Monday, December 1, 2014

GEO news - Prisma and Intel agencies (December 2014 -a)

Washington will continue to cooperate with Ankara on providing support to "moderate opposition" in Syria, which is battling Islamic State (IS) extremists, the White House said in a statement following a meeting between US Vice President Joe Biden and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

"The two leaders agreed on the need to degrade and defeat ISIL, to work towards a political transition in Syria, and provide support for the Iraqi Security Forces and the moderate Syrian opposition," the statement, released Friday, said..................US, Turkey to Continue Support to Syrian ‘Moderate Opposition’



  1. Moldova election: Pro-EU parties edge pro-Russian rivals ...

    Partial results from Moldova's parliamentary elections show that pro-EU parties have a narrow lead over those backing closer ties with Russia.

    With 80% of the votes counted, the three pro-Western parties have about 44%. The opposition has 40%.

    No party appears to be able to form a government, and tough post-election bargaining is predicted.

    On the eve of the vote, one pro-Russian party was banned from Sunday's poll - a move criticised by Russia............

  2. Moldova's pro-Moscow Socialists hold lead after partial vote count ...

    (Reuters) - Moldova's pro-Moscow Socialist Party, which seeks to reverse a policy of integrating with mainstream Europe and join a Russia-led economic bloc instead, had a surprise lead after a partial vote count in an election in the ex-Soviet state on Sunday.

    With 36 percent of the vote counted, election authorities said the socialists had 22 percent of the vote with the communists in second place and the three main pro-Europe parties trailing behind.

    The strong performance by the socialists starkly highlighted the division in one of Europe's smallest and poorest countries over whether to stick to the pro-Europe path pursued for the past five years or move back into Russia's orbit..................

    1. Nach der Auswertung von 75 Prozent der Stimmzettel bei den Parlamentswahlen in Moldawien ist die Partei der Sozialisten mit 21,93 Prozent der Wählerstimmen nach wie vor in Führung, wie die Zentrale Wahlkommission mitteilt....

      Den zweiten Platz belegt die Liberaldemokratische Partei, die vom Ex-Premier Vlad Filat geleitet wird. Sie erhält 18,96 Prozent der Stimmen. Die Kommunistische Partei mit dem Ex-Präsidenten Moldawiens, Vladimir Voronin, kommt auf 18,12 Prozent.

      Die Demokratische Partei mit ihrem Chef Marian Lupu vereinigt 16,03 Prozent der Wählerstimmen auf sich.

      Die Liberale Partei überwindet auch die sechsprozentige Wahlhürde mit 8,85 Prozent der Stimmen.

    2. Les élections législatives se sont tenues en Moldavie le dimanche 30 novembre...

      Les électeurs avaient à choisir entre les forces politiques formant une alliance pro-européenne au pouvoir (libéraux-démocrates, démocrates et libéraux) et l'opposition de gauche (communistes et socialistes) se prononçant en faveur de l'intégration eurasienne.

      D'après les données préliminaires de la Commission électorale centrale, les socialistes et les communistes arrivent en tête du scrutin.

      « Les premiers résultats démontrent que le peuple de Moldavie soutient notre ligne de rapprochement avec la Russie et d'intégration dans l'Union douanière », a déclaré le président du Parti des socialistes Igor Dodon.
      Lire la suite:

    3. Gefährlich knapper Sieg der Pro-Europäer in Moldau ...

      Die pro-westlichen Parteien behalten nach den Wahlen in Moldau eine Mehrheit im Parlament. Doch die stärkste Kraft sind die pro-russischen Sozialisten. Jetzt wird die Position der Kommunisten wichtig.

      Die Nähe zu Russland war für Igor Dodon ein Erfolgsrezept. Im Wahlkampf waren überall in Moldau Plakate zu sehen, auf denen der Vorsitzende der Sozialisten an einem Tisch mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin sitzt. "Zusammen mit Russland" lautet das Motto der Partei, die offene politische Unterstützung aus dem Kreml bekommt. Nun wird die Partei der Sozialisten voraussichtlich die größte Fraktion im neuen moldauischen Parlament stellen, für eine Regierung reicht es jedoch nicht.

      Am Montagmorgen, nachdem rund 87 Prozent der Stimmen ausgezählt sind, liegen die Sozialisten bei 21,6 Prozent. Platz zwei erreichte die regierende Liberaldemokratische Partei mit 19,2 Prozent.................

    4. Moldova Socialists Plan Referendum on Joining Customs Union After Elections ...

      The Socialist Party of Moldova, a likely winner in Sunday's parliamentary elections, announced plans Monday to hold a referendum on joining the Moscow-led Customs Union.

      Party leader Igor Dodon said that after winning the polls, his party would submit a bill to parliament rejecting the Association Agreement with the European Union, signed earlier this year, and announcing a referendum on joining the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan instead.

      "The socialists have won the elections, proving that voters have faith in those who have consistently [spoken] in favor of the Customs Union," Dodon said...........

    5. Joint Statement on the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova...

      "Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, and Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, issued the following statement today:

      The EU welcomes the holding of parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova on 30 November. We take note of the OSCE/ODIHR´s statement of preliminary findings and conclusions stating that these elections "were characterized by a wide choice of political alternatives and were generally well administered, although the de-registration of one electoral contestant shortly before Election Day raised questions about the timing and circumstances".

      The EU now looks forward to the swift formation of an inclusive and accountable government, as well as a constructive opposition. The EU stands ready to continue its close cooperation with the Republic of Moldova on its path towards more transparency, rule of law and a stronger market economy.

      A new impetus to key reforms will be crucial for the Republic of Moldova´s political association and economic integration with the EU. The EU will remain a reliable partner supporting the Republic of Moldova´s reform endeavours and working towards unleashing the full benefits of the Association Agreement in the interest of all its citizens, wherever they live.

      The EU remains committed to work with the future government towards a comprehensive, peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova with a special status for Transnistria."

  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin will on Monday pay a state visit to Turkey. During the visit, the Russian leader is expected to hold talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara to discuss in particular the issue of Syria and Russian-Turkish military and technical cooperation...

    Putin and Erdogan will hold the fifth meeting of the top level Cooperation Council. Meetings are held annually in turn in Russia and Turkey. “This is a governing body developing both the strategy and key directions of development of relations between the two countries, coordinating implementation of the key projects of political, trade-economic and humanitarian cooperation,” Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said.............

    1. Le lundi 1er décembre Vladimir Poutine se rend en visite officielle en Turquie...

      En prévision de la visite, il a accorodé une interview à l'agence d'information turque Anadolu. Le président de Russie a hautement apprécié les décisions indépendantes de la Turquie, notamment dans le domaine de la coopération économique avec la Russie.

      Le président russe rencontrera son homologue turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. L'entretien portera sur les relations bilatérales, ainsi que sur les problèmes de la Syrie. Vladimir Poutine et Recep Tayyip Erdogan présideront la cinquième réunion du Conseil de coopération de haut niveau.
      Lire la suite:

  4. British Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne will announce injection of an extra 2 billion pounds ($3.1 billion) into the National Health Service (NHS), according to local reports on Sunday....

    According to The Sunday Times, Osborne will announce Wednesday in his autumn statement that the government will fund 2 billion pounds to "frontline" hospital services and "help plug a looming black hole in NHS budget."

    Osborne on Sunday told BBC that the 2 billion pounds was a down payment on a plan drawn up by NHS bosses calling for an extra 8 billion pounds a year above inflation by 2020.

    The chancellor said he could make the commitment because the current British economy was strong.

    It said the NHS bosses called such amount of fund to deal with immediate, unprecedented pressure on NHS budgets.

    Osborne will announce details of the fund on Wednesday, while British Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to make a statement on Monday, explaining where the 2 billion pounds for the NHS come from.

  5. Ataques de artillería se reanudan en Donetsk ...

    Ataques de artillería se reanudaron en el centro de Donetsk, lo que provocó nuevas destrucciones, informó un corresponsal de RIA Nóvosti.

    Ahora los disparos se escuchan en la parte norte de Donetsk donde, según los milicianos, continúan los enfrentamientos entre ellos y las fuerzas ucranianas.

    Los combates provocaron nuevas destrucciones de las viviendas en varios barrios de la ciudad, así como en las inmediaciones del aeropuerto de Donetsk.............

  6. Tough first year raises doubts Australian PM will last full term ...

    (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is nearing the end of his first full year in office hobbled by missteps and a souring economy that have plunged his approval ratings to historic lows, increasing speculation he may not survive to a second term.

    Faced with a collapse in commodities prices and an unruly upper house Senate that has held Abbott's first budget hostage since May, voters have abandoned his conservative government more quickly than any other in three decades.

    The drum beat of bad news, most recently the thrashing handed to Abbott's Liberal-National coalition in state elections in Victoria on Saturday, has sparked calls for Treasurer Joe Hockey and Defense Minister David Johnston to be thrown out.....................

  7. China jails Tibetan singer for political lyrics: Reports ...

    China has sentenced a popular Tibetan singer to four years in prison for calling on Tibetans to unify and speak their language, reports said, highlighting tight cultural controls in the region.

    Kalsang Yarphel, 39, was convicted by a court in the southwestern province of Sichuan after taking part in concerts encouraging people to speak and learn Tibetan, India-based news website reported Nov. 30.

    "Authorities accuse him of singing songs that have political overtones," reported, adding that Yarphel's music arranger was also sentenced to two years in jail.

    It was not clear what crime the long-haired singer - who blends traditional Tibetan instrumentation with pop influences - was convicted of last Nov. 27..................

    1. La Chine condamne à quatre ans de prison un chanteur tibétain...

      La Chine a infligé une peine de quatre ans de prison à un artiste populaire tibétain qui, dans ses chansons, avait appelé ses pairs à s'unir et défendre la langue tibétaine, ont rapporté des médias basés à l'étranger.

      Kalsang Yarphel, 39 ans, a été condamné par un tribunal du Sichuan, province du sud-ouest de la Chine qui héberge une importante minorité tibétaine, a précisé dimanche le site d'information "Les autorités l'ont accusé de chanter des textes connotés politiquement", a ajouté le site basé en Inde, même si le motif exact de la condamnation n'a pas été rendu public.

      Détenu depuis juillet 2013, hors de toute procédure légale selon l'ONG Free Tibet, Kalsang Yarphel s'est fait connaître avec des chansons mélangeant des rythmes traditionnels tibétains et des influences pop.

      L'un de ses musiciens a été condamné à deux ans de réclusion, selon

  8. Egypt's National Alliance for the Defense of Legitimacy, the main support bloc of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, called on Monday for mass demonstrations on Tuesday to protest a court verdict that cleared former president Hosni Mubarak from charges of conspiring to kill protesters during the 2011 uprising...

    "We call on the masses of the revolution to come together on Tuesday in all squares to demand retribution for the martyrs and denounce the exoneration of Mubarak and his aides," the alliance said in a statement.

    "We call on all Egyptians to restore the revolutionary spirit in order to get back rights of all the martyrs of January 25," it added............

  9. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on Monday has called on the Moldovan government to think carefully about the country’s European integration as pro-EU parties’ are leading the polls in Moldova's parliamentary election....

    On Sunday, Moldova held election for all 101 seats in the country's parliament. Four independent candidates and 21 political parties participated in the election.

    With 90 percent of the votes counted, the Socialist Party leads with 21.61 percent of the ballots, followed by the Liberal-Democratic party with 19.29 percent of the votes. The Communist Party, in third place, won 17.84 percent. Overall, the pro-EU parties have garnered about 44 percent of votes now, while those seeking stronger ties with Russia – 40 percent.

    Rogozin said that taking into account the supporters of the Patria [Homeland] party, barred from taking part in the election, and some 700,000 Moldovan migrants working in Russia, "whom Chisinau authorities did not allow to vote," the real proportion of pro-European voters would be insignificant............

  10. La OTAN rechaza dar garantías sobre la no adhesión de Georgia y Ucrania a la Alianza ...

    La OTAN no dará garantías de que no admitirá a Ucrania y Georgia, declaró el secretario general de la Alianza, Jens Stoltenberg.

    "No podemos ni queremos dar ese tipo de garantías porque aplicamos la política de puertas abiertas; los países que presentan una solicitud, pasan por un trámite estándar para evaluar si se ajusta a las normas", dijo Stoltenberg al contestar a una pregunta sobre Ucrania y Georgia.

    Agregó que tratan el tema de "forma individualizada".

    Señaló también que el martes empezarán a funcionar los fondos de ayuda para Ucrania.

    "La OTAN ha apoyado fuertemente a Ucrania y su independencia desde el comienzo de la crisis, hemos creado fondos especiales que estarán operativos desde mañana", indicó.................

  11. Adviser: Israel PM to Decide Soon Whether to Call Early Election ...

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will decide in the next few days whether he can heal his fractured coalition government or call an early election, one of his advisers said on Monday.

    The government is split on a range of issues, including the 2015 budget, high living costs, policy towards the Palestinians and a Jewish nation-state bill that critics say would discriminate against Israel's Arab minority.

    The divisions have prompted speculation that Netanyahu will bring forward a national election not scheduled until 2017................

  12. Turkey will not leave Russia alone ...

    World politics have seen a lot of changes in the year 2014. One of the most significant developments was the Ukraine crisis and the subsequent EU-USA alliance against Russia. According to Putin, this is the result of a 25-year-old policy that seeks to isolate and push Russia towards East, and Putin believes that there would be another excuse for this behavior. Gorbachev also drew attention to the problem, stating that the world was on the brink of a new Cold War, and went on to say, "...We must make sure that we get the tensions that have arisen recently under control."[1] This policy of isolation following the Ukraine crisis turned into threats in the recent G20 Summit. For example, British Prime Minister David Cameron said that Russia was bullying smaller countries and that the sanctions against Russia would intensify. Obama claimed that the stance of Russia was almost as bad as the Ebola threat....................

    1. NATO calls on Turkey to join EU sanctions against Russia as Putin visits Ankara ...
      NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has voiced his expectations from Turkey to join the economic sanctions campaign against Russia over the Ukrainian crisis.

      His comments come on the day when Russia and Turkey were set to hold talks to increase the trade volume from the current $33 billion to $100 billion by 2020.

      “Of course I’d like to see as many countries as possible be part of this, to support the sanctions. It’s important that it has an effect,” Stoltenberg replied to questions at a press conference on Dec. 1 regarding Turkey’s efforts to boost trade with Russia while the Western bloc is united to impose sanctions on Russia.

      Sanctions are not decided by NATO, but by the European Union and the U.S., Stoltenberg stressed, noting he welcomes these measures. “I believe there has to be consequences when a country is responsible for these kinds of aggressive actions that we have seen in Ukraine [committed] by Russia.”.............

    2. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg accused Russia on Monday of violating a ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine by sending large deliveries of advanced weapons to pro-Russian separatists...

      Ukraine said on Sunday that a convoy of 106 vehicles had entered its eastern territory from Russia without Kiev's permission and accused Moscow of using humanitarian aid shipments to send weapons and ammunition to separatist rebels.

      "We see a significant military buildup in and around Ukraine," Stoltenberg told a news conference. "Large transfers of Russian advanced weapons, equipment and military personnel to violent separatists."

      Moscow denies using humanitarian convoys to transport weapons and rejects Western accusations that it is arming the rebels and sending fighters to aid them. It accuses the West and Kiev of pressing a campaign of indiscriminate violence in the eastern territories of Luhansk and Donetsk..................

  13. Syrie : l’ONU suspend son aide alimentaire à 1,7 million de réfugiés ...

    Le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations unies (PAM) a annoncé lundi matin qu’il était contraint de suspendre son aide à 1,7 million de réfugiés syriens par manque de financements.

    Dans un communiqué, le PAM précise qu’il n’est plus en mesure de fournir des coupons alimentaires à ces réfugiés syriens vivant en Jordanie, au Liban, en Turquie, en Irak et en Egypte. « Sans ces coupons du PAM, de nombreuses familles vont connaître la faim. Pour des réfugiés qui luttent déjà pour survivre à l’hiver, les conséquences de l’arrêt de cette assistance seront dévastatrices », poursuit le PAM.
    Un risque de nouvelles tensions

    "Pour les réfugiés qui doivent déjà lutter pour survivre à un dur hiver, les conséquences de l'arrêt de l'assistance seront dévastatrices", indique le communiqué.

    "Le suspension de l'aide alimentaire du PAM va mettre en péril la santé et la sécurité de ces réfugiés et pourrait même provoquer de nouvelles tensions, l'instabilité et l'insécurité dans les pays limitrophes d'accueil ....En savoir plus sur

  14. Senior Turkish Shi’ite cleric, Sheikh Salahuddin Ozgunduz, blamed Israel for the emergence of the Islamic State terrorist group...

    “By forming and supporting the Islamic State Takfiri group, the Zionists are now employing that as an instrument, and pursuing their objectives in this way,” the Turkish cleric told Iran’s Tasnim News Agency.

    Ozgunduz called for Muslim nations to counter the growing threat of Takfiri groups, using both “military and cultural” approaches.

  15. Malaysia ist als vollwertiges Mitglied in das Team zur Untersuchung des Absturzes der Boeing 777 der Malaysia Airlines im Osten der Ukraine aufgenommen worden. Wie der Generalstaatsanwalt des Landes, Tan Sri Abdul Gani bin Patail, mitteilt.....

    Seinen Woren zufolge wurde die Aufnahme des Landes in das Untersuchungsteam von der niederländischen Generalstaatsanwaltschaft bestätigt. Neben den Niederlanden gehören auch Vertreter Australiens, Belgiens und der Ukraine der Kommission an.

  16. Urkaine: Tusk et Obama appellent la Russie à retirer ses troupes ...

    Le nouveau président du Conseil de l'UE, le Polonais Donald Tusk, et le président américain Barack Obama sont convenus lundi, lors d'une conversation téléphonique, d'appeler la Russie "à se retirer de l'est de l'Ukraine", a indiqué M. Tusk dans un communiqué.

    "Nous avons partagé nos inquiétudes sur la crise en Ukraine et nous sommes d'accord qu'il est important que la Russie retire ses troupes de l'Est de l'Ukraine", a précisé M. Tusk dans ce communiqué. "L'Union européenne et les Etats-Unis continuent de travailler étroitement ensemble, y compris au sujet de sanctions ainsi que sur une aide financière à l'Ukraine", a-t-il ajouté.

    1. Poland's Tusk takes EU helm, promising leadership ...

      (Reuters) - Former Polish prime minister Donald Tusk took over as president of the European Council of EU leaders on Monday, promising strong leadership in foreign policy and "ruthless determination" to end Europe's economic crisis.

      The center-right Tusk, 57, who led Poland for seven years of economic growth and rising EU influence, succeeded Herman Van Rompuy, 67, a self-effacing Belgian who forged crucial compromises to save the euro zone as the first holder of the job created in 2009.

      "We have also enemies, not only skeptics. Politics has returned to Europe. History is back. In such times we need leadership and political unity," Tusk said, referring obliquely to severe tension with Russia over Ukraine..................

  17. Russland gibt Pläne für South Stream auf ...

    Russland gibt seine Pläne für den Bau der South-Stream-Pipeline durch das Schwarze Meer auf. „Das war's“, sagte Gazprom-Chef Miller. Kremlchef Putin nannte den Bau „sinnlos“ und macht der EU nun Vorwürfe.

    Das war's. Das Projekt ist geschlossen“, betonte auch Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller. „Es gibt kein Zurück mehr.“ Als Alternative hätten Russland und die Türkei den Bau einer Offshore-Pipeline vereinbart, sagte Miller.

    Die EU-Kommission hatte die geplante Leitung South Stream auch kritisiert, weil das Projekt aus Sicht Brüssels gegen das Dritte EU-Energiepaket verstößt. Putin kritisierte scharf, dass sich vor allem Bulgarien auf Geheiß der EU querstelle. „Die Position der EU-Kommission ist nicht konstruktiv und entspricht nicht den Wirtschaftsinteressen Europas“, sagte er.

    „Der Präsident persönlich hat entschieden, das Projekt anzuhalten“, sagte Energieminister Alexander Nowak der Agentur Tass. Formell ist für einen Stopp ein Beschluss des Aufsichtsrats nötig. Allerdings hat dort Russland als Mehrheitseigner das gewichtigste Wort..............

  18. Ukraine: Kiew verkündet Feuerpause in Donezk ...

    Die ukrainische Armee hat eigenen Angaben zufolge einer Waffenruhe am Flughafen von Donezk zugestimmt. Dort waren am Wochenende erneut schwere Kämpfe ausgebrochen.

    Die schweren Gefechte um den Flughafen von Donezk im Osten der Ukraine haben nach Angaben der ukrainischen Armee am Montag aufgehört. Der Pressedienst der Streitkräfte teilte am Abend mit, dies sei die Folge von Verhandlungen zwischen dem ukrainischen General Wolodymyr Askarow und dem russischen General Alexander Lenzow. Anwohner des Flughafens bestätigten laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, dass seit 20 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit nicht mehr geschossen werde.

    Einer der prorussischen Rebellenführer, Andrej Purgin, sagte, auf dem Flughafen gebe es Verhandlungen "zwischen Militärs". Diese würden am Dienstag in Donezk im "Rahmen der Minsker Vereinbarungen" mit Vertretern der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit (OSZE) fortgesetzt.............

  19. Washington has no specific comment on Saturday's decision by the Egyptian court to acquit the country's former president Hosni Mubarak of murder charges, US Department of State spokesperson said Monday....

    "In general we believe that impartial standards and the justice system should work as planned," Jen Psaki stated during a press briefing.

    However, when asked whether those standards were upheld in Mubarak's case, Psaki said she did not have "any specific comment."

    "Generally we continue to believe that upholding impartial standards of accountability will advance the political consensus on which Egypt's long-term stability and economic growth depends," she noted..........

  20. On the streets of Ramallah in the West Bank, most Palestinians are not aware of the French parliamentary vote on the recognition of Palestine set for Tuesday. But when told about the vote, the move gets a warm welcome....

    "It’s not going to change anything for us, but it’s a strong symbolic move nonetheless," said a young Ramallah resident.

    At headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization, seasoned Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi says that more than 20 years of negotiations with Israel have not brought peace – it’s time to try something new.

    “If you are serious about the two state solution, which is an imperative for peace…then you have to recognise the Palestinian state before Israel destroys it completely,” says Ashrawi..................

    1. French Palestine vote will harm peace process, Israel warns ...

      The French parliament's vote on Tuesday in favour of recognising Palestine as a state will harm the peace process and is the wrong message to send to the region, Israel warned.

      "Israel believes that the vote in the National Assembly ... will reduce the possibility of achieving a deal between Israel and the Palestinians," the Israeli embassy in Paris said in a statement.,-Isr.aspx

  21. NATO sets up funds to provide military assistance for Ukraine ...

    NATO countries have set up four trust funds to provide assistance for Ukraine in military reforms.

    Foreign ministers of NATO countries launch the funds officially this Tuesday.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the funds were intended to reform and modernize the Ukrainian army in four sectors: logistics, command and control, cyber defense, military medicine and rehabilitation of the injured.

    Stoltenberg said NATO has no possibility to deliver weaponry to Kiev. Many member countries assist Ukraine in addition to what is being done through NATO channels, including economic aid and military equipment, the secretary general said........

  22. Declininig oil prices will help boost global economy, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde Monday said on Monday....

    "It is good news for the global economy,” she said speaking at the annual meeting of The Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington.

    A reduction in the price of oil of more than 30 percent would contribute about 0.8 percent growth to developed countries in the upcoming quarter, Lagarde said.

    But Lagarde warned that the decline in oil prices would particularly hurt the Russian economy which is dependent on oil exports.

    Russia is well aware of the risk, she said, but it is not clear how Russia will respond........

  23. Ukraine: l'Otan "joue avec le feu" (Spiegel) ...

    Tous ceux qui évoquent la possible adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'Otan "jouent avec le feu", a écrit mardi le journaliste du Spiegel Christoph Schult.

    "Les déclarations du président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko prétendant que la question de l'adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'Otan sera résolue par le peuple lors d'un référendum, tout comme les propos de Jens Stoltenberg (secrétaire général de l'Alliance, ndlr), affirmant que le pays pourrait devenir membre de l'Otan, n'aident ni l'Alliance ni l'Ukraine et ne font que mener à la division du bloc", a estimé M.Schult...............

  24. Ucrania simplificará el trámite de ciudadanía para extranjeros que integren el Gobierno ...

    El Parlamento de Ucrania estudia enmendar la legislación y simplificar el trámite de obtención de la ciudadanía para extranjeros que aspiran a recibir carteras del nuevo Gobierno.

    La semana pasada, el presidente ucraniano Petró Poroshenko propuso introducir enmiendas a la legislación para que extranjeros puedan ocupar altos cargos públicos en Ucrania.

    Este martes, la Rada Suprema (Parlamento) debe aprobar al nuevo Ejecutivo...............

  25. India has taken a move toward settling the long-simmering border dispute with Bangladesh, signaling a softer line from Prime Minister Narendra Modi than when his party, the BJP, was in opposition....

    Today, a parliamentary committee urged the government to table a constitutional amendment that would pave the way for a land swap deal that Bangladesh and India have been negotiating for years.
    That came after a weekend speech by the Prime Minister suggested a solution is in the offing.
    A deal with Bangladesh would end decades of uncertainty nearly 50,000 people living in about 160 enclaves on the "wrong" side of their homeland's border.
    Read more:

  26. Djihadistes français: Le Pen accuse Sarkozy et Hollande ...

    Le président français François Hollande et son prédécesseur Nicolas Sarkozy sont responsables du fait que de jeunes Français rejoignent les rangs de groupes djihadistes en Syrie et en Irak, estime la présidente du Front national Marine Le Pen.

    "On se lamente quand on voit les jeunes partir faire le jihad en se demandant ce qu'on a raté. Tout! Messieurs Sarkozy et Hollande, vous avez tout raté!", a lancé Mme Le Pen devant en clôture du XVe congrès de son parti à Lyon.

    "On accuse ceux qui dénoncent le fondamentalisme d'être des islamophobes, mettant ainsi tout le monde dans le même sac et interdisant la moindre critique pour les agissements de l'islam radical", a déclaré Mme Le Pen.

    Le journal en ligne The Local indique qu'un millier de Français ont quitté le pays pour combattre dans les rangs d'organisations extrémistes en Syrie et en Irak. Selon le site, près de 375 d'entre eux se trouvent toujours dans ces pays. La présidente du FN impute cette situation aux autorités françaises actuelles...............Lire la suite:

  27. Employment and trade MEPs quiz TTIP experts ...

    Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiators and experts were quizzed on safeguards for labour standards and public services, and how a TTIP deal could help to create high-quality jobs, at a joint public hearing held by the Employment and International Trade committees on Tuesday.

    During the debate, Employment and International Trade MEPs voiced concerns about the possible privatisation of public services and deterioration of labour standards and demanded concrete figures on possible job creation - or losses - due to TTIP.

    The EU is looking for an ambitious agreement which should have a positive impact on Trans-Atlantic economy and create new jobs in addition to the 5 million that already depend on trade with the USA. The existing EU-Canada trade agreement (CETA) should be a model for provisions on sustainable development and respect of International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards, but the EU will make no commitments on public services and or the audiovisual sector in negotiations with Washington. When concrete proposals are presented to US counterparts, they will also become publicly available, said Commission chief negotiator Garcia Bercero.......................

  28. Belgrad: Erheblicher Schaden für Serbien durch Schließung von South-Stream-Projekt ...

    Die EU-Kommission steht dem South-Stream-Projekt im Wege, während Serbien an dessen Umsetzung interessiert ist, wie Vojislav Vuletic, Vorsitzender der Gasvereinigung Serbiens, am Dienstag gegenüber sagte.

    Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hatte am Montag bei seinem Türkei-Besuch den Stopp des Baus der South-Stream-Pipeline, über die Gas unter Umgehung der Ukraine bis nach Südeuropa fließen sollte, angekündigt – unter anderem wegen einer „nicht konstruktiven“ Position der EU-Kommission. Die Länge des serbischen Pipelineabschnittes sollte 422 Kilometer betragen.

    „Europa schadet in Wirklichkeit ausschließlich sich selbst. Bürokraten schaffen Probleme, während die realen Teilnehmer der South-Stream-Pipeline an einer Umsetzung äußerst interessiert sind“, so Vuletic...............

  29. Relations avec la Russie: Rome agira conformément à ses propres intérêts (ministre) ...

    L'Italie envisage désormais de bâtir ses relations avec la Russie en privilégiant ses propres intérêts nationaux, a déclaré mardi le ministre italien des Affaires étrangères Paolo Gentiloni cité par l'agence Askanews.

    "Bien que nous soyons Européens et des alliés des Etats-Unis, nous avons notre propre vision de la géopolitique", a déclaré M. Gentiloni.

    Selon lui, les pays d'Europe se sont retrouvés dans un état d'"instabilité dangereuse" et doivent donc tenir compte en premier lieu de leurs propres intérêts, y compris en ce qui concerne le conflit en Ukraine et les relations avec Moscou.

    Le chef de la diplomatie italienne est dans le même temps persuadé que Rome et Berlin pourront contribuer substantiellement au développement du dialogue avec la Russie à condition que les accords de Minsk soient respectés.

  30. UN: Egypt Must Hold Security Forces Accountable for Abuses ...

    Egypt must rein in its security forces and investigate human rights abuses against protesters, the United Nations said Tuesday, calling political tensions in the country "alarming".

    The UN rights office said it was deeply concerned by "the seriously damaging lack of accountability for human rights violations committed by security forces in the context of demonstrations".

    Spokesman Rupert Colville said at least five people, including two security officers, had been reported killed in clashes during protests at the weekend.

    "The authorities must ensure that security forces do not resort to the excessive use of force," Colville told reporters in Geneva. "Prompt, thorough and independent investigations" should be carried out "into all human rights violations committed in the context of protests," he added.

    He also urged protesters to act peacefully, saying "the increasing polarization in Egyptian society is very alarming"..................

  31. Washington renonce à poursuivre le président syrien Assad ...

    Le département d’État a interrompu ses subventions au Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) qu’il avait créé à la Haye, en 2013, en vue de juger le président syrien Bachar el-Assad pour crimes contre l’humanité.

    Depuis deux ans, le SJAC collectait des témoignages sur les crimes imputés à la République arabe syrienne en réprimant la « révolution ».

    Disposant d’un budget annuel de 5 millions de dollars, le SJAC avait été fondé à la demande de la Conférence internationale des « Amis de la Syrie », en avril 2012 à Istanbul. 40 États s’étaient réunis ultérieurement au Maroc pour en avaliser ses statuts et pourvoir à son financement..............

  32. Netanyahu Expected to Dissolve Parliament, Call Early Elections Soon...

    srael's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to dissolve parliament and call early elections in the nearest future, the government's press service said Tuesday.

    "Prime minister will initiate the dissolution of the Knesset to take part in the elections and receive a clear mandate of the people's confidence to rule Israel," the press service said in a statement.

    Netanyahu decided to run in the early parliamentary elections after he failed to settle the dispute inside the ruling coalition and had to dismiss his centrist partners – Finance Minister Yair Lapid, chairman of the Yesh Atid ("There is a Future") party, and Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni, leader of Hatnuah ("The Movement") party. Both ministers have severely criticized Netanyahu's government and its policy lately, in particular, the controversial "Jewish state" bill that declared Israel a nation-state of the Jewish people, as well as the government's plans to increase defense expenditures...................

  33. Iranische Kampfflugzeuge fliegen Angriffe auf IS ..

    Erstmals bombardiert Iran laut Pentagon die Terrorgruppe „Islamischer Staat“ im Nachbarland Irak. Eine Absprache mit den Amerikanern habe es nicht gegeben. Auch im Kampf um Kobane bekommen die IS-Gegner Verstärkung.

    Iranische Kampfbomber haben im Osten des Iraks nach Angaben aus dem Pentagon erstmals Einsätze gegen Stützpunkte der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ geflogen. Das sagte Pentagonsprecher John Kirby in der Nacht zum Mittwoch in Washington. „Wir haben Anzeichen erkannt, dass sie in den vergangenen Tagen diese Einsätze im Osten des Iraks geflogen haben“, sagte Kirby dem Sender CNN...................

  34. Japan has launched H-2A rocket carrying Hayabusa 2 to an asteroid 1999 JU3, a space rock that is thought to contain water and organic material....

    The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) broadcasted a live launch report from the Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan.

    The mission’s target is asteroid 1999 JU3, a space rock that is thought to contain water and organic material. Hayabusa 2 is expected to arrive at the target in 2018, survey the asteroid for a year and a half, depart in December 2019, and return to Earth in 2020.

    Hayabusa 2 is a successor mission to the first Hayabusa, which launched in 2003 and arrived at asteroid Itokawa in 2005. The mission managed to bring the first pristine samples of an asteroid to Earth. The material has since been distributed to scientists worldwide................

  35. Le parlement turc adopte une loi donnant les pleins pouvoirs à la police ...

    Le parlement turc a adopté tard mardi un projet de loi controversé du régime islamo-conservateur donnant les pleins pouvoirs à la police après les récentes émeutes meurtrières prokurdes, a indiqué une source parlementaire.

    Vivement critiquée par la société civile et l'opposition, la nouvelle législation octroie des pouvoirs élargies aux forces de police qui pourront désormais procéder à de plus larges perquisitions et interpellations sur la base de simples soupçons, a-t-on précisé de même source................

  36. Russland schränkt Fleisch-Einfuhr aus Italien, Ungarn, Deutschland und Montenegro ein ...

    Die Russische Agraraufsichtsbehörde Rosselchosnadsor hat Einschränkungen für die Einfuhr von Geflügelfleisch aus Deutschland und von Rindfleisch aus Italien, Ungarn und Montenegro eingeführt, heißt es in einer Mitteilung des Amtes.

    Russland hatte Anfang August den Import von Lebensmitteln aus den Sanktionsländern – den USA, den EU-Ländern, Kanada, Australien und Norwegen – eingeschränkt. Unter das Verbot fielen Rind- und Schweinefleisch, Geflügelfleisch, Wurst, Fisch, Gemüse, Obst, Molkereierzeugnisse und eine Reihe anderer Lebensmittel.

    Die Einschränkungen von Rosselchosnadsor bedeuten, dass das Verbot auch nach der Aufhebung des Embargos in Kraft bleiben kann.

    Die Einschränkungen für die Geflügeleinfuhr werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Ausbruch der hochpathogenen Geflügelgrippe ab dem 3. Dezember eingeführt................

  37. Syrie: les frappes aériennes contre l'EI restent sans effet (Assad) ...

    Les frappes aériennes de la coalition dirigée par les Etats-Unis contre les positions du groupe Etat islamique n'ont pas donné de résultats réels, a déclaré le président syrien Bachar el-Assad dans une interview à l'hebdomadaire Paris Match.

    "On ne peut pas mettre fin au terrorisme par des frappes aériennes. Des forces terrestres qui connaissent la géographie et agissent en même temps sont indispensables. C'est la raison pour laquelle il n'y a pas eu de résultats réels après deux mois des campagnes menées par la coalition", a indiqué Bachar el-Assad.

    Selon lui, les troupes syriennes qui combattent les djihadistes sur le terrain "n'ont constaté aucun changement"................

  38. It was Ukraine that attacked Russia, China believes ...

    Despite close contacts and positive background of the Russian-Chinese relations, China cannot be called a Russian ally. Since China is always above the fray. It is obvious at the very least when we listen to China's statement in the United Nations Security Council or watch how actively PRC is cooperating with USA. On this issue on air at the Pravda.Ru video channel - Head of the Russian-Chinese Expert Council Aleksey Maslov.

    - China renders political support to Russia. However, there is an opinion that it benefits from this conflict situation. China's declarations and statements, including in the UN, are often vague and unspecific. In your opinion, what is China's actual position and interest?

    - I think the problem is even deeper. A war is certainly terrible. But to a certain degree it is good that this conflict has occurred because it stripped the policy of many countries. It is good when it is stripped without conflicts and escalations. But, unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way. Leadership of all countries showed their true nature, hush-hush policy became visible. As for me, the UN statement and China's policy regarding the conflict at Ukraine on the whole was not a surprise..............

  39. Turkey and US 'converge' on Syria: FM Çavuşoğlu ...

    A considerable convergence between Turkey and the United States has emerged during recent talks concerning the U.S.-led coalition’s fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.

    “I can say, particularly with the U.S., there is a convergence in our approach toward ISIL, the training and equipment program [for the Syrian opposition] and the no-fly zone,” Çavuşoğlu told a group of journalists Dec. 3.

    The fight against ISIL and providing support to maintain peace and stability in Iraq and Syria were the main agenda topics of the meeting, said the minister.

    Çavuşoğlu said he urged the coalition members to determine a comprehensive strategy in Syria and stressed that airstrikes alone would not be sufficient............

  40. A Palestinian teen stabbed two Israelis in a West Bank settlement in "an apparent terror attack" on Wednesday before an off-duty security guard shot him in the leg, police said...

    None of the three were reported to have been seriously wounded.

    Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement that the alleged attacker was a 16-year-old from the village of Al-Azariya east of Jerusalem.

    She said he was moderately wounded in the shooting. Police had earlier described his condition as serious.

    The stabbing victims, described as middle-aged, were also moderately wounded in the incident at a supermarket in the Mishor Adumim settlement, about 10 kilometres (six miles) from Al-Azariya....................,-shot-.aspx

  41. Iraq plans to ask NATO for help training its security forces, the alliance said on Wednesday, months after the Iraqi army collapsed in the face of an offensive by Islamic State militants....

    Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi informed NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg of Baghdad's plan at a meeting in Brussels, said Oana Lungescu, spokeswoman for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    NATO ambassadors will review the request once it is received, she said............

  42. Russia considers Turkey reliable partner capable of making independent decisions ...

    Russia considers Turkey a reliable partner capable of making independent decisions, Russia’s Ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov said Wednesday on Rossiya 24 TV channel.

    “Turkey is acting rather independently,” Chizhov said. “And if it comes to implementation of its own decisions, the country has both the political will and resources to implement these decisions.”

    “Let’s not forget that Turkey is a member of NATO and a candidate for EU membership, but still the Turkish leadership is behaving in a rather independent manner, anyway, much more independently than, alas, the government of Bulgaria,” he said...............

  43. Russia to Ban Albanian Fruits, Vegetables Import Over Re-Export From EU ...

    Russia will temporarily restrict imports of fruits and vegetables from Albania starting from December 8 as some of it is being re-exported from the European Union, a spokesperson for Russia's agricultural watchdog told RIA Novosti Wednesday.

    "Rosselkhoznadzor [the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision] is imposing restrictions of agriculture deliveries from Albania to Russia on December 8," Julia Trofimova said.

    She noted that the Albanian officials provided 21 phytosanitary certificates to Rosselkhoznadzor, all but one of which were found to be forged.................

  44. Ukraine: le premier ministre sème la panique en annonçant un accident nucléaire ...

    Le premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk a semé mercredi la panique dans les médias occidentaux en annonçant qu'un accident s'était produit à la centrale nucléaire de Zaporojie, la plus puissante d'Europe, située dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine.

    "Je sais qu'un accident s'est produit dans la centrale nucléaire de Zaporojié", a indiqué M.Iatseniouk cité par l'agence Reuters. Cette dépêche a été reprise par de nombreux médias et réseaux sociaux.

    Selon les médias, le premier ministre ukrainien a chargé le nouveau ministre ukrainien de l'Energie Vladimir Demtchinine de résoudre les problèmes techniques dans la centrale nucléaire et de prendre des mesures pour rétablir l'approvisionnement du pays en électricité.........................

  45. HRW: Kiew soll Einwohnern des Ostens der Ukraine Existenzmittel sichern ...

    Die internationale Bürgerrechtlerorganisation Human Rights Watch fordert Kiew auf, die Einwohner des Ostens der Ukraine, die in eine Wirtschaftsblockade geraten sind, nicht ohne Existenzmittel zu lassen, erklärte der Exekutivdirektor der Organisation, Kenneth Roth.

    Er hob hervor, es komme darauf an, dass die ukrainischen Militärs den Einsatz von Mehrfachwerfern „Grad“ und von Kassettenbomben gegen die friedliche Bevölkerung einstellen.

    Die Bürgerrechtler sind auch wegen der zahlreichen Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in der VRD und der VRL durch die unter Kontrolle Kiews stehenden freiwilligen Bataillone besorgt.

  46. Remarks With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini Following Their Working Lunch...

    John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    European External Action Service
    Brussels, Belgium
    December 3, 2014
    HIGH REPRESENTATIVE MOGHERINI: John, thank you for your visit here. We had a first bilateral in my new capacity, and I’m particularly happy this takes place in Brussels, so thank you for visiting and thank you for having a bilateral meeting here. I’m looking forward to come and visit you in Washington if we find you in Washington sometime, which might be a challenge.

    We’ve had a good discussion as always on all issues open on the agenda, which are many. And we are concentrating more on the area around Europe, Ukraine, although we have discussed the further measures that European Union has decided to take in the last weeks, and also the way forward to push for full implementation of the Minsk agreement.

    And we discussed a lot also this morning in a very good session with other states, other nations, our situation in Syria and in Iraq, the fight against Daesh and the common effort against terrorists in the area, and to stabilize the region.

    And we also had a discussion on the Middle East peace process, where we are looking forward to work together. All the work that John has done in the last months needs to be resumed, and the European Union is more than ready to support the continuation of this work. We know that your dedication personally we appreciate very much, and we are ready to support your efforts.

    We also discussed Libya – extremely worrying situation where we also will cooperate..............

  47. Russia's position on Kosovo "firm and reliable"...

    BELGRADE -- Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin has said that his country's position not to recognize Kosovo as independent was "firm and reliable."

    "It's a firm and reliable position and we have proved that many times," he said during a panel dubbed, "From Kosovo to Crimea: Unilateralism and Manipulations of the Right to Self-Determination."

    Chepurin added that "here Russia supports the Serbs," and would continue to do so.

    "Russia's stance is clear and firm and that is a tradition that does not change," he said, when asked "under which circumstances" his country would recognize Kosovo.

    "There is UN Security Council Resolution 1244, legally binding for everyone in the world, and its essence is that Kosovo is under the sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia," he added......................

  48. Islamic State militants have set up training camps in eastern Libya, the head of the US Africa command says....

    Gen David Rodriguez said there could be "a couple of hundred'' IS fighters undergoing training at the sites.

    He said the camps were at a very early stage, but the US was watching them "carefully to see how it develops".

    Libya has been in turmoil since Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011, with various tribes, militias and political factions fighting for power.

    Several Islamist groups are competing for power in the east of the country, with some militants recently declaring allegiance to IS.
    Syria connection

    Speaking in Washington on Wednesday, Gen Rodriguez said it was not yet clear how closely aligned the trainees were with IS.

    "It's mainly about people coming for training and logistics support right now, for training sites," he said. "Right now it's just small and very nascent and we just have to see how it goes."

    Correspondents say that in the aftermath of the revolution that ousted Gaddafi, many rebel fighters left to fight with militant groups in Syria, and some are believed to have returned home.

    The elected government has lost Libya's three main cities amid the political crisis..................

  49. Congress OKs bill to deepen U.S.-Israel ties ...

    Congress approved legislation Wednesday deepening U.S.-Israeli cooperation after softening a push to grant Israelis visa-free travel rights to the United States even as the Jewish state persists in blocking some Arab and Muslim Americans from its territory.

    The bill, passed by a voice vote in the House, now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature. It cleared the Senate with unanimous support in September, but only after the elimination of language that critics saw as an endorsement of Israeli discrimination of some Americans. The bill now calls only for Israel's inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program when it meets the requirements, the most elementary of which is reciprocal treatment for Americans............

  50. New York protests after police officer cleared in chokehold death ...

    Thousands took to the streets of New York on Wednesday after a grand jury ruled not to indict a white police officer over the chokehold killing of an unarmed black man in the city back in July.

    The decision not to indict police officer Daniel Pantaleo over the killing of 43-year-old Eric Garner in New York’s Staten Island drew immediate comparisons with a controversial ruling less than two weeks ago in Ferguson, Missouri, which saw white police officer Darren Wilson cleared over the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.................

  51. Grozny: plusieurs terroristes bloqués dans une école (source) ...

    Un groupe de combattants armés est bloqué par les forces de sécurité dans une école dans le centre de Grozny, capitale de la Tchétchénie, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source au sein de la police locale.

    "Plusieurs terroristes sont bloqués dans l'école numéro 20 dans le centre-ville, à proximité de la Maison de la presse", a fait savoir l'interlocuteur de l'agence.

    Jeudi matin, un groupe d'individus armés se déplaçant dans une voiture a attaqué les policiers qui avaient tenté d'arrêter leur véhicule. Trois membres des forces de l'ordre ont été tués, tandis que les assaillants se sont retranchés dans la Maison de la presse de Grozny.

    Par la suite, le dirigeant tchétchène Ramzan Kadyrov a annoncé que tous les terroristes se trouvant dans la Maison avaient été éliminés.

  52. Siete policías muertos y 18 heridos en una operación antiterrorista en Grozni ...

    Siete policías perdieron la vida y 18 resultaron heridos en una operación antiterrorista lanzada este jueves en la capital de Chechenia, Grozni, informó a RIA Novosti una fuente policial de la república rusa.

    "Siete agentes de las fuerzas del orden han muerto y 18 han resultado heridos", dijo el interlocutor de la agencia, al subrayar que no ha habido víctimas entre la población civil...........

  53. On Thursday, December 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin will deliver his annual address to the Russian Federal Assembly....

    In his speech, Russian President will evaluate the current situation in Russia and its position in the world and outline the country’s future development goals.

    The address is scheduled to begin at 12:00 Moscow time (09:00 GMT) in the Kremlin’s St. George Hall with around 1,100 Russian lawmakers and public figures attending. The audience will include members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, Government members and the heads of the Constitutional and Supreme Court — as well as the regional governors and heads of regional legislative assemblies. 495 journalists are accredited to attend the event..................

  54. Belgique pourra devenir le deuxième pays de l’UE à reconnaître la Palestine comme un Etat indépendant ...

    Le gouvernement belge est favorable à la reconnaissance de la Palestine comme État dans le cadre d’une solution à deux États susceptible de résoudre le conflit israélo-palestinien, a réaffirmé mercredi le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders.

    « Nous sommes pour une solution à deux États(Israël et Palestine).Ce que nous avons fait maintenant, c’est travailler au sein de la majorité (gouvernementale) à préparer le débat qui devra avoir lieu au parlement pour confirmer que la question en fait c’est le moment(…) et les modalités », a précisé M. Reynders, reprenant un raisonnement déjà présenté à la Chambre........Lire la suite:

  55. L'ex Cancelliere tedesco Gerhard Schröeder ha fatto una critica all'UE. Egli ritiene che l'Unione Europea abbia commesso un grosso errore, cercando di "convincere la Russia su qualcosa."...

    "La speculazione che, attraverso le sanzioni si possa costringere la Russia a comportarsi come vuole l'Occidente è in una certa misura illusoria" ha detto Schröeder. Egli ritiene che fintanto che l'Occidente continua a fare pressione sulla Russia economicamente o politicamente, la pace duratura in Europa non potrà esserci. L'UE ha fatto un grosso errore nel non negoziare con la Russia e l'Ucraina in condizioni di parità, ha aggiunto Schröder.
    Per saperne di più:

  56. Project begins to remove 140,000 tons of rubble in Gaza City neighborhood....

    Sweden is footing the bill for the first initiative to clear away wreckage from the summer war.

    The first large-scale project to remove tons of rubble in the Gaza Strip left over from this summer’s fighting between the Islamic militant group Hamas and Israel began on Wednesday, a significant step forward in rebuilding the war-torn area.

    The project is taking place in Gaza City’s Shijaiyah neighborhood, an area that was devastated during the fighting. Workers manning bulldozers and other heavy machinery began gathering and crushing the rubble. Others, wearing fluorescent vests, were busy extracting twisted rebar for recycling. People used horse-drawn carts to carry bags of cement to repair damaged dwellings.

    Palestinian Minister of Public Works Mufeed al-Hasayneh said the 50-day war in July and August left 2.5 million tons of rubble in Gaza...................

  57. Thousands of Syrian refugees stranded in Turkish minefield: HRW ...

    A human rights watchdog urged Turkey on Dec. 3 to remove from its border with Syria landmines which have killed three people and wounded nine among more than 2,000 Syrian refugees camped in a minefield.

    Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the refugees, living in their cars after fleeing the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL) onslaught in Syria, were stuck in the minefield because Turkey had refused entry for vehicles and livestock, and they did not want to abandon their belongings.

    Turkey reported that its military laid more than 600,000 mines along the Syrian border between 1957 and 1998 to prevent illegal border crossings, HRW said.

    "To fall victim to a landmine after losing your home and fleeing your country is a fate no one should have to endure," HRW arms director Steve Goose said in a statement...................

  58. Google on Wednesday launched a simpler solution to figuring out if a website visitor is human or robot by replacing the “Captcha” word jumbles that are a bane for millions of online users...

    Instead of asking users to decipher a scramble of distorted letters and numbers, Google’s new system consists of a checkbox. By checking the box, users agree to, “I am not a robot.”

    Google’s idea is attempting to solve three basic problems with the Captcha system that has been the norm for a decade. Captchas are nearly universally despised, user input is not that necessary, and Captchas are actually not that effective at blocking bots.............

  59. President Vladimir Putin said Thursday the United States has been affecting Russia's ties with neighbors directly or indirectly...

    "Sometimes it's better to talk directly to the United States than to these countries' governments," Putin said in an annual state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly.

  60. Le président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, a jugé jeudi que la Russie était "un problème stratégique" pour l'UE, dans le contexte de la crise en Ukraine, mais assuré qu'il ferait "tout" pour qu'elle redevienne un "partenaire stratégique"...

    "Oui, la Russie est pour le moment un problème stratégique", a affirmé M. Juncker, à l'issue d'un entretien avec le Premier ministre bulgare, Boïko Borissov, consacré notamment à l'annonce par la Russie de l'abandon du projet de gazoduc South Stream.

    "J'espère que demain elle sera à nouveau un partenaire stratégique, tout ce que la Commission pourra faire à ce sujet sera fait", a ajouté M. Juncker. "Mais pour danser le tango, il faut être deux", a-t-il lancé..................

  61. “Le truppe della NATO sono destinate all’offensiva” ...

    "Penso che le truppe della NATO siano destinate per l'azione di offensiva, non credo che siano legate a una o altra forma di difesa del territorio, perché la Russia non ha mostrato alcun segno di preparativi per l'invasione", ha detto all'agenzia di stampa Sputnik il professore emerito di Sociologia dell’Università di Binghamton University di New York, James Petras.

    Secondo Petras, lo schieramento delle forze della NATO in Europa è "un’escalation del militarismo occidentale" e porta "una doppia minaccia per la pace". "E’ un tentativo di rafforzare il senso di minaccia da parte di Mosca, anche se essa non esiste", ha detto il professore.
    Per saperne di più:

  62. Russland hat alle Unterlagen für Gerichtsprozess mit Frankreich wegen Mistral-Deals fertig - Präsidentenberater ...

    Alle Unterlagen für einen Gerichtsprozess gegen Frankreich sind vorbereitet worden. Der Prozess wird eingeleitet, wenn Paris den Vertrag über die Lieferung der Mistal-Hubschrauberträger an Russland nicht erfüllt. Das sagte Präsidentenberater militärtechnische Zusammenarbeit, Wladimir Koschin.

    Früher am Donnerstag hatte Vizepremier Dmitri Rogosin den Vertrag über die Lieferung der französischen Hubschrauberträger als einen Fehler der früheren Leitung des Verteidigungsministeriums bezeichnet.

    Er verwies auch darauf, dass Russland einstweilen nicht vorhabe, eigenständig einen Hubschrauberträger zu bauen, der den französischen Mistral-Schiffen gleich wäre. Dabei bestätigte er jedoch, dass Russland „bereits imstande ist, derartige Schiffe zu bauen“.

  63. A plan of action to implement a cooperation program between Georgia and NATO, adopted at the alliance’s September summit in Wales, will be prepared and approved by February 2015, the republic’s defense minister, Mindia Janelidze, said on Thursday...

    Speaking after his meeting with NATO Special Representative for the South Caucasus and Central Asia James Appathurai, Janelidze told journalists they discussed issues of cooperation between Georgia and NATO.

    “The main topic of discussion was implementation of the cooperation program adopted at the NATO summit in Wales. NATO headquarters and Appathurai are actively involved in the plan preparation to implement this cooperation program,” the minister said. “The NATO-Georgia commission will hold a session in February 2015, where we expect this plan to be approved,” he added.

    Appathurai, who started his visit to Tbilisi on Thursday, is due to hold meetings with Georgian Prime Minister Irakly Garibashvili, members of parliament and leaders of non-governmental organizations.

  64. Kerry Urges Russia Not to Isolate Itself ’through Its Own Actions’ ..

    Washington does not want to see Russia isolate itself "through its own actions," US Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday (Dec 4), calling on Moscow to help halt the raging Ukraine crisis.

    "The United States and countries that support Ukraine's sovereignty and rights do not seek confrontation," Kerry said, insisting: "it is not our design or desire that we see a Russia isolated through its own actions." Kerry was speaking at the start of a meeting in Switzerland of top diplomats from the 57-member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    1. Kerry urges Russia to rebuild its int'l credibility, support Ukraine's sovereignty ...

      US Secretary of State John Kerry said today Russia had pitched itself into isolation through its own actions in Ukraine and could rebuild international credibility only by ending its support for pro-Russian separatists.

      However, President Vladimir Putin, giving his annual state of the union address in Moscow, described Russia as surrounded by enemies who sought its destruction.

      Speaking at a meeting of foreign ministers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE), Kerry said Moscow had failed to live up to its commitments under September Minsk ceasefire accords to end the conflict in Ukraine...........

    2. Lavrov a Kerry: ¿Por qué CNN no muestra "las tropas rusas en Ucrania"? ...

      El ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, ha preguntado al secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, por qué los medios estadounidenses no muestran imágenes de militares rusos en Ucrania si están allí según las autoridades estadounidenses.
      El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi, Lavrov, ha mantenido este jueves un encuentro con el secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, en víspera de su cita en Basilea, Suiza. Ambos responsables políticos se estrecharon la mano y luego se pidió a los periodistas desocupar la sala. Entonces, un periodista preguntó a Lavrov sobre su opinión acerca de las palabras de Kerry de que supuestamente "cientos de militares rusos han muerto en Ucrania", informa 'Rossíiskaya Gazeta'.

      El ministro ruso contestó que no se trataba de "una rueda de prensa", pero luego se dirigió a Kerry preguntándole: "¿De qué tropas rusas en Ucrania está hablando?". Al no recibir una respuesta clara de su interlocutor, le formuló otra pregunta: "Si en Ucrania hay tropas rusas, entonces ¿por qué CNN y otros canales estadounidenses no las muestran?"...............

  65. More air strikes near Tripoli in struggle between Libya's rival groups ...

    Forces allied to one of two rival governments vying for power in Libya conducted an air strike near Tripoli on Thursday, officials and residents said, part of an ongoing struggle since a group seized the capital and set up its own cabinet.

    Libya is caught in the conflict between the two sides, each with its own government and parliament. One is a self-declared government created after fighters from a group known as Libya Dawn took over Tripoli in August, and the other the internationally recognised government, forced out of Tripoli and now operating from the country's east.

    Both sides gave different accounts of the target of Thursday's air strike............

    1. Libya launched a bombing campaign against armed extremist groups in the vicinity of Tripoli International Airport, Libyan Air Force Chief of Staff Saqr Geroushi told Sputnik Thursday...

      "Our Air Force attacked the positions of armed extremist groups whose headquarters are based in the vicinity of Tripoli International Airport. The bombardment resulted in the destruction of extremists' military vehicles," Geroushi said..................

  66. La ONU pide a Israel que detenga las demoliciones de casas de palestinos...

    El Coordinador Humanitario de la ONU en los territorios palestinos ocupados, James W. Rawley, ha pedido hoy a Israel que detenga las demoliciones de casas de palestinos que han llevado a cabo ataques contra israelíes.

    "Esta práctica tiene como objetivo las viviendas familiares de los que perpetran o presuntamente perpetran ataques contra civiles israelíes y sus fuerzas de seguridad, con el objetivo declarado de disuadir a otros de que cometan ataques", ha señalado Rawley en un comunicado.

    "Las demoliciones punitivas son una forma de pena colectiva que castiga a personas por actos que no han cometido y deja a inocentes sin hogar", ha subrayado Rawley.

    El comunicado indica que entre el 1 de junio y el 30 de noviembre de este año Israel ha demolido o precintado cinco viviendas de autores de ataques -o presuntos atacantes- contra israelíes o judíos en Israel y en los territorios palestinos ocupados y han dejado sin hogar a 34 palestinos, entre ellos 16 menores. Seis familias más, cuatro en Jerusalén Este y dos en Cisjordania -territorios ocupados por Israel-, están a punto de perder sus casas por el mismo motivo.............

  67. Der ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko hat am Donnerstag in Kiew bei einem Treffen mit leitenden Mitarbeitern der Sicherheitsbehörden bekannt gegeben, dass am Dienstag, dem 9. Dezember, in der (südukrainischen) Region Donbass ein „Ruhe-Regime“ eingeführt wird, wie der Pressedienst des Staatschefs mitteilt...

    Laut der Mitteilung „haben die Teilnehmer des Treffens die Erfüllung der gestellten Aufgaben im Raum der Anti-Terror-Operation erörtert und Maßnahmen festgelegt, die die Erfüllung der Minsker Vereinbarungen in Bezug auf den ‚Tag der Ruhe‘, der ab dem 9. Dezember gilt, sichern sollen“..............

    1. Ukraine : Porochenko annonce un jour de silence dans le Donbass le 9 décembre ...

      Au cours de sa rencontre avec les dirigeants des structures de force le président d'Ukraine Piotr Porochenko a décidé de décréter un jour de silence dans le Donbass le 9 décembre, communique jeudi le service de presse du président ukrainien.

      Il a également discuté avec les militaires des actions à entreprendre si les miliciens ne respectaient pas les accords de Minsk.
      Lire la suite:

  68. Readout of the Vice President’s Call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (The White House) ...

    Office of the Vice President:
    "Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to congratulate him on the formation of a new government and to discuss Ukraine’s financial and energy situation, as well as developments in eastern Ukraine. The Vice President noted the United States would continue to engage with our European and other partners to provide Ukraine with the financing it needs to stabilize its economy as it pursues urgently needed reforms and anti-corruption measures. The two leaders also discussed Ukraine’s near- and long-term energy security, and the Vice President pledged continued U.S. technical support. The Vice President and President Poroshenko discussed the fact that Russia and its proxies continue to block delivery of humanitarian aid from entering the conflict-affected regions of eastern Ukraine, and that Russia’s actions in Ukraine have created a lawless environment where separatists are robbing pensioners and other citizens of their social benefits payments. The Vice President welcomed the Ukrainian government’s plan to keep in escrow these social benefits payments until such time as safe and direct disbursement was possible."

  69. L'ONU demande aux Etats-Unis de mieux encadrer leurs policiers ...

    Le secrétaire général de l'ONU a demandé jeudi aux Etats-Unis de s'assurer que leurs policiers répondent davantage de leurs actes, après une décision favorable à un policier blanc impliqué dans la mort d'un Noir à New York qui a ravivé les tensions raciales.

    La nuit dernière a été marquée par des manifestations sans incident majeur à Manhattan, au cours desquelles 83 personnes ont été arrêtées.

    "Cette affaire pose une nouvelle fois la question de la responsabilité des membres des forces de l'ordre", a souligné le porte-parole de l'ONU Stéphane Dujarric.........

  70. Turkey, Greece to Tackle Energy Dispute ...

    Turkey’s prime minister is set to visit Greece on Friday as tensions swell among regional neighbors over energy deposits in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu will be accompanied by at least seven ministers for his two-day visit.

    Sinan Ulgen, a visiting scholar for the Carnegie Institute in Brussels, said a key part of Davutoglu's agenda is Turkey’s stalled bid to join the European Union..............

  71. Russia’s UN Envoy Points to Corruption Among EU Mission Staff in Kosovo ...

    Russia's envoy to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin has called for an investigation into reported corruption among members of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).

    "…we express our serious concern regarding information that high ranking staff members of EULEX were implicated in corruption, while these are the very individuals who should be encouraging Kosovar-Albanians to commit to the rule of law. We urge impartial investigations into these cases," Churkin said at a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday......................

    1. Kosovo: prêter l'oreille à la voix des Serbes (diplomate russe)...

      Les tentatives d'édification de structures politiques au Kosovo ayant échoué, les nouvelles autorités de cette ancienne province serbe doivent prendre en compte les intérêts des Serbes lors de la formation des institutions politiques, a déclaré jeudi le représentant permanent de la Russie auprès de l'Onu, Vitali Tchourkine.

      "De nombreux événements survenus au Kosovo au cours de la période écoulée montrent l'inconsistance des tentatives d'édification des structures politiques au Kosovo. Nous assistons à une crise politique prolongée due à l'incapacité des élites locales issues de la prétendue Armée de libération du Kosovo (UCK) à s'entendre sans suggestion extérieure. Nous estimons que les avis et les positions de la communauté serbe et des autres communautés non albanaises de cette région doivent être pleinement pris en compte lors de la formation des nouvelles institutions politiques", a indiqué M. Tchourkine lors d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu consacrée au règlement de la crise kosovare.

      Selon le diplomate, le Kosovo fait actuellement face au trafic de stupéfiants et à la traite des humains, aucun progrès n'a été réalisé dans le domaine judiciaire ni dans la lutte contre la corruption et le crime organisé.....................

    2. Las pérdidas de la economía mundial, provocadas por el clima, aumentaron en la última década de 50.000 millones a 200.000 millones de dólares, declaró este jueves representante de Estrategia Internacional de Reducción de Desastres de la ONU (EIRD), Julio García....

      El lunes pasado en la capital peruana inició sus labores la vigésima Conferencia de las Partes (COP20) sobre el cambio climático que durará hasta el próximo 12 de diciembre. La expectativa principal de la cumbre es acordar un borrador del documento para reducir la emisión de gases que contribuyen al calentamiento global. El protocolo deberá ser aprobado en la COP21 que se celebrará en próximo año en París.

      En su discurso García precisó que las pérdidas climáticas financieras impactaron a las inversiones en infraestructura vial, sistemas de riego, hospitales públicos y pusieron en riesgo las positivas tendencias del desarrollo de América Latina.

      Añadió que más de 700.000 personas fallecieron a causa de las catástrofes naturales en los últimos años..................

    3. Russia indignant at anti-Serb actions in Kosovo — UN ambassador...

      Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said on Thursday that Russia is indignant at the wave of anti-Serb actions in Kosovo after a disrupted football match between Serbia and Albania.

      According to him, violence against Serbs, along with profanation of Orthodox monasteries in the region have become “a clear evidence of persisting ethnic strife in the Kosovo-Albanian society.”

      “The wave of anti-Serb actions that swept Kosovo after the Serbia-Albania football match on October 14 causes indignation. Pristina has traditionally limited itself to formal condemnation of the ant-Serb rioting. Meanwhile, Serb houses in the region continue to burn, and those responsible have not been brought to justice,” the Russian diplomat told the UN Security Council meeting............

    4. Five members of the Indian security forces were killed in a suicide attack on an army artillery camp in northern Kashmir early on Friday as militants step up violence in the disputed region near the border with Pakistan, officials said...

      The latest attack took place in Kashmir's Uri sector near the militarized border. Kashmiris are voting for a new state assembly in large numbers, officials said, and the attack came just days before voting in the staggered election is due to be held in that sector......................

    5. Turkey reiterates support for Ukraine, Crimean Tatars ...

      Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said his country does not recognize the de facto situation in Crimea on Thursday.

      Cavusoglu made his comments at the 21st Organization for Security and Cooperation, or OSCE, Ministerial Council meeting in Basel.

      "Turkey believes that the solution to the crisis in and around Ukraine should be a negotiated political settlement respecting the independence, sovereignty, political unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine," he said.................

    6. Vucic, Thaci discuss resumption of dialogue ...

      NEW YORK -- Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says he had an informal meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Hasim Thaci at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday.

      According to him, they discussed the resumption of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that they agreed that the dialogue should be continued as soon as possible.

      "We discussed when, how and in what way the dialogue should be continued. We both expressed the wish that it should happen as soon as possible. Our opinions differ regarding the independence (of Kosovo-Metohija), but I think that it is important that we have to think about the stability of the entire region, and that it is better that we resolve all problems through dialogue, rather than in another way," Vucic told the RTS late Thursday. ....................

  72. Australian parliament backs migrant reforms ...

    The Australian parliament has approved changes to immigration laws that include reintroducing controversial temporary visas for refugees.

    The bill will allow refugees to live and work in Australia for three to five years, but denies them permanent protection.

    It was passed by 34 votes to 32 in the senate and later backed by MPs.

    Australia currently detains all asylum seekers who arrive by boat, holding them in offshore processing camps.

    It says that those found to be refugees will not be permanently resettled in Australia, under tough new policies aimed at ending the flow of boats.

    It also has a backlog of cases - about 30,000 - relating to asylum seekers who arrived before the current policies were put in place. Those people live in detention camps or in the community under bridging visas that do not allow them to work.

    To secure enough support in parliament to pass the bill, the government made concessions. Children will be freed from detention on Christmas Island, an offshore camp where conditions have been strongly criticised................

  73. Remembering the Legacy of President Nelson Mandela ...

    Press Statement
    John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    Washington, DC
    December 4, 2014
    "On December 5th, we mark one year since the passing of Nelson Mandela, a remarkable journey of life completed, but a legacy that still motivates all of us.

    You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who touched as many lives on a global basis as Nelson Mandela. He had a profound effect on my wife Teresa when she was a young girl in school in South Africa, and his example motivated her and her classmates to demonstrate on campus against apartheid. He helped spark and motivate my daughter Vanessa’s interest in Africa and in global health. His influence was cross-cutting and powerful.

    Teresa and I had the honor of sitting with Mandela over the Thanksgiving holidays in 2007. I was struck by his warmth, openness, and serenity. I wondered how this man rejected enmity and still managed to see so clearly the best interests of his country.

    Mandela has left South Africans -- and the world -- an incredible legacy of reconciliation, freedom, and equality. To the people of South Africa, we thank you for sharing Madiba with the rest of the world. We stand with you today in remembrance of the life of this great man who hoped to be remembered not as a saint, but as a human being, a real person who made difficult decisions – and that makes him even more relevant, not less."

  74. Moldova Is Next Battleground for Russia and EU...

    It was a close call. After a bitter election campaign that pitted pro-European parties against a well-financed pro-Russian Party of Socialists, Moldovans opted for a European course in parliamentary elections on Nov. 30. The results showed a country torn between moving closer to Europe or to Russia.

    The Liberal Democrats, the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party together won 45.5 percent, or 54 seats, of the parliament. Assuming they can end their reputation for squabbling and corruption that was often the hallmark of their stint in government over the past five years, they will form Moldova's next coalition.

    It will not be an easy ride for them. The radical-left Party of Socialists, led by Igor Dodon and staunchly supported by President Vladimir Putin, won 21 percent of the vote, thus becoming the country's biggest political party.

    Russia's ambassador to Moldova, Farit Mukhametshin, didn't hide his delight about the party's meteoric rise..................

  75. Vendredi le prix de pétrole continue de baisser....

    La dynamique a été influée par l'information sur l'octroi par la société saoudite d'Etat Saudi Aramco des remises records pour les ventes en janvier aux Etats-Unis et en Asie.

    A 07h30 heure de Moscou le baril de Brent a baissé de 0,98 % pour atteindre 69,24 dollars. Le baril de WTI pour vente en janvier a perdu 1,30 % et coûte 66,51 dollars.
    Lire la suite:

  76. Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots are calling upon Ankara to withdraw immediately from the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone and for both leaders to return to the negotiating table for an urgent solution to the Cyprus problem....

    The remarks were made during a press conference today by the Bicommunal Peace Initiative – United Cyprus at the Home of Cooperation in the buffer zone.

    Coordinator of the Initiative, Christos Efthimiou said that after considering the crisis that has been developing in the recent weeks, and ways to intervene in the current developments, the Initiative has formulated certain steps to follow in the months to come................- See more at:

  77. France: ‘Major’ anti-ISIS raid taking place in Iraq ...

    France said Friday its fighter jets were conducting a “major” raid in Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition offensive against the Islamic State group, days after members said the strikes were having effect.

    “At the moment, a major raid is taking place,” Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told BFMTV, refusing to detail the targets or the number of jets involved.

    He said French planes based in the United Arab Emirates and more recently in Jordan had carried out “120 to 130 missions” since the start of the coalition offensive....................

  78. La France menace de « ne jamais livrer » les Mistral à la Russie ...

    La France pourrait ne jamais livrerles porte-hélicoptères Mistral à la Russie si la situation en Ukraine ne change pas, a déclaré le ministre français de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian.

    Le premier porte-hélicoptères devait être remis à la marine russe dès le 14 novembre, mais le président François Hollande a décidé de suspendre la livraison à cause de la situation en Ukraine.
    Lire la suite:

  79. Russia’s relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia are relations between sovereign states that are developed based on international law principles, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on Friday...

    “Relations between Russia and Abkhazia, Russia and South Ossetia — are relations between sovereign states and these relations are developed based on international law principles and infringe nobody’s interests,” Lavrov said.

    New agreement between Russia and Abkhazia are not related to Geneva discussions on Transcaucasia, he added.

    Lavrov also didn't rule out the meeting beetween presidents of Russian and Georgia.

  80. Ukraine: l'Otan à l'origine du conflit (média autrichien) ...

    La dissolution de l'Otan après l'éclatement de l'Union soviétique aurait pu prévenir bien des guerres et des crises, y compris le conflit en Ukraine, a estimé vendredi un journaliste du Contra Magazin.

    "C'est un fait, car à présent, l'Alliance n'est instrumentalisée que par les Etats-Unis pour donner plus de légitimité à leurs jeux géopolitiques", constate l'auteur d'un article dans cette édition autrichienne.

    Et d'ajouter qu'en s'ingérant dans les affaires d'Etats souverains, tels que l'Afghanistan, l'Irak ou la Libye, l'Otan rendait vulnérable la sécurité de l'Europe.

    L'édition rappelle que Washington maintient sa supériorité militaire au sein de l'Alliance, et que le Pentagone en définit la politique. Bien que des Européens deviennent secrétaires généraux du bloc, ce sont des Américains qui occupent invariablement le poste de commandant en chef des forces armées de l'Otan......................

  81. La policía israelí arresta un hombre que decía querer matar a Netanyahu ...

    La policía ha arrestado a un hombre de 52 años de la ciudad de Netanya, en el norte de Israel, por supuestamente amenazar con matar al primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, según ha informado la Radio de Israel.

    También amenazó con matar a los policías que fueron a arrestarlo, según ha informado el diario israelí The Jerusalem Post.

    La amenaza se ha conocido durante una conversación del hombre con un trabajador social que informó a la policía de las intenciones de su interlocutor. Los agentes arrestaron al hombre en su casa........................

  82. Italian Coast Guards have recovered the bodies of at least 17 migrants in the hull of a ship off Libya, the first reported deaths since the European Union took over Mediterranean rescue operations....

    Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni told reporters on Friday that the boat was found about 150 miles off the Italian island of Lampedusa, 40 miles from the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

    Reports reaching Al Jazeera said the victims reportedly died of hypothermia, and not from an actual shipwreck.

    The bodies will be reportedly taken to the Sicilian port of Porto Empedocle later on Friday.

    At least 76 people have also been rescued, and Navy and Coast Guard operations are still ongoing, according to reports.

    Thousands have died in the crossings, either by drowning, dehydration or being suffocated by toxic fumes.

    Just more than a week ago, nearly 800 people were rescued from boats in distress in the Mediterranean.....................

  83. Syrian Army Receives Reinforcements in Deir Ezzor Airport ...

    Reinforcements arrived in Deir Ezzor airport east of Syria on Friday for the national military following the gunmen attack on Thursday.

    Airport is still under the control of the Syrian army without any progress by the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' (ISIL) terrorist group.

    Army units also destroyed four vehicles of ISIL in the airport area by smart rockets.

    All of the gunmen inside the vehicles were killed.

    Syria was hit by a violent unrest since mid-March 2011, where the state accuses west and Arab countries, mainly Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of orchestrating the attacks against the Syrian people and army.

  84. La canciller moldava propone cambiar el formato de la misión de paz en Transnistria ...

    La canciller moldava, Natalia Gherman, al intervenir este viernes en la XXI reunión del Consejo de Ministros de Exteriores de la OSCE, propuso modificar el formato de la misión de mantenimiento de la paz en Transnistria.

    "La señora Gherman se ha pronunciado a favor de transformar la actual misión de mantenimiento de la paz en Transnistria en una misión civil bajo mandato internacional", comunicó la Cancillería moldava.

    También informó que Gherman ha declarado que los dirigentes de Moldavia se proponen como objetivo estratégico "la búsqueda de una solución política basada en el respeto a la soberanía y la integridad territorial del Estado moldavo y la identificación de un estatus especial para la región de Transnistria".

    Los intentos de reformar la misión que se encuentra en la autoproclamada República de Transnistria tienen como objetivo la expulsión de las fuerzas rusas de este territorio rebelde moldavo, declaró en octubre pasado el Ministerio de Exteriores de Rusia...............

  85. The US urged embassy staff in Cairo to restrict travel "in light of the heightened tensions and recent attacks on Westerners in the region."...

    Embassy personnel were recommended to stay near their homes and neighborhoods and avoid areas of regular protest activity, according to a warning issued Thursday on the website of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

  86. High Representative Federica Mogherini appoints Catherine Ashton as her Special Advisor for Iran talks...

    The High Representative of the European Union for the Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Vice President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, has decided to appoint Catherine Ashton as her Special Advisor for facilitating the nuclear talks with Iran, following the extension of the agreement on 24November. To ensure the continuity of negotiations, which require full-time dedication, Catherine Ashton will facilitate the talks and report regularly to the High Representative.

    High Representative Mogherini will attend the meetings on those occasions when the E3+3 Ministers together meet the Iranian Foreign Minister.

    The EEAS Political Director Helga Schmid and her team will continue to support Catherine Ashton in these endeavours.

    1. Le chef de la diplomatie de l'UE Federica Mogherini a décidé de participer personnellement aux négociations ministérielles entre les Six et l'Iran....

      Catherine Ashton en tant que conseiller spécial fera rapport sur les progrès de ses réunions, précise un communiqué du Service européen d'action extérieure. Ashton est devenue coordinateur des Six dans les négociations avec l'Iran, alors qu'elle était chef de la diplomatie de l'UE, remplacée par Mogherini le 1 novembre....................Lire la suite:

  87. Anger erupted in eastern Lebanon early Saturday after al-Qaeda-linked Syrian extremist group the Al-Nusra front said it had killed a captured Lebanese policeman to avenge the arrest of Islamist militants’ wives and children....

    The body of an unidentified Sunni man who had been shot dead was found on a road in the mainly Shiite Bekaa Valley region bordering Syria in a suspected act of revenge for the soldier’s murder while gunmen abducted an unknown number of Sunni residents from the area, security sources said.

    Angry residents were blocking roads and set fire to tires in the village of Bazzalieh, an AFP correspondent at the scene said...................

  88. About half a million people have fled coastal villages and evacuated their homes in the Philippines as a powerful storm approaches the archipelago...

    Typhoon Hagupit, which weakened slightly on Friday night, is due to make landfall on Saturday evening.

    It is on course for the Eastern and Northern Samar provinces and the city of Tacloban, where thousands were killed by Typhoon Haiyan a year ago.

    It has weakened slightly but gusts are still peaking at 195km/h (120mph).

    Thousands of passengers were left stranded after Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific cancelled more than 150 flights to the central and southern Philippines on Friday and Saturday, and sea travel services were suspended.
    'Massive scale'

    The BBC's Jonathan Head in the capital Manila said the Philippines was experiencing one of its largest ever peacetime evacuations.

    He said people were being moved to higher ground and into more solid buildings such as churches, schools and sports stadiums.

    However, no-one is sure where the worst affected places will be because typhoons change direction and intensity, our correspondent adds..................

  89. troisième nuit de manifestations aux États-Unis ...

    Pour la troisième soirée consécutive, des manifestations organisées pour dénoncer les violences policières contre les minorités ont eu lieu vendredi à New York et dans plusieurs villes des États-Unis.

    Dans plusieurs grandes villes des États-Unis, la multiplication des bavures policières à l'encontre de Noirs américains a provoqué un nouveau mouvement de manifestation, vendredi 5 décembre, pour la troisième nuit consécutive. Et ce, malgré l’annonce de la convocation d’un nouveau grand jury, à New York, chargé de décider si le policier blanc ayant provoqué la mort d’Akai Gurley, un Noir de 28 ans, à Brooklyn le 20 novembre, doit être poursuivi devant la justice ou non..................

  90. Más de medio millón de evacuados en Filipinas a causa del supertifón Hagupit ...

    Más de 616.500 personas han sido evacuadas en Filipinas de las zonas amenazadas por el avance del supertifón Hagupit (Ruby), según el informe más reciente del Consejo Nacional para la Reducción y el Control de Desastres (NDRRMC, por sus siglas en inglés).

    El tifón, cuyo centro se encuentra a 240 km al noreste de Borongan, capital de la provincia de Sámar Oriental, presenta vientos sostenidos de 195 km/h con ráfagas de hasta 230 km/h.

    En la noche del sábado o en la madrugada del domingo podría tocar tierra en la isla de Sámar, situada en el centro de las Filipinas, con olas de tres a cuatro metros.

    Más de 150 vuelos aéreos se han cancelado y en los puertos se han visto atrapadas unas 2.500 personas a la espera de que se reanuden las comunicaciones marítimas.

    Una veintena de tormentas y tifones azotan Filipinas cada año durante la temporada de lluvias, de junio a diciembre. Los mayores estragos los causó en noviembre de 2013 el supertifón Haiyán (Yolanda) que mató a unas 6.300 personas, destruyó 1,1 millones de casas y dejó sin hogar a cuatro millones de filipinos. Más de mil personas se dan por desaparecidas hasta ahora.

  91. US Hesitation to Deliver Arms to Ukraine 'Shame and Dishonor': McCain ...

    The United States' unwilling to send weapons to the Ukrainian army is a "great shame", leading to Ukrainian military casualties, US Republican Senator John McCain told RIA Novosti.

    "The great shame and dishonour of America is the fact that we haven't given them weapons to defend themselves," McCain said.

    The 78-year-old senator added that Washington is "directly responsible for the deaths of over 400 brave men who have given their lives already," meaning casualties among the Ukrainian government forces.

    McCain also confirmed that the US Senate would return to the issue of military aid for Ukraine in January...................

  92. Le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique (EI) s'est emparé samedi à l'aube d'une partie de l'important aéroport militaire de Deir Ezzor, dans l'est de la Syrie, où des combats se déroulaient dans la matinée, a indiqué une ONG...

    "L'EI a lancé l'assaut à l'aube, pénétrant dans certaines parties de l'aéroport militaire de Deir Ezzor, alors que des combats violents opposaient les jihadistes aux forces gouvernementales présentes dans cet aéroport", a précisé le directeur de l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH), Rami Abdel Rahmane.

  93. Une rencontre impromptue Poutine-Hollande samedi à Moscou ...

    Une rencontre impromptue des présidents français et russe, François Hollande et Vladimir Poutine, aura lieu samedi à Moscou, ont rapporté les médias internationaux se référant à l'Elysée.

    Selon AFP, la rencontre des deux présidents devrait se tenir à l'aéroport de Moscou où le chef de l'Etat français fera une escale avant de regagner Paris.

    Le président français a appelé vendredi à une désescalade dans le conflit ukrainien lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec le président kazakh Noursoultan Nazarbaïev à Astana...........

    1. La rencontre se déroule à l'aéroport gouvernemental Vnoukovo-2 de Moscou où M.Hollande a fait une escale avant de rentrer à Paris à l'issue d'une visite officielle au Kazakhstan...

      M.Hollande a espéré au début de l'entretien que la Russie et la France arriveraient à régler les problèmes des relations bilatérales.

      "Vous avez proposé d'organiser une rencontre en Normandie en vue de régler les problèmes dont vous avez parlés. Ces problèmes sont complexes, mais notre dialogue donne des résultats positifs et je suis certain que votre visite-éclair contribuera au règlement de nombreux problèmes", a pour sa part déclaré M.Poutine...................

  94. L'Ungheria accusa l’UE di deliberato sabotaggio del "South Stream" ...

    L'UE ha sabotato intenzionalmente la costruzione del gasdotto "South Stream", ha dichiarato il Primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orban.

    "L'UE ha lavorato instancabilmente per minare questo programma", ha detto il Premier ungherese.

    In precedenza Orban è stato criticato duramente da parte dei governi di diversi Paesi europei per la stabilizzazione dei rapporti di partnership con "Gazprom"...................Per saperne di più:

  95. UK-born US journalist Luke Somers and South African teacher Pierre Korkie have been killed by al-Qaeda militants in Yemen during a failed rescue bid...

    Saturday's operation was carried out by joint US and Yemeni special forces in the southern Shabwa region.

    US President Barack Obama condemned Mr Somers's death as a "barbaric murder".

    They were being held by militants from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), regarded by the US as one of the deadliest offshoots of al-Qaeda.

    The group is based in eastern Yemen and has built up support amid the unrest which has beset the impoverished country since the overthrow of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2011..................

    1. L'Américain Luke Somers, otage d'Al-Qaïda au Yémen depuis 2013, a été tué samedi lors d'une opération militaire américano-yéménite visant à le libérer. Un second otage, de nationalité sud-africaine, a lui aussi été assassiné par ses ravisseurs...

      L'otage américain Luke Somers a été tué au Yémen lors d'une opération militaire visant à le libérer, samedi 6 décembre. Le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Chuck Hagel, a confirmé la mort de ce journaliste de 33 ans, retenu dans le pays depuis septembre 2013...............

  96. Turkey avoided being Ukraine, Egypt: Erdoğan ...

    If Turkey could not manage to control last year’s Gezi protests, it would end up facing a similar turmoil to those in Egypt and Ukraine, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said in an addressing to business people, where he said the Turkish police has behaved softly to demonstrators when compared to the U.S. colleagues whose civilian killings have triggered a big anger.

    “What would happen if the Gezi events were not taken under control and [the government] had surrendered to street violence?” he asked rhetorically, while speaking at an Istanbul meeting of ASKON, the Anatolian business people group, on Dec. 6. “The answer to this question has been given in Egypt and Ukraine,” he said.

    Unarmed people were killed in the U.S. recently, Erdoğan noted.

    “They put people down and kill them by hitting their heads to the ground, leaving them breathless,” he said. “[The victims] do not hold a gun or fire bombs. Did our police killed citizens or point gun at them? Shouldn’t the police defend themselves to avoid being killed?”

    The “parallel structure” has worked against the police defending themselves,” he said. “Parallel structure” refers in Erdoğan’s discourse to the Gülenist movement under U.S.-base Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen as the president accuses the group of bidding to topple the government,.....................

    1. Il presidente turco Tayyip Erdogan ha affermato che la violenza della piazza in Ucraina ha aperto la strada alla disgregazione del Paese...

      Secondo Erdogan, se la Turchia non avesse represso le proteste antigovernative e sgomberato il Parco Gezi di Istanbul occupato dai dimostranti, le sarebbe toccato la stessa sorte di Ucraina ed Egitto, dove nel febbraio 2011 era stato rovesciato il presidente Hosni Mubarak, al potere dal 1981.......Per saperne di più:

  97. Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko said that a next meeting of the Contact Group on Ukraine was likely to be held in the Belarusian capital Minsk on Tuesday, December 9....

    “A preliminary agreement has been reached on the Minsk meeting to be held on December 9,” Poroshenko said while visiting the Kharkov region on Saturday. “Ukraine sets a goal to approve a schedule for implementing the Minsk agreements.”.............

  98. Uruguay accepts six Guantanamo prisoners for resettlement...

    Six men held for more than a decade at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were flown to Uruguay for resettlement on Sunday, the Pentagon said, the latest step in a slow-moving push by the Obama administration to close the facility.

    The release of four Syrians, a Tunisian and a Palestinian, who arrived in South America aboard a US military transport plane, represented the largest single group to leave the internationally condemned US detention camp since 2009.

    President Barack Obama took office nearly six years ago promising to shut the prison, citing its damage to America’s image around the world. But he has been unable to do so, partly because of obstacles posed by the US Congress.

    The transfer to Uruguay had been delayed for months. A move initially planned earlier this year was apparently held up by the Defense Department.

    Differences over the pace of such transfers, said one US official, added to friction between Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Obama’s inner circle, culminating in Hagel’s resignation last month.

    The release of the six was put off again in August when Uruguay became concerned about domestic political risks in the run-up to its October’s presidential election. But with the vote over, outgoing President Jose Mujica pressed ahead with accepting the men.

    Upon their arrival in Montevideo, they were taken to a hospital for medical examinations, the US official said......................

    1. Six prisonniers étaient libérés de prison américaine de Guantanamo. Quatre Syriens, un Palestinien et un Tunisien, libérés de prison, ont été envoyés à l'Uruguay...

      Ils ont été détenus en raison de soupçons d'avoir des liens avec l’Al-Qaïda, mais les accusations contre eux n’ont pas été portées.

      Les prisonniers de Guantanamo sont placés dans les parties différentes du monde. Les Etats-Unis ont transporté cinq anciens prisonniers en Slovaquie et en Géorgie le 26 novembre. Il s’agit d’une partie du plan de Barack Obama visant à éliminer la prison scandaleuse. La fermeture de Guantanamo Bay a été l'une de ses promesses lors de sa campagne électorale. Mais il s’est avéré que les personnes soupçonnées de terrorisme tout simplement n’avaient nulle part où aller. Par conséquence, ils étaient envoyés à l'étranger pour la réhabilitation après la libération conditionnelle.
      Lire la suite:

  99. Syrien: Israelische Luftwaffe soll Waffenlager bei Damaskus attackiert haben...

    Die israelische Luftwaffe hat am Sonntag nach syrischen Angaben Luftangriffe in Syrien geflogen. Die Bomben schlugen in der Nähe des internationalen Flughafens Damaskus ein.

    Ein Sprecher im syrischen Generalstab teilte RIA Novosti mit, dass israelische Flugzeuge ein Munitionslager bombardiert und starke Explosionen ausgelöst hätten.

  100. Ukraine: un important convoi de véhicules militaires observé dans l'est (OSCE)...

    La mission de l'OSCE en Ukraine a détecté une centaine de véhicules militaires d'une provenance inconnue à proximité de Donetsk (est), lit-on dimanche dans un rapport de la mission.

    Selon le document, les véhicules en question ont été observés sur la route reliant la capitale régionale à la ville de Chakhtiorsk. Par le passé, les employés de l'OSCE ont à plusiuers reprises constaté des déplacements d'importants convois de véhicules militaires dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine, théâtre d'un conflit sanglant opposant les troupes gouvernementales aux brigades indépendantistes....................

  101. Israel lanza ataques aéreos contra un depósito de municiones en Damasco ...

    La Fuerza Aérea de Israel lanzó varios ataques contra un depósito de municiones en la capital siria de Damasco, declaró este domingo a Sputnik Nóvosti una fuente del Estado Mayor del Ejército sirio.

    "La Fuerza Aérea de Israel atacó un almacén de municiones que provocó grandes explosiones cerca del aeropuerto internacional de Damasco", dijo.

    La fuente indicó que el ataque aéreo no causó víctimas, solo provocó el daño material.

    Añadió que la aviación israelí lanzó dos ataques, "uno se produjo cerca del aeropuerto internacional de Damasco, otro en la ciudad siria de Dimas".

    La cadena de televisión libanesa IBC informó que el principal objetivo de esta ofensiva fue "el arsenal de armas destinado para el movimiento chií Hizbulá".

    Las autoridades sirias acusaron a la Fuerza Aérea israelí de estos ataques cerca de Damasco.

    A su vez, el Gobierno y el Mando militar de Israel se negaron a comentar el incidente sobre su posible participación en estos ataques.

  102. Biden: ‘We will not let Iran acquire a nuclear weapon’...

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden sought to nullify all doubts on the United States’ commitment to Israeli security dismissing what he called the “malarkey” circulating about the nuclear deal with Iran.

    “There’s absolutely no daylight, none, between us and the Israelis on the question of Israel’s security,” Biden said while speaking at the pro-Israel Saban Forum in Washington, Agence France-Presse reported.

    “There’s been a lot of malarkey about our position on Iran. So let me state it absolutely clearly,” he said.

    “We will not let Iran acquire a nuclear weapon, period, period. End of discussion. It will not happen on our watch.”..............

  103. Die Geheimdienste der Nato-Mitgliedsländer warnen die Regierungen der westlichen Länder vor einer falschen Einschätzung der Politik Russlands in Bezug auf die Ukraine-Krise und weisen darauf hin, dass Moskau keine Eskalation anstrebt, schreibt "Der Spiegel"...

    Wie das deutsche Magazin unter Berufung auf nicht genannte Quellen vermerkt, richte sich die Politik Moskaus auf eine Umwandlung der eigenmächtig proklamierten "Volksrepubliken" Donezk und Lugansk in „funktionierende administrative Einheiten“ im Bestand der föderativen Ukraine im Falle einer Vereinbarung mit Kiew.

    Moskau hatte früher wiederholt erklärt, dass es keine Partei im innerukrainischen Konflikt und an den Ereignissen im Südosten der Ukraine nicht beteiligt sei.

  104. Georgia’s Foreign Ministry has expressed protest about Russia’s drills in the Tskhinval region....

    The foreign ministry said the drills are “an attempt to encroach on the sovereignty and territory integrity of Georgia, they violate the international law.”

    On December 5, over 1,000 gunners and about 200 units of weapon and military equipment of the 58th Army entered the field exercises, which take place at six shooting ranges in the North Caucasus region and in South Ossetia, press service of the Southern Military District told TASS.

    “During the drills, special attention will be paid to practicing of modern Zoopark-1 missile and artillery ground reconnaissance complexes, Msta-S self-propelled howitzer and modernised Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems,” the press service said.

  105. The mayor of Paris said Sunday (Dec 7) she wanted the city's historic centre to become "semi-pedestrianised" as she laid out a plan to tackle traffic and pollution in the French capital...

    "In the four central districts, apart from bikes, buses and taxis, the only vehicles allowed will be residents' cars, delivery vehicles and emergency vehicles," Anne Hidalgo said in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche weekly.

    Hidalgo said the proposed scheme would start at weekends but could be "quickly" rolled out for the rest of the week.

    The mayor also said that the amount of cycle lanes would be "doubled by 2020" as part of a 100-million-euro bike development plan. She said she also wanted to roll out a system of electric-powered bikes along the same lines as the city's popular velib temporary bike hire network.

    Central Paris has a relatively high population density in European terms and tourists are often surprised by the traffic levels in and around the historic sights of the world's most-visited city. The city also experiences periodic pollution spikes forcing authorities to impose temporary speed limits on motorists and even to ban vehicles from running on certain days................

  106. Hamas rejects Israel's investigation of last military offensive on Gaza ...

    Islamic Hamas movement on Sunday rejected the Israeli decision to investigate the last Israeli large-scale military operation that was waged on the Gaza Strip in early July and lasted for 50 days.

    Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas spokesman in Gaza said in an emailed press statement that forming an Israeli investigation committee to probe the last Israeli war on Gaza "aims at hiding the truth and the facts."

    "Forming an Israeli investigation committee is to prevent the international community's probing committees, mainly the United Nations' one from unveiling the truth and the facts of committing war crimes," said Barhoum.

    He went on saying that "it is unreasonable and unaccepted that the real criminal become the criminal and the judge on the same time," adding that "in the past, the Israeli courts were finding the real criminals not guilty."..........

  107. Floods in Bulgaria leave villages without drinking water, electricity ...

    Parts of Bulgaria continued to struggle with the situation after flooding, while a “code red” warning remained in place on December 7 over rising water levels in the Tundzha River in the southern part of the country.

    The Kamchiya River also was being monitored, given predictions that heavy rainfall and the release of water from the Zhrebchevo and Ticha reservoirs could result in a critical situation.

    The Environment Ministry said that the Maritsa River, and its tributaries the Sazliyka and Harmanliyska rivers, were also being monitored because of concerns about the impact of heavy rainfall.....................

  108. EU foreign policy head Mogherini set for key Turkey talks ...

    EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is in Turkey to urge it to participate fully in the fight against Islamic State militants in Syria.

    Ms Mogherini and other top EU officials will urge Turkey to stop the flow of foreign fighters across its borders.

    She will emphasise the "strategic importance" of their relationship, a week after Russian President Vladimir Putin made a similar visit.

    Ms Mogherini will also urge Turkey to support EU sanctions against Russia.

    In an interview with the BBC's Lyse Doucet, Ms Mogherini said that while the crisis in Syria was not something that could be solved from Brussels, the EU still had a role to play, including "the empowerment of more actors that might take the lead".

    "I am sure that the UN can play some sort of a positive role," she said..................

  109. Fruits et légumes: la Russie interdit les importations d’Albanie ...

    La Russie interdit de façon temporaire les livraisons de fruits et légumes en provenance d’Albanie, suite à des cas avérés de livraisons de produits interdits en provenance de l’Union européenne via ce pays, a fait savoir le Service fédéral russe de contrôle vétérinaire et phytosanitaire (Rosselkhoznadzor).

    La mesure concerne toute la production végétale importée d’Albanie ou via ce pays par d’autres Etats.

    Rosselkhoznadzor a annoncé avoir découvert plusieurs certificats albanais contrefaits lors de livraisons de fruits et légumes en Russie. En outre, la partie albanaise n’a pas fourni les documents requis ni entrepris les mesures nécessaires afin de mettre un terme à de telles livraisons. Selon Rosselkhoznadzor, sur 21 certificats phytosanitaires fournis par la partie albanaise, 30 étaient des faux.

    "Constatant cela, nous avons tiré la conclusion que l’Albanie sert de couverture pour réaliser des livraisons de production interdite vers la Russie depuis les pays de l’Union européenne", a indiqué le service...............

  110. L'astronomo russo Vladimir Lipunov ha scoperto il nuovo asteroide “2014 UR116”, potenzialmente pericoloso per il nostro pianeta, il cui diametro è maggiore rispetto a quello del già noto asteroide "Apophis", si legge in un comunicato pubblicato sul sito web dell'Agenzia Spaziale russa Roscosmos...

    Tuttavia non si conosce ancora il pericolo che l'asteriode può rappresentare per la Terra.

    In precedenza il ministero delle Situazioni di Emergenza russo aveva proposto di sviluppare un programma federale scientifico e tecnico per creare un sistema nazionale di monitoraggio e previsione dei pericoli degli asteroidi.
    Per saperne di più:

  111. Israel’s efforts helped prevent a bad deal between the six international negotiators on Iran’s nuclear program (P5+1) and Tehran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed....

    “A November 24 deadline for an agreement has come and gone, and that’s fortunate,” the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) quoted Netanyahu as saying Sunday in a recorded address to the Saban Forum, convened in Washington under the auspices of the Brookings Institution.

    “Our voice and our concerns played a critical role in preventing a bad deal. We must use the time available to increase the pressure on Iran from developing a nuclear arms capability,” Netanyahu said...............

  112. PYD ‘promised’ US to not give arms to PKK ...

    The Democratic Union Party (PYD) has promised that arms sent by the United States to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) will definitely not be transferred to the outlawed Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK), PYD co-leader Salih Muslim has told the Hürriyet Daily News.

    “We have given a guarantee to the U.S. about not sending the arms to the PKK or using them against Turkey,” Muslim said, adding that the U.S. could give arms to the PYD again if required.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had said on Oct. 25 that the PYD had initially opposed the plan for Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces to join the fight against ISIL in Kobane for “fear of their scheme being disrupted.” However, Muslim strongly refuted such claims.

    “We have never been against cooperation between the Peshmerga and Kurds. Although some sensitive issues had arisen between these groups earlier, ISIL now pushes Kurds to come together, which is very good,” he said.

    “We are also not against improving relations between Kurds and Turkey. We only wish that Turkey was with us against ISIL. If Turkey had been, everything would have been different for Turkey, for us, and even for all people in the Middle East,” Muslim added.

    He noted that the Peshmerga forces had "made a difference" in Kobane and emphasized that the PYD also wants to see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad removed from his position..................

  113. The Turkish Coastguard prevented Greek fishermen from casting their nets inside Turkish territorial waters in the Aegean on Nov. 7...

    After Greek fishermen wanted to cast their nets off of the Kardak islets, facing mainland Turkey, a Turkish coastguard boat intervened by approaching and forcing them away from the territories.

    The fishing boats later tried to cast their nets again in front of the island, but were again prevented by the coastguards. The fishermen later retreated back to Greek territorial waters........................

  114. The UN has asked for $16.4bn (£10.5bn; 13.3bn euros) for its aid operations in 2015, with the largest single sum - $7.2bn - going to help Syrian refugees.

    Its last annual humanitarian appeal was for $13bn, making the new request a record for the organisation.

    The request comes as aid agencies warn they are running out of cash to fund this year's operations.

    Last week the World Food Programme announced it would have to cut food rations to Syrian refugees.

    In its new appeal, the UN is requesting $2.8bn to help those displaced by the conflict inside Syria. It is seeking another $4.4bn to help more than 3,250,000 refugees registered in neighbouring countries.

    Last year, Syria, South Sudan and the Central African Republic figured large in UN aid operations.

    Since then, the conflict in Ukraine, the rise of Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria, and the Ebola epidemic have added to the aid demand.

    UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos told reporters in Geneva: "We are facing needs at an unprecedented level.''...............

  115. Donbass appelliert an Russland, keine Kohle an Kiew zu verkaufen...

    Die selbsterklärten “Volksrepubliken” Donezk (DVR) und Lugansk (LVR) bitten Moskau, keine Steinkohle-Sorten, wie sie in Donbass gefördert werden und früher von Kiew aus dieser Region bezogen wurden, an die Ukraine zu liefern, wie aus einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der Vorsitzenden der Volksräte der DVR und der LVR, Andrej Purgin und Alexej Karjakin, hervorgeht.

    „Die Bergarbeiter und das ganze Volk von Donbass wenden sich an die Bergarbeiter und die Regierung Russlands. Liefert die Kohlesorten, die es in Donbass gibt und die die Ukraine vor dem Krieg bei uns gekauft hatte, nicht an die Ukraine. Es ist notwendig, Kiew zur Aufhebung der Wirtschaftsblockade (gegen Donbass) und dazu zu zwingen, von unseren Bergwerken Kohle zu kaufen und unsere Arbeit zu bezahlen. Widrigenfalls würden Hunderte Betriebe und Millionen Menschen zu Ruin und Hunger verurteilt sein“, heißt es in dem Dokument.............Weiterlesen:

  116. The Canadian Embassy in Cairo closed over unspecified security concerns...

    Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s office confirmed the closure on Monday, adding that the government is monitoring the situation closely and taking appropriate security measures.

    “We take the safety of our personnel and our mission overseas very seriously,” Baird’s Press Secretary Adam Hodge said in an email to CTV News. “We don't comment publicly on security precaution specifics at our missions.” .......Read more:

  117. Turkey 'welcomes pipelines passing through its soil' ...

    Turkey is eager to host oil pipelines that will connect much-needed energy resources with global markets, Energy Minister Taner Yıldız has said, while signaling a conditional willingness to transport much-disputed Eastern Mediterranean resources.

    “Turkey is warm to all natural gas pipelines that will pass through its soil,” Yıldız said at the International Mediterranean Energy Conference hosted by the Istanbul of Chamber of Commerce on Dec. 8.

    The remarks came as he was talking about a potential project to transport natural gas resources from off Cyprus to Europe................

    1. L'Union européenne étudiera des projets alternatifs à South Stream, a déclaré le vice-président pour l'énergie de la Commission européenne Maros Sefcovic...

      Une rencontre informelle de M. Sefcovic avec les ministres de l'Energie de Bulgarie, Hongrie, Slovénie, Autriche, Croatie, Italie, Grèce et Roumanie consacrée à l'abandon de South Stream commence dans la capitale belge.

      La semaine dernière, le président de Russie Vladimir Poutine a déclaré que dans les conditions actuelles la Russie ne pouvait pas poursuivre la réalisation du projet South Stream à cause de la position non constructive de l'Union européenne.
      Lire la suite:

  118. Erdogan vows to impose 'Arabic' Ottoman lessons in schools...

    Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed on Monday to make lessons in the Arabic-alphabet Ottoman language compulsory in high schools -- a highly symbolic move which enraged secularists who claim he is persuing an increasingly Islamist agenda.

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, abolished the Ottoman language in 1928, replacing its Arabic alphabet with a Latin one.............

  119. Der kanadische Verteidigungsminister Robert Nicholson hält Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nur dann für möglich, wenn alle Nato-Länder ihre Zustimmung erteilen sollten.....

    Was Waffenlieferungen angehe, so müsse es in der Nato einen Konsens darüber geben, sagte Nicholson am Montag in Kiew. Der ukrainische Nato-Botschafter Igor Dolgow hatte zuvor mitgeteilt, dass Kiew das Bündnis um keine tödlichen Waffen gebeten habe, jedoch darüber mit einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten berate...............

  120. Ukrainischer Abgeordneter will Russland gesetzlich als Aggressor abstempeln lassen ...

    Russland soll offiziell als ein Aggressor eingestuft werden. Das sieht der Entwurf eines Beschlusses vor, der am Montag von der Werchowna Rada (Parlament) der Ukraine registriert wurde.

    Laut einem zweiten Beschluss sollen die selbst ernannten Volksrepubliken Donezk und Lugansk im Osten der Ukraine als „terroristische Organisationen“ geächtet werden. Die beiden Entwürfe waren zuvor vom Abgeordneten Viktor Baloga vorgelegt worden, der unter Staatschef Viktor Juschtschenko dessen Präsidialamt geleitet hatte.

    Die Kiewer Machthaber machen Russland für die „Aggression“ im Osten der Ukraine verantwortlich. Moskau hatte mehrmals erklärt, dass Russland nichts zu tun hat mit der Entwicklung im Südosten der Ukraine und daher keine Konfliktseite ist. Russland sei daran interessiert, dass die Ukraine die politische und ökonomische Krise so schnell wie möglich überwindet, hieß es in Moskau.

  121. Der im vergangenen September gegründete Griechisch-Eurasische Geschäftsrat will mit der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion eng kooperieren. Das teilte die Vizepräsidentin des Rates, Zoya Kiprianova, RIA Novosti am Montag in Athen mit...

    „Der Rat hat zum Ziel, die Beziehungen nicht nur zur Eurasischen Union als Ganzes, sondern auch zu jedem einzelnen Mitgliedsland zu entwickeln. Seit dem 1. Januar 2015 wird die Kaukasusrepublik Armenien Mitglied der Wirtschaftsunion, zu der bereits Kasachstan, Russland und Weißrussland gehören“, sagte Kiprianova, die früher Vizepräsidentin der Griechisch-Russischen Handelskammer war.

    Einige Großunternehmer und große Konzerne hätten bereits den Wunsch bekundet, mit der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion zusammenzuarbeiten. Am Vortag sei der Präsident des Griechisch-Eurasischen Geschäftsrates, Ex-Vizeaußenminister Spiros Kouvelis, in Moskau mit Vertretern der Eurasischen Kommission zusammengetroffen, sagte die Vizepräsident. Details der Gespräche lagen zunächst nicht vor.

  122. Al-Qaeda leader seeks to differentiate his organization from the Islamic State, by condemning the hostage executions by Islamic State....

    An al-Qaeda commander in Yemen has condemned IS executions and its filming of beheadings, in a video interview released to Twitter.

    "Filming and promoting it [beheadings] among people in the name of Islam and jihad is a big mistake and not acceptable whatever the justifications are," said al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) commander Nasr Ibn Ali al-Ansi, responding to questions posed by reporters in advance of the recording. "This is very barbaric," he continued, AP reports.

    Nasr Ibn Ali al-Ansi was speaking during what was billed on Twitter as "The First International Press Conference" with the leader, which it appears was recorded before the killing of two hostages held by his group on Saturday during a US led rescue mission................

  123. CIA torture report: US raises security ahead of release...

    Security has been stepped up at US facilities around the world ahead of the release of a report expected to reveal details of harsh CIA interrogations, the White House says.

    Embassies and other sites were taking precautions amid "some indications" of "greater risk", a spokesman said.

    A 480-page summary of the Senate report is due to be released on Tuesday.

    It is expected to detail the CIA's campaign against al-Qaeda in the aftermath of 9/11.

    As well as detailing the controversial methods used by CIA operatives in an effort to extract information from high-value suspects, the report is expected to say harsh interrogations failed to deliver appropriate results.

    Publication of the report has been delayed amid disagreements in Washington over what should be made public...............

    1. Washington va publier un rapport sur les méthodes de torture de la CIA...

      Attendu depuis des mois, un rapport parlementaire sur les méthodes de torture utilisées par la CIA après les attentats du 11-Septembre sera rendu public, mardi. Un document de 500 pages, qui aura coûté, selon les républicains, 40 millions de dollars.

      Le sénat américain s'apprête à rendre public, mardi 9 novembre, un rapport parlementaire sur les méthodes de torture utilisées par la CIA après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Fruit de plus de trois ans d'investigations - de 2009 à 2012 -, ce document vise à faire la lumière sur le programme créé en secret par l’agence de renseignement américaine pour interroger des détenus soupçonnés de liens avec Al-Qaïda, notamment par la simulation de noyade ou la privation de sommeil. L'une des questions récurrentes est de savoir si ces méthodes ont permis d'obtenir des renseignements cruciaux.

      "Le président pense qu'il est important qu'il soit publié pour que les gens aux États-Unis et à travers le monde comprennent exactement ce qu'il s'est passé", a expliqué Josh Earnest, porte-parole de Barack Obama. Le locataire de la Maison Blanche a mis fin à ce programme dès son arrivée au pouvoir en janvier 2009. Tout en reconnaissant qu'il n'existait pas de "bon moment" pour publier un tel document, Josh Earnest a jugé cela indispensable pour s'assurer que "cela ne se reproduise jamais"...............

  124. Japanese government has taken a decision to introduce new sanctions in the wake of the tense situation in Ukraine...

    A cabinet meeting endorsed a list of twenty-six individuals and fourteen organizations mostly linked to Ukraine’s much-troubled independence-minded Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

    Should any properties or bank assets of these individuals be tracked down in Japan, they will be frozen.

  125. Lawrow: Russland hält Poroschenko für Hauptpartner in Kiew bei Konfliktbeilegung...

    Moskau hält den ukrainischen Präsidenten Pjotr Poroschenko für den Hauptpartner in Kiew bei der Suche nach einer Beilegung des Konflikts im Südosten des Landes, sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow in einem Interview für RIA Novosti.

    „Heute ist Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko unser Hauptpartner in Kiew bei der Suche nach einer Lösung des Konflikts im Südosten des Landes. Der von ihm unterbreitete Friedensplan und die entsprechenden Initiativen des Präsidenten Wladimir Putin sind Grundlage der bekannten Minsker Vereinbarungen geworden, deren strikte Erfüllung der Schlüssel für die lebensfähige Regelung der heutigen Krise ist“, so Lawrow................

  126. Palestinians secure observer status at ICC...

    The International Criminal Court has officially granted Palestinians observer status at the Court’s summit of 122 member countries on Monday.

    The move, which has repeatedly been promised by the Palestinians, is a step toward joining the world's permanent war crimes tribunal. The Hague-based ICC is an independent organization and is not part of the United Nations system.

    U.N. ambassador to Palestine Riyad Mansour, said his government is moving in that direction "but that's another step in that process," and the timing will be decided by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

    Previously, Abbas has vowed to seek membership in the ICC in order to press charges against Israel for alleged war crimes................

  127. Interpol rifiuta di inserire l’ex Presidente ucraino nella lista dei ricercati ...

    L’Interpol, l’Organizzazione Internazionale di Polizia Criminale non risponde alla richiesta dell'Ucraina di inserire nella lista dei ricercati l’ex Presidente ucraino Viktor Yanukovich, ha dichiarato ai giornalisti il Procuratore generale dell'Ucraina Vitaly Yarema.

    Yarema ha detto che all'Interpol sono stati forniti esempi e materiali non solo politici, ma anche su crimini economici. Il 22 febbraio in Ucraina vi è stato un cambio di Governo, che ha i segni di un colpo di stato, ed il Parlamento ha costretto alle dimissioni il capo di Stato Viktor Yanukovich, il quale, dopo quanto accaduto, ha lasciato il Paese.
    Per saperne di più:

  128. Soldier on guard duty on Turkish-Syrian border kills two others, then commits suicide, Turkish official says....

    A Turkish soldier on guard duty on the Syria-Turkey border in Sanliurfa province has killed two other soldiers and then committed suicide, a senior Turkish official has said.

    The governor of Sanliurfa province, where the incident took place, said the soldiers were on guard duty on the border in Ceylanpinar district.

    Izzettin Kucuk said "a psychologically disturbed soldier killed two others, who were on duty at the same guard post"...........

  129. Amnesty: Israeli strikes on Gaza buildings 'war crimes' ...

    Israeli air strikes on four high-rise buildings in the final days of this summer's conflict in Gaza amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International says.

    Evidence suggested the destruction was "carried out deliberately and with no military justification", a new report by the human rights group found.

    It called for an independent and impartial investigation to be opened.

    Israel said the report made unfounded allegations and ignored Hamas' use of the buildings for military purposes.

    In a statement, the Israeli embassy in London said Amnesty should be investigating the Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians instead...........

  130. Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (07.12.14) reports that Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu stated that it is not possible to accept an agreement that will force their people” to leave from “their soil”...

    He made these statements speaking during an inauguration ceremony of a halvah factory in occupied Famagusta.

    Eroglu also stated that every investment made in the “country” is important since a stronger economy strengthens the position of the Turkish Cypriot side at the negotiation table.
    - See more at:

  131. Ukrainian forces on Tuesday suspended hostilities against independence-seeking insurgents in the country's eastern regions, the government said...

    A ceasefire initiated by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was established within the "day of silence" framework in the combat area, the press service of the government's military operation said in a statement.

    But the truce, starting from 8:00 a.m. local time (0600 GMT), was violated by a mortar fire only one hour after coming into force, said Leonid Buryachenko, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry.

    He added that it was not immediately clear who was behind the fire.

    Meanwhile, Andrei Lysenko, a spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council, said government troops were "strictly abiding" by the ceasefire agreement.....................

  132. Prime Minister David Cameron will use talks in Ankara on Tuesday to ask Turkey to supply Britain with more and swifter information about Britons fighting in Syria and Iraq with Islamic State (IS), his spokesman said...

    He is also likely to raise reports that Turkey handed over two captured British IS militants to Islamic State in October as part of a swap to secure the release of Turkish hostages, without consulting Britain.

    "Counter-terror is front and center," Cameron's spokesman told reporters in London, describing the visit's purpose.

    Cameron is due to meet Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on arrival in Ankara and have an evening meeting with President Tayyip Erdogan.

  133. Der Bau von Pipelines im Rahmen des Projekts des sogenannten Südlichen Gaskorridors zwischen Aserbaidschan und Europa verläuft nach Plan. Das teilte Maroš Šefčovič, EU-Kommissar für die Energieunion, am Dienstag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Brüssel mit...

    „Bei meinen Verhandlungen in (der aserbaidschanischen Hauptstadt) Baku wurde klar, dass der Terminplan eingehalten wird, die Röhre wird pünktlich verlegt. Die aserbaidschanische und die türkische Seite hatten mir versichert, dass der ‚Südliche Gaskorridor‘ rechtzeitig gebaut wird“, sagte der slowakische Politiker.

    Zum Projekt gehört unter anderem der Bau der Transadriatischen Gaspipeline TAP. Über diese Leitung soll Gas vom aserbaidschanischen Feld Shah Deniz im Laufe von Jahrzehnten nach Europa gepumpt werden.

  134. Little Progress in US Authorization for Fight Against Islamic State ...

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Congress should give President Barack Obama flexibility in combating Islamic State fighters, if and when lawmakers approve a military authorization. Months into a U.S.-led air campaign against Sunni extremists, Congress appears no closer to passing an authorization, and the administration is not spelling out a proposal of its own.

    As air strikes continue over Iraq and Syria, an authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) remains elusive. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the desire for an AUMF is genuine.

    “I am here to work with you on behalf of the administration to get this done. And the president has said all along that he wants an AUMF,” said Kerry..................

  135. Joint Press Statement by Ministers and Representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia and VP Šefčovič...

    Today representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia (hereinafter as: Member States) as well as European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič have met to discuss gas infrastructure priorities for Central- and South-Eastern Europe.

    Member States directly concerned and the Vice-President discussed the announcement by the Russian Federation and Gazprom to stop the South Stream project. Member States directly concerned took note of the currently unofficial nature of this announcement and invited the Vice-President to clarify the situation with the Russian side. All Member States agreed that the EU must remain strongly committed to integrating Central and South-Eastern European gas markets and diversifying gas suppliers, sources and routes. This is also a key objective of the Energy Union, one of the priority projects of the new Commission.[1]

    The integration of gas markets and the diversification of gas supplies will namely require putting in place the necessary infrastructure and implementing harmonised rules for the benefit of customers in that region. This can be achieved by implementing key regional projects (e.g. LNG terminals with corresponding pipeline systems, connections to the Southern Gas Corridor, or the development of East Mediterranean and Black Sea offshore gas reserves), by improving interconnections within the region, in particular between Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries, and by improving North-South interconnections enabled with bi-directional flows. New routes operated in line with EU law can also contribute to increased security of supply in the region................

  136. Turkey, UK agree to block flow of foreign fighters ...

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and British counterpart David Cameron expressed their joint resolve Tuesday to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and intelligence sharing to prevent the flow of foreign fighters into Syria.

    Addressing a joint press conference in Ankara, Davutoglu clarified Turkey's policy regarding passage of militants through its borders.

    "Turkey has never and will never tolerate the transit of foreign fighters via Turkish soil or their presence in Syria," the Turkish prime minister said.

    Cameron, who arrived in Ankara Tuesday evening, called for more intelligence sharing between the two countries to block the flow of foreign fighters, including British citizens into Syria to fight alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorist group.

    "We should exchange more information, we should cooperate more in terms of intelligence," Cameron said................

  137. HCR: 3.419 migrants ont péri en 2014 en Méditerranée, "route la plus mortelle du monde"...

    La Méditerranée est devenue "la route la plus mortelle du monde" en 2014, avec au moins 3.419 migrants qui ont perdu la vie en tentant de la traverser en quête d'un avenir meilleur, a annoncé mercredi l'agence des Nations Unies en charge des réfugiés.

    Depuis le début de l'année, ce sont plus de 207.000 migrants qui ont tenté de traverser la Méditerranée, un chiffre presque trois fois plus élevé que le précédent record de 2011 lorsque 70.000 migrants avaient fui leur pays lors du printemps arabe.

    "Ces chiffres constituent une nouvelle étape à laquelle nous assistons cette année: nous faisons fasse à un arc de conflits et l'Europe y a été directement confrontée", a déclaré à l'AFP Adrian Edwards, le porte-parole du HCR...................

  138. Ucrania necesita 15.000 millones de dólares adicionales para prevenir la quiebra ...

    Según cálculos del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Ucrania necesita 15.000 millones de dólares adicionales en próximas semanas para prevenir la bancarrota de su economía, informó hoy el diario Financial Times.

    La necesidad de los medios adicionales surgió por la reducción del PIB en 7% y la caída de las exportaciones a Rusia lo que provocó una caída brusca de las reservas del Banco Central del país.

    El periódico indica que sin ayuda adicional, Kiev debería hacer recortes sustanciales en su presupuesto o anunciar la suspensión de pagos........

  139. The Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reported Wednesday that a total of 2.4 million people have been affected by typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) in the Philippines....

    Almost 2.4 million people have been affected by typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) in the Philippines, the country's National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Wednesday.

    "A total of 532,887 families / 2,392,593 persons were affected," NDRRMC said in an update on its website.

    The update added that a total of 604 passengers and 13 vessels were still stranded as of December 10 because of the bad weather conditions. Nine people were reported dead by the council............Read more:

  140. USA : 74 milliards de dollars alloués aux opérations militaires à l'étranger ...

    Le projet de budget fédéral pour 2015 prévoit que les dépenses des Etats-Unis à des opérations militaires à l'étranger constitueront 73,7 milliards de dollars.

    Mardi soir le projet a été examiné par les républicains et les démocrates au Congrès. Jeudi il pourrait être voté par le Sénat et la Chambre des représentants........Lire la suite:

  141. CIA-FolterberichtUno und Menschenrechtler fordern Konsequenzen ...

    Die Kritik an den neuen CIA-Folterberichten nimmt zu. Uno und Menschenrechtler fordern strafrechtliche Ermittlungen, die Empörung ist groß. Eine Strafverfolgung durch die US-Justiz ist aber unwahrscheinlich.

    Nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts über die Foltermethoden des US-Geheimdienstes CIA haben die Vereinten Nationen und Menschenrechtsgruppen strafrechtliche Konsequenzen verlangt. Die Verantwortlichen für die "kriminelle Verschwörung" müssten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, erklärte der UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Terrorismusbekämpfung und Menschenrechte, Ben Emmerson, am Dienstag. Der Bericht bestätige die Vermutungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, dass in der Regierung des früheren US-Präsidenten George W. Bush auf hoher Ebene "systematische Verbrechen und grobe Verletzungen der internationalen Menschenrechtsgesetze" begangen worden seien...................

  142. US denies sending arms to Syrian Kurdish fighters ...

    The U.S. State Department has denied supplying U.S. arms to Kurdish forces defending the besieged town of Kobane, insisting that any supplies are from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq.

    “The United States is not providing U.S. arms to the PYD [the Democratic Union Party],” a department official told the Anadolu Agency on Dec. 9.

    Turkey views the party as a branch of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and has condemned arming the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ), the armed wings of the PYD.

    Washington, however, has carried out air drops to reinforce the group as it seeks to defend the key Syrian border town from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) advances.....................

  143. Venezuela president blasts 'insolent' sanctions vote by US Senate ...

    Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday night railed against the US Senate for passing a bill that would impose sanctions on government officials found to have violated protesters' rights during demonstrations earlier this year.

    "Who is the US Senate to come sanction the nation of Bolivar," he thundered during a military act, in reference to South America's 19th century independence hero Simon Bolivar.

    "We don't accept insolent imperialist sanctions," he added to cheers from the audience, which included Argentine football icon and leftist Diego Maradona.

    The measure targets officials involved in what it considers a crackdown on political opponents during the three month-long street protests over crime and the economy that left 43 dead with victims on both sides.

    Maduro says the unrest was part of a broader US-backed attempt to unseat him...............

  144. Elena Valenciano on human rights: "The EU has to set an example"...

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed by the United Nations 66 years ago today on 10 December 1948, represented the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled. To mark the anniversary of this event, we talked to Elena Valenciano, the chair of the EP's human rights subcommittee. The Spanish member of the S&D group spoke to us about what MEPs do to promote human rights and what they are planning to do next year.

    What is the human rights subcommittee's main mission?

    Its main mission is the defence of human rights outside the EU. We analyse the situation of human rights all over the world, in countries marked by torture, the death penalty, a lack of political liberties, human rights breaches and every kind of threat to human dignity.

    We usually work closely together with civil society organisations as well as with governments. We call for political prisoners to be freed, we campaign against the recruitment of children for war, against the death penalty or to defend the freedom of the press.....................

  145. Cyprus Government calls on EU to be frank with Turkey regarding its obligations...

    The European Union and its member states often hide behind the Republic of Cyprus and do not speak frankly to Ankara, stated Government Spokesman Nicos Christodoulides on Tuesday, adding that the lack of progress by a candidate country in the past nine years and its refusal to comply with its accession obligations should concern seriously the Commission and Member states.

    Christodoulides said the European Commission should also consider its own share of responsibility as far as whether it has managed or not to exert influence on a candidate state through the accession process towards progress. Regarding the opening of negotiating chapters that are blocked, the Spokesman said there are three chapters that can easily open but this is not due to reasons that concern Ankara. “The easiest thing is to say that the Republic of Cyprus is blocking Turkey`s accession course. I wish we had so much power. We don`t”, he told a conference on “The New Turkey, EU and Cyprus,” in Nicosia, organized by the European Parliament Office in Cyprus, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence..................- See more at:

  146. Palestinian minister dies after clashes with Israeli troops...

    A Palestinian minister died on Wednesday shortly after an altercation with Israeli border police in the West Bank during which one of the policeman grabbed him by the neck.

    Ziad Abu Ein, 55, a minister without portfolio, was taking part in a protest against Israeli settlements when he was involved in clashes with around 30 Israeli troops and border police, a Reuters witness said.

    Abu Ein was confronted by a border policemen who grasped him by the neck and briefly held him with one hand. Minutes later the minister began to look faint and fell to the ground clasping his chest. He died on his way to hospital.

    It was not clear what caused his death................

  147. Des faux primitifs sont présentés par les pays occidentaux comme des "preuves irréfutables" de la présence de troupes russes en Ukraine, a indiqué mercredi le chef de l'état-major général russe, le général Valeri Guerassimov, lors d'une rencontre avec les attachés militaires de certains pays...

    "A la veille de chaque rencontre internationale de haut niveau sur la politique à adopter à l'égard de Moscou, les représentants officiels des Etats-Unis et de l'Otan, ainsi que les prétendus «militants des droits de l'homme» placés sous leur contrôle fournissent de nouveaux lots de révélations", a déclaré M. Guerassimov.

    Selon lui, "on tente de faire passer les faux graphiques primitifs mis en ligne dans les réseaux sociaux pour des preuves irréfutables de la participation active de troupes russes au conflit civil intérieur sur le territoire des régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk".

  148. Chinese media coverage of a much-anticipated report released by the United States Senate, on the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) torture of terrorists suspects after the Sept. 11 attacks, gripped the nation on Wednesday...

    Ironically, the report, which included a list of the ten major interrogation techniques used by the CIA, was released on the eve of Dec. 10, Human Rights Day -- the day the world honors the United Nations' (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

    State television China Central Television (CCTV) covered the story during its early morning program, with its Washington D.C. correspondent, Wang Guan, focusing on the brutality and questionable effect of the brutal interrogation techniques the CIA used on detainees, who it held without trial on the basis that they were suspected members of al-Qaeda.

    "[The questioning under torture] didn't result in Osama bin Laden being found, according to the report," said Wang Guan, adding that the CIA had also lied about the number of detainees it had tortured.

    It was also revealed that the interrogators would not face criminal charges despite the fact that their behavior violated U.S. laws and the Geneva Convention...............

  149. Palestinian FM: Israel will pay for death of minister ...

    The death of a Palestinian minister who died shortly after clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank on Wednesday has sparked outrage in the Palestinian Authority.

    After Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the death of Ziad Abu Ein, a PA minister without portfolio, as a "barbaric assassination'" that would not be tolerated, the PA's foreign minister too, lashed out at Israel.

    Foreign Minister Riad al-Maliki promised that the Jewish state would "pay for the killing of Abu Ein."

    1. Turkey Wednesday strongly condemned Israel over the recent death of a senior Palestinian official...

      Ziad Abu Ein suffocated to death Wednesday when he got exposed to Israeli tear gas used to disperse a Palestinian protest in the northern West Bank town of Turmus Ayya .

      Abu Ein was a high-ranking Palestine Liberation Organization official, whose portfolio was equivalent to that of a government minister. He was also in charge of the Israeli settlements file at the organization.

      The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Turkey strongly condemned Israel for the incident that happened because of maltreatment by Israeli soldiers.

      “We expect an objective and extensive investigation, and want those responsible to be brought to justice," the statement added.

      "This sad incident is a result of Israeli invasion on Palestinian land," the statement also said....................

  150. US Secretary of State John Kerry will head to Rome on Sunday for an unexpected meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his spokeswoman said...

    "They will discuss a number of issues, including recent developments in Israel, the West Bank, and Jerusalem and the region," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said

  151. After Abu Ein death, Gantz orders 2 more IDF battalions, more border police to West Bank ...

    IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz ordered two battalions and two Border Police units from the Israel Police to enter the West Bank and beef up forces, following the death of PA minister Ziad Abu Ein during a demonstration on Wednesday.

    The decision came after Gantz held an evaluation meeting with senior security chiefs.


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