Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ukrainische Streitkräfte greifen Wohngebiet in Energodar mit Kamikaze-Drohnen an — RT DE

Das ukrainische Militär hat einen Wohnbezirk in der befreiten Stadt Energodar im Gebiet Saporoschje mit Kamikaze-Drohnen attackiert. Dies teilte das Mitglied des Hauptrates der militärisch-zivilen Verwaltung der Region, Wladimir Rogow, am Dienstag auf seinem Telegram-Kanal mit. 

Er schrieb:     "Selenskijs Kämpfer haben das friedliche Energodar mit Kamikaze-Drohnen angegriffen. Die Angaben zu Schäden und Opfern werden derzeit geklärt. Das AKW Saporoschje setzt seine Arbeit wie gewohnt fort."

Wie Rogow ferner präzisierte, wurden bei der Attacke zwei Drohnen eingesetzt. Die eine sei abgeschossen worden, während die zweite von selbst in der Luft explodiert sei. Zwei weitere Drohnen würden derzeit gesucht, hieß es.

1 comment :

  1. Ukrainian strikes on Energodar, Zaporozhye Region, may cause a man-made disaster at the nuclear power plant, which will endanger not only Ukraine, but the entire Europe, regional military-civilian administration said Tuesday.

    "The military-civilian administration of the Zaporozhye Region confirms that the Ukrainian forces continue massive shelling of the city of Energodar today. […] Explosions occur in direct proximity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which creates a threat of emergency situations, including a man-made disaster. The military-civilian administration categorically condemns the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who endangers not only Ukraine, but the entire Europe, should such disaster involve engineering or other infrastructure of the station," the administration said.

    The administration specified that four shell landings were registered, with fire coming from the other shore of River Dnieper.

    The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is the largest NPP in Europe; it produced about one quarter of all electricity in Ukraine; its power is about 6,000 Megawatts, and it includes six reactors. Since 1996, the NPP operated as a separate entity of the Energoatom company, controlled by Ukraine. In March 2022, Russian Armed Forces took the power plant under its control. Currently, the power plant operates at about 70% of its full capacity, due to oversupply of power in the Zaporozhye Region; in the future, NPP is planned to supply power to Crimea.[TASS]


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