.
    „Neue, machbare Lösung“ aushandeln

    Er werde mit den Gläubigern eine für Griechenland und die EU „neue, machbare Lösung“ aushandeln, kündigte der 40-Jährige an. „Ab morgen beginnt die harte Arbeit“, sagte Tsipras. Als Ziele nannte er einen ausgeglichenen Haushalt und ein eigenes Konsolidierungsprogramm für das hoch verschuldete Land.

    Die Troika hatte das hochverschuldete Griechenland 2010 mit einem milliardenschweren Hilfsprogramm vor der Staatspleite bewahrt, dafür aber rigide Sparmaßnahmen verlangt..............

  71. La victoria de Syriza aumentará “la incertidumbre económica”, advierte premier británico...

    La victoria de los izquierdistas radicales de Syriza en las elecciones parlamentarias en Grecia se traducirá en una mayor incertidumbre económica en Europa, opina el primer ministro del Reino Unido, David Cameron.

    “Las elecciones griegas aumentarán la incertidumbre económica en Europa”, dice un tuit de Cameron publicado cuando ya era obvia la ventaja de Syriza sobre el perseguidor más cercano y con toda probabilidad ya el antiguo partido mayoritario, Nueva Democracia..........

  72. 'Independent Greeks' Bow Out of Coalition Talks With 'River Party'...

    The leader of right-wing 'Independent Greeks' (ANEL), Panos Kammenos, said Monday the party will not enter into coalition talks with center-left party 'To Potami' ('The River'), Greek news website reported.

    "We are not going to cooperate with a government that will be formed together with 'The River'," the website quoted Kammenos as saying.

    This announcement comes after ANEL told the anti-austerity leftist 'Syriza' party, which appears to be winning Sunday's snap parliamentary elections, that it was open to forming a coalition..................

  73. Historischer Sieg für Syriza Wahl in Griechenland versetzt Finanzmärkte in Aufruhr ...

    Das Linksbündnis Syriza mit seinem Chef Tsipras feiert einen historischen Erfolg. Nun könnte es zum Showdown mit Griechenlands Gläubigern kommen. Doch erst muss ein Koalitionspartner her.

    Bei der Parlamentswahl in Griechenland hat das linke Oppositionsbündnis Syriza einen historischen Sieg eingefahren. Allerdings verfehlte es mit 149 von 300 Sitzen im Parlament knapp die absolute Mehrheit. Syriza-Chef Alexis Tsipras drängt nun auf eine rasche Regierungsbildung. Noch am Montag wolle er mit den rechtspopulistischen Unabhängigen Griechen eine mögliche Zusammenarbeit ausloten, sagte ein Vertreter der Linkspartei. Schon am Abend könnte Tsipras dann als neuer Ministerpräsident vereidigt werden..................

  74. 'Israel sends stern warning to Hezbollah: Don't dare attack our targets abroad' ...

    Israel has communicated a stern warning to Lebanon and the Shi’ite power broker Hezbollah against targeting any Israeli institutions abroad in retaliation for last week’s attack on a convoy of senior Iranian and Hezbollah military operatives on the Golan Heights, the Arab-language daily Al-Hayat is reporting on Monday............

  75. Reactions to Syriza win in Greece elections...

    Reactions in Europe to the victory of anti-austerity party Syriza have suggested that Greece is on a "collision course" with the rest of the bloc. Eurozone finance ministers are to meet shortly.

    Syriza party leader Alexis Tsipras promised to end what he called Greece's "five years of humiliation and pain" after his election win.

    Tsipras has promised to write off half of Greece's debt, but has said he was ready to negotiate "a viable solution." He also wants the country to stay in the eurozone.

    The election result is expected to be one of the main issues at Monday's meeting of 19 eurozone finance ministers.

    With 88 per cent of the votes counted from Sunday's vote, Syriza was on 36.3 per cent of the vote and was projected by the Interior Ministry to get 149 seats - just two short of an overall majority. The governing center-right New Democracy party came a distant second.

    Tsipras expects to be sworn in as prime minister on Monday and have a government in place by Wednesday morning at the latest, according to a Syriza official................

  76. ‘5yrs of humiliation, suffering over’: Anti-austerity party to form govt in Greece ...

    Greece leaves behind five years of humiliation and suffering, fear and authoritarianism, said the leader of the winning Syriza party, Alexis Tsipras. He’s moving on Monday to build a stable government and plans to get rid of Athens’ three main creditors.

    Tsipras was addressing thousands of cheering supporters at a rally in Athens. Syriza won 149 seats in the 300-seat parliament election.

    The leader expects to be sworn in as the country’s PM on Monday. By Wednesday he will have a government in place, a Syriza official told Reuters.

    Tsipras will meet Panos Kammenos, the head of the anti-austerity party Independent Greeks, which also opposes Greece's bailout deal.Syriza now needs a coalition partner to get a working parliamentary majority of 151. Independent Greeks managed to secure 13 seats at the election.

    He also plans to meet the heads of centrist To Potami and the Communist Party of Greece..................

  77. Syriza forms coalition with Independent Greeks party ...

    The small Greek nationalist Independent Greeks party will join a coalition government under anti-austerity party Syriza, their leader has said.

    "From this moment on there is a government, we will give a vote of confidence to the new prime minister," Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos said.

    His comments came after a meeting with far left Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras, the winner of yesterday's general election..................

  78. Syrie: une trentaine d'opposants arrivent à Moscou ...

    Une trentaine de représentants de l'opposition anti-Assad sont arrivés à Moscou pour un nouveau round de négociations inter-syriennes, a annoncé lundi le vice-ministre russe des Affaire étrangères Mikhaïl Bogdanov.

    Les négociations se dérouleront dans la capitale russe du 26 au 29 janvier. Le gouvernement de Damas y sera présenté par l'ambassadeur syrien auprès des Nations unies Bachar Jaafari, a fait savoir M.Bogdanov................

  79. Russia Hosts Syrians in Bid to Build New Peace Talks ...

    Russia is hosting Syrian delegations for talks in Moscow as part of a push to relaunch substantive peace talks and find a political resolution to the country's nearly four-year civil war.

    Officials say the goal of the four days of talks beginning Monday is to lay the groundwork for a new peace conference like the two rounds of U.N.-brokered negotiations last year in Geneva. Those talks achieved little progress.

    Expectations for the Moscow meetings are low amid a boycott from the main Western-backed opposition and questions about how to broker an agreement among the diverse range of groups fighting against the government.................

  80. Low expectations as Moscow hosts Syria talks ...

    (Reuters) - Syrian opposition representatives met in Moscow on Monday at the start of a meeting which the Damascus government will join later this week in efforts to revive peace talks.

    Nearly four years into a war that has killed more than 200,000 people and displaced millions, even the Russian hosts accept there is little chance of a breakthrough at the conference, spurned by most opposition groups.

    No senior Russian officials are due to take part but one senior official said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov might join the conference later this week if the initial signs are good...................

  81. UN Security Council to hold extraordinary meeting over Ukraine ...

    The United Nations Security Council will have an extraordinary meeting on Monday in connection with the deterioration of the crisis in Ukraine.

    The meeting was planned for 15:00 New York time, a source at the British representative office told TASS.

    Last Saturday’s shelling incident in Mariupol will be in the focus of the discussion. According to updated reports, the shelling killed 30 people and wounded 95.

    The discussion of a reaction of the Security Council continued throughout Saturday...............

  82. Assad seeks agreement over U.S. air strikes in Syria ...

    President Bashar al-Assad has said U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria should be subject to an agreement with Damascus and Syrian troops should be involved on the ground.

    Assad was speaking in an interview with the U.S.-based Foreign Affairs Magazine published on Monday.

    "With any country that is serious about fighting terrorism, we are ready to make cooperation, if they're serious," Assad said, when asked if he would be willing to take steps to make cooperation easier with Washington.

    Washington supports opposition forces fighting for the past four years to topple Assad, but its position has become complicated since Islamic State and other hardline groups emerged as the most powerful rebel factions.................

  83. Hungary backs Turkey's EU membership ...

    Energy cooperation, trade volume and EU membership topped a high-level meeting on Monday between Hungary and Turkey's foreign ministers in Ankara.

    During a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Hungary’s Peter Szijjarto said: "I would like to stress that we look to Turkey as an important partner of the EU and Hungary. We support all kinds of negotiations and talks between Turkey and the EU."

    Stating that the EU has lost significant part of its competitiveness during the last years, Szijjarto said: "We think that in order to regain competitiveness, we have to work together very closely with those countries and regions of the world which are emerging rapidly and which produce significant economic growth."

    Szijjarto added that Turkey was one of these countries....................

  84. Tsipras sworn in as Greek prime minister ...

    Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras has been sworn in as Greek Prime Minister after his party swept to power on a campaign to end austerity and renegotiate the country's debt.

    Mr Tspiras, 40, is the youngest Greek prime minister in 150 years.

    Wearing a blue jacket and white shirt, characteristically without a tie, he also broke with tradition by taking a civil instead of a religious oath, pledging to "always serve the interests of the Greek people"................

    1. Vor Präsident Karolos Papoulias verzichtete Tsipras auf die religiöse Eidesformel, wie im Fernsehsender Nerit zu sehen war...

      „Ich werde immer Griechenland und den Interessen des griechischen Volkes dienen“, schwor Tsipras, der im blauen Anzug ohne Krawatte auftrat. Er ist der erste Ministerpräsident in der Geschichte Griechenlands, der beim Amtsantritt keinen religiösen Eid ablegte. Zugleich ist der 40-Jährige der jüngste Regierungschef, den Griechenland jemals hatte..............

  85. L'Occident sème le chaos dans les affaires internationales (Moscou) ...

    En s'efforçant de maintenir coûte que coûte ses positions de leader, l'Occident sème le chaos dans les affaires internationales, estime le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Grigori Karassine.

    "La situation dans le monde s'est considérablement dégradée, ce qui constitue la conséquence directe des problèmes systémiques hérités de l'époque de la guerre froide. Il s'agit en premier lieu des tentatives des Etats-Unis et du soi-disant "Occident historique" de maintenir coûte que coûte leur leadership (…) sans prendre en compte les intérêts des autres membres de la communauté internationale", a déclaré M.Karassine lors d'une réunion de la commission des Affaires étrangères du Conseil de la Fédération (Sénat russe).

    Selon lui, une telle politique "ne contribue pas à la résolution des problèmes d'actualité" et ne débouche que sur "davantage de chaos et d'incertitude dans les affaires internationales".

  86. Putin: Kiewer Armee hat sich in Nato-Legion verwandelt ...

    Die ukrainische Armee stellt nach Ansicht von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin eine Nato-Legion dar, die keine nationalen Interessen der Ukraine verfolgt, sondern das geopolitische Ziel anstrebt, Russland einzudämmen.

    „Wir sprechen oft von einer ukrainischen Armee. Zum Teil sind es wirklich offizielle Einheiten der Streitkräfte, zu einem bedeutenden Anteil sind es aber sogenannte ‚nationalistische Freiwilligen-Bataillone‘“, sagte Putin am Montag bei einem Treffen mit Studenten der „Gorny“-Bergbauuniversität in Sankt Petersburg.

    „Im Grunde genommen, ist dies bereits keine Armee, sondern eine ausländische Legion, in dem Fall eine ausländische Nato-Legion, die natürlich nicht die nationalen Interessen der Ukraine verfolgt“, so der russische Präsident. Diese geopolitischen Ziele „stimmen mit den nationalen Interessen des ukrainischen Volkes absolut nicht überein“.

    Kiew weigere sich, den Weg einer friedlichen Beilegung des Konflikts im Donbass zu gehen, und habe die Friedenspause für eine Umgruppierung seiner Kräfte genutzt, fügte der Präsident hinzu......................

    1. Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha dichiarato che l'esercito ucraino è di fatto una legione della NATO, che non persegue gli interessi nazionali dell'Ucraina, ma si propone di raggiungere gli obiettivi geopolitici di contenimento della Russia...

      Il presidente russo ha inoltre osservato che Kiev rifiuta di seguire la strada verso una soluzione pacifica del conflitto nel Donbass e sfrutta le tregue per raggruppare le sue forze.

      In Ucraina, secondo Putin, sono in corso "eventi tragici, di fatto è in atto una guerra civile." "E in Ucraina a mio parere molti lo sanno bene," - ha detto Putin.
      Per saperne di più:

  87. A Greek F-16 fighter jet has exploded at Los Llanos Air Base in Spain's Albacete on Monday afternoon, media report...

    The aircraft, which was due to take part in NATO training exercises, crashed to the ground upon takeoff. Reports suggest five people have been killed and at least 10 have been injured.

    1. A Greek fighter jet crashed on Monday shortly after it took off from a military airbase in southeastern Spain, the Spanish defence ministry said...

      Firefighters are at the scene of the accident at the base at Los Llanos near the city of Albacete but it was not immediately clear how many people were on board and if they were injured, a ministry spokesman said.

      "An F-16 crashed during takeoff in the parking area of other planes. We don't have more information," he said.

      The base is often used to train NATO pilots.

  88. Turkey began peace talks because ‘PKK dropped autonomy demand’...

    The government launched the peace process to find a solution to the Kurdish issue because the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) guaranteed that they would not demand autonomous status, an item that broke earlier talks, according to Hatem Ete, a senior advisor to the Turkish prime minister.

    “The resolution process began after Abdullah Öcalan [the jailed leader of the outlawed PKK], the PKK and the HDP guaranteed that they would not demand ‘status’ at the end of the process,” Iraqi Kurdish online news website Rudaw quoted Hatem Efe as saying at a conference in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) capital Arbil..................

  89. Statement by the Press Secretary on the Greek Elections (The White House)...

    "We congratulate Greece on successfully completing its parliamentary elections, and we look forward to working closely with its next government. The Greek people have taken many difficult but important steps to lay the groundwork for economic recovery. As a longstanding friend and ally, the United States will continue to support their efforts and those of the international community to strengthen the foundation for Greece’s long-term prosperity."

  90. Fidel Castro Appears to Lend Support to Cuba Talks with US ...

    Retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro on Monday appeared to lend his support to talks with the United States in his first comments about his longtime adversary since both countries agreed last month to restore diplomatic ties.

    But Castro stopped short of an enthusiastic endorsement of the rapprochement, announced on Dec. 17 by his younger brother and Cuba's current president, Raul Castro, and President Barack Obama.

    “I don't trust the policy of the United States nor have I had an exchange with them, but this does not mean... a rejection of a peaceful solution to conflicts or the dangers of war,” Fidel Castro, 88, said in a statement published on the website of Cuba's Communist Party newspaper Granma.................

  91. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said Monday that his government has imposed a state of emergency in the restive eastern regions in the wake of intensified fighting...

    The government has decided to "impose the state of emergency in Donetsk and Lugansk regions" in order to ensure safety of civilians living in the areas close to the combat zone, Yatsenyuk told a government meeting.

    Besides, the government has decided to introduce a "high alert mode" throughout Ukraine, beefing up security to prevent possible emergency situations, he said..................

  92. A Russian alleged intelligence ring broken up by the FBI on Monday was working for the economic branch of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and directed to obtain intelligence on sanctions against Russia and US energy markets, court documents filed in the US District Court for Southern New York reveal...

    “[This] included requests to gather intelligence on, among other subjects, potential United States sanctions against the Russian Federation and United States’ efforts to develop alternative energy sources,” documents released on Monday by the US Attorney General for the Southern District of New York show.

    The FBI named the defendants as Igor Sporyshev, a former trade representative of Russia in New York, Viktor Podobnyy, a former attaché to the Russian mission to the UN, and Evgeny Buryakov, who was working in a Russian bank in New York.............

  93. Note russe: S&P aux ordres de Washington (officiel russe)...

    L'agence Standard & Poor's a rabaissé la note souveraine russe en catégorie spéculative sous la pression de Washington, a déclaré mardi le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Vassili Nebenzia.

    "Il n'y a rien d'étonnant à ce que cette démarche ait eu lieu en ce moment: elle a de façon étrange coïncidé avec une nouvelle montée de l'hystérie antirusse. Je n'ai aucun doute sur le fait que cette décision a été prise sur ordre direct de Washington", a affirmé M.Nebenzia dans une interview accordée à RIA Novosti.

    L'agence de notation internationale Standard & Poor's a abaissé lundi la note souveraine de la Russie de BBB- à BB+, lui assignant une perspective négative.....................

  94. Ukrainisches Parlament stuft Russland als „Aggressor“ ein...

    Nach der Eskalation im Donezbecken hat das ukrainische Parlament (Werchowna Rada) in einer Sondererklärung am Dienstag Russland als „Aggressor“ bezeichnet.

    „Die Werchowna Rada stuft die Russische Föderation als Aggressorstaat ein und ruft die internationalen Partner der Ukraine auf, zu verhindern, dass diejenigen straflos bleiben, die an den Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, die seit Beginn der russischen Aggression begangen worden sind, schuld sind“, so der Wortlaut der Erklärung, für die 271 der insgesamt 419 Rada-Abgeordneten gestimmt haben.

    Seit Beginn der ukrainischen Militäroperation in der östlichen Industrieregion Donbass haben die Regierung in Kiew, aber auch westliche Politiker Russland mehrmals vorgeworfen, die bewaffneten Regimegegner im Donezbecken mit Waffen zu unterstützen, und wiederholt einen russischen „Einmarsch“ in die Ukraine gemeldet. Beweise dafür wurden nie vorgelegt. Russland weist jede Verwicklung in den Ukraine-Konflikt zurück.....................

  95. Iran expects Russia to honor contract on delivery of S-300 missile systems...

    Russia suspended the contract in 2010 following a UN Security Council resolution to stop the sale of arms to Iran due to its controversial nuclear energy program.

    Iran expects Russia to meet its contractual obligations to deliver the S-300 air defense systems, canceled by Moscow after international sanctions were imposed on the country, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei told RIA Novosti in an interview Tuesday.

    “Iran continues to view the S-300 contract as legitimate and not a subject of international sanctions as it was signed before the introduction of sanctions and the [S-300] is a defensive rather than an offensive system,” Sanaei said.

    Russia agreed in 2007 to accept $800-million from Iran to deliver five S-300 surface-to-air missile defense systems.

    “Iran is still expecting the implementation of the contract. We hope that the [recent] visit of [Russian Defense Minister Sergei] Shoigu to Tehran is a good sign,” the Iranian ambassador said.......

  96. Islamic State Says Japanese Hostage, Jordanian Pilot Have 24 Hours to Live ...

    The Islamic State released audio message on Tuesday threatening to kill a second Japanese hostage and a Jordanian pilot within 24 hours.

    A video released entitled 'the second public message of Kenji Goto to his family and the government of Japan' features a still of the freelance journalist with an audio of a man speaking, who claims to be Mr Goto.

    He says the group will kill him and Jordanian Air Force pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh, if a prisoner swap for a female militant being detained in Jordan does not happen within the next 24 hours.....................

  97. European Union leaders have told their foreign ministers to consider a new wave of sanctions against Russia when they meet in Brussels Thursday, in the wake of fresh violence in eastern Ukraine...

    In a rare joint statement on Tuesday, the 28 EU heads of government expressed concern over what they said was Russian support for pro-Moscow rebels who have launched a new military campaign near the city of Mariupol.

    "In view of the worsening situation we ask the upcoming Foreign Affairs Council to assess the situation and to consider any appropriate action, in particular on further restrictive measures," the statement said.

    The aim was a "swift and comprehensive implementation of Minsk agreements," it said, referring to a largely ignored peace plan dating from September.

    "We express our concern about the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine. We condemn the killing of civilians during the indiscriminate shelling of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on 24 January 2015," they added. "We note evidence of continued and growing support given to the separatists by Russia, which underlines Russia's responsibility," the statement added.

    The EU leaders would assess the situation at the next meeting in Brussels on February 12, they said........................

  98. The view of the Turkish Cypriots for the solution of the Cyprus problem has changed; 43.9% view the Greek Cypriots as their “historical enemy” ...

    Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (26.01.15) reports that according to the results of a survey conducted in the occupied area of Cyprus in December 2014 regarding the political tendencies of the Turkish Cypriots for the Cyprus problem and the solution model, the views of the inhabitants in the occupied area of Cyprus towards the solution have changed. The survey was conducted by sociologist Kudret Akay with the participation of 600 persons. The sampling frame was the so-called TRNC’s “election list”.

    Akay said that the results showed that the Turkish Cypriots adopt a “solution model based on pragmatic interests rather than on the concepts of peace, brotherhood and common country”. He argued that the Turkish Cypriots started to distance themselves from the solution based on the Annan Plan, after the 2004 referendum and the rejection of the plan by the Greek Cypriots.

    The findings of the survey are as following:
    62.7% of the participants in the survey want a bi-zonal, bi-communal solution as it is generally described by the UN, but 60.1% believe that such a solution will not be found.

    93.7% believe that a solution which Turkey does not approve is not possible.

    63.1% are in favour for Turkey’s guarantees to continue unchanged.....................- See more at:

  99. Grecia se atendrá a principios democráticos en el debate sobre las sanciones contra Rusia...

    Los principios democráticos determinarán la postura del Gobierno griego cuando la UE debata nuevas sanciones contra Rusia, declaró este martes el ministro de Exteriores de Grecia, Nikos Kotzias.

    A la pregunta de cuál será la posición de Atenas en esta discusión, Kotzias dijo a la prensa griega que será "conforme a la democracia".

    Anteriormente, dirigentes del partido de izquierda radical Syriza, ganador de las recientes elecciones en Grecia, calificaron de "muy mala" la política de sanciones contra Rusia y exhortaron a cambiarla.

    Este miércoles Kotzias prevé viajar al Consejo de los Asuntos Exteriores de la UE en Bruselas para abordar las sanciones contra Moscú a raíz de la escalada del conflicto en el este de Ucrania....................

  100. Ukrainians grow unwilling to serve in the army — media...

    Ukraine’s male population has massively started leaving abroad in search of jobs to dodge the current mobilization campaign.

    "Entire villages are booking buses to dispatch their men as far as possible. Military committees are handing over the lists of fugitives to law enforcers and try to restrict the movement of men subject to conscription outside their native districts and areas," the Vesti publication wrote on Tuesday.........................

  101. Yanis VaroufakisIm Club der linken Dandys...

    Yanis Varoufakis, neuer Finanzminister Griechenlands, will ganz anders über Schulden verhandeln als sein Vorgänger. Er verkörpert einen neuen Typus des Linkspolitikers.

    von Zacharias Zacharakis
    Seit einigen Jahren schon ist er das Gesicht des anderen Griechenlands. Etliche Interviews zur Krise hat Yanis Varoufakis den großen internationalen Sendern und Agenturen gegeben: CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Reuters – alles in elegantestem, ja witzigem Englisch. Seine Gastbeiträge erscheinen in den wichtigsten Publikationen: Economist, New York Times – auch für ZEIT ONLINE hat Varoufakis geschrieben. Der 53-jährige Ökonomie-Professor mit griechisch-australischem Doppelpass stieg durch die Krise zum inoffiziellen Star der Finanzszene auf. Jetzt kommt ein offizieller Titel hinzu: griechischer Finanzminister.

    Bis vor Kurzem lehrte der Mathematiker Varoufakis, der sich selbst als "Volkswirt aus Versehen" bezeichnet, an der Universität Austin in Texas. Nun aber wird er für Syriza in das griechische Parlament einziehen. Ein hochgewachsener Mann, cool gekleidet, nie mit Krawatte, wie auch Syriza-Chef Alexis Tsipras. Letzterer erschien selbst am Montag zu seiner Vereidigung als neuer Ministerpräsident mit offenem Kragen......................

  102. Reaktionen nach der Wahl: Euro-Minister gegen Schuldenschnitt für Athen ...

    Griechenlands Gläubiger sehen jetzt die neue Regierung in Athen am Zug. Sie müsse die bisherigen Absprachen einhalten. Dann könnte es aber neue Hilfen geben.

    Die Euro-Staaten und die EU-Kommission haben auf den Wahlsieg der linkspopulistischen Syriza-Partei und die Bildung einer Anti-Troika-Regierung in Griechenland demonstrativ gelassen reagiert. Der Chef der Euro-Finanzminister, der niederländische Ressortchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem, gratulierte der neuen Athener Regierung nach einem Treffen mit seinen Kollegen am Montag in Brüssel. Er kündigte an, man werde mit der neuen griechischen Regierung selbstverständlich zusammenarbeiten. „Und wir hören gerne, dass sie im Euroraum bleiben will.“ Allerdings änderten sich die wirtschaftlichen Probleme des Landes durch das Wahlergebnis nicht. Deshalb müsse auch die neue Regierung die Absprachen mit der Troika aus Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF), EU-Kommission und Europäischer Zentralbank (EZB) einhalten, wenn sie weitere Unterstützung wolle. „Und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Griechenland weiter Hilfe braucht.“

    Dijsselbloem berichtete, der designierte Finanzminister Giannis Varoufakis habe ihm telefonisch eine konstruktive Zusammenarbeit zugesagt. Es bleibe aber dabei, dass über weitere Hilfe erst gesprochen werden könne, wenn das laufende Kreditprogramm zufriedenstellend abgeschlossen sei und Athen einen neuen Hilfsantrag stelle. Über Größenordnungen will die Eurogruppe derzeit nicht reden. Nach Diplomatenangaben stehen aber weiter jene 11 Milliarden Euro im Raum, die dem Land im Herbst als vorsorgliche Kreditlinie versprochen wurde. Der neue griechische Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras will mit der Troika derzeit gar nicht verhandeln. „Wir drängen niemandem etwas auf“, kommentierte Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) in Brüssel...................

  103. Was vom Tage bleibtGriechische Befreier oder Verwüster?...

    Die griechische Regierung geht mit markigen Worten ans Werk. Andrea Nahles hat ein Bürokratie-Problem. Und Immobilienkredite könnten noch billiger werden. Lesen Sie, was heute wichtig ist.

    Die Befreier

    Das Experiment nimmt seinen Lauf: Der heute ins Amt berufene griechische Verteidigungsminister hält sein Land für „besetzt" und will es folglich „befreien“. Wovon? Von der Herrschaft des „Vierten Reichs“, wie er Deutschland nennt. Panos Kammenos lässt es nicht an harschen Worten mangeln. Der Mann hat Mitstreiter: Giannis Varoufakis wird als Finanzminister die Verhandlungen mit den Geldgebern führen, Giannis Dragasakis übernimmt als stellvertretender Regierungschef die Aufsicht über den gesamten Bereich Finanzen und Wirtschaft. Falls Sie sich die Namen nicht merken können: Es sind die, die den Euro auf die Probe stellen, der AfD Wähler bescheren und Brüssels Leidensfähigkeit ausreizen werden..................

  104. ....According to official election results announced by the Greek Interior Ministry, Hüseyin Zeybek and Mustafa Mustafa managed to enter parliament by receiving the highest number of votes in their electoral provinces of Xanthi and Komotini, respectively. Zeybek received 16,244 votes in Xanthi and Mustafa received 12,429 votes in Komotini...

    Ayhan Karayusuf, a third lawmaker of Turkish descent, was elected in second place in Komotini with 9,529 votes.

    Speaking to Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency after the announcement of the election results, Karayusuf said the three deputies would "share responsibilities."

    “We will share the responsibilities we shoulder. The minority community’s representation by lawmakers from a leftist party for the first time is an opportunity. We thank the people who stood with us in the elections but we also want them to be with us when we are implementing our policies.”

    Mustafa, meanwhile, said times were “tough” but they would work “with great devotion and effort to be useful for our society, minority and country.”

    Both deputies underlined that their top priority would be fighting against the effects of the economic crisis that have gripped the country for years.

    Karayusuf said the crisis was “not the issue of majority or minority.”

    “We will primarily try to find a solution to the humanitarian crisis that has been experienced in the country,” Mustafa said.

    However, both asserted that they would also work to introduce fresh solutions to the long-standing problems of minorities in Greece in the long run.........................

  105. Golan: Israël pilonne les positions syriennes suite à un tir de roquettes...

    L'armée israélienne a attaqué les positions des forces syriennes sur le Golan suite à un nouveau tir de roquettes contre le territoire de l'Etat hébreu, a annoncé mercredi le service de presse de Tsahal.

    "Les roquettes se sont abattues sur les hauteurs du Golan. En riposte, l'Armée de Défense d'Israël a attaqué les positions de l'artillerie syrienne", lit-on dans le communiqué.

    Auparavant, deux obus lancés depuis le territoire syrien ont explosé dans la partie du Golan contrôlée par Israël sans faire de victimes. Les forces israéliennes ont ensuite pilonné les positions de l'armée syrienne..................

  106. Foreign Minister Says Finland Ready to Impose New Sanctions on Russia....

    Finland can introduce additional restrictive measures against Russia, which the West has been targeting with sanctions over its alleged involvement in the Ukrainian crisis, if the situation calls for it, the country's foreign minister Erkki Tuomioja has said.

    "I believe that we will give instructions that if the need arises, we should draw up a new list of sanctions that can be enforced by the European Council if the situation warrants it," Tuomioja said as quoted by Finland's Yleisradio Broadcasting Company Tuesday.

    The minister added, however, that no immediate decisions were being considered as "there is no clear picture" with regard to anti-Russia sanctions...........................

  107. Pakistan has expressed serious concern over finalization of a nuclear deal between the United States and India, saying it would have destabilizing impact on regional stability....

    US President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the two countries have achieved a "breakthrough" over the civil nuclear deal, six years after it was signed. They reached the understanding during President Obama's visit to India concluded on Tuesday.

    "The operationalization of India-US nuclear deal for political and economic expediencies would have a detrimental impact on deterrence stability in South Asia," Pakistan's top security adviser said.

    "Pakistan reserves the right to safeguard its national security interests," Sartaj Aziz said in a statement late Tuesday.......................

  108. Griechenland: Neue Regierung wendet sich gegen Russland-Sanktionen...

    Zwischen der griechischen Regierung und der EU gibt es den ersten Streit – und es geht nicht einmal um Schulden. Ministerpräsident Tsipras distanziert sich von der jüngsten Drohung Europas gegen Russland. Auch im Land selbst schafft er schon Fakten.

    Der neue griechische Ministerpräsident Tsipras hat sich von einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU zu möglichen neuen Sanktionen gegen Russland distanziert. Tsipras monierte am Dienstagabend in einer Erklärung, die Regierung in Athen sei vorher nicht konsultiert worden und die Verantwortlichen hätten die „normale Prozedur“ umgangen. Griechenland habe der gemeinsamen Erklärung der Staats- und Regierungschefs nicht zugestimmt, teilte Tsipras’ Büro mit.

    Die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs hatten Russland wegen der Eskalation im Ukraine-Konflikt in einer am Dienstagvormittag verbreiteten Erklärung mit neuen Sanktionen gedroht. Sie warfen Moskau darin „die fortdauernde und wachsende Unterstützung“ der prorussischen Kämpfer in der Ostukraine vor und forderten die EU-Außenminister auf, „weitere restriktive Maßnahmen“ in Betracht zu ziehen.
    EU verteidigt sich

    Tsipras erklärte dazu, er habe seinen Unmut über das Vorgehen in einem Telefonat mit der EU-Außenbeauftragten Federica Mogherini zum Ausdruck gebracht und auch Beschwerde bei den EU-Vertretungen in Athen eingelegt. Aus EU-Kreisen hieß es dazu, die übliche Verfahrensweise sei sehr wohl „respektiert“ worden. In solchen Fällen sei es üblich, das Schweigen eines Mitgliedstaats, in diesem Fall offenbar Griechenlands, als Zustimmung zu werten....................

  109. Le choc psychologique de la crise "n'est pas près de disparaître" en Grèce ...

    La crise économique n'a pas seulement fait exploser la pauvreté en Grèce. Elle a également occasionné un choc psychologique dont les séquelles se manifesteront encore bien après la victoire de Syriza.

    Sueurs froides, tremblements incontrôlables, et coeur qui bat la chamade. Ce sont les symptômes qu'éprouve Aris, jeune Grec au chômage, quand une crise de panique est sur le point de le foudroyer.

    "Dans ces moments-là, j'ai l'impression que je suis sur le point de mourir", explique l'homme de 29 ans devant une clinique communautaire située à Helleniko, dans la banlieue d’Athènes. Dans ses mains, des médicaments onéreux qui lui ont été remis gratuitement, mardi 27 janvier, afin d'atténuer ses crises...............

  110. Russie: les chefs des diplomaties de l'UE prolongent les sanctions ...

    Les chefs des diplomaties de l'UE ont accepté de prolonger de six mois les sanctions imposées contre Moscou sur fond de crise ukrainienne, rapportent mercredi les agences occidentales.

    "Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'Union européenne ont convenu de prolonger de six mois les sanctions introduites à l'encontre de la Russie en raison de l'aggravation de la situation", indiquent les médias citant un projet de déclaration ministérielle.

    Dans le même temps, les chefs des diplomaties européennes demanderont à la Commission européenne d'élargir les listes noires d'entités et d'individus russes visés par les sanctions...............

  111. Rajoy confirma la muerte de un soldado español en un bombardeo de Israel en Líbano ...

    Un soldado español ha fallecido este miércoles en Líbano tras un bombardeo de Israel, según ha confirmado el presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy.

    El militar estaba en una región al sur del país en una misión de paz de la ONU.

    "Mi más profundo pesar por el fallecimiento del militar español en Líbano, mi afecto y condolencias a su familia y compañeros. MR", afirmó el presidente español a través de la red social Twitter.

    El Ministerio de Defensa español ha confirmado a Sputnik Nóvosti que está investigando lo ocurrido.

    Se trata del cabo Francisco Javier Soria Toledo, de 36 años, que estaba destinado en la Brigada "Guzmán el Bueno" X de Córdoba desde el pasado mes de noviembre, según ha declarado el Ministerio de Defensa a Sputnik Nóvosti.

    El ataque israelí se produjo a unos 20 kilómetros de Marjayún, donde se sitúa la base del contingente español formado por unos 50 soldados................

  112. EU Reportedly to Extend Anti-Russian Sanctions by 6 Months...

    Foreign ministers of the European Union plan to extend sanctions, imposed on Russia in March 2014, by another six months due to worsening situation in Ukraine, Reuters said Wednesday citing a draft document.

    According to Reuters, EU foreign ministers are asking the EU commission to extend the anti-Russia sanctions in an effort to guarantee that the Minsk agreements are implemented.

    The ministers also request the European Commission prepare within a week a proposal to add additional names to the sanctions list, the agency said.

    Earlier this week, the US Treasury stated it was ready to introduce additional sanctions against Moscow "if necessary."....................

  113. Mortar bombs hit an Israeli military position in the occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday, the Israeli army said, shortly after a military vehicle nearby on the Lebanon border was hit by an anti-tank missile...

    There were no casualties in the mortar attack, but four soldiers were wounded in the anti-tank missile attack claimed by Lebanese Hezbollah.

    The incidents came several hours after Israel launched an air strike in Syria. Tensions have escalated in the area over the past 10 days after an Israeli strike in Syria which killed several Hezbollah men and an Iranian general.

    Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV said nine Israeli vehicles were damaged in the attack on the Shebaa farms frontier area. The militant group said it will release a statement on the attacks soon.

    A Lebanese political source told Reuters that Hezbollah has launched a "big operation" targeting an Israeli military convoy in the Shebaa farms frontier.............

  114. Griechischem Haushalt fehlen vier Milliarden Euro...

    In den vergangenen zwei Monaten haben viele Griechen ihre Steuern nicht gezahlt, bestätigt das Finanzministerium. Die neue Regierung startet mit Minus in der Staatskasse.

    Die neue griechische Regierung unter Alexis Tsipras startet mit einem Milliardenloch im Haushalt. In der Hoffnung auf Steuersenkungen nach einem Sieg der Linkspartei Syriza hätten zahlreiche Griechen in den vergangenen zwei Monaten ihre Steuern nicht gezahlt, bestätigte ein Mitarbeiter des Finanzministeriums der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

    Es fehlten vier Milliarden Euro. Dies ist nach den Angaben aus dem Finanzministerium eins der wichtigsten Probleme, mit dem sich die Regierung in den kommenden Wochen beschäftigen muss.......................

  115. Earthquake M 5.0 - CRETE, GREECE - 94 km S of Pýrgos - local time: 17:54 ...

    Magnitude mb 5.0
    Region CRETE, GREECE
    Date time 2015-01-28 15:54:36.5 UTC
    Location 34.17 N ; 24.96 E
    Depth 30 km
    Distances 437 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28
    130 km S of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28
    94 km S of Pýrgos, Greece / pop: 1,134 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28

  116. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim warns of pandemic threat...

    World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has warned that the world remains "dangerously unprepared" for deadly pandemics such as the Ebola outbreak that has killed thousands in west Africa.

    "The Ebola outbreak has been devastating in terms of lives lost and the loss of economic growth in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone," Mr Kim said in a speech at Georgetown University in Washington.

    "We need to make sure that we get to zero cases in this Ebola outbreak.

    "At the same time, we need to prepare for future pandemics that could become far more deadly and infectious than what we have seen so far with Ebola."

    Mr Kim said that a mix of international organisations such as his own, governments, businesses, non-governmental groups and donors need to put more efforts into planning for future possible pandemics.

    He said they need to build "stronger health systems, improved surveillance and chains of supply and transportation, and fast-acting medical response teams".

    "We must learn the lessons from the Ebola outbreak because there is no doubt we will be faced with other pandemics in the years to come."..................

  117. L'unité de l'Europe est aujourd'hui plus que jamais remise en doute, et l'attitude des pays européens envers la Russie en est l'une des causes principales, constate le quotidien américain Christian Science Monitor (CSM)...

    "Après des décennies d'élargissement et d'intégration, l’Union européenne s'efforce de combler les brèches, et la récente escalade de la situation en Ukraine n'a fait qu'aggraver les choses pour l'Europe, déjà embrasée par la crise", écrit le journal.

    Et d'expliquer que les pays européens se demandaient s'ils pourraient finalement parvenir à l'unanimité sur le moyen de désamorcer la crise ukrainienne...........

  118. España pide a la ONU que investigue la muerte del soldado español tras el ataque de Israel...

    El canciller español, José Manuel García Margallo, solicitó a la ONU en nombre del Gobierno español que inicie "una investigación urgente" sobre la muerte del soldado español en Líbano tras los bombardeos de Israel.

    El soldado fallecido, de 36 años, estaba en una región al sur de Líbano en una misión de paz de la ONU.

    Margallo dijo ante los medios que "no le temblará la voz" para "exigir las responsabilidades que se deriven de estos hechos"................

  119. Pressure of sanctions not to make Moscow give up what it considers right — Lavrov...

    The attempts at exerting pressure on Russia by way of unilateral sanctions will not make Moscow abandon what in considers right and fair, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an article published in the January issue of the Serbian magazine Horizons. The article is posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry website on Wednesday.

    "We’ll continue in the future to exert strenuous efforts for creating a favourable environment for the settlement of major problems the Ukrainian nation is facing," Lavrov said. "However, it is also necessary to bear in mind that the attempts at exerting pressure on Russia by unilateral sanctions, the application of which is illegal and condemned by decisions of the UN General Assembly, will not make us give up what we consider to be right and fair."

    Attempts of Brussels to shift to Russia responsibility for Ukrainian tragedy undermine European stability, he added.

  120. At least 22 shells fired from Israel hit southern Lebanon: source ...

    At least 22 shells fired from Israel hit open farmland in southern Lebanon close to the frontier, a Lebanese security source in the area said on Wednesday.

    The shells struck near Wazzani village and were fired in quick succession.

    Earlier in the day an anti-tank missile was fired at an Israeli military vehicle near the frontier with Lebanon, an Israeli army spokesman said.

    Tensions have escalated in the frontier area linking Lebanon, Israel and Syria in the past ten days since an Israeli air strike on a Hezbollah convoy near the Golan Heights which killed an Iranian Revolutionary Guard general, a Hezbollah commander and the son of the group's late military leader.................

  121. Lebanon's foreign ministry denounced the Israeli shelling and airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanese territory on Wednesday, which followed an attack on Israeli soldiers, which left at least seven injured and two dead.

  122. Kosovo Police Use Tear Gas to Disperse Thousands of Protesters in Capital...

    Thousands of people protested in the Kosovar capital of Pristina, calling for the resignation of government Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic and the nationalization of Trepca mine company.

    The protest began around noon Tuesday, organized by the country's major opposition movement, called Self-determination. Protesters threw stones at the police, who used tear gas in return.

    Earlier, police had erected iron barricades to block access to a nearby government building.

    The clashes continued until evening. Demonstrators returned and threw stones. rods and other objects at police. Special police units dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas and water cannon.

    Police said about 100 people were injured, 72 of them police officers. They said 160 demonstrators were taken to the police station for questioning and further legal procedures.

    Also, 26 people sought medical help, according to the Emergency Center................

  123. Readout of the President’s Call with Chancellor Merkel of Germany (The White House)..

    The President spoke today with Chancellor Merkel of Germany regarding developments in Ukraine. The two leaders expressed concern about the significant increase in violence in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s materiel support for the separatists and its failure to fulfill its commitment under the Minsk Agreement, and they agreed on the need to hold Russia accountable for its actions. They also agreed on the importance of finalizing a robust package of financial support for Ukraine to enable it to stabilize its economy as it continues to implement reforms that will lay the groundwork for a return to growth and prosperity.

  124. Ghost Ships: Turkey Becomes Springboard for Syrians Heading to Europe ...

    Turkey has become a hub for human traffickers, with freighters picking up Syrians in the port city and smuggling them on to Europe. It's a lucrative business built on the hardships of others.

    The short man told Sherko that he always had to be prepared. That's why Sherko is now sitting on the bed in his fluorescent-lit hotel room in Mersin, a port city on the southern coast of Turkey. He has packed the backpack next to him with the items he needs for his trip to freedom: 10 Snickers bars, canned tuna fish, perfume, a razor, dried figs, dental floss and a sponge for cleaning his shoes...............

  125. Are Israel and Hezbollah on verge of new war?...

    Fear of open conflict with Israel - last seen in 2006 - has returned to Lebanon following a Hezbollah attack on an Israeli convoy in the occupied Shebba farms on Wednesday morning, in which two Israeli troops were killed and a further seven injured.

    Tension has been building between Hezbollah and Israel since an Israeli airstrike on Syria’s occupied Golan Heights killed a number of senior Hezbollah operatives and Mohammad Allahbadi, a commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on January 18...............

  126. US warns cost of Russian actions in Ukraine will 'rise'...

    The United States gave a clear signal Wednesday that Russia will face further sanctions for what the White House says is Moscow's role in fueling violence in eastern Ukraine.

    Following a telephone call between US Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, the White House condemned "Russian-backed separatists" and the "heavy toll that the Russian-backed offensive in the east was having on Ukraine's civilian population."

    "As long as Russia continues its blatant disregard of its obligations... the costs for Russia will continue to rise," Biden was reported to have told the Ukrainian leader.............

  127. Alemania endurece su postura de cara a la negociación con Grecia ...

    “Asume usted el cargo en tiempos difíciles, en los que tiene una gran responsabilidad. Espero que podamos profundizar en la tradicionalmente buena y profunda amistad de nuestros pueblos”. El lenguaje exquisitamente diplomático con el que la canciller alemana Angela Merkel felicitó al recién nombrado primer ministro griego, Alexis Tsipras, no ha logrado ocultar la sensación de que Berlín ha recibido la victoria del izquierdista Syriza como una amenaza a su política europea que no puede permitir.

    Ese resultado, junto al anuncio de las compras de deuda pública a gran escala por parte del BCE —en contra, una vez más, de Berlín— provocarán un endurecimiento de la postura alemana tanto en las negociaciones con Grecia como en los diversos asuntos que la Unión tiene sobre la mesa de cara a los próximos meses, según explican las fuentes consultadas en Bruselas................

  128. Ukraine: l'Europe s'interroge sur de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie ...

    L'Union européenne a convoqué, ce jeudi, en réunion extraordinaire ses ministres des affaires étrangères à Bruxelles. La raison, c'est la détérioration de la situation dans l'Est du pays. Il y a eu de nouveaux bombardements qui ont fait des victimes civiles à Marioupol. L'Union européenne doit déterminer si elle sanctionne cette nouvelle offensive des forces pro-russes, soutenues par la Russie. Dans ce contexte de violences, l'inquiétude des pays voisins de la Russie grandit, notamment celle de la Lituanie........

  129. Nach der Wahl in Griechenland.... Jean-Claude Juncker warnt Alexis Tsipras ...

    Griechenlands neuer Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras will die Politik der "Unterwerfung" beenden. EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker hat Tsipras gewarnt. Athen müsse Europa "respektieren".

    EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker hat die neue griechische Regierung zur Zusammenarbeit mit Brüssel gedrängt. "Griechenland muss Europa respektieren", sagte Juncker der französischen Zeitung "Le Figaro". Europa erkenne das "universelle Leid in Griechenland" an, Athen müsse aber auch die "öffentlichen Meinungen" im Rest von Europa respektieren, sagte Juncker.

    In Griechenland hatte das Linksbündnis Syriza die Wahl gewonnen, Alexis Tsipras wurde als neuer Ministerpräsident vereidigt. Er strebt einen Kurswechsel beim bisherigen Sparkurs an und fordert unter anderem einen Schuldenschnitt für sein Land. Juncker sagte dazu, zwar seien gewisse "Arrangements möglich", ein Erlass stehe aber außer Frage. "Das werden die anderen Länder der Eurozone nicht akzeptieren."................

  130. La Chine "très préoccupée" par le gel de la privatisation du port du Pirée...

    Ironie de l'histoire : la Chine communiste s'inquiète du gel des privatisations décrété par l'extrême gauche arrivée au pouvoir en Grèce. Jeudi, le ministère chinois du Commerce s'est dit "très préoccupé" par l'arrêt de la privatisation du port du Pirée. Le nouveau ministre des Transports, Thodoridis Dritstas, a en effet déclaré hier qu'il n'engagerait pas la vente d'une participation majororitaire dans le capital de Piraeus Port Authority, la société qui gère le port principal port du pays.

    Ce port, proche d'Athènes, est une pièce maîtresse du vaste plan de privatisations exigé par les créanciers du pays (UE, FMI, BCE). "Nous avons appris par des articles de presse que le nouveau gouvernement en Grèce a annoncé le 28 janvier mettre un terme à la privatisation du port du Pirée. Cela nous préoccupe beaucoup. Nous comptons exhorter le gouvernement grec à protéger les droits et intérêts légaux des sociétés chinoises en Grèce, dont Cosco", a déclaré Shen Danyang, le porte-parole du ministère chinois du Commerce.......

  131. Gorbatschow warnt: USA könnten realen Krieg mit Russland riskieren...

    Michail Gorbatschow macht die USA für die zunehmenden Spannungen zwischen Russland und dem Westen verantwortlich. Laut dem Ex-Präsidenten der Sowjetunion hat Amerika Russland schon in einen neuen Kalten Krieg getrieben und könnte nun Schritte in Richtung eines realen Krieges tun.

    „In Amerika und der EU spricht man heute nur noch über Sanktionen gegen Russland. Haben die völlig die Besinnung verloren?“, sagte der 83-jährige Friedensnobelpreisträger der Nachrichtenagentur Interfax. „Wenn man die Dinge beim Namen nennt, hat Amerika uns schon in einen neuen Kalten Krieg getrieben.“ Er warnte, dass dieser Kalte Krieg zu einem richtigen Krieg auswachsen könnte. „Ich fürchte, sie (die USA — Red.) könnten es riskieren.“.................

  132. Cyprus has voiced its dissent at an EU statement on Ukraine threatening possible new sanctions against Russia, government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said on Wednesday...

    Cyprus is the second EU country after Greece to complain about the statement, though Christodoulides said that other countries were also objecting to it.

    He said the issue will be discussed by permanent representatives in Brussels later on Wednesday and will come up for discussion at an extraordinary General Affairs council on Thursday.

    “Because of objections raised by many member countries, the statement is not expected to be adopted by the foreign ministers tomorrow,” Christodoulides said.

    The statement asked foreign ministers to consider imposing further sanctions on Moscow...........................

  133. Barack Obama va demander une hausse du budget de l'armée en 2016 ...

    Le président américain Barack Obama va demander dans son projet de budget une hausse des dépenses militaires pour 2016 pour les porter à 585 milliards de dollars, dépassant ainsi les limites imposées par le Congrès, ont indiqué des responsables américains.

    Le projet de budget du Pentagone prévoit une hausse des dépenses en armes, recherche et maintenance, qui avaient été réduites sous l'effet des coupes budgétaires automatiques, ont précisé ces responsables à l'AFP mercredi soir.

    Ces coupes étaient devenues effectives en 2013 après qu'élus démocrates et républicains au Congrès eurent échoué à trouver un accord pour réduire le déficit des Etats-Unis.

    L'administration Obama, qui doit publier son projet de budget lundi, prévoit des dépenses militaires pour l'année fiscale 2016 de 534,3 milliards dollars, auxquelles s'ajoutent des dépenses de guerre de 50,9 milliards pour l'Afghanistan et l'opération contre le groupe Etat islamique en Irak et en Syrie, a rapporté un responsable militaire.

    Ce budget servirait pour 107,7 milliards à des programmes d'armement (soit 14,1 milliards de plus par rapport à l'année précédente), pour 69,8 milliards à la recherche et développement (soit 6,3 milliards de plus).

    Il financerait notamment l'achat de 57 avions de chasse F-35 du groupe Lockheed Martin, a ajouté ce responsable, qui s'exprimait sous couvert de l'anonymat.............

  134. L'Europe n'a pas intérêt à durcir les sanctions contre Moscou (Berlin)...

    Selon Berlin, l'Europe ne cherche pas à infliger de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie, car elle a besoin de cette dernière pour régler de nombreux problèmes internationaux.

    L'Europe n'a pas intérêt à durcir les sanctions contre la Russie suite à sa position sur la crise ukrainienne, mais elle insiste sur le respect de l'accord de Minsk, unique moyen de régler le conflit dans le Donbass, estime le vice-chancelier et ministre allemand de l'Economie, Sigmar Gabriel, cité par l'agence Reuters.

    "Personne en Europe, et sûrement pas en Allemagne, n'a intérêt à infliger de nouvelles sanctions, plus sévères, contre Moscou. Il est évident que l'Europe et le monde entier ont besoin de la Russie pour régler des conflits et des problèmes internationaux", a déclaré jeudi le vice-chancelier fédéral dans le Bundestag.

    Selon M. Gabriel, la voie vers une nouvelle étape dans les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Russie, notamment vers la mise en place d'une zone de libre-échange de Lisbonne à Vladivostok, passe par l'accord de Minsk..................

  135. La OTAN busca una respuesta a la situación en Ucrania ...

    Los miembros de la Alianza Atlántica mantienen consultas para ofrecer una respuesta común a la situación en el este de Ucrania, declaró este jueves el portavoz del Ministerio de Exteriores de Eslovaquia, Peter Stano.

    "En el contexto del desarrollo de la situación en Ucrania los aliados de la OTAN consideran una respuesta común y toman medidas para reforzar la seguridad de los países miembros de la Alianza que se encuentran en Europa del Este", dijo Stano contestando a la pregunta sobre el posible despliegue de una base de la OTAN en Eslovaquia...................

  136. Moscow-hosted Syria talks end, sides agree to meet again...

    (Reuters) - Representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opposition figures have agreed to hold another round of talks in Moscow, moderator Vitaly Naumkin said on Thursday, but the date had not yet been set.

    "It would have been naive to expect that the sides would solve all problems during their very first consultations," he said.

    The talks between elements of the Syrian opposition, but not including the Western-backed National Coalition, and government representatives began as a Russian initiative to revive stalled peace efforts in the four-year conflict.

    Naumkin said the majority of participants agreed to a series of points known as the Moscow principles which include maintaining the sovereignty and unity of Syria, the rejection of foreign interference and combating terrorism.

    The main Syrian political opposition, the Western-backed National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, has shunned the meeting in Moscow, saying it would only take part in talks that lead to Assad leaving power.....................

  137. Russisch-griechische Beziehungen Kirche, Erdbeeren und Akropolis ...

    Griechenland und Russland - zwei Länder, deren enge Beziehung nicht auf den ersten Blick klar wird. Doch tatsächlich verbindet Athen und Moskau nicht nur die orthodoxe Kirche, sondern auch Erdbeeren und eine Reisevorliebe des russischen Präsidenten.

    Das Verhältnis zwischen Griechenland und Russland ist traditionell eng. Besonders die wichtige Rolle der orthodoxen Kirche verbindet beide Länder. Nach dem Wahlsieg von Alexis Tsipras war der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin deshalb auch einer der ersten Gratulanten. Mit seinen Glückwünschen verband der Kreml-Chef aber auch gleich die Hoffnung, dass man "bei der Lösung aktueller Probleme in Europa und der Welt zusammenarbeiten" werde...................

  138. Russia warns West of 'catastrophe' over Ukraine ...

    Russia's envoy to the European security watchdog OSCE urged the United States and Europe on Thursday to stop supporting "party of war" in Ukraine and warned a "catastrophe" could lie ahead, Interfax news agency reported.

    "I would like to appeal to the states that have influence on Kiev's leadership, most of all to Washington. It's time to stop indulging Ukraine's party of war," said Russia's OSCE envoy, Andrei Kelin. "Only a big catastrophe can result from such developments."

  139. Detienen a una rusa sospechosa de espionaje en favor de Ucrania ...

    El tribunal Lefórtovo de Moscú libró una orden de aprehensión contra Svetlana Davídova acusada de alta traición en favor de Ucrania, informó una portavoz de la corte a RIA Novosti.

    "El 22 de febrero el tribunal satisfizo la solicitud de la investigación para detener a Davídova, sospechosa de alta traición en forma de espionaje por un mes y 25 días, es decir hasta el 19 de marzo", indicó.

    La portavoz se negó a dar más detalles alegando a que el caso es clasificado.

    Según el periódico Kommersant, la detenida, habitante de la provincia de Smolensk y madre de siete hijos, llamó en abril pasado a la Embajada de Ucrania para informar de que los efectivos del cuartel militar situado cerca de su casa abandonaron el recinto; supuso además que salieron para Donetsk....................

  140. Russia manages to adjust to sanctions impact — Finance Minister ...

    Russia managed to adjust to the consequences of Western anti-Russia sanctions, the country’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Thursday.

    "The sanctions against Russia had a negative impact on us. However, the Russian companies and the country’s balance of payments managed to adjust. The ruble devalued, but as you can see life goes on in Russia," Siluanov said in an interview to CNBC television channel.

    The minister added that the plunge in the world oil prices has had a more serious impact on Russia’s economy. According to Siluanov, the country’s total loss from both sanctions and oil price fall exceeded $200 billion.

    "The key factor was the fall in oil price. We estimate lack of capital due to sanctions to total $40-50 billion," the minister said.

  141. Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'..

    Six decades ago, an agreement to cancel half of postwar Germany's debt helped foster a prolonged period of prosperity in the war-torn continent. The new government in Athens says Greece – and Europe – now need a similar deal.

    When discussing Greece’s whopping $310 billion debt, the country's new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras likes to recall a time when Europe's great debt offender was not Greece, but Germany, today's paragon of fiscal responsibility. The leader of the radical-left Syriza party refers in particular to an international conference held in London in 1953, during which West Germany secured a write-off of more than 50% of debt, accumulated after two world wars. Back then, with memories of Nazi atrocities still fresh, many countries were reluctant to offer such generous debt relief. But the US persuaded its European allies, including Greece, to relinquish debt repayments and reparations in order to build a stable and prosperous Western Europe that could contain the threat from Soviet Russia.

    “Tsipras is right to remind Germans how well they were treated, with both debt relief and money from the Marshall Plan,” says Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones, an economist at Columbia University, referring to the US programme to help rebuild European economies after World War II. She believes Greece is justified in demanding a more generous approach from its creditors, despite obvious differences between its current plight and that of war-ravaged Germany. “In fact, Greece’s situation is perhaps more urgent because the pressure from markets and the financial sector is so much stronger than in the 1950s,” she says..................

  142. UK summons Russian ambassador after military aircraft disrupt civil aviation ...

    Britain summoned the Russian ambassador on Thursday and asked him to explain why two Russian "Bear" long-range bombers had flown over the English channel the previous day, a move that forced British authorities to divert civil aircraft.

    "The Russian planes caused disruption to civil aviation. That is why we summoned the Russian ambassador today to account for the incident," the foreign office said in a statement.

    Typhoon fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the two Russian planes, which were flying close to UK airspace, on Wednesday.

    The foreign office said the incident was part of an increasing pattern of "out of area operations" by Russian aircraft, noting the planes had stopped short of entering UK airspace.....................

  143. Minimalkonsens in der Russland-Frage ...

    Die Einigung stand auf der Kippe. Am Ende hat sich die EU aber doch verständigt, die Russland-Sanktionen trotz der Bedenken in Athen zumindest teilweise zu verlängern. Man habe "den griechischen Kollegen überzeugt", sagte Außenminister Steinmeier.

    Die EU-Außenminister haben sich nach schwierigen Verhandlungen darauf verständigt, die Sanktionen im Ukraine-Konflikt teilweise zu verschärfen. Reise- und Vermögenssperren gegen russische und ukrainische Staatsbürger sollen bis September verlängert werden, hieß es in der Abschlusserklärung des Treffens.

    Betroffen sind 28 Unternehmen und Organisationen sowie 132 Personen. Bei Letzteren handelt es sich um prorussische Separatisten aus der Ostukraine beziehungsweise um Russen, die dem Umfeld des Kreml zugerechnet werden. Zudem soll die EU-Kommission binnen einer Woche Vorschläge machen, um Anfang Februar weitere Personen auf die Liste zu setzen.

    ARD-Brüssel-Korrespondentin Bettina Scharkus sprach in der Tagesschau von einem "Minimalkonsens".
    "Keine ganz einfache Diskussion"

    Keine Einigkeit gab es hingegen in der Frage möglicher neuer Wirtschaftssanktionen. Mit diesem Thema sollen sich erst am 12. Februar die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs beschäftigen.

    Vor allem die baltischen Staaten sowie Polen fordern eine Ausweitung der Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland. Länder wie Griechenland oder Österreich sind allerdings dagegen. Sie sind der Meinung, dass die Sanktionen kaum etwas bringen würden oder sogar kontraproduktiv seien....................

  144. Six people were killed and an office of Egypt's state newspaper al Ahram was destroyed in an attack by suspected Islamist militants in the restive North Sinai province, state television and al Ahram said on Thursday...

    It was not clear if the newspaper's offices were the target of the attack, which took place in the provincial capital el-Arish just days after the anniversary of Egypt's 2011 uprising.

    Egypt is facing an Islamist insurgency based in Sinai that has claimed the lives of hundreds of security officers in the remote but strategic desert region, which borders the Palestinian Gaza Strip, Israel and the Suez Canal.

  145. Ukraine conflict: EU extends sanctions against Russia...

    EU foreign ministers have agreed to extend existing sanctions against Russia until September.

    At an extraordinary meeting in Brussels, they also agreed to discuss names to add to the list of individuals targeted for EU travel bans and asset freezes.

    However, they did not agree on imposing new economic sanctions against Russia.

    The ministers met as fighting raged in eastern Ukraine. Moscow denies any involvement in the conflict...............

  146. Moskau wird eine eventuelle Bitte Griechenlands um Finanzhilfe prüfen. Das sagte Russlands Finanzminister Anton Siluanow am Donnerstag in Moskau...

    „Sollte Athen darum ersuchen, wird die russische Regierung den Antrag unbedingt unter die Lupe nehmen. Dabei werden wir alle Faktoren der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Griechenland mit berücksichtigen. Das ist alles, was ich im Moment sagen kann“, wurde Siluanow vom Sender CNBC zitiert...................

  147. The UN Security Council which will convene today in New York will call for the resumption of structured negotiations for the Cyprus problem without dealy and in a results-oriented manner...

    The UNSC is expected to adopt today a resolution for the renewal of the mandate of UNFICYP (UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus) for six more months, until July 31, 2015.

    In its final draft resolution, the UNSC calls for the resumption of structured negotiations without delay, in a results oriented manner as agreed to in the Joint Declaration adopted by the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders on 11 February 2014, and stresses the need for renewed efforts of the leaders and negotiators to reach a comprehensive settlement as soon as possible.

    Furthermore, it acknowledges the progress made so far in the fully fledged negotiations, but notes that this has not been sufficient and has not yet resulted in a comprehensive and durable settlement, and calls for an urgent resumption of structured negotiations to reach decisive progress on the core issues.

    The UNSC recalls its resolution 2026 (2011), and calls upon the two leaders to put their efforts behind further work on reaching convergences on the core issues, to continue to work with the Technical Committees with the objective of improving the daily lives of the Cypriots, to
    improve the public atmosphere for the negotiations, including by focussing public messages on convergences and the way ahead, and delivering more constructive and harmonised messages and to increase the participation of civil society in the process as appropriate.........

  148. Some 50 storm troopers from the Aidar 24th battalion were seen rushing the building while around ten of them broke down the entrance door to the Ministry of Defense in Kiev....

    Media earlier quoted the battalion’s alleged press secretary, Yulia Yevdokymova, as saying that Aidar would be disbanded. Aidar’s press service, however, denied the information and said that Yevdokymova was not the batallion’s press secretary...............................

  149. Israel to build 430 new West Bank settler homes ...

    The Israeli government on Friday published tenders to build 430 new settler homes in the occupied West Bank, the head of an NGO that monitors settlement activity told AFP.

    “It’s the opening of the settlement floodgates,” said Daniel Seidemann, head of the Terrestrial Jerusalem group, adding that the announcements were the first since October 2014 and unlikely to be the last before the March 17 general election.

    He said that the new homes were to be built in four existing settlements across the West Bank -- 112 in Adam, 156 in Elkana, 78 in Alfei Menashe and 84 in Kiryat Arba.

    Seidemann, whose group particularly monitors settlement in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, predicted that building plans there were likely to be announced soon.

    “I don’t think it’s over,” he said. “I would be very concerned.”..................

  150. Hezbollah: we don't want war with Israel but do not fear it...

    (Reuters) - The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah said on Friday his group did not want war with Israel but was ready for one and reserved the right to respond to Israeli attacks at any time and place.

    "We do not want a war but we are not afraid of it and we must distinguish between the two and the Israelis must also understand this very well," Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said.

    Nasrallah was speaking at an event to commemorate the deaths of six Hezbollah fighters and an Iranian general killed by an Israeli air strike in Syria on Jan. 18. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah retaliated on Wednesday with a rocket attack that killed two Israeli soldiers on the frontier with Lebanon.......................

  151. Russian Foreign Ministry demands immediate release of LifeNews reporters in Ukraine...

    The Russian Foreign Ministry demands LifeNews reporters who were detained in Ukraine be immediately released and media intimidation be stopped, the ministry’s said on Friday.

    A correspondent and a camera operator of the LifeNews television channel, Elizaveta Khramtsova and Natalia Kalysheva, were detained by Ukrainian Security Service officers in Kiev on Friday. The editorial staff said there was no contact with the reporters and their whereabouts were not known.

    "There is no contact with them and their whereabouts are yet unknown," the ministry confirmed...............

  152. Griechenland kündigt der Troika...

    Der neue griechische Finanzminister geht auf Konfrontationskurs zu den Euro-Partnern. Und Russland macht ein überraschendes Angebot.

    Zwischen der neuen griechischen Regierung und der Eurogruppe ist es zu einem Eklat gekommen. Griechenland werde künftig nicht mehr mit den Geldgeber-Kontrolleuren der Troika zusammenarbeiten, sagte der neue griechische Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis nach einem Treffen mit Eurogruppenchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athen. „Unsere erste Handlung als Regierung kann nicht sein, dass wir diese Position wieder aufgeben in dem wir eine Verlängerung des Programms verlangen.“

    Allerdings versicherte Varoufakis gleichzeitig, dass Athen Reformen umsetzen wolle, um die griechische Wirtschaft wettbewerbsfähiger zu machen. Auch strebe das Land einen ausgeglichenen Haushalt an. Nur werde man keine Deflation und nicht tragbare Schulden
    hinnehmen. Was dies im Einzelnen bedeutet, ließ er offen.

    Dijsselbloem forderte die Griechen dagegen auf, ihre Versprechungen einzuhalten. Eine internationale Konferenz über einen Schuldenschnitt, wie die neue Regierung sie fordert, lehnte der Niederländer ab. „Es gibt bereits eine solche Konferenz und die heißt Eurogruppe.“ Die Reformkontrollen der Troika von der EU-Kommission, dem Internationalen Währungsfonds und der Europäischen Zentralbank werden von vielen Griechen als Bevormundung abgelehnt.....................

  153. Offener Streit zwischen EU und Griechenland: Athen kündigt Zusammenarbeit auf ...

    Eklat in Athen: Griechenland will nicht mehr mit den Kontrolleuren der Geldgeber-Troika aus EU, EZB und IWF zusammenarbeiten, kündigte Finanzminister Varouafakis an. Eurogruppenchef Dijsselbloem reagierte reserviert: Athen müsse seine Zusagen einhalten.

    Zwischen der neuen griechischen Regierung und der Eurogruppe ist es zu einem Eklat gekommen. Griechenland werde künftig nicht mehr mit den Geldgeber-Kontrolleuren der Troika aus EU-Kommission, Internationalem Währungsfonds und Europäischer Zentralbank zusammenarbeiten, sagte Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis nach einem Treffen mit Eurogruppenchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athen.

    "Unser Land weigert sich, mit der Troika zu kooperieren", sagte Varoufakis. Das auferlegte Sparprogramm sei nicht in die Tat umsetzbar. Das griechische Volk habe es bei den Wahlen vergangenen Sonntag abgelehnt................

  154. Ukraine: négociations "annulées", les séparatistes quittent Minsk ...

    Les séparatistes prorusses ont annoncé vendredi leur départ de la capitale bélarusse où devaient avoir lieu des pourparlers de paix sur le conflit en Ukraine, au moment où les violences atteignaient des niveaux critiques avec la mort d'au moins 24 personnes dans des combats et bombardements.

    Les négociations prévues vendredi entre les émissaires rebelles et les représentants de Kiev et de Moscou, encadrés par l'OSCE, "sont annulées", a déclaré l'émissaire de la république autoproclamée de Donetsk, Denis Pouchiline, à la presse.

    "Le ministère bélarusse des Affaires étrangères a confirmé aujourd'hui que Kiev ne viendrait pas, les négociations sont annulées. Et nous quittons Minsk aujourd'hui", a expliqué M. Pouchiline. Mais interrogé par l'AFP, un porte-parole de la diplomatie bélarusse a démenti une annonce du ministère concernant une annulation des pourparlers.

    Pour sa part, le porte-parole de la diplomatie ukrainienne Evguen Perebyïnis a déclaré à l'AFP "ne pas disposer d'informations sur l'annulation de pourparlers". Et l'ambassadeur russe en Ukraine, Mikhaïl Zourabov, a dit à l'agence russe Ria Novosti n'avoir "reçu aucune information sur une rencontre"....................

  155. Bulgaria continúa los trabajos preparatorios para el proyecto gasístico ruso South Stream ya que no recibió ninguna declaración oficial por parte de Rusia sobre su rechazo, declaró este viernes el presidente búlgaro, Rosen Plevneliev...

    "El Gobierno búlgaro continúa los preparativos", dijo Plevneliev en una entrevista al periódico Lidove noviny al agregar que el país "no ha recibido todavía ninguna declaración oficial de que el proyecto South Stream esté acabado". Añadió que Bulgaria "tiene solo una declaración pública del presidente (de Rusia Vladímir) Putin" y la calificó de "muy emocional".

    El mandatario búlgaro expresó la esperanza de que "al fin y al cabo el proyecto reciba todos los permisos necesarios para la construcción". "La postura de Bulgaria está clara, se puede realizar el proyecto solo a condición de que corresponda a los requisitos jurídicos de la Unión Europea", recalcó................

  156. Athènes est prêt à resserrer ses liens avec les membres de la zone euro, mais renonce à coopérer avec la troïka des créanciers du pays...

    La Grèce souhaite signer avec la zone euro un nouvel accord qui "permettrait au pays de respirer", mais elle renonce à toute coopération avec la troïka des créanciers, a annoncé le nouveau ministre grec des Finances, Yanis Varoufakis, à l'issue de négociations avec le président de l'Eurogroupe, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, en visite à Athènes.

    "Il faut créer dans la zone euro une atmosphère de confiance qui conduirait à un nouvel accord avec la Grèce afin que cette dernière puisse respirer dans une Europe en pleine croissance", a déclaré M.Varoufakis lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec M.Dijsselbloem.............Lire la suite:

  157. „Tsipras steuert sein Land in die Pleite“...

    Nach dem Eklat zwischen Athen und der Euro-Gruppe fordern Unions-Politiker „sichtbare Konsequenzen“ für Griechenland. Tsipras versuche, „das eigene Volk als Geisel zu nehmen“ und stehe für „eine Politik des Bankrotts“.

    Nach Ansicht des Obmanns der Unions-Fraktion im Bundestagsfinanzausschuss und stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der CSU-Landesgruppe, Hans Michelbach, darf der Eklat zwischen der neuen griechischen Regierung und der Euro-Gruppe nicht ohne Folgen für Athen bleiben.

    Der Stopp der Privatisierungen und die Verweigerung der Zusammenarbeit mit der Troika aus Europäischer Union, Europäischer Zentralbank (EZB) und Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF) bedeuteten den „offenen Bruch“ der Verträge. „Das muss sichtbare Konsequenzen haben“, sagte Michelbach dem Handelsblatt (Online-Ausgabe).

    Wenn Athen seine Verpflichtungen nicht erfülle, könne es kein weiteres Geld aus dem laufenden Hilfspaket geben. „Die gesperrten 1,8 Milliarden Euro aus dem noch laufenden Programm müssen eingefroren werden“, forderte der CSU-Politiker.

    „Allen Überlegungen über weitere Hilfen ist durch die Athener Regierung jede Grundlage entzogen worden“, fügte Michelbach hinzu. „Sollte die griechische Regierung auch ihren Zahlungsverpflichtungen nicht nachkommen, muss die EU die Überweisungen an Athen in entsprechendem Umfang kürzen.“...................

  158. EU's Moscovici wants Greece in euro ...

    Greece belongs in the eurozone and the single currency depends on there being no "Grexit", the EU economic and financial affairs commissioner says.

    Pierre Moscovici told the BBC's Hardtalk "we will do everything" to prevent Greece leaving the eurozone.

    But he said the Greek government had to respect previous commitments.

    The new finance minister has meanwhile said he will not negotiate bailout terms with the "troika" - the global institutions overseeing Greek debt.

    The left-wing Syriza party won last weekend's election on an anti-austerity platform, promising to have half of Greece's debt written off, and to roll back on deep cuts to jobs, pay and pensions.

    "We believe that the place of Greece is in the eurozone, the euro needs Greece and that Greece needs and wants to be in the eurozone," Mr Moscovici, a former French finance minster, said....................

  159. A chemical weapons expert with the Islamic State (IS) militant group in Iraq has been killed in a coalition airstrike, the US military has said...

    Abu Malik's training provided IS with "expertise to pursue a chemical weapons capability", a statement said.

    He served as a chemical weapons engineer under former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, before joining al-Qaeda in Iraq and then IS, the US said.

    The US-led coalition has carried almost 2,000 strikes against IS targets.

    Mr Malik was killed in a raid near Mosul on 24 January, according to the US.

    His death is expected to "degrade and disrupt" IS and weaken their ability to produce and use chemical weapons, the US military said...............

    1. Isis weapons engineer killed in airstrike in Iraq, claims US military ...

      For the first time since the US began its war against Islamic State (Isis), the military named a senior Isis militant it claims to have killed in an airstrike near the Iraqi city of Mosul on Friday.

      The militant, identified by US Central Command only as Abu Malik, is said to have been a chemical weapons expert for Isis and a veteran of the former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein’s illicit weapons programs.

      Central Command, which commands the daily barrage of airstrikes against Isis in Iraq and Syria, has never before identified a militant it has killed. Though the Pentagon claims to have killed 6,000 Isis fighters since the August airstrikes began, officials have downplayed claims they are specifically targeting Isis leadership figures, raising questions about the degree of visibility the US has into the group...................

  160. US ground troops could be needed in Iraq: Chuck Hagel...

    Outgoing defense secretary Chuck Hagel said in an interview on Friday the United States might eventually need to send non-combat ground troops to Iraq to help turn back Islamic State forces.

    Hagel, who announced his resignation under pressure in November, told CNN all options must be considered in Iraq, including sending troops for non-combat roles such as gathering intelligence and locating Islamic State targets.

    "I think it may require a forward deployment of some of our troops ...," he said. "I would say we're not there yet. Whether we get there or not, I don't know."......

  161. France, Germany call on Albanians not to misuse visa free regime ...

    The French and the German Embassies in Albania on Friday announced through a press release that the refugee status will not be granted to asylum seekers, whose true reasons are economic, according to Albanian Daily News.

    "The asylum application procedure should not be misused, since it is strictly reserved only to true political refugees. The current liberalization allows visits to our countries or requests for visa to carry out studies or to work on a regular basis. We cannot accept any bypass of these procedures, because it is at the expense of the vast majority of Albanian citizens who respect these rules," it is said in the press release.

    According to them, this would damage the interests of Albania in its significant efforts to be integrated in the European Union..................

  162. La chancelière d'Allemagne a réaffirmé la solidarité de l'Europe avec la Grèce éprouvée par la crise si cette dernière réalisait des réformes et appliquait les mesures d'austérité...

    La chancelière d'Allemagne Angela Merkel a déclaré par ailleurs qu'elle ne voyait pas de raison de continuer à annuler les dettes de la Grèce.

    « Il y a eu déjà un effacement bénévole de la part des créanciers privés, les banques ont pardonné à la Grèce des milliards », a-t-elle dit au quotidien Hamberger Abendblatt. La chancelière, citée par l'agence DPA, a souligné que « l'Europe continuerait de faire montre de solidarité avec la Grèce et les autres pays les plus touchés par la crise si ces pays mettaient en oeuvre leurs propres réformes et appliquaient des plans de rigueur ».......Lire la suite:

  163. La canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, declaró que no ve fundamentos para seguir condonando la deuda a Grecia....

    "Ya ha tenido lugar una renuncia voluntaria por parte de los acreedores privados y los bancos han condonado miles de millones de préstamos a Grecia", declaró en una entrevista al periódico Hamburger Abendblatt citada por la agencia DPA.

    La canciller subrayó que "Europa seguirá siendo solidaria con Grecia y otros países afectados en mayor medida de la crisis a condición de que lleven a cabo reformas propias y cumplan con las medidas de austeridad".

    En 2010, a raíz de la crisis de la deuda, Atenas tuvo que solicitar la ayuda extranjera....................

  164. Angela Merkel erteilt Schuldenschnitt eine Absage...

    Kanzlerin Angela Merkel hat ihr Nein für einen weiteren Schuldenerlass für Griechenland bekräftigt. Derweil will Athen nicht länger mit den Spar-Kontrolleuren der Geldgeber zusammenarbeiten.

    Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat Griechenland zu einer Fortsetzung der Reformpolitik aufgerufen. "Europa wird auch weiterhin Solidarität für Griechenland wie auch andere besonders von der Krise betroffenen Länder zeigen, wenn diese Länder eigene Reform- und Sparanstrengungen unternehmen", sagte Merkel dem "Hamburger Abendblatt". Einen Schuldenschnitt lehnte sie ab. Griechenland verschärfte unterdessen den Streit mit den Geldgebern und erklärte die Zusammenarbeit mit der Troika für beendet....................

  165. España, Irlanda y Portugal exigen que Atenas cumpla con sus compromisos...

    El Sur toma el relevo como azote de Grecia: Europa del revés. Alemania, Holanda, Finlandia y Austria —los acreedores, los ortodoxos del Norte— eran hasta ahora los países menos sensibles a las necesidades de una periferia que se ahogaba en plena Gran Recesión. Las tornas han cambiado: España, Portugal y en menor medida Irlanda, países periféricos, rescatados y con Gobiernos de centroderecha, se han convertido ya en el bloque más duro con la Grecia de Alexis Tsipras. El relato de la crisis cambia de manos.

    Por razones de una extraña justicia poética, que enmascaran riesgos mucho más mundanos: Lisboa y Madrid argumentan que hicieron ajustes dolorosos y que nadie tuvo con ellos los miramientos que ahora reclama Atenas; pero sobre todo sus Ejecutivos temen el efecto contagio político que la victoria de Syriza, si viene acompañada de ventajas por parte de Europa, pueda tener en las próximas citas electorales.....................

  166. Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel a déclaré vendredi dans un entretien à la chaîne de télévision CNN que les Etats-Unis pourraient peut-être envoyer des troupes au sol en Irak pour combattre l'Etat islamique...

    Chuck Hagel a noté que toutes les éventualités devaient être envisagées en ce qui concerne l'Irak, et notamment l'envoi de troupes non combattantes chargées par exemple de collecter des renseignements et de localiser des objectifs liés à l'EI.

    "Je pense que cela pourra demander le déploiement de certaines de nos troupes, a-t-il dit. Je dirais que nous n'en sommes pas encore là. Je ne sais pas si nous le ferons ou ne le ferons pas"..............

  167. Miles de personas han empezado a recorrer las principales calles del centro de Madrid en una marcha convocada por la nueva fuerza progresista Podemos...

    La denominada "Marcha del Cambio", advierten los organizadores, quiere ser el inicio de la cuenta atrás del tiempo que aún le queda al Gobierno conservador de Mariano Rajoy...........

  168. Islamic State insurgents seized a small crude oil station near the northern Iraqi city Kirkuk where 15 employees were working, security and oil officials said on Saturday...

    Two officials from the state-run North Oil Co confirmed the militants seized a crude oil separation unit in Khabbaz and said 15 oil workers were missing after the company lost contact with them.

    "We received a call from one of the workers saying dozens of Daesh fighters were surrounding the facility and asking workers to leave the premises. We lost contact and now the workers might be taken hostage," an engineer from the North Oil Co told Reuters, using a derogatory acronym for Islamic State.................

  169. Tens of thousands of people have massed in central Madrid for a rally organised by radical Spanish leftists Podemos...

    The "March for Change" is one of the party's first outdoor mass rallies, as it looks to build on the recent victory of its close allies Syriza in Greece.

    Podemos has surged into the lead in recent opinion polls, and says it will seek to write off part of Spain's debt if it wins elections later this year.

    Podemos says politicians should "serve the people, not private interests"............

  170. The Islamic State group has acknowledged for the first time that its fighters have been defeated in the Syrian town of Kobani and vowed to attack the town again...

    In a video released by the pro-IS Aamaq News Agency late Friday, two fighters said the airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition were the main reason why IS fighters were forced to withdraw from Kobani.

    On Monday, activists and Kurdish officials said the town was almost cleared of IS fighters, who once held nearly half of the town.......Read more:

  171. À l'appel de Podemos, des milliers d'Espagnols défilent contre l'austérité...

    Des dizaines de milliers de personnes sont descendues dans les rues de Madrid, samedi, à l’appel du parti anti-austérité Podemos qui espère suivre l’exemple du parti de la gauche radicale en Grèce Syriza lors des prochaines élections en Espagne.

    Aux cris de "Si se puede, si se puede !" (Oui, on peut !) et "Tic-tac tic-tac !", des dizaines de milliers d’Espagnols ont investi les rues de Madrid, samedi 31 janvier, à l’appel du parti anti-austérité Podemos ("Nous pouvons", en castillan). Les manifestants entendent rappeler au président du gouvernement conservateur, Mariano Rajoy, que les sondages donnent Podemos, parti de gauche antilibéral, en tête des intentions de vote en vue des élections régionales en mai et des législatives prévues à la fin de l’année.

    Le rassemblement de samedi est le plus grand jamais organisé par le parti issu du mouvement des "Indignés", fondé il y a un an à peine mais déjà première force politique d'Espagne, selon les derniers sondages. Ce samedi, Podemos avait prévu de terminer sa marche à la Puerta del Sol, une place qui, de par sa taille, était déjà pleine à 12h30. Une image, dont il espère qu'elle marquera les Espagnols..............

    1. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes proches du parti d'extrême-gauche espagnol Podemos (Nous pouvons) manifestaient samedi dans les rues de Madrid contre l'austérité...

      Des dizaines de milliers de personnes manifestaient samedi dans les rues de Madrid contre l'austérité à l'appel du parti d'extrême-gauche espagnol Podemos, proche de Syriza.

      La grande "marche pour le changement" censée prendre le départ à la mi-journée de la place de Cibeles à Madrid a rassemblé une foule de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes au départ du cortège...............

  172. Egyptian Court Bans Hamas' Armed Wing as Terrorist Organization ...

    An Egyptian court on Saturday banned the armed wing of the Palestinian group Hamas and listed it as a terrorist organization.

    Hamas is an offshoot of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood which the authorities have also declared a terrorist group and have repressed systematically since the army ousted one of its leaders, Mohamed Morsi, from the presidency in 2013.

    The ruling came days after the country faced some of the bloodiest attacks on security forces in years. During Morsi’s one-year presidency, militants in Sinai kidnapped 7 soldiers and killed 16 others...............

  173. Schulz: Neue Regierung handelt verantwortungslos...

    EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz kritisiert den Abbruch der Troika-Zusammenarbeit durch Griechenland. Und der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der Unionsfraktion, Barthle, sieht keine Basis für neues Hilfsprogramm. Das berichtet die F.A.S.

    Der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments Martin Schulz (SPD) hat sich alarmiert über die Entscheidung des griechischen Finanzministers Yanis Varoufakis gezeigt, nicht mehr mit der Troika aus EU-Kommission, EZB und IWF zusammenzuarbeiten und das laufende Hilfsprogramm vorzeitig zu beenden. „Wenn die griechische Regierung wirklich nicht mehr mit den Geldgebern auf der bisherigen Grundlage zusammenarbeiten will, dann halte ich das für verantwortungslos“, sagte Schulz der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung (F.A.S.). Die Zusammenarbeit laufe ohnehin Ende Februar aus. „Über neue Formen muss verhandelt werden, das geht nur im Wege des Konsenses und nicht der Provokation“, sagte Schulz weiter.

    Schulz wies auch das Ansinnen der Regierung von Alexis Tsipras zurück, eine internationale Konferenz zur Entschuldung des Landes einzuberufen. „Über eine Schuldenkonferenz kann man erst reden, wenn Griechenland zu seinen Verpflichtungen steht. Sie müssen die vereinbarten Schritte zu Ende bringen, bevor wir über neue reden“, sagte er der F.A.S....................

  174. Ukraine peace talks end without agreement...

    Peace talks on Ukraine ended without an agreement Saturday with a government representative accusing separatist envoys of undermining the meeting by making ultimatums and refusing to discuss plans for a ceasefire, Interfax news agency said.

    Representatives for the rebels, Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe spent four hours at a government compound in Minsk, Belarus as part of closed-door negotiations aimed at establishing a truce between government and separatist forces fighting in eastern Ukraine.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a telephone conversation, all expressed hope that the negotiations would focus on a cease-fire and pulling out heavy weaponry from residential areas, the Kremlin said.

    But after the talks came to an end late Saturday evening, Ukraine’s envoy, Leonid Kuchma, told Interfax the negotiations had been "thwarted" after top rebel leaders stayed away and their negotiators refused “to discuss a plan of measures for a quick ceasefire and a pull-back of heavy weapons”.

    He also accused the insurgents' representatives of putting forward "ultimatums", without giving any more details..............

  175. Minsk Talks Participants Fail to Sign Final Document, Discussions Continue...

    The negotiators of the Contact Group on Ukrainian reconciliation failed to sign a final document on results of the talks in Minsk, capital of Belarus, the discussions continue, Luhansk People's Republic's (LPR) envoy at the talks told RIA Novosti Saturday.

    "The meeting [of the Contact Group] is over. The discussions of the document is still underway," Vladislav Deinego said.

  176. The Contact Group on resolving the armed conflict in east Ukraine has ended the three-hour talks in the Belarusian capital Minsk on Saturday...

    Ukrainian ex-President Leonid Kuchma, plenipotentiary representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) Denis Pushilin and Vladislav Deinego alongside Special Representative of the Organisation for Co-operation and Security in Europe (OSCE) Heidi Tagliavini and Russia’s Ambassador to Kiev Mikhail Zurabov, the mediators at the Group’s talks, participated in the meeting.

    DPR representative Denis Pushilin told TASS a statement for the media was expected.

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