Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Permanent members of UNSC discuss draft humanitarian resolution on Syria

Representatives of permanent members of the UN Security Council met on Tuesday to discuss a draft resolution designed to provide continuous assistance to the victims of the conflict in Syria.
Diplomats gathered in "Russian room" for consultations of the Security Council at the headquarters of the world organization in New York.

"We have figured out important political points ... The critical issue is to allow UN agencies to carry out their cross-border activities", told reporters permanent Representative of France Gerard Aro.

Voice of Russia, RIA

  • Постоянные члены СБ ООН определили значимые моменты гуманитарной резолюции по Сирии

ООН, 19 февраля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Олег Зеленин/. Постоянные члены Совета Безопасности ООН (Россия, Великобритания, Китай, США и Франция) определили для себя "политически значимые" моменты резолюции по гуманитарной ситуации в Сирии. Об этом заявил во вторник журналистам постоянный представитель Франции при ООН Жерар Аро, направляясь на закрытую встречу Совбеза.
"Мы определили политически значимые моменты. Это три или четыре пункта", - сказал он. "Общее впечатление такое, что мы можем договориться по тексту", - отметил дипломат, добавив при этом, что конечный документ должен быть содержательным. "Для нас один из жизненно важных моментов - позволить гуманитарным агентствам осуществлять трансграничную деятельность", - подчеркнул Аро.
На прошлой неделе в СБ ООН были представлены два варианта проекта резолюции по гуманитарной ситуации. Один из них в ультимативной форме требует обеспечения доступа к населению для оказания помощи, угрожая при этом санкциями тем, кто не подчинится.
Второй документ подготовлен Россией и основан на заявлении председателя СБ, принятом в октябре прошлого года. Ранее постпред РФ Виталий Чуркин выразил уверенность, что членам СБ удастся выработать согласованный вариант текста.
В связи с тем, что сирийский вопрос занимает главное место в повестке дня СБ ООН, во вторник было отложено заседание, посвященное ситуации в Мали и Центральноафриканской Республике


  1. UN Security Council resolution on Syria may be coordinated within days...

    KUWAIT CITY, February 19. /ITAR-TASS/. The UN Security Council resolution on Syria may be coordinated within days, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday.

    “If no one in the UN Security Council politicizes the humanitarian situation in Syria and tries to promote unilateral approaches, we’re sure that we’ll be able to agree on the resolution within days,” the Russian minister said.

  2. Syrian regime holding on to power no reason for terrorism – Lavrov...

    The West’s claims that terrorists are fighting in Syria because the ruling regime holds on to power reveal “a simplified logic”.

    KUWAIT CITY, February 19. /ITAR-TASS/. The West’s claims that terrorists are fighting in Syria because the ruling regime holds on to power reveal “a simplified logic,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

    “It is wrong to say that terrorists are in Syria only because the regime does not want to give up power. This is a simplified logic our Western partners are pushing,” he said after talks with his Kuwaiti counterpart, Sheikh Muhammad al-Sabah on Wednesday, February 19.

    “This is very dangerous. This is an attempt to put one’s political interests above the interests of the Syrian people in this case and above the interests of the peoples of the whole region,” the minister said.

    Lavrov stressed that “Russia is worried by the constant spread of terrorism and its spilling over to neighbouring countries, including Iraq and Lebanon, where a terrorist act occurred today.”

    “If we turn a blind eye to these things, the threat of proliferation will become absolutely real for many other countries in the region,” he warned.

  3. Vote on U.N. Syria aid expected soon....

    The U.N. Security Council will likely vote on a draft resolution to boost humanitarian aid access in war-torn Syria on Friday, Reuters reported diplomats as saying.

    But it was unclear if Russia and China would support or veto the Western- and Arab-backed text.

    Australia, Jordan and Luxembourg finalized the draft on Wednesday, which includes demands for cross-border aid access, an end to shelling and aerial bombardment - including barrel bombs - and threatens “further steps” in the event of non-compliance.

    These were among the main sticking points during almost two weeks of negotiations. Western diplomats said it was unclear if Moscow and Beijing - two of the five veto-wielding powers on the 15-member council - would support or block the resolution.

    Russia, supported by China, has shielded Syria on the U.N. Security Council during the three-year-long civil war. They have vetoed three resolutions condemning Syria's government and threatening it with possible sanctions.

    “Of course the decision will be taken in Moscow,” said a U.N. diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. “It does remain uncertain but, objectively, nothing in this humanitarian text should be unacceptable for any delegation.”...............

  4. Russia may back 'balanced' UN resolution on Syria....

    Russia may back a draft humanitarian resolution on Syria if it is not politicized, Russian Foreign Ministry official Alexander Lukashevich said. "If this resolution helps resolve specific humanitarian problems and is not politicized for well-known purposes, we believe that such a text could have the right to exist on the condition that some provisions of the statement issued by the head of the Security Council on October 2, 2013 are specified," Lukashevich told a briefing in Moscow on Thursday.

    "Russia is working with its partners on making this text balanced, not politicized and on ensuring that it can really help resolve the acute humanitarian problems in Syria. We are continuing our consultations in the Security Council on the basis of these principles," he said.

    Russia says Syrian rebels thwart UN aid missions to torpedo peace process

    The obstruction of attempted humanitarian deliveries to Syrian territories besieged by militants aims to thwart the relief operations and to stop the inter-Syrian peace process, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    "It is still impossible to help [people] in the populated areas besieged by the militants. We are confident that such actions of the irreconcilable opposition aim at thwarting humanitarian operations, undermining citizens' confidence in the authorities and putting an end to the inter-Syrian settlement process with the purpose of the resumption of a violent scenario," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich told a press conference in Moscow.

    Such behavior "should be resolutely and unconditionally condemned by all members of the international community," he stressed..................


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