Thursday, December 24, 2020

German accounting in support for White Helmets in Syria not transparent -Russian FM - TASS

White Helmets in Syria

The material support, provided by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany to the pseudo-humanitarian "White Helmets" organization, could be used not only for solving humanitarian problems in Syria, but for funding terrorists as well, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Thursday.

Previously, the Foreign Office announced that it allocated 5 million euro aid for the organization.

"It remains unclear, for the German public as well, what part of those funds went to the support of cooperation between the pseudo-humanitarian crews with the jihadi terrorists in the northeastern Syria, […] whether this sum covers the solemn relocation of one of the White Helmets leaders Khalid al-Sarih from Jordan to Germany," the diplomat pointed out.

According to Zakharova, it is easy to get lost in the accounting of Germany’s sponsorship of the White Helmet.

"It becomes more and more difficult to draw a line between articles for support of various humanitarian tasks and various support for the terrorists, blatantly glorified by Berlin," the diplomat said.

The spokeswoman also pointed out that the German Foreign Office seeks to present the White Helmets to the Syrians as a symbol of hope.

"The German Foreign Ministry, apparently, completely tossed away all hesitation and more and more acts as the primary promoter and sponsor of the White Helmets," she concluded.




US freezes funding to White Helmets



1 comment :

  1. In July, Zakharova had said White Helmets members continued to collude with foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists in Syria, and were involved in acts of looting and robbery under the guise of humanitarian activities.

    “Western sponsors have not yet abandoned their support for the White Helmets and its affiliated outfits. We have repeatedly pointed to the fact that the humanitarian label of the group actually lies in plunder, extortion, robbery, intentional misinformation, false-flag chemical attacks, air and artillery strikes, and simply direct collusion with terrorism,” she said at the time.

    Earlier this year, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin said Western intelligence services were sponsoring White Helmets and offering complete support to them to propagate fake news in a bid to incriminate Syrian government forces as a pretext for possible acts of aggression on army troops.

    “The White Helmets is an organization financed by intelligence services overseas… It is fulfilling their objective within the framework of a propaganda campaign against the Syrian people, and the Syrian Arab Republic at large,” the high-ranking Russian official said.

    The White Helmets group is known for its coordination with terror outfits in Syria to carry out staged chemical attacks aimed at falsely incriminating the Syrian government forces and inventing pretexts for possible acts of aggression on army troops by a United States-led military coalition present in Syria since roughly 2014.


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