Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ο «θείος» Εγκεμέν Μπαγίς ζήτησε εκλογή μουφτή στη Θράκη...

Global power

Ο Τούρκος υπουργός Επικρατείας συμμετείχε σε γεύμα της άτυπης συμβουλευτικής επιτροπής της μειονότητας, συνάντησε τον ψευτομουφτή Κομοτηνής, έκανε ομιλία στην λεγόμενη «τουρκική νεολαία» και επισκέφτηκε το Εσκί Τζαμί...

Κοιτάζοντας προς το μέρος του ψευτομουφτή ευχήθηκε: «Κάποια στιγμή να εκλέξετε και εσείς το δικό σας μουφτή» και εξήρε τη γενναιοδωρία της Τουρκίας όχι μόνο προς την ελληνορθόδοξη μειονότητα, αλλά και πολίτες άλλων χωρών...κλπ....Φωτογραφίες Ρεπορτάζ στο


Turkey on way of being global power....



1 comment :

  1. Turkey expects EU action on Europe's Turkish minorities as well after Halki comments...

    Commenting on a recent statement from the European Union that rejected a reciprocity proposal by Turkey for the possible re-opening of the Greek Orthodox Halki Seminary on Heybeliada, a Foreign Ministry official has said Turkey expects the EU to be interested in issues concerning the situation of Turkish minorities in Europe as well.

    “We have noted the interest of the European Council in the possible re-opening of the Halki Seminary in Heybeliada,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Levent Gümrükçü said, according to a statement from the ministry on Saturday.

    Noting that Turkey has taken major concrete steps in an effort to meet demands of Greek Orthodox minority, Gümrükçü said European Council's statement on the Halki Seminary led to “optimism” and expectations in the Turkish side that the council will also be closely interested in minorities living in European countries.

    “As a matter of fact, the problems faced by the Turkish minority in western Thrace who are even deprived of defining their own ethnic identities and electing their own religious leaders as well as those of our cognates in the Dodecanese Islands who are not even given a minority status are so serious that they would draw the attention of the EU,” Gümrükçü said.

    In a statement by the European Commission on Tuesday, Brussels underlined that Turkey should ensure greater education for its minorities “as a matter of respect for the human rights of Turkish citizens and not as a bilateral or negotiable matter,” in reference to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's remarks.

    The EU reaction came in the wake of Erdoğan's statements that the Halki Seminary would only be reopened after reciprocal steps from Greece regarding the "muslim minority" in Western Thrace. In a speech on Tuesday, Erdoğan categorically rejected accusations that the government was reluctant to reopen the seminary but demanded reciprocal steps from Greece regarding the rights of Muslims there in return........


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