Friday, December 25, 2020

Libia: Haftar,riprendere armi per cacciare l'occupante turco - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

Il maresciallo Khalifa Haftar

Il maresciallo Khalifa Haftar, l'uomo forte della Libia orientale, ha invitato le sue forze a riprendere le armi per "cacciare l'occupante turco", mentre sono in corso i colloqui per portare il Paese fuori dalla situazione di stallo.

    "Dobbiamo ricordare oggi che non ci sarà pace in presenza di un colonizzatore sulla nostra terra", ha ammonito il maresciallo in riferimento ad Ankara, il cui Parlamento ha approvato questa settimana una mozione che proroga di 18 mesi l'autorizzazione a schierare soldati in Libia....

1 comment :

  1. The commander of the Libyan National Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, issued an ultimatum to Turkey about choosing whether to leave peacefully from the lands of Libya or war, considering that “a decisive confrontation between the two sides began to emerge.”
    Haftar said on Thursday during a ceremony organized in the city of Benghazi by the General Command of the Libyan National Army on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Libya’s independence:

    “Independence has no value, freedom has no meaning, no security, no peace, and the feet of the Turkish army contaminate our pure land. There is no choice for the enemy. The occupier can only leave peacefully and voluntarily, or by force of arms and strong will.”

    He continued: “The era of your colonial illusions is over, and you have to choose whether to leave or war.”

    Haftar considered that “Turkey and its mercenaries are continuing to mobilize for the war, a war in which if the first bullet is fired in it, let them prepare for certain death.”


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