Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kiev could have saved 115,000 Ukrainian lives had it accepted Putin's June peace proposal

Ukraine has lost more than 115,000 troops in the last two months, lives it could have saved had it accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s peace proposal in June, Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu said.

"The territory liberated by our forces in these two months has covered 420 square kilometers and, according to our defense ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 115,000 troops. This is a big number - 115,000, nearly 60,000 a month. But this could have been stopped if the conditions set forth by our president were observed. So now it’s clear what we have to do - our troops are moving forward," he said.

Apart from that, in his words, Ukraine has lost more than 3,000 armored vehicles and more than 3,000 military automobiles since June 14.


  1. Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu has called on Kiev to stop and think about the cost of the West’s "good offices" for the Ukrainian people.

    "It’s time [for Kiev] to think about the cost of the West’s 'good offices' and begin thinking about the interests of its own people," he said. "But, regrettably, we see the opposite happening."

    The Europeans "are again hampering any real progress in the Ukrainian settlement by advancing unacceptable initiatives in the spirit of the Copenhagen or Swiss formats," he said. "If the West thinks that it can drag Russia into a long negotiating process and play out a scenario where Moscow gradually loses its initiative on the battlefield, it is sorely mistaken."

  2. Ukraine has lost over 115,000 servicepeople in less than two months, this might not have happened if Kiev had met Russian President Vladimir Putin Putin's initiatives halfway, Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.
    In June, Putin said that Russia would immediately cease fire and begin negotiations with Ukraine after Kiev withdraws troops from the territory of Russia's new regions and officially abandons plans to join NATO.


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