Tuesday, December 15, 2020

US coronavirus death toll surpasses 300,000 - research university - TASS

The death toll from the novel coronavirus in the United States reached 300,267 on Monday, according to the Johns Hopkins University, which relies on data provided by international organizations, federal and local authorities.

Since the start of the pandemic in the country, as many as 16,388,504 people have been infected. Most cases were confirmed in California (1,598,389), Texas (1,411,749), Florida (1,134,383), Illinois (856,118) and New York (784,204).

1 comment :

  1. Nelle ultime 24 ore, la pandemia da Covid-19 ha fatto registrare a livello mondiale 622.000 contagi e 9.129 decessi, giungendo - secondo i dati della Johns Hopkins University - alla quota complessiva di 72 milioni e 847mila infezioni di cui 1.621.150 rivelatesi fatali. - See more at: http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/media/Coronavirus-nel-mondo-Terza-ondata-in-Giappone-Londra-richiude-stretta-in-Germania-e-Olanda-ac123d2a-69a6-41d6-aef4-70af85cc5c29.html


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