Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Arab States Reject Netanyahu's Claims of Weapon Smuggling via Egypt’s Border - TASNIM

Several Arab countries have dismissed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's allegations that weapons are being smuggled to Hamas through the Egyptian border, calling them baseless and harmful to ongoing mediation efforts.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry rejected Netanyahu's statements regarding the Philadelphi Corridor, a demilitarized zone along Egypt's border with Gaza, labeling them as "baseless allegations aimed at obstructing the mediation efforts undertaken by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States to reach a swap deal leading to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza."

The ministry reiterated its "full solidarity with Egypt in confronting all Israeli claims" and condemned the accusations as "a condemnable incitement and an escalation that aggravates the serious tension in the region."

In his first public address since the recent mass protests in Israel, Netanyahu asserted that Israel would not relinquish control of the Philadelphi Corridor, claiming it is essential to prevent Hamas from rearming via tunnels.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry also expressed "full solidarity with the brotherly Arab Republic of Egypt" and rejected Netanyahu's remarks, saying that he is trying to distract Israeli public opinion and obstruct joint mediation efforts aimed at achieving a ceasefire and facilitating the exchange of captives.

Qatar further warned that Israel's approach, which it described as an attempt to "falsify facts and mislead world public opinion by repeating lies," would lead to the failure of peace efforts and an increase in violence in the region. The ministry emphasized the need to "strengthen regional and international efforts to oblige Israel to immediately end its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip."

The Palestinian presidency also condemned Netanyahu's statements, seeing them as an attempt to justify continued aggression against the Palestinian people. The presidency expressed appreciation for Egypt's role in opposing the displacement of Palestinians.

The Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry echoed these sentiments, accusing Israel of attempting to hinder mediation efforts by Egypt, Qatar, and the US that aim to secure a ceasefire in Gaza. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Oman also expressed their solidarity with Egypt in the face of Netanyahu's claims.

Arab States Reject Netanyahu's Claims of Weapon Smuggling via Egypt’s Border



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