Friday, November 6, 2020

Vienna shooting: Anti-terror chief suspended over intelligence bungle - BBC News

Vienna shooting

Austrian officials have revealed new intelligence failings ahead of the murder of four people in Vienna on Monday night, prompting the city's anti-terror chief to step aside.

Erich Zwettler was being suspended at his own request, police said.

It has already emerged the Austrians were told in July that the suspect had tried to buy ammunition in Slovakia.

Now, the Austrians have admitted the gunman met two people from Germany who were already under observation.

Interior Minister Karl Nehammer has spoken of "obvious, and in our view intolerable mistakes".

In a further development, a mosque and a mosque association frequented by the 20-year-old have been closed, which Integration Minister Susanne Raab said had contributed to his radicalisation.



1 comment :

  1. Nach dem islamistischen Terroranschlag in der Innenstadt von Wien zieht Österreich erste Konsequenzen. Kultusministerin Susanne Raab hat die Schließung von „radikalen Moscheen“ angekündigt. Zwei Moscheen, die mit dem Attentäter in Verbindung stehen sollen, werden demnach in Kürze geschlossen.


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