Saturday, November 22, 2014

International news in brief (November 2014 - D)

Kiev claims that a military operation it is conducting in eastern Ukraine is well in line with the United Nations Charter and meets the country’s liabilities under international law, Ukraine’s Deputy Permanent Representative at the United Nations Andrei Tsymbalyuk said on Wednesday at a United Nations Security Council meeting dedicated to anti-terrorism efforts........................Kiev claims military operation in eastern Ukraine complies with UN Charter


  1. US, Turkey to Continue Support to Syrian ‘Moderate Opposition’: White House...

    Washington will continue to cooperate with Ankara on providing support to "moderate opposition" in Syria, which is battling Islamic State (IS) extremists, the White House said in a statement following a meeting between US Vice President Joe Biden and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

    "The two leaders agreed on the need to degrade and defeat ISIL, to work towards a political transition in Syria, and provide support for the Iraqi Security Forces and the moderate Syrian opposition," the statement, released Friday, said.

    According to the White House, Biden and Davutoglu discussed "the fight against ISIL in Iraq and Syria" during their Friday meeting in Ankara, which followed the US Vice President's visit to Ukraine..............

  2. Ukraine, US, Canada do not back Russia-initiated UN resolution on heroization of Nazism ...
    The third committee of the UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution urging countries to adopt more efficient measures to struggle against the heroization of Nazism and other forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.

    A total of 115 out of 193 UN member-states voted in favor of the document, initiated by Russia. Three countries opposed the document - Canada, the United States and Ukraine. Another 55 delegations, including from the European Union countries, abstained.

    The resolution expresses concerns over the spread across the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo-Nazis as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies.

    The text also warns against glorification of the Nazi movement and former members of the Waffen-SS organization and erecting monuments and memorials to them.............

    1. It's official: Canada has been assimilated ...

      As predicted in this column just four years ago, Canada has been assimilated by its bed-partner, the United States of America. No, this time we are not speaking about hacking baby seals to death or skinning them alive, neither are we speaking about Harper's Insolence, a new disease among the international political leadership, nor are we speaking about dangerous facilities at sports venues. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are speaking about the most blatant example of political cowardice, a foreign policy which is an insult to the peoples of Canada and an affront to its history.

      Once upon a time, Canada used to have "cujones" and when necessary, used to stand up for itself, stand up for its principles and slam its fist on the table when its neighbor to the South bowed to its customary tendency to support Fascist and murderous policies of intrusion across the globe.

      Not today. On November 21, Canada joined just two other nations - predictably the United States of America and of course Ukraine, in becoming the most hated group of three isolated nations which voted NO to the Resolution presented by Russia in the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Plenary Session:

      Third committee draft resolution concerning combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (1). Full text (3)...............

  3. Korruptionsverdacht: Portugals Ex-Regierungschef Socrates festgenommen...

    Sechs Jahre lang war er Ministerpräsident des Euro-Krisenlandes Portugal. Nun sitzt José Socrates hinter Gittern. Es geht um Steuerhinterziehung und Korruption.

    Der ehemalige portugiesische Ministerpräsident José Socrates ist am Freitag wegen des Verdachts auf Steuerhinterziehung festgenommen worden. Das teilte die Staatsanwaltschaft in Lissabon in der Nacht zum Samstag mit. Die Ermittlungen drehen sich demnach um Steuerhinterziehung, Geldwäsche und Korruption.

    Socrates sei einer von vier Verdächtigen, die in den vergangenen Tagen festgenommen worden seien, hieß es. Portugiesischen Medienberichten zufolge soll der 57 Jahre alte ehemalige Regierungschef am Samstag einem Richter vorgeführt werden. Er sei am Freitagnachmittag bei seiner Ankunft am Flughafen von Lissabon festgenommen worden.................

  4. Turkey will train Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces to fight Islamic State militants in Iraq, local Hurriyet Daily News reported on Friday...

    Turkey and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government have been in cooperation for a training program in northern Iraq for a month, according to the daily report.

    Turkey would continue support Iraqi Kurds, including training Peshmerga force, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was quoted as saying on Friday.

    As part of his official visit to Iraq on Friday, the Turkish prime minster had talks with Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani in Arbil. At a joint press conference with Barzani, Davutoglu said the security of entire Iraq, including the Iraqi Kurdish region, is of vital importance to Turkey.

    "Turkey will give all kinds of support to the Kurdish region," the Turkish prime minister said.................

  5. The Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) has launched a major attack on the Iraqi city of Ramadi, capital of the troubled western province of Anbar, security officials have said, resulting in the killing of at least 20 soldiers....

    The assault came as Joe Biden, the US vice-president, arrived in Istanbul on Friday with a view to push Turkey to step up its role in the international coalition's fight against the ISIL.

    Al Jazeera's Imran Khan, reporting from Baghdad, said pro-government forces had called in reinforcements to push back the offensive on Ramadi that was coming from four sides.

    "Ramadi is a crucial city for ISIL as it attempts to consolidate its grip over all of Anbar province," Khan said.................

  6. José Sócrates, ex primer ministro portugués, detenido en Lisboa por fraude fiscal ...

    El ex primer ministro de Portugal, José Sócrates fue detenido el viernes por la noche en el aeropuerto de Lisboa por su presunta vinculación en lavado de dinero, evasión tributaria y corrupción, informa el diario portugués Jornal de Notícias.

    “La detención del ex primer ministro ocurrió cerca de las 22.30 (hora local) tras su llegada al aeropuerto de Lisboa en un vuelo procedente de París, ciudad donde reside actualmente”, informa la publicación, citando a medios locales.

    La fiscalía portuguesa investiga operaciones bancarias, movimientos y transferencias de dinero sin justificación.

    Además de Sócrates, han sido detenidas otras tres personas que comparecieron el viernes ante el juez.

    Los presuntos crímenes habrían sido cometidos durante los dos mandatos en los que el ex primer ministro estuvo a la cabeza del Gobierno.

    La investigación se retomará el sábado, día en que Sócrates deberá declarar ante el juez.

    1. Portugal: l'ex-Premier ministre Socrates arrêté dans une enquête pour fraude fiscale...

      L'ancien Premier ministre socialiste José Socrates a été arrêté vendredi dans le cadre d'une enquête pour fraude fiscale, blanchiment d'argent et corruption, a annoncé le parquet général.

      M. Socrates fait partie d'un groupe de quatre personnes interpellées au cours des derniers jours, dont trois ont été présentées au juge vendredi, indique le ministère public dans un communiqué.

      Des perquisitions ont été menées dans plusieurs endroits non précisés par plus de 60 fonctionnaires de la justice, des douanes et de la police, selon le communiqué.................

  7. Iran nuclear talks: 'Gaps remain' in Vienna negotiations ...

    Talks on Iran's nuclear programme are entering a crucial weekend in Vienna, but there is no sign of a breakthrough as Monday's deadline looms.

    The US admitted that "serious gaps do remain".

    But Secretary of State John Kerry did cancel plans to leave Austria, and held further talks with his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif late on Friday.

    Six world powers want Iran to curb its nuclear programme in return for the lifting of UN sanctions.

    The US, the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China - the so-called 5+1 group - are seeking reassurance that Iran is not trying to build a nuclear weapons capability.

    Tehran insists its nuclear programme is purely energy-related...............

  8. Nucléaire iranien: les négociateurs ont jusqu'à lundi pour s'entendre ...

    C'est une véritable course contre la montre. L'Iran et les grandes puissances sont au pied du mur samedi à Vienne pour conclure un accord historique sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran. Un accord qui permettrait de mettre fin à 12 ans de controverses et de tensions. Mais il faut se rendre à l'évidence, le temps passe et les chances d'obtenir un accord se réduisent. Aucune avancée significative n'a été enregistrée à trois jours de la date butoir...............

  9. Otan: Washington soutient la volonté d'adhésion de Kiev ...

    Les Etats-Unis soutiennent l'aspiration de l'Ukraine à adhérer à l'Otan, mais c'est Kiev qui doit en décider finalement, a déclaré vendredi le porte-parole du département d'Etat américain Jeff Rathke.

    "Compte tenu de la volonté de l'Ukraine de coopérer avec l'Otan, nous réaffirmons la position de l'Alliance, dont la porte reste ouvert devant les pays souhaitant apporter leur contribution dans la garantie de la sécurité euro-atlantique. Nous saluons leur désir d'adhérer à l'Otan. Nous examinons chaque demande d'adhésion. Or, c'est l'Ukraine qui doit prendre cette décision (…). Cela relève de leur responsabilité (des Ukrainiens, ndlr)", a souligné le diplomate.

    Le porte-parole du président russe Dmitri Peskov a déclaré récemment dans une interview accordée à la BBC que la Russie avait besoin des "garanties à 100%" assurant la non-adhésion de l'Ukraine au sein de l'Alliance atlantique...............

  10. Rusia cooperará con la UE aunque las relaciones no serán las mismas ...

    Moscú no piensa renunciar a la cooperación con la Unión Europea pero las relaciones ya no serán las mismas, declaró el ministro ruso de Asuntos Exteriores, Serguéi Lavrov.

    "Nadie piensa dispararse en su propio pie y renunciar a la cooperación con Europa aunque todos comprendemos que las relaciones de siempre ya son imposibles", declaró el ministro al intervenir en la Asamblea del Consejo para Política Exterior y de Defensa.

    Subrayó que Europa sigue siendo uno de los mayores socios de Rusia..............

  11. Visit of EU Foreign Policy Chief Mogherini to Moscow Not Discussed Yet...

    The possible visit of the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to Moscow has not been discussed yet, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov said Saturday.

    "The issue… of her [Mogherini's] visit has not been raised, it has not been discussed yet," deputy minister told reporters.

    Meshkov also added that the visit of the Belgian and Serbian foreign ministers, Didier Reynders and Ivica Dacic, is currently under discussion...................

  12. Sources: ISIS kills 25 Anbar tribesmen in Iraq ...

    Islamist militants have shot dead 25 people from the Albunimr tribe in the Sunni-stronghold province of Anbar in Iraq, sources told Al Arabiya News Channel on Saturday.

    Other security and tribal sources said militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) radical group funneled more military backup from the eastern bank of the Euphrates to the al-Sajariya area - where the Albunimr tribesmen were killed - in east Anbar.

    ISIS’s military maneuvers have forced the tribal fighters to ask for more military support from the Iraqi government which they blame for an arms supply delay.....

  13. Résolution russe sur la lutte contre la glorification du nazisme : USA, Canada et Ukraine sont contre ...

    Une résolution sur la lutte contre la glorification du nazisme a été adoptée par la Troisième Commission de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU à l'initiative de la Russie. Seuls trois États ont été contre : les États-Unis, le Canada et l'Ukraine.

    Dans ce document, les membres de l'ONU expriment leur « profonde préoccupation par la glorification de toute forme de mouvement nazi, de néonazisme et des anciens membres de la Waffen SS, y compris par la construction de monuments commémoratifs et la tenue de manifestations publiques ». Le document souligne également l'augmentation du nombre d'incidents ayant nature raciste dans le monde entier.
    Lire la suite:

  14. Kiev says Russia has 7,500 troops in Ukraine...

    Russia has 7,500 troops in the east of the country, where pro-Moscow separatists have been fighting government troops for months, Ukraine's defence minister said.

    "Unfortunately, the stabilization of the situation in the east of Ukraine does not depend only on us," Stepan Poltorak said in a statement posted on the ministry's website.

    "The presence of 7,500 representatives of Russian armed forces in Ukraine destabilizes the situation and prevents us from stabilizing it.".........

    1. Ukraine: Kiev dénonce la présence de 7500 soldats russes dans l'Est ...

      Kiev a dénoncé samedi la présence de 7500 soldats russes dans l'est séparatiste de l'Ukraine et l'entrée de nouveaux équipements militaires depuis la Russie après s'être engagé à relancer la politique d'adhésion à l'Otan.

      Accusée depuis plusieurs jours par Kiev et l'Otan d'avoir déployé ses chars et ses soldats dans l'Est, la Russie dément toute implication dans ce conflit qui a fait plus de 4300 morts dont 1000 depuis la trêve conclue en septembre avec la participation de Moscou.

      "La présence de 7500 représentants des forces armées russes sur le territoire ukrainien est un facteur déstabilisateur qui nous empêche de stabiliser rapidement la situation dans notre pays", a déclaré le ministre ukrainien de la Défense Stepan Poltorak en rencontrant vendredi soir les attachés militaires étrangers, selon un communiqué disponible sur le site du ministère samedi. Face à cette menace, l'Ukraine a l'intention d'"augmenter le nombre de ses forces armées", a poursuivi le ministre sans plus de précisions....................

  15. China building South China Sea island big enough for airstrip: report...

    Satellite images show China is building an island on a reef in the disputed Spratly Islands large enough to accommodate what could be its first offshore airstrip in the South China Sea, a leading defense publication said on Friday.

    The construction has stoked concern that China may be converting disputed territory in the mineral-rich archipelago into military installations, adding to tensions waters also claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei.

    IHS Jane's said images it had obtained showed the Chinese-built island on the Fiery Cross Reef to be at least 3,000 meters (1.9 miles) long and 200-300 meters (660-980 ft) wide, which it noted is "large enough to construct a runway and apron."...................

  16. A major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Nagano Prefecture and surrounding areas in central Honshu on Saturday night, causing injuries and damages, the Meteorological Agency reported...

    The quake hit at 10:08 p.m. at a depth of 10 km. It measured lower 6 on the Japanese seismic scale to 7 in northern Nagano, and lower 5 in neighboring Niigata Prefecture, the agency said.

    No tsunami alert was issued. There was no immediate confirmation of casualties and damage as local police and officials scrambled to gather information.

    Northern Nagano was rocked again by a powerful aftershock at 10:37 p.m. that measured lower 5, according to the agency.

    In the villages of Hakuba and Ogawa, northern Nagano, there were reports of injuries to residents from houses collapsing, local firefighters said. Water pipes were also reported to have ruptured.

    Hakuba was trying to confirm reports that at least four people were trapped under collapsed houses, according to NHK, while a landslide also blocked roads in the village.................

  17. Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow : "Der Westen will einen Regimewechsel" ...

    Will der Westen den Kreml-Chef Wladimir Putin stürzen? Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow sieht in der aktuellen Ukraine-Politik den Beweis dafür. Anders seien die Sanktionen nicht zu erklären.

    Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow hat dem Westen vorgeworfen, durch Sanktionen in Russland einen "Regimewechsel" anzustreben. "Der Westen zeigt unzweideutig, dass er (Russland) nicht zwingen will, seine Politik zu ändern, sondern dass er einen Regimewechsel erreichen möchte", sagte Lawrow bei einer politischen Diskussionsveranstaltung in Moskau laut der Nachrichtenagentur Tass...............

  18. Kerry speaks about “careful progress” at Iran nuclear talks ...

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said ahead of a meeting with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Saturday that there was “careful progress” at the talks of the world six powers P5+1 with Iran on its nuclear programme.

    “We’re working hard,” Kerry said. “We hope we’re making careful progress, but we have big gaps, we still have some serious gaps, which we’re working to close.

    U.S. Secretary of State also spoke by phone with his counterparts from Turkey and Canada about the talks with Iran on its nuclear programme, a source from the U.S. delegation said on Saturday.

    The source said that intensive consultations of the U.S. delegation with certain countries on the would-be deal between Iran and the world six powers (P5+1) were underway.

    In the coming hours Kerry is to meet German Foreign Minister Franc-Walter Steinmeier, who has arrived in Vienna for this round of talks.................

  19. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday that Turkey was the only country expected to grow in the next decade in Europe....

    Biden praised Turkey as a regional energy hub in a speech at the closing session of the sixth Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul.

    The summit has brought together world leaders to debate critical global energy and geopolitical issues.

    Referring to Turkey's potential growth in the energy sector and the global economy, the U.S. vice president said: "Turkey is the only country expected to show growth in the next decade in Europe."

    He also addressed Russia and its alleged use of energy as a weapon to keep Europe in a stranglehold.

    He said energy meant security in Europe and Russia was deliberately using energy as a weapon.

    "Russian aggression in Ukraine shows there are multiple dimensions to Europe's security; one is hard military power, second is the use of energy as a weapon undermining the security of nations," Biden said.

    He alleged Russia was using new weapons...............

  20. Die Popularität von Tschechiens Präsident Milos Zeman ist in seinem Land innerhalb eines Monats um 21 Prozent geschrumpft, berichtet der tschechische Rundfunk unter Berufung auf die Meinungsforschungsagentur Median...

    Anfang Oktober haben 58 Prozent der Bevölkerung ihr Vertrauen gegenüber dem Präsidenten bekundet, heute sind es nur noch 37 Prozent.

    Sehr negativ reagierten viele Tschechen unter anderem auf Zemans Äußerungen zur Situation in der Ukraine, wo nach seiner Ansicht ein Bürgerkrieg tobe, wie dieser 1937 bis 1939 in Spanien vor sich gegangen sei. Unter diesen Bedingungen habe es nach seiner Ansicht keinen Sinn, Kiew Wirtschaftshilfe zu erweisen.................

  21. France is holding the toughest position at the talks with Iran and the six world powers on Iran’s nuclear programme, a source at the talks told TASS on Saturday...

    “At the moment, the French delegation is holding the toughest stance," the source said.

    “The meetings within the format of a round of negotiations are underway, with consultations reaching an intensive phase,” he said.

  22. US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday about the progress of nuclear talks with Iran, a US official said.

  23. Turkey determined to ally with US against ISIL ...

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkey is determined to strengthen its cooperation with the U.S. against ISIL to maintain regional peace and security.

    Erdogan and U.S. Vice President Biden held a press conference in Istanbul addressing the cooperation between Turkey and the U.S. in fight against ISIL.

    It also addressed the humanitarian crisis caused by conflicts on the other side of Turkey’s southern border.

    "We had a chance to discuss recent issues with Biden.It is a pleasure to announce that Turkey and the U.S. have a consensus on several regional issues," Erdogan told the press after a working dinner with Biden.

    Erdogan said that global peace is facing critical threats and stressed the importance of strategic cooperation between the two countries.

    "The coordinated steps taken by Turkey and the U.S. will have a role in changing the future of the region," he said. "Turkey is determined to strengthen its relationship with the U.S. to maintain regional peace and security."

    Joe Biden said the U.S. needs Turkey in its fight against ISIL...............

  24. Egypt's army killed seven and arrested 67 alleged militants in restive North Sinai governorate on Thursday and Friday, the armed forces spokesman announced Saturday on his official Facebook page....

    The alleged militants died in crossfire while attempting to attack security forces.

    The army also destroyed 22 vehicles and 146 motorcycles without license plates, which authorities say are used in waging militant attacks.

    According to the statement, the army also destroyed 112 militant hideouts.

    Egypt's military has been combatting a decade-long jihadist insurgency in Sinai, with attacks increasing over the past year. Hundreds of soldiers and police have been killed, while the army says it has killed and arrested hundreds of jihadists. Civilians have also been caught in the violence.............,-arrests--militants-in-North-Si.aspx

  25. Ukraine refuses to receive Canada fighter-bombers F-18...

    Maintenance costs and the lack of trained pilots made Ukrainian government refuse to receive up to 20 fighter-bombers F-18, former Ukrainian Deputy Defence Minister Leonid Polyakov who is a consultant of Ukrainian parliamentary committee for national security and defence told TV channel 24.

    This was reported in the summer of 2014 that as part of modernisation of its Air Force Canadian government might hand over gratis up to 20 fighter jets F-18 decommissioned earlier in the country.

    Kiev denied Canada’s offer for several reasons, Polyakov said.

    “First of all, these are financial reasons, because each pilot is served by several thousand special staff providing for his flight,” he said.

    Meanwhile, piloting of this warplane would require advanced training courses for pilots, because most of them had been training to steer Soviet warplanes before this, he said.

  26. Israel ups funding for security of illegal settlers ...

    An Israeli committee has recently approved increasing the money spent on securing Jewish settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, reported the Israeli Haaretz newspaper on Sunday.

    The paper said the Finance Committee of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, had recently approved an addition 20 million shekels ($5.2 million) to fund settlements in East Jerusalem, bringing the total spent in 2014 to more than 100 million shekels.

    The additional funds are a one-time increase for the purchase of more cameras and other advanced technology, the Housing and Construction Ministry said.

    It costs Israel approximately 30,000 shekels a year to protect each Jewish settler in these Palestinian neighborhoods, according to calculations by Israel’s Finance Ministry, the daily reported...............

    1. Report: Jerusalem settlers' security cost $26 million in 2014 ...

      Israel's parliament (Knesset) has approved additional 20 million shekels (around $5.2 million) to boost security in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem, raising the total spent this year towards that end to more than 100 million shekels (roughly $26 million), local media reported Sunday.

      The additional funds approved by the Knesset Finance Committee meant that protecting each Jewish settler in the holy city cost Israel 30,000 shekels (around $8,000) a year, Israeli Haaretz newspaper reported, citing Finance Ministry calculations.

      According to the paper, Israeli Housing and Construction Ministry said the additional funds are needed to purchase more cameras and other advanced technology in order to boost security for less than 3,000 Jewish settlers living in densely populated Palestinian areas in East Jerusalem..............

  27. Report: Settlers set fire to Palestinian home near Ramallah ...

    Settlers set fire to a Palestinian home in a village near Ramallah local residents said on Sunday. The exterior of the home was also vandalized with graffiti.

  28. La Tunisie aux urnes pour la 1ère présidentielle depuis la révolution de 2011....

    Les bureaux de vote ont ouvert leurs portes dimanche en Tunisie pour la première présidentielle près de quatre ans après la révolution de janvier 2011.

    Près de 5,3 millions d'électeurs sont convoqués aux urnes. Vingt-sept candidats sont en lice pour ce scrutin historique dont les favoris sont Béji Caïd Essebsi, 87 ans et dont le parti Nidaa Tounès a remporté les législatives fin octobre, et le chef de l'Etat sortant Moncef Marzouki, un opposant historique au chef de l'Etat déchu, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

    Cinq prétendants inscrits sur les bulletins ont cependant annoncé leur retrait de la course à différents moments de la campagne.

    La deuxième force politique du pays, le parti islamiste Ennahda, au pouvoir de fin 2011 à début 2014, a décidé de ne soutenir aucun candidat lors de ce scrutin.

    Les Tunisiens ont de 08H00 à 18H00 (07H00-17H00 GMT) pour accomplir leur devoir de citoyen. L'instance électorale (ISIE) doit pour sa part annoncé les résultats au plus tard le 26 novembre...............

  29. Putin says decisions on Crimea were well-gauged and are bound to be successful ...

    Decisions on the situation around Crimea were well-thought-out and there is no doubt in their success, since “we were right,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an Interview for the TASS special project Top Officials.

    “You should possess the skill of gauging all the likely effects. In making decisions you must take into account all possible scenarios in order to rule out the unfavorable ones,” he said. “Reckless moves should be avoided. The cost of a mistake is too high.”

    When asked whether all possible effects were looked at when taking decisions on Crimea, the Russian leader answered in the positive. “Yes. It was a strategic decision,” he stressed.

    In reply to a follow-up question if he thought the situation would have a good outcome, the president said, “I believe it will be precisely this way.”

    “Because we are stronger. Stronger than everybody. Because we are right. Truth is power. When a Russian feels he is right he is invincible,” Putin said, adding he had no doubts in this particular case.......................

  30. Gaza: un Palestinien tué par l'armée israélienne, l'Egypte prête à agir ...

    L'armée israélienne a tué dimanche un Palestinien dans la bande de Gaza, le premier mort depuis qu'Israéliens et Palestiniens ont conclu il y a trois mois un cessez-le-feu dans l'enclave, a indiqué le ministère de la Santé à Gaza. De son côté, le président égyptien s'est dit prêt à envoyer des forces pour aider un Etat palestinien.

    Le porte-parole du ministère a précisé à l'AFP que l'homme de 32 ans cultivait son champ lorsqu'il a été mortellement touché par une balle tirée depuis un mirador de l'armée israélienne en bordure de la bande de Gaza, où les troupes israéliennes n'entrent pas mais tiennent les frontières, y imposant un blocus depuis huit ans..............

    1. В случае создания палестинского государства Египет готов направить туда сухопутные войска ...

      Египет готов направить сухопутные войска для поддержания безопасности в независимом палестинском государстве при условии его создания и соглашении сторон. Об этом заявил 23 ноября в интервью итальянской газете Corriere della Sera президент АРЕ Абдель Фаттах ас-Сиси. С визита в Италию началось первое европейское турне египетского лидера, в ходе которого, как ожидается, он также посетит Францию.

      "Мы готовы отправить военный контингент в Палестину, чтобы оказать поддержку местной полиции и стать гарантом спокойствия для израильской стороны", - заявил изданию ас- Сиси. Вместе с этим президент Египта подчеркнул, что "подобные меры будут иметь временный характер для налаживания доверия между сторонами (Палестиной и Израилем - прим. корр. ТАСС) и возможны только при условии официального создания палестинского государства".............

  31. Russland und Abchasien planen Vertrag über strategische Partnerschaft ...

    Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin und der abchasische Staatschef Raul Chadschimba werden am Montag einen Vertrag über strategische Partnerschaft beider Staaten unterzeichnen, wie der Kreml am Sonntag mitteilte. Chadschimba wird hierfür nach Moskau kommen.

    „Der Präsident der Republik Abchasien Raul Chadschimba kommt am 24. November auf Einladung des Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation Wladimir Putin nach Russland“, hieß es aus dem Kreml. Ein Vertrag über strategische Partnerschaft, der beide Staaten als Verbündete einstuft, solle unterzeichnet werden. Die russische Regierung hatte in dieser Woche zudem einem auf zehn Jahre angelegten Vertrag mit Abchasien über gemeinsamen Verteidigungsraum zugestimmt...................

  32. Israel aprueba un proyecto que definirá al país como Estado-nación del pueblo judío ...

    El gabinete del primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, ha aprobado hoy un controvertido proyecto de ley para que Israel sea el "Estado-nación del pueblo judío".

    El proyecto, que obtuvo la luz verde del gabinete, es una combinación de dos propuestas, una de los diputados Ayelet Shaked y Yariv Levin, y la otra del diputado Zeev Elkin.

    La medida recibió el apoyo de 15 ministros, la oposición de los titulares del partido Yesh Atid (Hay Futuro), la ministra de Justicia, Tzipi Livni, líder de la formación Hatnuah, y la abstención de la ministra de Cultura, Limor Livnat, del Likud, liderado por Netanyahu.

    A finales de la semana que viene, Netanyahu tiene previsto incorporar el proyecto a una nueva versión. La redacción de la propuesta de ley se basa en 14 principios que el primer ministro ha formulado para consagrar a Israel como la patria histórica del pueblo judío y determinar que todos los ciudadanos tendrán los derechos individuales iguales.

    La propuesta votada pasará a votación preliminar en la Knesset (Parlamento israelí). Netanyahu espera después, cuando el texto llegue a la comisión, moderar los elementos más nacionalistas que contiene, de forma que el carácter judío de Israel sea equiparable -y no superior- al democrático...............

    1. The Israeli cabinet has approved the compromised version of the controversial bill that officially defines Israel as a Jewish state....

      MOSCOW, November 23 (Sputnik) — The Israeli cabinet has approved a controversial bill that officially defines Israel as a Jewish state, AFP reports.

      15 ministers have approved the compromised version of the legislation, proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after what the Jerusalem Post described as a shouting match between the ministers.

      “Israel is a Jewish democratic state. There are those who want democracy to take precedence over Judaism, and those who want Judaism to take precedence over democracy,” Netanyahu said before the cabinet meeting, as quoted by the Jerusalem Post. “In the law that I am bringing, both principles are equal and must be given equal consideration,” he stressed.

      According to the new bill, all Israeli citizens enjoy equal rights, but only Jewish people have national rights, which include the right to immigrate to the country, according to Netanyahu. “These are granted only to our people, in its one and only state,” the prime minister said, as quoted by the Times of Israel................

  33. Un attentat-suicide a été perpétré sur un terrain de volley-ball dans l'est de l'Afghanistan, dimanche 23 novembre, faisant quelque 50 morts et 60 blessés, selon Attaullah Fazli, le vice-gouverneur de la province de Paktika, où s'est déroulé le drame....

    Parmi les victimes se trouvent des civils, ainsi que des policiers locaux. Il s'agissait d'un « match entre trois districts qui avait attiré une foule importante », a indiqué le porte-parole du gouverneur de la province, Mukhlis Afghan. L'auteur était un kamikaze à moto qui s'est fait exploser en pleine foule.

    « L'ampleur de l'attaque et ses suites sont choquantes », a ajouté Mukhlis Afghan, précisant qu'il a été demandé à Kaboul « d'envoyer des hélicoptères pour évacuer les blessés les plus atteints ». Le président afghan Ashraf Ghani a rapidement condamné cette attaque « inhumaine et non-islamique », estimant que « ce genre de massacre de civils brutal ne peut être justifié »..............

  34. Soyuz TMA-15M carrying new crew docks with International Space Station ...

    Russia’s manned spacecraft Soyuz TMA-15M with an international crew on board has successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS), the Baikonur space center, where the Soyuz had been launched from, told TASS.

    “The spacecraft berthed to the docking unit of the Rassvet (MIM-1) module in an automatic mode at 05:48 Moscow Time [02:48 UTC],” the center said................

  35. Global Warming to Have Big Effect on World’s Poorest Nations: World Bank ...

    – Global warming over the next 20 years is predicted to affect the world's poorest nations most, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said Sunday referring to the bank's report on "new climate normal".

    "Today's report confirms what scientists have been saying – past emissions have set an unavoidable course to warming over the next two decades, which will affect the world's poorest and most vulnerable people the most," Jim Yong Kim said.

    He noted that abnormally high temperatures, intense rainfalls and severe droughts hinder efforts to reduce poverty and put the lives of millions of people in danger.

    "We're already seeing record-breaking temperatures occurring more frequently, rainfall increasing in intensity in some places, and drought-prone regions like the Mediterranean becoming drier. These changes make it more difficult to reduce poverty and put in jeopardy the livelihoods of millions," the president said.............

  36. The biggest payout for a food safety case in Australian legal history has been reached with exporter and distributor of Bonsoy soy milk agreeing to compensate victims with a record 25 million Australian dollars ($21.7 million)....

    The case, which began in 2010, alleged that unsafe levels of iodine were added to the ingredients of the soy milk product via a seaweed product called Kombu, with nearly 500 people claiming they suffered health problems as a result.

    It was alleged one glass of milk contained 50 times the recommended daily intake of iodine.

    The Australian distributor and brand owner, Spiral Foods, and Japanese companies Muso and Marusan Ai-Co agreed to the settlement without admitting liability.

    Jacob Varghese, from Australian law firm Maurice Blackburn, said the thyroid and other health problems suffered by those that consumed Bonsoy were severe.

    "We believe this is the highest settlement of a food safety class action in Australia's history," he said in a statement on Monday.

    "There are nearly 500 people we're representing in this class action, and all of them have been badly affected in a variety of ways."...................

  37. US-Botschafter: Nato stellt keine Bedrohung für Russland dar ...

    Die Nato stellt nach Worten des neuen US-Botschafters in Russland, John Tefft, keine Bedrohung für Russland dar, weil die Hauptaufgabe der Allianz in der Festigung der Sicherheit besteht.

    „Ich bin nicht der Ansicht, dass die Nato eine Bedrohung für Russland darstellt“, sagte er in einem am Montag in der Tageszeitung „Kommersant“ veröffentlichten Interview. „Ich weiß, dass so manche in Russland dies anders sehen, das Wesen besteht aber darin, dass die Nato eine Verteidigungsallianz ist.“

    Zuvor hatte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow betont, dass die rücksichtslose und unaufhaltsame Nato-Erweiterung ein Fehler ist, dass die Stabilität Europas untergrabe......................

  38. EEUU mantendrá el despliegue de sus tropas en Polonia y los países Bálticos en 2015 ...

    Las tropas estadounidenses se quedarán en Polonia y en los países bálticos el año que viene a causa de "la agresión rusa", declaró el jefe del Ejército de EEUU en Europa, teniente general Frederick Hodges.

    "Las Fuerzas Armadas de EEUU se quedarán aquí en Lituania, así como en Estonia, Letonia y Polonia tanto tiempo como sea necesario para disuadir la agresión", aseguró Hodges, citado por la AFP.

    Según el teniente general, ahora Rusia "intenta intimidar" a sus vecinos con ejercicios militares y "violaciones del espacio aéreo".............

  39. European Parliament MEPs will hold a debate Monday on a motion filed against European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker over the so-called LuxLeaks affair....

    The motion of no confidence was filed and backed by 76 MEPs from Eurosceptic parties, including the UK Independence Party, the National Front in France and the Italian Five Star Movement.

    It was submitted on Nov. 11 to the office of Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament.

    The censure motion comes after an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in early November, which accused hundreds of big-name corporations such as Pepsi, IKEA and FedEx of securing secret tax deals with Luxembourg.

    The tax deals took place during Juncker's time as prime minister and finance minister of the country.

    "The LuxLeaks scandal shows that Commission President Juncker has always acted in his political life to enrich his country behind the backs of its European partners, in defiance of the Union and Community spirit he is supposed to represent,’’ Marco Zanni said.

    Zanni is an MEP in the European Parliament from the Five Star Movement, an Italian Eurosceptic party.

    However, the no-confidence vote is unlikely to succeed, as the European People's Party and the Social Democrats - who hold a majority of seats in the European Parliament – back the embattled President..............

  40. La Chine s'approprie un archipel revendiqué par cinq autres pays ...

    Pékin a commencé la construction d'une île artificielle susceptible d'accueillir un aérodrome dans l'archipel disputé des Spratleys. Ce chantier n'est pas du goût de plusieurs pays voisins qui se disputent ce chapelet d'îles en mer de Chine du Sud.

    Situé en mer de Chine des Sud et composé de plus de 700 îles, l’archipel des Spratleys n’est gère hospitalier, mais il suscite la convoitise de nombreux pays. La Chine en premier. Pour asseoir sa domination dans cette zone, Pékin a entamé la construction d’une île artificielle capable d’accueillir un aérodrome.

    Ce projet est loin de faire l’unanimité. L’archipel des Spratleys est disputé par plusieurs pays qui en réclament la souveraineté : la Chine, mais aussi Taïwan, les Philippines, la Malaisie, Brunei et le Vietnam. Et pour cause, il recèle de nombreuses richesses avec des réserves de gaz, de pétrole et d’importantes ressources halieutiques. Cette zone sert en outre de passage à environ un tiers du trafic maritime mondial.

    Ce chantier est "complètement légitime et justifié", s'est défendu le général chinois Luo Yuan de l’armée populaire de Libération selon le quotidien "Global Times", quelques jours après que le Pentagone a révélé cette construction...............

  41. Kiev desmiente haber negociado con milicias la desmilitarización del aeropuerto de Donetsk...

    Los militares ucranianos niegan haber negociado con las milicias la desmilitarización de la zona del aeropuerto de Donetsk, comunicó a RIA Nóvosti, el portavoz de la operación, Alexéi Dmitrashkovski.

    "No hubo negociaciones algunas", declaró.

    La víspera el vicepresidente del Parlamento de la autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk (RPD), Denís Pushilin, dijo que las autoridades locales proponen convertir la zona del aeropuerto y la localidad de Schastie, en la provincia de Lugansk, zonas desmilitarizadas a las que tendrán acceso los observadores de la OSCE.............

  42. Le MAE de Finlande est contre l'adhésion à l'OTAN ...

    Dans un entretien au Washington Post, le ministre des Affaires étrangères de Finlande Erkki Tuomioja s'est déclaré opposé à l'adhésion à l'OTAN. Selon lui, cette question ne sera pas un thème de la campagne électorale des élections de printemps car nul parti politique n'y trouve un intérêt.

    Le premier ministre de Finlande Alexander Stubb a noté que pendant le mandat de son gouvernement le pays n'avait pas l'intention de déposer à l'OTAN une damande d'admission.

    Le président finlandais Sauli Niinistö avait déclaré précédemment au Washington Post que la Finlande avait raté sa chance de devenir membre de l'OTAN il y a 20 ans.
    Lire la suite:

  43. Etats-Unis : démission du secrétaire d’Etat à la Défense ...

    Des différends entre Barack Obama et le secrétaire d’Etat à la Défense Chuck Hagel à propos de la stratégie contre l’Etat islamique seraient la cause de cette démission.

    Le secrétaire d’Etat à la Défense Chuck Hagel va démissionner. Une démission que le président Barack Obama a acceptée. Le principal intéressé va annoncer sa démission lundi à la Maison Blanche lors d’une intervention commune avec le président Barack Obama, a indiqué à l’AFP un responsable américain.

    « Un successeur sera nommé rapidement », a ajouté ce responsable sous couvert d’anonymat, précisant que Chuck Hagel, 68 ans, seul républicain du cabinet Obama, resterait à son poste jusqu’à ce que son remplaçant soit confirmé par le Sénat............

  44. Großbritannien vor größter Terror-Bedrohung aller Zeiten - Innenministerin ...

    Die Terrorgefahr in Großbritannien ist laut der britischen Innenministerin Theresa May so groß wie noch nie.

    „Wenn die Sicherheits- und die Geheimdienste uns berichten, dass die Gefahr, vor der wir jetzt stehen, die größte aller Zeiten ist – sowohl vor als auch nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September, müssen wir dem unsere Aufmerksamkeit schenken“, betonte die Ministerin am Montag in London.

    Ihr zufolge will die Regierung am Mittwoch neue Anti-Terror-Gesetze zur Vorbeugung von Gefahren vorlegen – darunter auch solchen, die von den britischen Bürgern ausgehen könnten, welche aus Syrien und dem Irak zurückgekehrt sind, meldet Reuters.........

  45. Poutine se rendra en Turquie le 1er décembre ...

    Le président russe Vladimir Poutine se rendra le 1er décembre en Turquie où il rencontrera son homologue turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a annoncé lundi le service de presse de l'administration présidentielle russe.

    "Le président russe Vladimir Poutine effectuera une visite de travail en Turquie le 1er décembre 2014 pour participer à la 5e réunion du Conseil de coopération de haut niveau. Une rencontre de M.Poutine avec le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan aura lieu dans le cadre de la visite", a indiqué le service de presse.

    La Russie et la Turquie ont créé le Conseil de coopération de haut niveau en 2010................

  46. Abjasia tendrá un espacio común de defensa y seguridad con Rusia ...

    Abjasia y Rusia formarán una zona común de defensa y seguridad, según se desprende de un acuerdo de cooperación estratégica firmado este lunes por los respectivos presidentes, Raúl Jadzhimba y Vladímir Putin.

    En particular, el documento prevé la creación de un grupo de tropas bajo mando único y ayuda recíproca en caso de agresión.

    "El acuerdo abarca las direcciones principales del incremento de la cooperación ruso-abjasia en los ámbitos económico, social, humanitario y en las cuestiones de defensa y seguridad", dijo hoy el presidente ruso...............

    1. Putin strengthens ties with Georgia breakaway region; Tbilisi protests ...

      (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin signed a "strategic partnership" agreement with Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia on Monday, angering Tbilisi, which said Moscow was looking to annex the territory.

      Russia and Georgia fought a war in 2008 over Abkhazia and a twin region of South Ossetia, provoking the worst crisis between Moscow and the West since the fall of the Soviet Union.

      Moscow recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent countries following the war and Monday's move comes just seven months after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea and threw its weight behind separatists battling in eastern Ukraine.

      Putin and Abkhazia's leader Raul Khadzhimba signed the agreement in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, which sits just across the Russian border from the separatist region.

      Georgia's Foreign Minister Tamar Beruchashvili denounced the move as "a step towards annexation of Abkhazia by the Russian Federation" and urged the international community to condemn it.......................

  47. La Autoridad Palestina no ha decidido posponer la presentación de una resolución a la ONU...

    La Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP) no ha decidido aún si pospondrá o no la presentación de una resolución al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU para lograr el reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado y establecer un calendario que ponga fin a la ocupación israelí, según ha afirmado el jefe del equipo negociador palestino, Saeb Erekat.

    La propuesta, según ha explicado Erekat al diario israelí Haaretz, tendría que presentarse el 29 de noviembre, como estaba previsto, aunque hoy, el ministro de Exteriores palestino, Riad Malki, ha señalado a la agencia palestina Maan que la presentación de la propuesta se había aplazado........................

  48. The White House: Remarks by the President on the Resignation of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel ...

    THE PRESIDENT: About a year ago, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was visiting our troops in the Republic of Korea thanking them for their service and answering their questions, and they asked about the usual topics, about our national security, the future of our military. And then one soldier, a sergeant from Ohio asked him, what was the most pertinent question of the day, which was what was your favorite college football team. To which Chuck replied, born and raised in Nebraska, I don’t have a choice; I am a strong Cornhuskers fan.

    Now there was a time when an enlisted soldier might have been reluctant to ask that kind of question of the Secretary of Defense. But Chuck Hagel has been no ordinary Secretary of Defense. As the first enlisted combat veteran to serve in that position, he understands our men and women like few others, because he’s stood where they stood, he’s been in the dirt and he’s been in the mud, and that’s established a special bond. He sees himself in them and they see themselves in him. And their safety, their lives, have always been at the center of Chuck’s service...................

  49. Portugal: l'ancien Premier ministre José Socrates placé en détention provisoire ...

    L'ancien Premier ministre portugais José Socrates, arrêté vendredi à l'aéroport de Lisbonne, a été placé lundi en détention provisoire à l'issue d'un interrogatoire marathon, a annoncé la justice portugaise.
    M. Socrates, 57 ans, a été mis en examen "pour fraude fiscale, corruption et blanchiment d'argent", selon une décision du juge d'instruction lue à la presse. Cette décision est "profondément injuste et injustifiée", a commenté son avocat Joao Araujo avant d'annoncer son intention d'"introduire un recours"..............

  50. Ukrainian army’s Uragan rocket systems move in security zone in eastern Ukraine — OSCE ...

    Observers from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have reported movement of the Ukrainian army’s Uragan launch rocket systems in the security zone in eastern Ukraine, according to a report posted on the SMM website on Monday.

    “On 22 November the SMM visited Debaltsevo (55 km north-east of Donetsk). At 10:10 hrs, approaching the town from the north-west, the SMM observed two 220 mm (Uragan) multiple launch rocket systems, escorted by an armoured personnel carrier, heading further into the Security Zone,” the reports says. “All three vehicles bore tactical marks consistent with those used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  51. Russia to control annual oil production to help stabilize global market ...

    MOSCOW, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) -- Russia attempts to stabilize global oil market by not exceeding its annual production of 525 million tons, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Monday.

    "This is what we can do to stabilize the world market," Novak told Russia's TV channel Rossiya 24.

    Many members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) exceed their production quotas, Novak said, adding that it is highly impossible for the OPEC countries to agree on oil production cuts.

    OPEC members will meet in Vienna on Thursday to discuss whether the organization, which pumps a third of the world's crude, would cut its production. So far OPEC members have been divided on the issue.................

  52. Protests follow decision not to indict policeman who shot black teen dead...

    Protests spread across the United States last night after a grand jury in Missouri decided against indicting a white police officer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager.

    Angry people took to the streets across the country, with the town of Ferguson, Missouri, where the decision was made, hit with rioting.

    At least 12 buildings were set on fire in and around Ferguson with police describing most of them as "total losses".............

  53. El presidente de Moldavia llama a sus compatriotas a apoyar la integración europea ...

    El presidente de Moldavia, Nicolae Timofti, exhortó a sus compatriotas a apoyar la integración europea.

    Su declaración fue transmitida simultáneamente por varias cadenas de televisión locales.

    "Europa nos apoya en los ámbitos político, económico y financiero, nos queda ser consecuentes y confirmar nuestro apego al curso europeo", anunció.

    El líder moldavo considera que el país debe seguir el ejemplo de Ucrania y también atenerse al vector proeuropeo de desarrollo...................

  54. Palestine UN ambassador: Israel's attempts to change Jerusalem status should be annulled ...

    The State of Palestine urged the UN General Assembly to get Israel to annul all measures to change the status of Jerusalem which under international accords should be a capital of two states. All Israeli measures, including the extension of the so-called ‘basic law’ should be cancelled immediately, Palestinian permanent observer at the UN Riyad Mansour said.

    ‘The basic law’ which Israel’s unicameral national legislature Knesset adopted in 1980 proclaims united Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon dwelt on the current situation in Palestinian-Israeli settlement on Monday. He urged both conflicting parties to show moderateness and to give up violence and provocative acts.

    The UN General Assembly plans to endorse five resolutions over the Palestinian issue at a plenary meeting on Tuesday. Documents on impressible attempts to change Jerusalem status are among them.

  55. The United States is building up its military presence closer to the Russian border in line with NATO eastward expansion plans.

    WASHINGTON, November 25 (Sputnik) – A US heavy brigade combat team will be deployed in Poland, Romania, or a country in the Baltic region as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, Commander of US Army Europe Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges said on Monday.

    "The idea is eventually to move a heavy brigade combat team with its tanks and Bradley [fighting] vehicles to an area further east, such as Poland, Romania, or one of the Baltic countries," Hodges said via a video teleconference from Vilnius, Lithuania............

    1. USA werden 2015 etwa 150 gepanzerte Fahrzeuge in Nato-Ländern und Osteuropa stationieren ...

      Die USA planen laut Generalleutnant Ben Hodges, im Jahr 2015 etwa 150 Panzer und Schützenpanzerwagen in den Nato-Ländern und in Osteuropa zu stationieren.

      „Truppen werden ankommen, an Übungen teilnehmen und zurückkehren. Die Technik wird bleiben“, sagte Hodges in einem Interview für France-Presse.

      Seinen Worten nach sind etwa 50 gepanzerte Fahrzeuge bereits untergebracht. Die restlichen 100 Panzer M1 Abrams und Schützenpanzerwagen Bradley würden in Deutschland und wahrscheinlich noch irgendwo anders stationiert, damit US-Armeeangehörige die Übungen mit Nato-Truppen durchführen könnten.

      „Ich habe die Absicht, die Varianten zu prüfen. Darunter die Unterbringung der Technik… womöglich in den baltischen Staaten sowie in Polen, Rumänien und Bulgarien“, fügte der Generalleutnant hinzu.................

    2. Des blindés américains en Europe de l'Est en 2015 ...

      Les Etats-Unis comptent déployer près de 150 chars et véhicules blindés dans des pays membres de l'Otan, une partie stationnera en Europe de l'Est pour participer à des exercices, a déclaré mardi soir le commandant des forces américaines déployées en Europe, le général Ben Hodges, cité par les médias occidentaux.

      "Les troupes viendront pour participer aux exercices, puis elles rentreront. L'équipement restera sur place", a indiqué le général.................

  56. Putin signs anti-offshore law to return Russian capital from foreign tax shelters...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed on Tuesday a new tax law intended to return Russian capital and assets from foreign tax shelters.

    The law introduces amendments to the country’s tax code that will oblige Russian owners of companies registered in offshore tax havens to pay taxes in Russia.

    The law stipulates a mechanism for taxation of undistributed profits of controlled foreign entities.

    The document obliges Russian tax residents to declare undistributed profits of controlled foreign companies. Minimum profits subject to declaration will equal 50 million rubles (about $1 million) in 2015, 30 million rubles ($660,000) in 2016 and 10 million rubles ($220,000) after 2017..................Read more:

  57. En octobre les exportations italiennes vers la Russie ont diminué de 15,7 % ce qui a occasionné une perte de près de 166 millions d'euros, a communiqué l'association des producteurs agricoles italiens...

    Les experts font remarquer que les dommages subis par les producteurs d'Italie suite à l'embargo russe augmentent de mois en mois. En août ils constituaient 33 millions d'euros pour atteindre 96 millions en septembre et augmenter de près de 70 millions en octobre.
    Lire la suite:

    1. Perdite record per gli agricoltori italiani a causa dell'embargo russo ...

      Il volume delle esportazioni italiane in Russia ad ottobre è diminuito del 15,7% provocando perdite di quasi 166 milioni di euro, ha riferito la Coldiretti, la maggiore associazione degli agricoltori italiani.

      Secondo gli esperti, le perdite subite dai produttori italiani a causa dell'embargo russo, aumentano ogni mese. Ad agosto sono state pari a 33 milioni di euro, a settembre sono cresciute fino alla cifra di 96 milioni, ed ad ottobre sono aumentate di quasi altri 70 milioni, per un totale prossimo ai 200 milioni di euro.
      Per saperne di più:

  58. Iranian Leader: Western Powers Failed to Bring Iran to its Knees ...

    Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the United States and "European colonialist powers" failed in their efforts to bring Iran "to its knees" during negotiations on the country's nuclear program.

    The comments posted on his website Tuesday are his first since negotiators from Iran and a group of world powers agreed to extend talks on Iran's nuclear program through the middle of next year.

    The extension came after the two sides failed to reach an agreement by the end of Monday to ensure Iran's nuclear program in peaceful in exchange for easing sanctions that have hurt the country's economy.................

  59. Stop Mediterranean becoming vast migrant cemetery, Pope tells Europe...

    (Reuters) - Pope Francis told Europe's leaders on Tuesday to do more to help thousands of migrants risking their lives trying to get into the continent, saying they had to stop the Mediterranean becoming "a vast cemetery".

    Addressing the European Parliament for the first time, Francis also said Europe should create jobs and not allow the bureaucracy of its institutions to suffocate the ideals which once made it vibrant.

    The Argentine pope has made defense of migrants and workers a key plank of his papacy. He has attacked the global economic system for failing to share wealth and chose the tiny southern Italian island of Lampedusa, which many migrants have died trying to reach, as the venue for his first trip as pontiff.

    On Tuesday, he called for a Europe that "revolves not around the economy but around the sacredness of the human person".................

  60. Biden says US, Turkey need each other despite differences...

    Turkish daily Today’s Zaman (online, 23.11.14), with the above title, reported that the US Vice President Joe Biden has stressed that the US needs Turkey and it seems that Turkey believes it needs the US, despite the major differences on ways and means of dealing with the threat of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.
    Arriving in Istanbul on Friday evening, Biden had a working dinner with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and on Saturday he met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Beylerbeyi Palace for a lengthy conversation, which lasted close to four hours, even though it was planned to last 45 minutes.

    Biden and Erdogan held a joint press conference, but after making statements the leaders left without taking any questions from journalists.............- See more at:

  61. La OTAN niega haber influido en la decisión de suspender la entrega del Mistral a Rusia ...
    La OTAN no ha jugado ningún papel en la decisión de Francia de suspender la entrega a Rusia del primer portahelicópteros Mistral, construido en el país galo por encargo de Moscú, comentó a esta agencia un portavoz de la Alianza.

    Este martes el presidente francés, François Hollande, decidió suspender la entrega del Mistral "por la situación en Ucrania".

    "Es un asunto entre los países involucrados y la OTAN no juega aquí ningún papel", dijo la fuente al comentar la decisión de Hollande..............

  62. Donezk appelliert an Uno: Friedenskontingent „mit Vertretern Russlands“ tut Not (Überblick) ...

    Die selbsterklärte Volksrepublik Donezk fordert die Einberufung einer Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrates, der die Entsendung eines Friedenskontingents in die Ostukraine behandeln soll.

    „Wir wenden uns an die internationale Völkergemeinschaft und die Russische Föderation mit der Bitte, die humanitäre Katastrophe und den sozialen Völkermord zu stoppen, zu denen das Handeln der ukrainischen Regierung geführt hat“, heißt es in einer Erklärung, die am Dienstag auf der Webseite des Pressezentrums der Regierung und des Volksrates der Volksrepublik Donezk veröffentlicht wurde.

    „Wir fordern, eine Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrates einzuberufen und die Intervention eines Friedenskontingents mit Vertretern der Russischen Föderation zu behandeln, um die Umsetzung der zuvor erzielten Vereinbarungen zu kontrollieren und die humanitäre und soziale Situation zu regeln.“...................

  63. Italians May Vote to Leave Eurozone in 2015 Referendum: Five Star Movement ...

    A majority of Italians is likely to vote in favor of leaving the eurozone if a referendum, proposed by the Five Star Movement political party, were to take place next year, a member of the party told Sputnik radio Tuesday.

    In mid-October, Giuseppe Piero “Beppe” Grillo, the leader of the Five Star Movement announced that in November his party will launch a petition supporting a referendum on Italy's exit from the eurozone. Grillo said that everything will be ready for voting to take place by December 2015...............

  64. Russia warns Ukraine against NATO membership: Interfax ...

    A senior Russian official said on Tuesday an announcement by Ukraine's president that he would hold a referendum on NATO membership in several years' time would increase regional tensions.

    "I am convinced that what has been announced now by the Ukrainian leadership will only bring a further escalation of the situation around Ukraine," Interfax news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying. REUTERS

  65. El Al profits see massive drop due to summer war with Hamas ...

    El Al's third quarter profits fell from $57.9 million last year to $10.1m this year following the war with Hamas in Gaza, which spanned 50 of the 92 days in the quarter.

    "The third quarter results reflect the effect of Protective Edge," said El Al CEO David Mimon, using the IDF's name for the summer operation..............

  66. Cyprus eyes gas exports to Egypt via pipeline ...

    Cyprus and Egypt agreed on Tuesday to accelerate talks on the potential export of Cypriot gas to Egypt, once the resources come on line.

    Cyprus discovered natural gas offshore in late 2011, while once gas-rich Egypt has turned into a net importer from an exporter in recent years.

    "Egypt has a very huge (natural gas) infrastructure and can accommodate the production coming from the Cyprus economic waters," Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Sherif Ismail told reporters in the Cypriot capital Nicosia.

    "It will be very fruitful for both countries to work together to materialize this cooperation in terms of developing the resources in Cyprus and exporting it."

    In a joint statement, Ismail and his Cypriot counterpart Yiorgos Lakkotrypis said they had agreed to expedite discussions regarding natural gas exports to Egypt.

    "In the next two months we will have a technical study regarding the options of these exports," Lakkotrypis said, adding the best option for exports at present appeared to be via a pipeline.

    The pipeline could be direct to Egypt, Ismail said. "We can accommodate whatever gas we receive in both local market consumption and also LNG exports."...............

  67. Les sanctions contre Moscou toujours nécessaires (Merkel) ..

    Les sanctions contre la Russie sont toujours nécessaires pour faire Moscou participer au règlement de la crise ukrainienne, a déclaré mardi à Berlin la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel.

    Les sanctions "sont inévitables", a indiqué Mme Merkel lors de la conférence européenne sur les entreprises familiales.

    Elle a reconnu que les sanctions portaient préjudice à l'économie russe, mais aussi à l'économie allemande et européenne. "Mais il n'a rien de important pour les entreprises que la sécurité juridique, la stabilité et la paix qui permettent de mener les activités économiques", a noté Mme Merkel...............

  68. Ferguson: le policier qui a tué un jeune Noir affirme avoir "bonne conscience" ...

    Le policier américain blanc qui a tué début août un jeune Noir à Ferguson (Missouri, centre) a expliqué mardi sur la chaîne ABC qu'il avait "bonne conscience" et qu'il aurait agi de la même manière avec un jeune Blanc.
    S'exprimant pour la première fois publiquement depuis le drame, Darren Wilson a expliqué que le 9 août il avait eu peur d'être tué, avant d'utiliser pour la première fois son arme et de tirer 12 balles en direction de Michael Brown, âgé de 18 ans. "La raison pour laquelle j'ai bonne conscience, c'est parce que je sais que j'ai bien fait mon travail", a déclaré le policier. "Je ne crois pas que ça va me hanter. Ca va rester comme quelque chose qui m'est arrivé", a-t-il ajouté. Interrogé pour savoir s'il aurait agi de la même manière avec un Blanc, le policier a répondu: "Oui (...) sans aucun doute"..................

  69. Obama urges 'constructive response' amid Ferguson unrest ...

    US President Barack Obama asked Americans to be "constructive" by engaging in debate about racial tensions and law enforcement, after a white policeman was cleared in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri.

    Obama, responding to the rioting in the St. Louis suburb, said demonstrators who engage in criminal acts should be prosecuted.

  70. Les USA envoient un nouveau signal à la Russie: de nouveaux chars et blindés arrivent en Europe de l’Est....

    L'armée américaine prévoit de positionner environ 150 chars et véhicules blindés dans plusieurs pays membres de l'Otan, dont une partie seraient stationnés dans des pays d'Europe de l'Est pour participer à des exercices, selon un général mardi.

    Ce projet fait partie de l'opération "Atlantic Resolve", destinée à rassurer les Etats baltes ainsi que la Pologne, inquiets des manoeuvres de la Russie en Ukraine notamment. Outre ce déploiement de blindés, des troupes au sol seront envoyées régulièrement pour quelques mois afin de participer à des exercices conjoints dans ces pays................

    1. Bulgaria Has Not Received Request for Deployment of NATO Tanks...

      Bulgaria’s Defense Ministry and Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry have not received an official request for stationing tank bases on the territory of the country, according to Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.

      Commenting on allegations of plans to station tank bases in Bulgaria for NATO military trainings, Nenchev assured journalists Wednesday that there was no cause for concern.

      Asked whether Bulgaria had the right to reject such a request, he said that Bulgaria had agreed on the organization of joint initiatives, adding that the country observed the agreement.

      The allegations were triggered by a statement of Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, head of US Army forces in Europe, who declared that the US army planned to deploy around 150 tanks and armored vehicles to several NATO countries next year as part of an operation dubbed "Operation Atlantic Resolve".

      Hodges told AFP that some of the heavy armor could be stationed in Eastern Europe.
      - See more at:

  71. Deutsche Unternehmer besorgt über möglichen Verlust russischen Marktes – VTB-Chef ...

    Die deutschen Unternehmer sind darüber beunruhigt, dass Produzenten aus China und Lateinamerika ihren Platz auf dem russischen Markt wegen Problemen mit der Finanzierung des Exports in die Russische Föderation einnehmen werden, wie Andrej Kostin, Chef der russischen Bank für Außenhandel VTB, nach einem Treffen mit deutschen Unternehmern in der Industrie- und Handelskammer von Stuttgart, sagte.

    „Der Außenhandelsumsatz und die Importlieferungen gehen in beträchtlichem Maße durch die Sanktionen zurück. Deshalb sind die Deutschen darüber sehr besorgt, dass China, Brasilien und andere Länder ihren Platz einnehmen werden“, so Kostin zu Journalisten................

    1. German leaders should consider business' concern over anti-Russian sanctions — minister ...

      German businessmen might bring home to the German administration their fears over risks they faced in connection with the anti-Russian sanctions, Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukayev said at a luncheon for the press.

      "Actually, it is no business of mine. Obviously, the German business can bring home its concern over the risks to German political circles, regional administrations and the federal government. My impression is that our colleagues from German companies with whom we have talked are deeply concerned with this problem," Ulyukayev said...............

  72. Ban Ki-moon agradece a Poroshenko por la búsqueda de la paz en Ucrania ...

    El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, agradeció al presidente ucraniano, Petró Poroshenko, por los esfuerzos que aplica para arreglar la situación en el este de Ucrania por la vía pacífica.

    "El secretario general de la ONU expresó su agradecimiento al líder ucraniano por sus incesantes esfuerzos para zanjar el conflicto en el este de Ucrania de manera pacífica", dice un comunicado del servicio de prensa de la ONU.

    Según la nota, Ban Ki-moon y Poroshenko sostuvieron la víspera una conversación telefónica.

    Asimismo, "abordaron los serios obstáculos relacionados con la entrega de recursos financieros y ayuda humanitaria al este de Ucrania, así como los esfuerzos del presidente ucraniano para encontrar la solución pacífica", indica el documento.

    La fuente destaca que Ban Ki-moon y Poroshenko coincidieron en que "los acuerdos de Minsk trazaron la vía pacífica y su cumplimiento es importante"..................

  73. More US troops deployed in Ferguson amid ongoing unrest ...

    More than 2,000 National Guard troops spread out across the St. Louis area on Tuesday to prevent another night of rioting and looting after a grand jury declined to indict a white policeman in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager.

    As darkness fell, in a scene that appeared significantly more controlled than Monday night, dozens of protesters chanted “No justice, no peace!” near the police station in suburban Ferguson before officers swiftly moved in to detain at least two people who defied orders to clear the road.

    About a mile away, camouflaged Guardsmen toting assault rifles quietly surrounded businesses damaged on Monday by protesters angry over the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

    The killing in Ferguson, a predominantly black city with a white-dominated power structure, underscored the occasionally tense nature of U.S. race relations and sometimes strained ties between African-American communities and the police..................

  74. Ministro de Finanzas ruso urge a revisar los presupuestos ante la caída del petróleo ...

    El Gobierno de Rusia debería revisar los presupuestos federales para los próximos años a partir del precio de petróleo en torno a 80 dólares, declaró este miércoles el titular de Finanzas ruso, Antón Siluánov.

    "Tenemos que rehacer nuestros planes presupuestarios y económicos partiendo de las nuevas condiciones macroeconómicas que no parece que vayan a cambiar a corto plazo", advirtió el ministro al intervenir ante la Cámara alta del Parlamento ruso...............

  75. La défense de la Crimée sera renforcée par 14 avions de chasse ...

    14 avions de chasse arrivent mercredi sur l'aérodrome militaire de Belbek en Crimée, a annoncé le porte-parole de la Flotte de la mer Noire Viatcheslav Troukhatchev.

    10 Soukhoï Su-27SM et 4 Soukhoï Su-30 (tous les avions de génération 4+) arrivent à Belbek. Quatre d'entre eux sont tout neufs, a précisé le capitaine Troukhatchev.

    L'aérodrome de Belbek qui sous le pouvoir ukrainien était à double usage, sera modernisé et préparé pour accueillir les avions modernes qui seront mis en dotation dans les forces aériennes de Russie.
    Lire la suite:

  76. Turkish Cypriot Leader Eroglu met with Eide ...

    According to illegal Bayrak (online, 26.11.14), Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu met this morning with the UN Secretary General’s Special Adviser to Cyprus Espen Barth Eide .
    Speaking at the end of an hour long meeting, Eide said that he had been listening to the views of both sides on how the negotiations could resume.

    In response to a question, the UN Special Adviser said that there was no change in the situation. “I don’t know when the negotiations will resume but when the talks do resume we must move fast”, said Eide, pointing out that the Cyprus issue is reaching a point of truth.
    He said that the Cyprus problem and the uncertainty that ensued has been going on for too long and that both sides are reaching a point where they have to make decisions.

    Eide also said that both sides need to exert an effort to return to the negotiating table, expressing the hope that a comprehensive settlement will be reached in a reasonable time once the talks resume..............- See more at:

  77. La Croatie exige le retour en prison de l'ultranationaliste serbe Seselj ...

    La Croatie a demandé mercredi à la justice internationale de revenir sur sa décision de mettre en liberté provisoire l'ultranationaliste serbe Vojislav Seselj dans l'attente d'un verdict dans son procès où il est inculpé pour crimes de guerre lors des conflits dans l'ex-Yougoslavie dans les années 1990.
    Dans une déclaration adoptée à l'unanimité par une centaine de députés présents, le Parlement croate a exprimé son "profond mécontentement" quant à la décision du Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (TPIY) de libérer M. Seselj. Durant le conflit en Croatie (1991-95), le Parti radical de Vojislav Seselj a fourni un grand nombre de volontaires qui se sont rendus responsables d'atrocités, ce qui a poussé la justice internationale à inculper M. Seselj. Par ailleurs, le leader ultranationaliste prône la création d'une "Grande Serbie" qui comprendrait d'importants territoires de la Croatie...............

  78. Le protocole de Minsk peut apporter la paix à l'Ukraine (Iatseniouk) ...

    Le Premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk juge que le protocole de Minsk, convenu avec la médiation de la Russie de l'OSCE, peut toujours apporter la paix au pays. C’est ce qu’il a déclaré lors d'une réunion du Cabinet.

    En même temps, Iatseniouk a exprimé l'opinion que Moscou ne faisait aucune démarche pour désamorcer le conflit.

    Iatseniouk a également annoncé l'immutabilité du cours de l'Ukraine vers l'intégration européenne.

    La réunion du gouvernement ukrainien dans cette composition sera la dernière. La première réunion du nouveau parlement ukrainien est attendue jeudi.
    Lire la suite:

  79. Putin: la Russia non sarà coinvolta in intrighi geopolitici ...

    La Russia non minaccia nessuno e non sarà coinvolta in intrighi geopolitici, anche se volessero tirarla dentro. Lo ha detto il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin, parlando in una riunione sullo sviluppo delle forze armate.

    Egli ha osservato la necessità di assicurare la protezione della sovranità e l'integrità della Federazione Russa e dei suoi alleati. Putin ha sottolineato la necessità di un approccio integrato e l'unificazione di tutte le autorità pubbliche per risolvere i problemi nel settore della difesa nazionale.
    Per saperne di più:

  80. Crimea presenta una demanda en un tribunal de Ámsterdam para recuperar el oro de escitas...

    Cuatro museos de Crimea presentaron este mes una demanda colectiva en el Tribunal de Ámsterdam exigiendo la devolución de la colección de oro de escitas que prestaron a los Países Bajos.

    "Los cuatro museos presentaron una demanda colectiva en el Tribunal de Ámsterdam el 19 de noviembre", dijo a RIA Novosti Tatiana Umríjina, directora del Museo de Historia y Cultura de Kerch.

    La colección, que incluye piezas de oro, un casco ceremonial y piedras preciosas, fue enviada a una exposición en el museo arqueológico Allard Pierson de Ámsterdam en febrero pasado.

    Un mes después, Crimea se adhirió a Rusia a raíz de un referéndum.

    El Ministerio ucraniano de Cultura declaró que los objetos deben devolverse a Kiev ya que fueron sacados del país antes de la adhesión de la península a Rusia por los que pertenecen a Ucrania.

    El museo neerlandés a su vez declaró que no entregará el oro escita ni a Ucrania ni a Rusia hasta que haya una decisión judicial o un acuerdo entre las partes.............

  81. Denmark conveys Turkey row over shooting suspect’s release to EU ...

    Copenhagen is pressuring Ankara for an explanation regarding the release of the suspected shooter of a Danish writer in Turkey and conveyed the issue to the European Union, the Danish foreign minister has said.

    “The government approaches this issue with great seriousness and we are continuing to put pressure on Turkey to get clear answers regarding the subject,” Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard said in a statement, Cihan News Agency reported on Nov. 26.

    “We are doing this in both Ankara and Copenhagen with a new understanding and Turkey’s Copenhagen Ambassador has been called to the Foreign Ministry again,” he said.

    The release of the suspected shooter of Lars Hedegaard, an outspoken critic of Islam, has severely strained ties between the two countries since early October, causing Turkey’s Danish envoy Mehmet Dönmez to be called to the ministry three times over the past month...............

  82. A non-binding resolution calling for EU legislation to separate internet search engines from commercial services will be debated by MEPs today and voted on tomorrow.....

    The aim is to level the playing field for online businesses and secure long-term benefits for internet users.

    The resolution stresses that all internet traffic should be treated equally without discrimination and that the search process and results should be unbiased.

    It also touches upon the need for “long overdue copyright reform”, proper implementation of the European cloud computing strategy and calls on member states to allocate resources to fight against cybercrime....................

  83. Syrian Regime Attacks Against Civilians in Raqqah ...

    Jen Psaki
    Department Spokesperson
    Washington, DC
    November 26, 2014
    "We are horrified by the reports that the Assad regime’s airstrikes yesterday in Raqqah, Syria, killed dozens of civilians and demolished residential areas. We have consistently condemned the regime’s violence directed against civilians and its ongoing human rights abuses and violations of international law, including murder, hostage-taking, enforced disappearances, torture, rape, sexual violence, and the indiscriminate use of barrel bombs. The Assad regime’s continued slaughter of Syrian civilians further exposes its callous disregard for human life. We’ve been clear that Assad long ago lost all legitimacy to govern and that the Syrian regime must be held responsible for its brutality and atrocities against the Syrian people. We remain committed to supporting the Syrian opposition and working towards a political solution that stops the violence and leads to a future of freedom and dignity for all Syrians."

    1. Syrie: Washington "choqué" par la mort de civils à Raqqa...

      Les Etats-Unis sont choqués par les rapports faisant état de la mort de civils dans les frappes de l'aviation syrienne contre la ville de Raqqa, fief du groupe terroriste Etat islamique (EI), a déclaré la porte-parole du département d'Etat Jen Psaki...................

    2. Syriens Informationsminister: USA nötigen Welt zum Ignorieren der IS-Verbrechen ...

      Das US-Außenministerium versucht mit seinen Erklärungen, die syrische Regierung zu verleumden und die Welt zum Ignorieren der Verbrechen der terroristischen Gruppierung Islamischer Staat (IS) zu zwingen, wie der syrische Informationsminister Omran al-Soubi sagte.

      Am Donnerstag hatte die US-Außenamtssprecherin Jen Psaki erklärt, dass die USA über die Nachrichten über Bombardierungen der Stadt Rakka durch die syrische Luftwaffe, bei denen nach Angaben von syrischen Oppositionellen fast 100 zivile Einwohner getötet wurden, erschüttert sind............

    3. Syria denies targeting civilians, tells U.S. to criticize militants instead ...

      (Reuters) - Syria rejected as "fabricated" U.S. accusations that its forces are targeting civilians with air strikes and said Washington would do better to criticize hardline Islamic State militants who have killed American citizens.

      The U.S. State Department said on Wednesday it was "horrified" by Syrian government bombings in Raqqa province which it said had killed "dozens of civilians and demolished residential areas".

      "The Syrian Arab Army does not target civilians and will not do so," state news agency SANA quoted Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi as saying late on Thursday.

      He said Washington got its information from "terrorist organizations" in Syria such as Islamic State and al Qaeda's Nusra Front.............

  84. ISIS fails to take Iraq’s oil-rich Kirkuk...

    The Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga forces backed by the coalition air force on Wednesday repelled a major attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, according to sources from the city.

    “They are targeting Kirkuk and they want to control the oil sites,” said peshmerga Major General Westa Rasul, according to AFP.

    The attack began early on Wednesday morning against three villages west of the city of Kirkuk, sparking fighting that lasted for hours, Rasul and two other officers said.

    ISIS managed to seize one village, but Kurdish forces backed by air strikes later succeeded in retaking it..........

  85. Israel strips attacker's widow of residency ...

    Israel revokes Nadia Abu Jamal's residency after her husband's involvement in attack on West Jerusalem synagogue.

    Israel has revoked the residency rights of the widow of a Palestinian who carried out a deadly attack on a Jerusalem synagogue earlier this month, drawing condemnation from human rights groups.

    Wednesday's move came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he would seek broad powers to rescind the residency and welfare rights of any Palestinian resident of Israel or occupied East Jerusalem if they, or their relatives, participated in unrest................

  86. Merkel's spokesman Seibert reacts to strategic alliance agreement between Russia and Abkhazia ...

    The strategic alliance agreement between Russia and Abkhazia has made the Russia-Georgia talks in Geneva more difficult, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said on Wednesday.

    Holding a press conference in the Federal Press Center in Berlin, Seibert reacted to the strategic alliance agreement between Russia and Abkhazia.

    Russia and the self-proclaimed independent area in Georgia signed a strategic alliance agreement on Monday Nov. 24, which includes a controversial collective defense pact.

    " Germany supports Georgia's territorial integrity," Seibert said. He added thatGermany also supports Georgia's effort to re-integrate the Abkhazia region into Georgia.

    Seibert also said that the strategic alliance agreement increased anxieties that the Abkhazia region will be annexed by Russia....................

  87. OSZE-Streife im Gebiet Donezk unter Beschuss genommen ...

    Eine OSZE-Streife ist bei Dserschinsk im Gebiet Donezk am Mittwoch aus einer Panzerbüchse und einem Luftabwehrgeschütz beschossen worden. Niemand kam zu Schaden, heißt es in einem Sonderbericht der Organisation.

    Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich zwischen den Ortschaften Kirowo und Schumy, 50 Kilometer nordöstlich von Donezk.

    „Eine Gruppe von drei Beobachtern fuhr in Begleitung von ukrainischen Soldaten zwischen zwei ukrainischen Kontrollposten. Als sie an den Kontrollposten nahe Schumy heranfuhren, stieg ein Beobachter aus dem gepanzerten Fahrzeug aus. Unmittelbar danach wurde eine Panzerfaust abgeschossen. Das Geschoss schlug etwa 150 Meter vom Auto entfernt ein. Zwei Sekunden später hatten mehrere Luftabwehrgeschosse das Auto um zwei bis drei Meter verfehlt, hieß es weiter.

  88. EU and United States do not know solution to Ukraine crisis —Chizov ...

    The European Union and the United States have no idea what the final solution to the Ukraine crisis should be.

    Nor do they know the vector of movement towards this settlement, Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s Ambassador to the European Union, said in a live interview aired by the state-owned Rossiya 24 television news channel on Wednesday.

    “They (the European Union and the United States) are driving or have already driven themselves into a corner. They were very much unwilling to recognize their responsibility for what happened in Ukraine. It’s only now that sober-minded and reasonable voices have started breaking through the propaganda noise,” Chizhov said.
    Read more:

  89. Ukraine: le Canada accorde une aide militaire non létale pour 8 M EUR ...

    Le Canada accordera vendredi une aide militaire non létale à l'Ukraine pour 11 millions de dollars canadiens (7,8 M EUR), a annoncé mercredi le ministre canadien de la Défense Rob Nicholson.

    Il s'agit notamment d'équipements de protection individuelle, y compris contre le froid, de matériels de neutralisation des munitions, des équipements de télécommunications, de vision nocturne et thermique et des cours de formation médicale.

    Le Canada a déjà octroyé 55 millions de dollars (39,2 M EUR) d'aide à Kiev en envoyant notamment 32 tonnes d'équipements militaires pour 5 millions de dollars (3,5 M EUR) aux gardes-frontières ukrainiens en août dernier. Kiev a en outre reçu un crédit canadien de 200 millions de dollars (142,4 M EUR) pour le financement du budget ukrainien le 30 septembre dernier....................Lire la suite:

  90. Gesamtnationaler Streik in Griechenland ...

    Ein gesamtnationaler Streik und mehrere Protestaktionen gegen die neue Sparpolitik finden am Donnerstag in Griechenland statt.

    Gegen neue Kündigungen und den Haushaltsentwurf für das Jahr 2015 streiken alle leitenden Gewerkschaften, zu denen Mitarbeiter des Staats- und des Privatsektors ADEE und GSEE sowie die kommunistische Gewerkschaft PAME. Krankenhäuser und andere Einrichtungen werden geschlossen. Busse, Trolleybusse und Straßenbahnen sowie die U-Bahn arbeiten nur beschränkt. Die Fluggesellschaft Aegean Airlines hat bereits 97 Inlands- und 65 internationale Flüge und Olympic Air 34 Flüge abgesagt.

    1. Grecia, sciopero nazionale ...

      In Grecia oggi si tiene uno sciopero nazionale e proteste di massa contro la politica di austerità, nuovi licenziamenti e un progetto di bilancio per il 2015.

      Tutti i sindacati principali sostengono lo sciopero: il sindacato dei lavoratori nel settore pubblico ADEE e quello nel settore privato GSEE, il sindacato comunista PAME. Saranno chiusi istituti pubblici e ospedali.

      Il trasporto pubblico, tra cui autobus, filobus e tram, funzioneranno a regime limitato. Anche i dipendenti della metropolitana sostengono lo sciopero. La compagnia aerea Aegean Airlines ha già cancellato 97 voli nazionali e 65 internazionali, Olympic Air ha riferito la cancellazione di 34 voli.
      Per saperne di più:

  91. US Warplanes Could Be Dropping Weapons to IS Militants: Iraqi Official ...

    The US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIL/ISIL) may have allowed weapons dropped by their warplanes and intended for Kurdish fighters to be intercepted by the extremist group, Iraqi parliamentarian Hanan Fatlawi said Thursday.

    “The airstrikes cannot defeat ISIL and liberate the cities. We hear that in some places the warplanes drop weapons for ISIL… What we know is that the victories achieved on the ground are done by the Iraqi army and volunteers,” the Press TV quoted Fatlawi as saying.

    Fatwali added that the presence of many international anti-IS coalition advisers is not necessary.

    “We are in a war and this is not the time for training, it’s the time for fighting. I think this is an effort by the US to come back to Iraq,” she said....................

  92. Egypte: l'armée se prépare en vue des manifestations islamistes ...

    Les Forces armées égyptiennes prennent sous contrôle les sites stratégiques dans l'ensemble du pays à la veille d'actions de protestation des islamistes radicaux prévues ce vendredi, annonce jeudi un correspondant de RIA Novosti.

    Dès mercredi soir, l'armée égyptienne a mis en place des points de passage renforcés par des blindés près des filiales de la Banque d'Etat, des centrales électriques ainsi que près du centre de télévision au Caire.

    Mercredi, le ministre égyptien de l'Intérieur Mohamed Ibrahim a déclaré, lors d'une réunion extraordinaire du gouvernement, que les organes de sécurité avaient arrêté cinq dirigeants salafistes qui "planifiaient des actes de sédition, d'anarchie et de violence pour ce vendredi".

    Le groupe radical Front salafiste a appelé, via les réseaux sociaux, les Egyptiens à prendre part vendredi à "la révolution de la jeunesse musulmane" dont l'objectif est de "proclamer l'identité islamique de l'Égypte, s'opposer à la domination occidentale et sioniste et renverser le régime militaire"......................

  93. La república popular de Donetsk espera ser reconocida por Venezuela, Cuba y Argentina ...
    La autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk espera un pronto reconocimiento de Venezuela, Cuba y Argentina, declaró el ministro de Exteriores de la RPD, Alexandr Kofman.

    "Venezuela, Cuba y Argentina son los países de los que esperamos un reconocimiento muy rápido", dijo el diplomático.

    Agregó que una delegación de la RPD visitará estos países en un futuro, pero antes viajará a Abjasia y Osetia del Sur.

    "Queremos ingresar en la Unión de Estados no reconocidos y contribuir a ampliarla y reforzarla", explicó.

    Anteriormente, una delegación de Abjasia encabezada por su primer ministro Beslán Buta cumplió una visita a la república de Donetsk.

  94. Greece tows migrant-packed ship to safety off Crete ...

    (Reuters) - A Greek frigate has towed a disabled cargo ship packed with 700 migrants to safety just off the island of Crete on Thursday, in one of the biggest sea rescues mounted by the Mediterranean nation, coastguard officials said.

    The Kiribati-flagged MV Baris issued a distress call on Tuesday after developing engine problems 30 nautical miles (45 km) southeast of Crete. A Greek frigate dispatched to the scene spent over 24 hours fighting off strong winds and waves to tow the ship close to the southeastern port of Ierapetra, where boats had begun transferring migrants to the town.

    "The coastguard has been fighting waves since yesterday in a huge rescue operation for 700 souls in very tough conditions," Shipping Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis told parliament.

    Doctors earlier boarded the ship to examine the migrants, who included about 200 women and children. Most of the migrants were believed to be from Afghanistan and Syria...................

  95. "L'Europe reproduit les mêmes erreurs que pendant les années Moubarak" ...

    En Égypte, 78 mineurs ont été condamnés parce qu'ils avaient manifesté pour réclamer le retour du président islamiste Mohamed Morsi. Un tribunal d'Alexandrie les a condamné à des peines de deux à cinq ans de prison pour "appartenance à une organisation terroriste". Cette condamnation arrive au moment où le président égyptien est en visite en Europe. Après l'Italie, il était reçu ce mercredi en France. Abdel Fattah al-Sissi veut convaincre que son pays a retrouvé la stabilité après le printemps arabe de 2011.

    Abdel Fattah al-Sissi a été reçu en grande pompe à l’Élysée. Le président égyptien a entre autre insisté pour que les touristes reviennent dans son pays. Oubliés, les 1 400 morts de la répression des Frères musulmans et les 15 000 personnes qui croupissent dans les prisons égyptiennes.............

  96. Poroshenko dice que los ucranianos apoyan un Estado unitario y rechazan la federalización...

    No habrá federalización en Ucrania porque todos los ucranianos quieren un Estado unitario, afirmó el presidente del país, Petró Poroshenko, al dirigir este jueves un mensaje extraordinario al Parlamento nacional.

    "El 100% de los ucranianos apoya ahora la unidad nacional y la mayoría constitucional ve Ucrania como un Estado unitario y rechaza la federalización", declaró el mandatario.

    Es algo que deben tener muy presente "los que desde el Este u Oeste abogan por la federalización" de Ucrania, insistió...........

  97. Romania PM loses coalition ally after election defeat ...

    (Reuters) - Romania's ruling coalition splintered on Thursday as an ethnic Hungarian party said it would quit the government in the wake of Prime Minister Victor Ponta's surprise defeat in this month's presidential election.

    The departure of the UDMR party, which joined the government in early 2014, will weaken Ponta but still leaves his center-left alliance with a 60 percent majority in parliament.........

  98. Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada endorses Yatsenyuk as prime minister ...

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk has been endorsed by parliament as the new head of government.

    He garnered the support of 341 members of the Verkhovna Rada, with seven abstentions and two nays...............

  99. Housing Minister pushing to allow thousands of Gazans to work in Israel ...

    57,000 Palestinian workers employed in Israel today legally and 34,000 work in Israel illegally.

    Construction and Housing Minister Uri Ariel is pushing a plan to grant permits for Gazan construction workers to work in Israel for the first time since 2006.

    Israel has a shortage of construction workers, and relies on cheap, foreign guest workers for about a quarter of its construction labor. Though China is a popular source of construction labor, it has been stalling on granting new permits. Ariel wants to grant an additional 15,000 permits to Palestinian workers in two stages, with 8,000 in the first stage..................

  100. China says in talks with Russia over 2015 military drills ...

    China's defence ministry said Thursday that it was in talks with Russian counterparts about joint military exercises next year, after Moscow announced drills were planned for the Mediterranean Sea and Pacific Ocean.

    Chinese defence ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng told reporters at a monthly briefing that China and Russia were "conducting consultation" over next year's joint military exercises.

    But after Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu visited Beijing last week, Moscow's defence ministry said in a statement: "New joint naval exercises are planned next spring in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

    "Joint exercises are also planned in the Pacific Ocean.".................

  101. Stop eating cats and dogs says Swiss animal rights group ...

    Tomi Tomek, president of the animal rights group SOS CHATS Noiraigue, which campaigned successfully last year to ban the sale of cat fur, said 3 percent of the population still eat cat and dog, mainly in the regions of Appenzell, Lucerne, Jura and Berne.

    "You can't report it to the police because there's no law against it," she said.

    Dog meat is traditionally used to make sausages and a fatty remedy for rheumatism, while cat can be served for Christmas dinner.

    The activists handed in a petition with 17,900 signatures calling for the consumption of family pets to be outlawed.

  102. Experte: Ukrainisches Parlament mutiert zu Marionette des Westens ...

    Die am Donnerstag in der Werchowna Rada der Ukraine gebildete Koalition mutiert zu einer Marionette, an deren Strippen der Westen ziehen wird. Das erklärte der Chef des Duma-Ausschusses für die Angelegenheiten der GUS, eurasische Integration und Verbindungen mit Landsleuten im Ausland, Leonid Sluzki, am Donnerstag in Moskau.

    „Eine solche Konfiguration der Werchowna Rada war durchaus vorprogrammiert gewesen. Der Name der Parlamentsmehrheit – ‚Europäische Ukraine‘ – spricht für sich: Das Land wird auch weiter von westlichen Kuratoren verwaltet“, fuhr der russische Parlamentarier fort.....................

  103. Ukraine: l'ukrainien doit rester la seule langue d'Etat (Porochenko) ...

    L'ukrainien doit rester la seule langue d'Etat en Ukraine, a déclaré jeudi à Kiev le président du pays Piotr Porochenko lors de la première réunion de la Rada suprême (parlement) de la 8e législature.

    "L'ukrainien en tant que langue d'Etat unique est un facteur très important de consolidation de la société et de l'Etat", a indiqué M.Porochenko dans son message au parlement...............

  104. Osetia del Sur anuncia la próxima firma de un acuerdo estratégico con Rusia ...

    Osetia del Sur planea firmar con Rusia a principios de 2015 un acuerdo de carácter estratégico, similar al que los rusos suscribieron recientemente con Abjasia, comunicó el presidente del Parlamento surosetio, Anatoli Bibílov.

    "El documento se está redactando y es muy probable que sea firmado a principios del año siguiente", declaró Bibílov a RIA Nóvosti al resaltar que el acuerdo "se caracterizará por un mayor grado de integración con Rusia".

    Señaló que el tratado entre Osetia del Sur y Rusia tendrá un carácter "de integración" más pronunciado..................

  105. Espen Barth Eide, the UN SG`s Special Adviser on Cyprus expanded on Thursday evening on his rejected proposal over hydrocarbons, while noting that it is not any more on the table, since “one leader though it was too much and one too little”....

    Speaking at an open discussion, at the University of Cyprus, in Nicosia, the UN top official said moreover that he believed he was the last UN envoy in Cyprus.

    Concerning his proposal, Eide said that he was not proposing co-management of offshore hydrocarbon resources, or that the Republic of Cyprus should stop its drilling activities in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or that it was legitimate for anybody else to do it.

    He added that he suggested the two sides to name some wise people to sit together and think about how a future unified federal system should manage this issues, with an explicit reference that none of what was talked about would have any bearing whatsoever, if there was no solution.

    “It would be at zero cost to those that fear that they would give away anything” he noted.

    The important thing is not revenue sharing, since this is solved and everybody agrees on it, Eide went on, noting that there are other significant aspects for an oil and gas economy.
    - See more at:

  106. David Cameron to tell EU: cut all tax credits to migrants...

    Prime minister to announce that EU membership is dependent on measure affecting more than 300,000 EU migrants in UK

    Migrants from the European Union will have to work in Britain for a minimum of four years before they can claim benefits, David Cameron will propose on Friday in a major speech setting out a vision of how the EU can control the free movement of workers – and how he is willing to leave the union if he does not get his way.

    In an attempt to restore his shattered credibility on immigration, the prime minister will say that Britain’s EU membership is now dependent on nation states being able to withhold almost all benefits from EU migrants.

    The proposal – which would affect more than 300,000 EU migrants working in Britain and claiming tax credits – is designed to reduce the disparities in takehome pay between that earned by EU migrants working in Britain and in their birthplace, and is aimed squarely at the low-skilled end of the labour market...............

  107. Pope Francis is reportedly expected to arrive in Turkey for three-day visit and meet with the current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and several officials....

    MOSCOW, November 28 (Sputnik) – Pope Francis is expected to arrive in Turkey Friday on a tree-day visit to Ankara and Istanbul, Hurriyet Daily News reports Friday.

    According to the report, Pope Francis is to visit mausoleum of the first Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Atatuerk in Ankara, meet with the current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and several officials.

    On Saturday, the pontiff will make his way to Istanbul to meet with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch. Patriarch Bartholomew is to receive Pope Francis at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul.

    Pope Francis will become the fourth pontiff to visit Turkey. The first was Pope Paul VI, who visited the country in 1967, followed by John Paul II in 1979 and Benedict XVI in 2006.

  108. La reconnaissance de l'Etat palestinien débattue à l'assemblée française ...

    Après les Parlements britannique et espagnol, l'Assemblée débat à son tour vendredi de la reconnaissance de l'Etat palestinien par le biais d'une résolution non contraignante qui devrait être ensuite adoptée mardi sans le soutien de la droite.

    Le texte soumis aux députés par le groupe socialiste "invite le gouvernement à reconnaître l’État de Palestine en vue d'obtenir un règlement définitif du conflit" et juge que "la solution des deux États, promue avec constance par la France et l’Union européenne, suppose la reconnaissance de l’État de Palestine aux côtés de celui d’Israël".

    Le débat, qui devait débuter à 09H30, sera limité à 1H15 et suivi de la réponse du ministre des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius. Le vote solennel aura lieu le 2 décembre, et le Sénat examinera un texte identique le 11...........

  109. Ein Schiffsverband der russischen Nordflotte ist in den Ärmelkanal eingelaufen, wo er eine Übung durchführen wird, wie der Pressedienst der Nordflotte am Freitag mitteilte...

    „Am Freitag passierte ein Verband von Kriegs- und Versorgungschiffen der Nordflotte mit dem großen U-Boot- Abwehrschiff „Seweromorsk“ an der Spitze die Straße von Calais, den engsten Abschnitt des Ärmelkanals, und lief in die Seine-Bucht ein“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.

    Wegen des Unwetters wurde beschlossen, den Sturm in den Neutralgewässern der Seine-Bucht abzuwarten. Bei der Überfahrt auf der Nordsee durchspielten die Navigationsoffiziere und Funkmessgäste der „Seweromorsk“, des großen Landungsschiffes „Alexander Otrakowski“, des Tankers „Dubna“ und des Rettungsschleppers SB -406 das Passieren von engen Abschnitten unter den komplizierten hydrometeorologischen Bedingungen bei einer intensiven Schifffahrt..............

  110. A squadron of ships from the Russian Navy's Northern Fleet is holding drills in the English Channel, the Western Military District's press service said Friday in a statement...

    "Today, a squadron of ships and support vessels from the Northern Fleet … have passed the narrowest part of the English Channel in the Strait of Dover and have entered a bay near the mouth of the River Seine," the press service said.

    Because of poor weather conditions, the ships decided to wait out a storm in the neutral waters off the bay...................

  111. Poutine : les groupes radicaux encouragés par certains pays de l'Occident représentent la menace principale pour la Syrie ..

    L'activité de l'EI et d'autres groupes radicaux encouragés précédemment par certains pays de l'Occident représente la menace principale à la Syrie et au reste de la région, a déclaré Vladimir Poutine dans un entretien à l'agence d'information turque Anadolu.

    Le président de Russie a promis de soutenir les gouvernements de Syrie et d'Irak dans leur lutte contre les extrémistes ayant souligné que la lutte contre le terrorisme était une priorité pour la communauté mondiale.

    Il a noté que les efforts visant à dresser un obstacle à cette menace devaient reposer sur les décisions du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, le strict respect des normes du droit international et des principes de la souveraineté d'Etat et de la non-ingérence dans les affaires intérieures des pays.
    Lire la suite:

  112. Putin: Aussichtslos, mit Moskau in der Sprache von Ultimaten zu sprechen ...

    Die von den USA, der EU, Japan, Australien und anderen Ländern beschlossenen Einschränkungen gegen Russland sind nicht legitim, wie Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin betonte. Es ist aussichtslos, mit Moskau in der Sprache von Sanktionen und Ultimaten zu sprechen.

    In einem schriftlichen Interview für die türkische Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu im Vorfeld des Türkei-Besuchs am 1. Dezember rief Putin den Westen auf, die Logik von Drohungen zu überwinden und sich auf die Suche nach gegenseitig annehmbaren Lösungen umzustellen........Weiterlesen:

  113. Pricing for extra gas supplies to Turkey has to be thoroughly analyzed — Putin ...

    Russia and Turkey may adhere to different views but this divergence of opinion is not a hindrance to bilateral partnership, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the news agency Anadolu on the eve of his visit to Turkey.

    “Due to such intensive multidimensional ties, Turkish-Russian relations remain stable, not depending on the current situation and maintaining continuity. Naturally, our positions on some issues might not be exactly the same or may even differ. This is natural for states carrying out independent foreign policy,” Putin said.

    “At the same time and above all, we understand the importance of partnership between our countries and our peoples and a common desire to continue the mutually beneficial dialogue, which is highly appreciated by Russia,” Putin remarked.............

  114. Mistral: vol d'équipements à bord du premier BPC destiné à la Russie ...

    Du matériel coûteux, dont des disques durs d'ordinateurs et des équipements de transmission, a été volé à bord du Vladivostok, premier bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) de classe Mistral construit pour la Russie, qui se trouve en ce moment à Saint-Nazaire, a annoncé vendredi le quotidien Le Point.

    Selon le journal, la disparition des disques durs et d'autres équipements de haute technologie fournis par Thales a été signalée le 25 novembre.

    La police judiciaire de Rennes, chargée de l'enquête, n'a relevé aucune trace d'effraction. Les soupçons pèsent néanmoins sur "l'environnement immédiat du navire".

    "On n'en est pas encore à soupçonner les Russes", a indiqué une source au ministère de la Défense.................

  115. Egypt’s Al-Sisi Openly Blames West for Libya’s Tragic Predicament ...

    The recent visit of the Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, to Paris was little reported in the Western press, even though the main subject of discussions between al-Sisi and the French president Francois Hollande was sensational.

    The two men, as officially reported in the French media, discussed the jihadist danger coming from the new Libya – a recent product of the ‘colored revolution’ supported by an alliance of Western powers. Those who have a habit of reading old papers may remember that this alliance was headed by Mr. Hollande’s predecessor in the Elysee palace, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the still serving ................

  116. Russia doesn't rule out suing France over failed Mistral delivery...

    Moscow is still not ruling out plans to file a lawsuit against France in an arbitration court if Paris refuses to deliver Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia, the country’s envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov said on Friday.

    “Russia will be acting in strict compliance with the contract,” Chizhov stressed. “It includes certain delays due to technical reasons, and if the fact is established that the supplier has breached the contract, Russia will take the measures envisaged by the contract, including turning to an arbitration court,” the diplomat said.

    Earlier this week, Le Parisien newspaper reported that if France doesn't deliver Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia, the penalty may amount to €3 billion ($3.7 billion)............

  117. Комитет ООН против пыток подверг критике США за секретные тюрьмы ...

    Комитет ООН против пыток выразил "глубокую обеспокоенность" в связи с "программой секретного содержания в заключении и проведения допросов", осуществлявшейся ЦРУ США с 2001 по 2008 годы.

    В опубликованном в Женеве заключении Комитета по периодическому докладу Соединенных Штатов о выполнении Конвенции против пыток и других жестоких, бесчеловечных или унижающих достоинство видов обращения и наказания, отмечается, что эти действия ЦРУ сопровождались "многочисленными нарушениями прав человека, включая пытки, плохое обращение и насильственное исчезновение лиц, подозреваемых в совершении преступлений".

    Эксперты выразили сожаление в связи с тем, что США не предоставили достаточно информации о "практике внесудебной выдачи подозреваемых и насильственного исчезновения", а также о масштабах использования ЦРУ "жестокой техники допросов"...............

  118. Iraqi Turkmens want role in Kirkuk fight, demand arms and salary from Baghdad ...

    Iraqi Turkmens have said they want to help defend the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk against Islamist jihadists along with Kurdish militants and have asked Baghdad to supply arms and a budget.

    “We also want to contribute to the defense of Kirkuk with the Peshmerga,” Arshad al-Salihi, the head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC), told state-run Anadolu Agency on Nov. 28.

    However, he said, “We have some demands from the central Iraqi government.”

    Iraq should provide arms and salaries to Iraqi Turkmen militias as it does with Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga, according to al-Salihi....................

  119. Rogosin: Politik des Westens gegenüber Serbien „gemein und zynisch“ ...

    Die Politik des Westens gegenüber dem Balkanland Serbien ist „gemein und zynisch“. So kommentierte Russlands Vizeregierungschef Dmitri Rogosin die jüngste Erklärung von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, wonach Belgrad zwischen Brüssel und Moskau zu wählen habe.

    „Zuerst hat der Westen Jugoslawien zerstückelt, dann die Serben als Hauptschuldige im Bürgerkrieg abgestempelt und dann Serbien zerbombt. Jetzt wird Belgrad erpresst, indem der Westen Serbien zwingt, Russland zu verraten und Sanktionen gegen Moskau zu verhängen. Das ist eine gemeine und zynische Politik“, schrieb Rogosin am Freitag auf seiner Facebook-Seite..................

  120. La Russie, un "problème stratégique" pour l'UE (Tusk) ..

    La Russie est un "problème stratégique de l'UE", a déclaré vendredi l'ex-premier ministre polonais Donald Tusk, qui assumera en décembre la présidence du Conseil européen.

    "L'UE est un problème pour (le président russe) Vladimir Poutine et la Russie. Nous devons comprendre que la Russie n'est pas notre partenaire stratégique. La Russie est notre problème stratégique", a indiqué M.Tusk au journal Financial Times.

    "Je n'ai jamais douté depuis Bucarest que le jeu géopolitique entre la Russie et l'Europe, la Russie et la Pologne a porté sur l'Ukraine", a ajouté M.Tusk.....................

  121. Taiwan begins vote testing confidence in China-friendly ruling party ...

    (Reuters) - Voters in Taiwan began trickling into polling stations early on Saturday in a local election that could show support for the ruling party, the China-friendly Kuomintang (KMT), is waning less than two years before a presidential election.

    Saturday's poll is the first chance for the island, viewed as a breakaway province by giant neighbor China, to make known its views since March, when thousands of young people occupied parliament in an unprecedented protest against a planned trade pact calling for closer ties with Beijing.

    "This (vote) will affect our economic prosperity," said one voter, Lin Gui-cheng, 60. He watched as a smiling President Ma Ying-jeou, who is also chairman of the KMT, walked into a polling station to mark a ballot-paper and cast his vote.............

  122. Ukraine bans four Russian air companies from flying over its territory ...

    Ukraine has banned four Russian companies from flying to the cities of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk in eastern Ukraine until further notice, Ukraine’s State Aviation Service said in a telegram.

    Aeroflot, Transaero, UTair and UTair-Ukraine are forbidden to fly to Kharkov as of November 29 and to Dnepropetrovsk as of December 1 this year. Ukrainian airline Dniproavia has also been forbidden to fly to Dnepropetrovsk.

    Several days ago, Aeroflot’s press service said it was resuming flights to Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk.

    Aeroflot had received permission from Ukraine’s aviation authorities to fly to Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov when the winter season starts on October 26 and had included those flights into its schedule.

    Later, Denis Antonyuk, the head of Ukraine’s State Aviation Service, told TASS that Ukraine was banning Aeroflot’s flights to the two cities as of December 1.

  123. At least 120 people were killed and 270 others wounded on Friday after two suicide bombers exploded and gunmen opened fire on a Muslim congregation at Friday prayers in the central mosque in northern Nigeria's largest city of Kano...

    The blast occurred at the main mosque in Kano, where hundreds had gathered to listen to a sermon in a region terrorised by attacks from the militant group Boko Haram.

    Immediately after the blasts, hundreds of angry youths took to the streets, throwing stones, brandishing sticks and shouting at security officials.

    The palace of the Emir of Kano is near the central mosque.

    The Emir, one of the highest ranking Islamic figures in Nigeria, was out of the country on Friday, according to palace officials.

    The militant group Boko Haram has carried out numerous such attacks in northern Nigeria and Kano has been repeatedly hit............

  124. Moldawien hofft auf EU-Beitritt ...

    Moldawiens Ministerpräsident Iurie Leanca drängt auf eine rasche EU-Beitrittsperspektive für sei Land. "Die Nachbarschaft alleine reicht uns auf Dauer nicht aus", sagte er der "Bild"-Zeitung. "Wir hoffen, dass wir nach den Wahlen die Perspektive für den Beitritt in die EU bekommen, das ist es, was die Menschen hier wollen."

    Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier sagte jedoch dem Blatt, die Frage einer EU-Mitgliedschaft des Landes stelle sich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt überhaupt nicht. Er betonte, Deutschland unterstütze Moldawien, "dass es wirtschaftlich vorankommt, zuletzt zum Beispiel mit Vereinbarungen über visumfreies Reisen". Steinmeier warnte vor "unbotmäßiger Einflussnahme von außen". Mit Blick auf die Ukraine-Krise sagte er: "Wir müssen alles tun, um zu verhindern, dass Moldawien auf einen solchen Krisenpfad gerät."................

  125. El canciller sirio acusa a EEUU de dirigir contra Damasco su ofensiva antiyihadista ...

    El verdadero blanco de los bombardeos de EEUU y sus aliados en territorio sirio es el Gobierno de Damasco, afirmó el ministro de Exteriores del país árabe, Walid Mualem.

    El jefe de la diplomacia siria comentó así las palabras del presidente norteamericano, Barack Obama, quien descartó con anterioridad cooperar con el régimen sirio en la operación contra el Estado Islámico por considerar que el presidente Bashar Asad "ha perdido su legitimidad" y que la colaboración con él debilitaría a la coalición antiyihadista.

    "Las declaraciones de EEUU muestran que el objetivo real de la coalición es el Gobierno sirio", dijo Mualem en una entrevista con la cadena libanesa Al Mayadeen.

    Nadie puede elegir al Gobierno de Sirio en nombre de su pueblo, subrayó el canciller............

  126. Nearly 30 Arrested in Hong Kong Protests: Reports ...

    Hong Kong police have arrested 28 pro-democracy protesters during clashes in the district of Mong Kok on Saturday morning, RTHK broadcaster says.

    According to RTHK, 10 people were injured, among them are eight policemen.

    The police dispersed protesters using batons and pepper spray, saying the assembly was unlawful.

    On Wednesday, it was reported that 86 people were arrested in Mong Kok district, as the protesters attempted to block the roads. The arrested were accused of assaulting police, possessing weapons and participating in an unlawful assembly................

  127. Vaccino anti-influenza: decessi 'sospetti' salgono a 11. Inchieste di diverse procure ...

    L'Aifa registra altre otto segnalazioni di morti post-vaccinazione, anche da Roma (due), Como e Parma. Interessate altre partite di Fluad. L'Agenzia: da primi test non risultano contaminazioni, ma non sono esclusi altri ritiri cautelativi dopo il provvedimento di ieri. Il Lazio sospende l'intera campagna di prevenzione col prodotto Novartis...

    Dai primi esami sui lotti di vaccini anti-influenzali bloccati dall'Aifa "non ci sono evidenze che ci sia una contaminazione del prodotto". Il direttore generale dell'Agenzia italiana per il farmaco, Luca Pani, ha annunciato che sui lotti 'sospetti' (142701 e 143301) del vaccino Fluad, a cui sono state collegate alcune morti, "non ci sono stati difetti di produzione" e ha chiarito, ai microfoni di SkyTg24, che i decessi "sono stati in gran parte dovuti a eventi cardiovascolari" e "potrebbero essere dovuti a malattie concomitanti"...............

  128. Court in Egypt clears Hosni Mubarak over 2011 killings ...

    A court in Cairo has cleared former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of conspiring to kill protesters during the 2011 uprising against his rule.

    The courtroom erupted in cheers when the judge concluded Mubarak's retrial by dismissing the charges which relate to the deaths of hundreds of people.

    He was also cleared of a corruption charge involving gas exports to Israel.

    Mubarak, 86, is serving a separate three-year sentence for embezzlement of public funds.

  129. Australia intercepts Sri Lankan asylum seekers, turns back most...

    (Reuters) - Australia has intercepted a boatload of Sri Lankan asylum seekers off the coast of Indonesia, handing back all but one to Sri Lankan authorities, who arrested them for breaching immigration laws.

    The Sri Lankans are the first to be turned back in five months as Australia’s highest court hears a test case challenging the government’s right to intercept asylum seekers’ boats outside its territorial waters.

    Australian border protection staff intercepted the vessel carrying 38 asylum seekers on November 15, and transferred the passengers to a Sri Lankan naval boat where their applications for refugee status were assessed, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said on Saturday.

    One passenger was accepted for further processing and 37 were returned to Sri Lankan authorities, Morrison said in a statement..................

  130. La centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu liera Russie et Turquie pour des décennies (Rosatom) ...

    La construction de la centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu, premier site de ce genre en Turquie, sera un projet d'envergure qui liera ce pays à la Russie pendant des dizaines d'années, estime Sergueï Kirienko, directeur général du consortium public russe Rosatom.

    "Pour nous, c'est un grand honneur de participer à la construction de la centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu. D'une part, il s'agit d'une grande responsabilité, mais d'autre part, la participation de la Russie à ce projet traduit la confiance témoignée par la partie turque aux spécialistes et aux technologies nucléaires russes", a déclaré M. Kirienko dans une interview à l'agence Anadolu à la veille de sa visite en Turquie au sein d'une délégation conduite par le président russe Vladimir Poutine.............

  131. Chinese state media say 15 people have been killed in an attack in the country's troubled western Xinjiang region....

    The official Xinhua News Agency says 14 other people were injured in what it said was a terrorist attack Friday in Shache county.

    The Tianshan news portal said Saturday that the attackers used vehicles, knives and explosives in the assault. It said the dead included 11 of the attackers.

    Such attacks have claimed dozens of lives in Xinjiang over the past year. Members of the region's Muslim Uighur (WEE-gur) minority group have bristled under what they say is repressive Chinese government rule.
    Read more:

  132. Arabs to push for U.N. Security Council resolution on Palestinian state ...

    (Reuters) - Arab League foreign ministers agreed on Saturday to formally present a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council that will set a timeframe for the creation of a Palestinian state.

    The ministers set up a committee comprised of Kuwait, Mauritania, Jordan and Arab League chief Nabil al-Araby to begin seeking international backing for the resolution, they said in their closing statement.

    The statement did not specify when the resolution would be presented but diplomatic sources have said Jordan, an Arab member in the Security Council, could present the draft within days..............

  133. Germany’s foreign intelligence accused of spying on own citizens abroad ...

    BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence service, used a loophole in the law to snoop on the country’s citizens living abroad from 2000 to 2005, the former agency’s lawyer told German MPs.

    Usually, there is law “G10” which specifies high legal hurdles to cover before spying on German citizens, including when they live abroad. If these requirements aren’t met, then the data on them should be filtered from foreign communications received by BND.

    However, Dr. Stefan Burbaum told parliament about a loophole: a person was named “office holder” if targeted.

    "The office holder is a legal person. It's a small exception. A German citizen can function as an office holder in a foreign organization," Burbaum explained as quoted by the Local.

    "The decisive thing is whether he's communicating as a citizen or as an office holder," he added.

    BND also breached “G10” legislation regarding telecom traffic, retaining some content the service hadn’t been authorized to check. So the law was turned into a “foot in the door” for some data they wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise, Burbaum said.

    The intelligence agency came under heavy fire from MPs.

    “This construct of an ‘office holder’ is just as absurd in practice as it appears in the law,” Konstantin von Notz of the Green party said.......

  134. President Anastasiades departs for New York on Saturday evening, where he is expected to undergo surgery for mitral valve repair, on December 4...

    The operation will be conducted at “Mount Sinai” Hospital, in Manhattan.

    President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi wished yesterday President Anastasiades a speedy recovery. In a letter, the Egyptian President also expresses satisfaction for their recent meeting in Cairo.

    House President Yiannakis Omirou also contacted the President of the Republic to wish him well. Omirou is taking over as acting President, during President Anastasiades absence abroad.
    - See more at:

  135. Sarkozy wins French UMP party leadership with 64.5 percent of vote ...

    Nicolas Sarkozy was elected leader of the French conservative UMP party on Saturday with 64.5 percent of votes cast, official results showed, a step towards becoming a presidential candidate in 2017 but a less convincing endorsement than some had hoped.

    The last time the former president secured the UMP chairmanship, in 2004, he won 85 percent of the vote and went on to become the country's head of state from 2007 until 2012.

    However, after a storming comeback in September, recent polls showed his popularity among members weakening. Some analysts had said he needed at least 70 percent this time to secure a position as UMP presidential candidate. REUTERS

  136. Turkish police on Saturday forcefully broke up a student protest close to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's new presidential palace, with one policeman punching a student, reports said...

    Video footage showed police, wearing body armour, using pepper spray to break up the protest over the Turkish tuition system as the students tried to march towards the palace in Ankara.

    A policeman was shown punching a demonstrator once in the neck and again in the face, as another officer grabbed him. "Why are you punching me?" the protester is heard asking.

    Others are shown being roughly pinned down by police with their hands behind their backs and faces pushed into the tarmac.

    Twenty-two student protesters were arrested, the private Dogan news agency reported.

    The students had come to within 100 metres (330 feet) of the building, the Hurriyet daily said.

    Erdogan's new presidential palace, which is surrounded by high gates and has tight security, is a hugely controversial project condemned by opponents as an authoritarian excess.

    Pope Francis on Friday became the first significant foreign dignitary to visit the palace. With 1,000 rooms, it cost 1.37 billion Turkish lira ($615 million) to build.

  137. Egypte: un mort dans des heurts entre la police et des manifestants anti-Moubarak ...

    Une homme a été tué samedi au centre du Caire dans des heurts entre la police égyptienne et des manifestants qui protestaient contre l'abandon par un tribunal des charges pour meurtre contre l'ex-président Hosni Moubarak, a annoncé le minstère de la Santé.
    Plus d'un millier de manifestants ont convergé samedi soir vers la Place Tahrir après l'annonce de ce verdict prononcé dans la journée. La police a notamment fait usage de grenades lacrymogènes et de canons à eau pour disperser la foule des protestataires..........

  138. Abbas: I won't give up one inch of 1967 ...

    Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas said he will not negotiate over land with Israel, as well as accusing Israel of holding negotiations with Hamas, it was reported Sunday morning.

    "I won't give up one inch of 1967; I have evidence that Hamas and Israel are conducting negotiations," Abbas said.

    He continued by saying that Hamas is completely responsible for Gaza.

    "The Palestinian Authority does not exist in the Gaza Strip. Hamas is responsible for the Gaza Strip.".............

  139. Parliamentary elections will take place in Moldova on Sunday. The newly-elected deputies will form the bodies of power in Moldova in the next four years....

    Struggle between supporters and opponents of European integration was central to the recent election campaign. For that reason, the elections were called a foreign policy referendum. In summer, Moldova signed an association agreement with the European Union, which cancelled visas for Moldovan citizens. Opinion polls, however, show that the majority of the population in Moldova wanted integration with the Customs Union. More than 90 % of people in the unrecognized Dniester Republic and the Gagauz Autonomy also voted for the integration with the Customs Union at their referendums. This distribution of political forces has put the authorities in a difficult situation, which, as experts say, has become the sharpest and the dirtiest in Moldovan history.

    Sociologists believe that only five parties have a chance to surpass a 6% threshold. They will have to agree with each other to form a parliamentary majority..................

  140. Jérusalem: attaque raciste contre une école bilingue arabe-hébreu ..

    Dans la cour du seul établissement bilingue arabe-hébreu de Jérusalem, parents d'élèves israéliens et palestiniens partagent choc et colère après un incendie et des tags anti-Arabes contre leur école, rare lieu de coexistence dans la Ville sainte.

    Samedi soir, des inconnus ont rassemblé des livres et des cahiers dans une salle de classe avant d'y mettre le feu. Puis ils ont recouvert les murs de slogans racistes.

    Dimanche, aux "Mort aux Arabes" et "Stop à l'assimilation" tagués en lettres hébraïques en noir, l'école publique Max Rayne a répondu par de larges banderoles en arabe et en hébreu proclamant: "Non à la haine et au racisme, oui à la coexistence et au vivre-ensemble".

    A l'intérieur, la salle de classe sent encore le brûlé, mais on s'active pour balayer les débris de verre et les cendres, tandis que des dizaines de personnes sont attroupées dehors, venues en solidarité avec les 624 élèves qui étudient en arabe et en hébreu du cours préparatoire à la terminale...............

  141. Jailed Kurd Leader: Peace Is Possible With Turkey ...

    A settlement to end a three-decade insurgency by Kurdish militants in Turkey could be reached within months if the government puts in place legal guarantees for Kurdish rights, a jailed militant leader was quoted as saying on Sunday.

    The siege by Islamic State militants of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani on the Turkish border has risked derailing Turkey's fragile peace process with its own Kurds, who have accused Ankara of failing to protect their ethnic kin.

    Around 40 people were killed when thousands of Kurds took to the streets in October, mostly in Turkey's predominantly Kurdish southeast, to demonstrate against what they saw as Ankara's refusal to intervene in Kobani..........

  142. Germany says 300 jihadists facing trial, anti-terrorism laws working ...

    (Reuters) - Nearly 300 people are facing prosecution in Germany for supporting Islamic State (IS), German Justice Minister Heiko Maas has said, adding that it was a sign that anti-terrorism laws were working and tougher legislation was not needed.

    "Whoever supports IS can already be prosecuted under existing laws," he told Sunday's weekly newspaper Welt am Sonntag in an interview, after some politicians called for tighter laws.

    He added, however, that he would present a draft law by the end of the year to tackle the flow of money to IS..............

  143. Pope: Islamic militants are carrying out a "grave sin against God" ...

    Pope Francis said Islamic militants were carrying out a "profoundly grave sin against God" in Syria and Iraq, calling on Sunday for inter-religious dialogue and action against poverty to help end the conflicts there.

    Turkey is sheltering nearly 2 million refugees from Syria, thousands of Christians among them.

    At a joint service with Patriarch Bartholomew I, spiritual head of the world's 300 million Orthodox Christians, at the end of his weekend trip to Turkey, Francis said people of all faiths could not remain indifferent to the cries of the victims of the "inhumane and brutal" war next door.

    "Taking away the peace of a people, committing every act of violence, or consenting to such acts, especially when directed against the weakest and defenseless, is a profoundly grave sin against God," he said.

  144. Il ministro degli Esteri tedesco avverte: il conflitto ucraino può durare anni ...

    Il conflitto ucraino e le divergenze tra Russia ed Occidente su questo tema possono durare molti anni.

    Lo ha affermato il ministro degli Affari Esteri della Germania Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

    "Per provocare il conflitto, potrebbero essere necessari 14 giorni. Tuttavia per risolverlo potrebbero volerci 14 anni,"- ha detto. Steinmeier ha definito “serie” le divergenze con la Russia sulla questione ucraina.

    Inoltre il capo della diplomazia tedesca ritiene che ciò che sta accadendo in Ucraina non lasci sperare nulla di buono e non esclude un'ulteriore escalation del conflitto.
    Per saperne di più:

  145. The Republic of Cyprus denounced to the UN the systematic infringement by Turkey of its sovereignty and territorial integrity....

    A letter by Nicos Emiliou, Cyprus` Permanent Representative at the UN, circulated on Friday as an official document of the General Assembly and the Security Council, notes Ankara`s “blatant violations of international law, in a way that seriously jeopardises safety and security in the greater region”.

    In its two separate annexes, the letter, sent on November 19 to the UN Secretary General, records the infringements of international air traffic regulations and violations of the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey, as well as the illegal use of closed ports by Turkish warships during the month of October 2014.

    In his letter, Emiliou notes in particular that Turkish commercial aircraft systematically use the illegal Tympou airport.
    - See more at:

  146. Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said Sunday an investigation had found a list of “ghost soldiers” in the Iraqi military and vowed to widen a crackdown on graft in the country....

    “In terms of reforms in the military establishment, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi uncovered the presence of 50,000 fictitious named in four military units,” a statement from Abadi’s office said.

    Abadi also denied “the presence of foreign forces on [Iraqi] territory except for military training purposes.”

    A parliament statement said Abadi scrapped the 50,000 jobs, equivalent to almost four full army divisions, reported AFP.

    “Over the past few weeks, the PM has been cracking down to expose the ghost soldiers and get to the root of the problem,” Abadi’s spokesman Rafid Jaboori said...........................


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