Saturday, August 17, 2024

The FSB opened a criminal case of Italian journalists illegally crossing the Russian border

The FSB opened a criminal case on illegal border crossing by Italian journalists who entered the territory of the Kursk region to cover the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This is stated in a message from the Public Relations Center (PSC) of the FSB of Russia, distributed on Saturday.

 A criminal case was initiated under Part 3 of Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation). The defendants in the case are Simoni Traini and Stefani Battistini.

In addition, security forces are studying materials that have appeared in the media, which indicate that CNN correspondent Nick Peyton Walsh is in Sudzha. Based on the results of the assessment, a procedural decision will be made.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Italian Ambassador to Moscow, Cecilia Piccioni. The diplomat was expressed a strong protest in connection with the penetration of employees of the Rai television and radio company into the Kursk region.


  1. Итальянская телерадиокомпания RAI, журналисты которой сделали сюжет из Суджи, заявила, что отзывает их из Украины

    Заявление было сделано после того, как ФСБ завела дело против журналистов. Их обвиняют в незаконном пересечении границы.

    Журналистка Стефания Баттистини и оператор Симоне Траини возвращены на родину, "исключительно для того, чтобы гарантировать их безопасность и личную защиту", заявили в телерадиокомпании.

  2. These charges carry a hefty fine or an imprisonment of up to four years.


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