Sunday, March 2, 2014

Situation in Ukraine. -John Kerry (Press Statement) / Readout of President Obama’s Call with President Putin.

Washington, DC, U.S. State Department.
John Kerry (Press Statement) "The United States condemns the Russian Federation's invasion and occupation of Ukrainian territory, and its violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity in full contravention of Russia’s obligations under the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, its 1997 military basing agreement with Ukraine, and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. This action is a threat to the peace and security of Ukraine, and the wider region.

I spoke with President Turchynov this morning to assure him he had the strong support of the United States and commend the new government for showing the utmost restraint in the face of the clear and present danger to the integrity of their state, and the assaults on their sovereignty. We also urge that the Government of Ukraine continue to make clear, as it has from throughout this crisis, its commitment to protect the rights of all Ukrainians and uphold its international obligations.
As President Obama has said, we call for Russia to withdraw its forces back to bases, refrain from interference elsewhere in Ukraine, and support international mediation to address any legitimate issues regarding the protection of minority rights or security. From day one, we've made clear that we recognize and respect Russia’s ties to Ukraine and its concerns about treatment of ethnic Russians. But these concerns can and must be addressed in a way that does not violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, by directly engaging the Government of Ukraine.
Unless immediate and concrete steps are taken by Russia to deescalate tensions, the effect on U.S.-Russian relations and on Russia’s international standing will be profound.
I convened a call this afternoon with my counterparts from around the world, to coordinate on next steps. We were unified in our assessment and will work closely together to support Ukraine and its people at this historic hour.

In the coming days, emergency consultations will commence in the UN Security Council, the North Atlantic Council, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in defense of the underlying principles critical to the maintenance of international peace and security. We continue to believe in the importance of an international presence from the UN or OSCE to gather facts, monitor for violations or abuses and help protect rights. As a leading member of both organizations, Russia can actively participate and make sure its interests are taken into account.
The people of Ukraine want nothing more than the right to define their own future – peacefully, politically and in stability. They must have the international community’s full support at this vital moment. The United States stands with them, as we have for 22 years, in seeing their rights restored."
  • President Obama spoke for 90 minutes this afternoon with President Putin of Russia about the situation in Ukraine. 

President Obama expressed his deep concern over Russia’s clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is a breach of international law, including Russia’s obligations under the UN Charter, and of its 1997 military basing agreement with Ukraine, and which is inconsistent with the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and the Helsinki Final Act. The United States condemns Russia’s military intervention into Ukrainian territory.

The United States calls on Russia to de-escalate tensions by withdrawing its forces back to bases in Crimea and to refrain from any interference elsewhere in Ukraine. We have consistently said that we recognize Russia’s deep historic and cultural ties to Ukraine and the need to protect the rights of ethnic Russian and minority populations within Ukraine.  The Ukrainian government has made clear its commitment to protect the rights of all Ukrainians and to abide by Ukraine’s international commitments, and we will continue to urge them to do so.

President Obama told President Putin that, if Russia has concerns about the treatment of ethnic Russian and minority populations in Ukraine, the appropriate way to address them is peacefully through direct engagement with the government of Ukraine and through the dispatch of international observers under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).  As a member of both organizations, Russia would be able to participate. President Obama urged an immediate effort to initiate a dialogue between Russia and the Ukrainian government, with international facilitation, as appropriate. The United States is prepared to participate.

President Obama made clear that Russia’s continued violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity would negatively impact Russia’s standing in the international community. In the coming hours and days, the United States will urgently consult with allies and partners in the UN Security Council, the North Atlantic Council, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and with the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum. The United States will suspend upcoming participation in preparatory meetings for the G-8. Going forward, Russia’s continued violation of international law will lead to greater political and economic isolation.

The people of Ukraine have the right to determine their own future. President Obama has directed his Administration to continue working urgently with international partners to provide support for the Ukrainian government, including urgent technical and financial assistance. Going forward, we will continue consulting closely with allies and partners, the Ukrainian government and the International Monetary Fund, to provide the new government with significant assistance to secure financial stability, to support needed reforms, to allow Ukraine to conduct successful elections, and to support Ukraine as it pursues a democratic future.


  1. Ukraine: dialogue de sourds entre Obama et Poutine....

    La Russie a voté un recours à la force en Ukraine. L’armée ukrainienne est en état d’urgence. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU s’est réuni à New York. La Crimée et l’est du pays sont sous tension. Le minute par minute des événements de la journée.


    La Russie a voté « le recours à l’armée russe en Ukraine jusqu’à la normalisation de la situation politique dans ce pays ».

    L’armée ukrainienne est en état d’alerte. Le président ukrainien par intérim, Olexandre Tourtchinov a dénoncé « une attaque armée » contre son pays et a appelé l’ONU au secours du pays.

    La communauté internationale s’active pour éviter l’escalade. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU s’est réuni samedi soir à New York. Barack Obama s’est entretenu avec Vladimir Poutine par téléphone. La Pologne dit se sentir menacée par une éventuelle intervention russe chez son voisin ukrainien et demande une réunion du Conseil de l’OTAN. Les ministres européens des Affaires étrangères se réuniront lundi à 13h.

    Des manifestations pro-russes ont eu lieu samedi dans l’est du pays. Certaines ont dégénéré en affrontements....................

  2. Readout of President Obama’s calls with President Hollande and Prime Minister Harper. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary....

    President Obama spoke separately this afternoon with President Hollande of France and Prime Minister Harper of Canada. The leaders agreed that Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected, and expressed their grave concern over Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. The leaders agreed to continue to coordinate closely, including bilaterally, and through appropriate international organizations. The leaders affirmed the importance of unity within the international community in support of international law, and the future of Ukraine and its democracy. The leaders also pledged to work together on a package of support and assistance to help Ukraine as it pursues reforms and stabilizes its economy.

  3. Die Welt: Auch Kerry sendet Warnung an Russland....

    US-Außenminister John Kerry hat Moskau vor schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen gewarnt, sollten russische Truppen in der Ukraine einmarschieren. Ohne „sofortige und konkrete Schritte“ zu einer Entspannung der Lage müsse Russland mit tiefgreifenden Folgen für seine Beziehungen zu den USA und sein internationales Ansehen rechnen, erklärte Kerry am Samstag. Moskaus Aktionen verletzten das Völkerrecht und gefährdeten „den Frieden und die Sicherheit der Ukraine und der weiteren Region“.

    Der US-Außenminister erklärte weiter, er habe bei einer Telefonkonferenz mit Kollegen weltweit über die nächsten gemeinsamen Schritte beraten. Um welche Außenminister es sich dabei handelte, ließ er offen. Kerry sagte, die USA hätten stets deutlich gemacht, dass sie die besonderen Beziehungen Russlands und der Ukraine ebenso respektierten wie die „Sorge über die Behandlung ethnischer Russen in der Ukraine“. Die Lösung liege jedoch nicht in der Verletzung der ukrainischen Souveränität, sondern allein in direkten Gesprächen mit der neuen Regierung in Kiew...............

  4. Ukraine : le ton monte entre Obama et Poutine...

    Les deux chefs d'Etat se sont entretenus pendant 90 minutes au téléphone sur la situation en Crimée, province autonome d'Ukraine.

    Ils se sont entretenus par téléphone pendant 90 minutes. Barack Obama s'est montré ferme avec Vladimir Poutine, samedi 1er mars. Le président américain a affirmé à son homologue russe qu'il avait violé la loi internationale en déployant des soldats russes en Crimée, province autonome située dans le sud de l'Ukraine. "Les Etats-Unis condamnent l'intervention russe en territoire ukrainien", a-t-il déclaré. D'après un haut responsable américain, l'entretien entre les deux dirigeants a été "franc et direct".

    Dans cette mise en garde très ferme, les Etats-Unis ont exigé de la Russie qu'elle replie ses forces déployées en Crimée, faute de quoi elle s'exposait à un isolement international et à un impact "profond" sur ses relations avec Washington. Barack Obama a aussi exhorté Vladimir Poutine à discuter pacifiquement avec les autorités de Kiev.
    Poutine veut "protéger ses intérêts et ses citoyens" en Ukraine

    Le Kremlin, rendant compte de la même conversation, a souligné que Vladimir Poutine avait déclaré à son homologue américain que la Russie se donnait le droit de "protéger ses intérêts et les populations russophones" en cas de "violences" dans l'est de l'Ukraine et en Crimée. Vladimir Poutine a évoqué "la vraie menace pesant sur les vies et la santé des citoyens russes sur le territoire d'Ukraine", ainsi que "les actions criminelles des ultranationalistes soutenus par les actuelles autorités à Kiev"...............[lestitres]

  5. Obama and Kerry lecture Russia on Ukraine....

    US Secretary of State John Kerry used a State Department press conference Friday to lecture Russia on the necessity to uphold the “stability” and “territorial integrity” of Ukraine as Western intervention has brought the situation there to the boiling point.

    The remarks came just shy of one week after the concerted intervention of the United States, Germany, France and other European powers led to a violent coup by fascist and far-right forces in the capital of Kiev.

    “The United States totally supports the Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the sovereignty [sic], and we expect other nations to do the same,” Kerry declared. He added that he had earlier that day instructed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that “it is important for everybody to be extremely careful not to inflame the situation and not to send the wrong messages.”..............

  6. US-Außenminister droht Moskau....

    Der amerikanische Außenminister John Kerry warnt Russland, dass diesem angesichts der Ukraine-Krise der Verlust der G-8-Mitgliedschaft drohen könnte: Wenn der Konflikt weiter eskaliere, könnte Putin „keinen G-8-Gipfel in Sotschi haben, er könnte sogar nicht in der G 8 bleiben, wenn das so weitergeht", sagt Kerry im Fernsehsender CBS. Gezielte Reisebeschränkungen und das Einfrieren von Guthaben seien ebenfalls möglich. Russland verhalte sich wie im 19. Jahrhundert und marschiere in andere Länder unter Verweis auf frei erfundene Gründe ein. ..............


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