Friday, April 27, 2018

Qatari FM Denounces Saudi Calls to Send Troops to Syria

The Saudi Foreign Minister had announced on April 23 that Riyadh was willing to send troops to Syria as part of a wider international coalition if it receives an invitation to do so.

Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Thani has branded Saudi Arabia's demands for Qatar to pay for US troops to remain in Syria and the sending of its troops before the US withdraws an attempt to influence public opinion in the Arab world, according to France 24 TV channel.

"This statement [by the Saudi Foreign Ministry] is not worthy of an answer. Qatar refutes the brainwashing of the public opinion in the Arab world in such a way," Qatar Foreign and Prime Minister said.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir stated on April 25 that Qatar must send its troops to Syria prior to the US withdrawal from its base in the country. Earlier US President Donald Trump claimed that Middle East countries must pay for everything that happens in their region as well as deploy their soldiers on the ground, possibly referring to situations in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. He also added that without US protection, "wealthy" Arab states "wouldn't last a week."


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