Wednesday, March 14, 2018

UK to expel 23 Russian diplomats following the nerve agent attack

Former spy Mr Skripal
The UK will expel 23 Russian diplomats after Moscow refused to explain how a Russian-made nerve agent was used on a former spy in Salisbury, the PM says.

Theresa May said the diplomats, who have a week to leave, were identified as "undeclared intelligence officers".

She also revoked an invitation to Russia's foreign minister, and said the Royal Family would not attend the Fifa World Cup later this year.

Russia denies being involved in the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal.

The Russian Embassy said the expulsion of 23 diplomats was "unacceptable, unjustified and short-sighted".

Former spy Mr Skripal, 66, and his daughter, Yulia Skripal, 33, remain critically ill in hospital after being found slumped on a bench on 4 March.


  1. La Russie rejette toujours toute responsabilité...

    Par ailleurs, une réunion d'urgence du Conseil de sécurité sur l'empoisonnement de l'ex-espion Sergueï Skripal en Angleterre se tiendra mercredi à 20H00 (heure belge), a annoncé la présidence néerlandaise en exercice de la plus haute instance de l'ONU.

    Cette session publique se tient à la demande du Royaume-Uni qui "informera" le Conseil de sécurité "de l'attaque survenue à Salisbury le 4 mars", a-t-on précisé de même source. La Russie a rejeté toute responsabilité dans cet empoisonnement malgré les accusations de Londres et les soupçons d'autres capitales.

    Retrouvés inconscients le 4 mars sur un banc à Salisbury Sergueï Skripal et sa fille ont été hospitalisés dans un état "critique", après avoir été victimes d'une tentative de meurtre, selon les autorités britanniques. Un policier, intervenu sur place, se trouve lui dans un état grave. Theresa May avait indiqué devant le Parlement que la substance utilisée appartenait au groupe des agents "Novitchok", mis au point par la Russie.

  2. The UK’s hostile actions against Russia under the pretext of the poisoning of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal are an unprecedented provocation which won’t be left without a response, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said...

    The British move is “an unprecedentedly rude provocation, which undermines the foundations of a normal dialogue between our countries,” the ministry said in a statement.

    The ministry said that "the British government chose confrontation with Russia" instead of completing the investigation and using international formats “including those in the framework of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [OPCW].”

    "It’s obvious that by opting for unilateral and non-transparent methods of investigating this incident, the British authorities have once again tried to unleash an indiscriminate anti-Russian campaign,” the statement read.

    Moscow said that it was “unacceptable and unworthy” for the UK leadership to further escalate tensions in relations with Russia “in pursuit of its own deplorable political aims.”

    “Of course, our response [to the UK sanctions] is forthcoming,” the Foreign Ministry concluded.


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