Monday, August 12, 2024

Ukrainian POW in Kursk Region says his fellows engaged in marauding they had been ordered to shoot everyone

A Ukrainian soldier detained by Russian border guards in the Kursk Region has testified to cases of looting by other servicemen and commanders’ orders to shoot civilians who might offer resistance, the public relations center of the Federal Security Service (FSB) has said.

"The FSB’s border guards in the Belovo district of the Kursk Region detained a serviceman of Ukraine’s 80th separate airborne assault brigade with the assistance by local residents," the FSB said. In the video the man introduced himself as Ruslan Poltoratsky, 26.

"When questioned, the POW testified that in case of resistance by the local population they had orders to shoot everyone on the spot. When entering communities in the Kursk Region the Ukrainian soldiers engaged in looting and seized everything they could carry with them," the FSB quotes the POW as saying.

In the video of the interrogation, Poltoratsky said that before entering the Kursk Region, "the commander instructed us that men (local residents) should be shot in the legs and thrown into a cellar or basement. Those caught while carrying weapons must be shot. According to the detainee, "there were no specific instructions about prisoners; most likely we were just not expected to take any."

"When they entered people’s homes, yes, there was looting. They took away everything they saw. Everything valuable and everything that could be taken away," he confessed.

According to the POW, when his group was carrying out the task of providing fire support for Ukrainian units engaged in combat with the Russian army in the Kursk Region, he was abandoned by his fellow servicemen and attempted to return to Ukraine on his own and was subsequently detained.


  1. Poutine: ️Il n'y a aucune raison de négocier avec Kiev qui attaque des civils

  2. Poutine s'attend à ce que Kiev poursuive ses tentatives de déstabilisation des régions frontalières russes, y compris celle de Briansk.

  3. The enemy will receive a proper response in the border regions of Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.
    "The enemy will certainly receive a proper response, and all the goals we face will undoubtedly be achieved," Putin said at an operational meeting with representatives of the law enforcement on the situation in the Kursk region.
    The relative calm situation in the Bryansk Region today does not guarantee that this will continue, we need to prepare for different scenarios, Putin said.
    "If it is relatively calm in the Bryansk Region today, this does not mean that the same situation will remain there tomorrow. I ask you to take this very carefully together with the law enforcement agencies, together with the headquarters, which is being created through the FSB of Russia with the support of Rosgvardiya. All the issues that need to be discussed, in order to prepare for any development of the situation, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, must be prepared and resolved in advance," the president said.
    Kiev's action in Russia's Kursk Region aims to stop the offensive of Russian troops along the front line, Putin said.

  4. Исполняющий обязанности губернатора Курской области Алексей Смирнов рассказал президенту России Владимиру Путину о деятельности диверсионных групп на приграничных территориях региона.

    В ходе совещания о ситуации в приграничных с Украиной регионах Смирнов отметил, что некоторые из этих групп могут использовать российскую форму, транспорт и документы, что создает дополнительную угрозу.

  5. Ruslan Poltoratsky, a serviceman of Ukraine’s 80th Airborne Assault Brigade detained by Russian border guards, has said that foreign nationals are taking part in the cross-border attack on the Kursk Region.

    "When we crossed the border with Russia, at first I thought there was some line noise. But then I distinguished what they were saying - they were speaking English, Polish, maybe even French. I did not understand anything, I said into the walkie-talkie - 'repeat, repeat,' hearing some gibberish," the captured serviceman said during the interrogation, the video footage of which was released by the FSB.

    "When they had already taken positions [in the Kursk Region], they also went on the air with their superiors, with ours as well, and I also heard them saying something in English and in some other language. Something about houses, chaos," he said. At the same time, he heard the sound of shooting coming from the two-way radio.

    Earlier, Major General Apty Alaudinov, deputy chief of the Russian Armed Forces’ Main Military-Political Department and commander of the Akhmat special forces commando unit, said there were a lot of French and Polish mercenaries in the Kursk area.

  6. Под контролем Киева находятся 28 населенных пунктов Курской области, сообщил врио губернатора. По его словам, там живут порядка 2 тысяч человек.


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