Monday, April 30, 2018

Evacuations of terrorist/rebels to start in southern Damascus amid ongoing war on ISIS

Deals were reached on Sunday for the evacuation of rebels from the southern outskirts of Damascus, as the battle on the Islamic State (IS) group is ongoing until the full liberation of terrorist/rebel-held areas.

The deal was reached between the terrorist/rebels and the Syrian army in the towns of Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem in the south of Damascus, and it will see the evacuation of rebels and their families towards rebel-held areas in the northwestern province of Idlib.

The evacuation will be for rebels who refuse to reconcile with the government, while the militants who want to remain in the three towns will have to reconcile with the government and hand over their weapons.

The evacuees will only be allowed to have light weapons, said the report, adding that the Syrian government's institutions will be re-established in the three towns after the process is completed.

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