Thursday, December 31, 2020

Spain, UK reach last-minute deal on Gibraltar - Anadolu

Spain, UK reach last-minute deal on Gibraltar

Spain and the United Kingdom reached a last-minute preliminary deal on the status of post-Brexit Gibraltar, the Spanish foreign minister said on Thursday.

The agreement came just hours before the UK is set to leave Europe. Without a bilateral deal, the small British territory faced a “hard Brexit,” in the words of Spain’s Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya.

“People can breathe a sigh of relief,” said Gonzalez Laya in a news conference.

“The practical result of the deal is that the border [separating Spain and Gibraltar] will be torn down,” she said.

She explained that Gibraltar will enter into the Schengen Area, which allows free movement and no border controls within 26 European countries.

Spain, as a European member state, will be in charge of Gibraltar’s border control in the country’s port and airport. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) will also be involved, she explained, without providing details.

1 comment :

  1. The agreement is crucial to the 15,000 residents of Spain who work in Gibraltar, and the Gibraltarians who shop and own property in Spain.

    UK citizens entering Gibraltar, however, will need to show their passports to EU border guards from Friday onwards.


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