The Navy official’s recent statements were a stark contrast with rhetoric from his predecessor, Vice-Admiral James Malloy, who in summer 2020 had denounced Iran’s “aggressive harassing activities, attacks and seizures of ships, and unsafe and unprofessional encounters”.
A senior US Navy official in the Middle East on Sunday applauded the fact that America had reached an “uneasy deterrence” with Iran after months of escalating tensions, reported AP
Vice-Admiral Sam Paparo, who oversees the Navy’s 5th Fleet based in Bahrain, while delivering comments to the annual Manama Dialogue hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, spoke of having a “healthy respect” for both Iran’s regular navy and the naval forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The latter has been blacklisted by the United States as a terror group.
“We have achieved an uneasy deterrence. That uneasy deterrence is exacerbated by world events and by events along the way. But I have found Iranian activity at sea to be cautious and circumspect and respectful, to not risk unnecessary miscalculation or escalation at sea,” said the Vice-Admiral.
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