Le président Erdogan a réitéré son soutien à l'Azerbaïdjan, affirmant qu'il "priait" pour que le pays sorte vainqueur du conflit en chassant les Arméniens du "territoire occupé".
Environ 150.000 personnes vivent dans l'enclave séparatiste du Haut-Karabakh, reconnue par les Nations unies comme faisant partie de l'Azerbaïdjan.
Les récentes violences sont les plus sévères depuis le cessez-le-feu de 1994. Le Haut-Karabakh chrétien est contrôlé par l'Arménie, mais appartient selon le droit international à l'Azerbaïdjan, pays à majorité musulmane. (Belga)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stepped forward to accuse a number of foreign powers of supplying weapons to Armenia, making this declaration as the ongoing armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh region continues for three weeks straight.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking at an event in Sirnak Province, Erdogan accused the Armenian side of breaching the recent ceasefire in the region.
"Why is Turkey siding with Azerbaijan? You know about the Minsk trio: The United States, Russia and France. Whose side are they on? They are with Armenia. Do they give Armenia all sorts of armed support? Yes, they do," the Turkish president said as quoted by Hurriyet Daily News.
He also insisted that Azerbaijan is "fighting to get its lands back from Armenia”, and that “the clashes have shown that the Azerbaijani army will surely be victorious".