Thursday, August 4, 2016

Confessions of a commando IG/ISIS: «it is Easier to recruit terrorists in France»

On Wednesday the newspaper the New York Times published an interview with a German citizen Harry Sarfo, who fought in Syria on the side of the IG/ISIS, and then became disillusioned with jihadism and returned to his native Bremen.

Sarfo was arrested by the German security services at the airport and currently is one of the most protected prisons in Germany. The correspondent of The New York Times Rukmini Callimachi, who interviewed the prisoner, noted that he served in the special forces of the army of jihadists, «Amy», and held a high position in the hierarchy of the IG.

Sarfo said that the leadership of the IG is more interested in carrying out terrorist attacks in Germany, Britain and France, in connection with which it is asked to find «contacts» on the homeland – people who are ready to commit a terrorist act.

These events occurred before the series of bloody terrorist attacks in France and Germany. The task of AMNI» who is behind these crimes, is recruiting new fighters of Jihad and organizing terrorist attacks in Europe.

According to Sarfo, the militants are experiencing difficulties in attracting staff in Germany and the UK, but in France this is not a problem – «there’s a lot of our people.» The prisoner claimed that hundreds of fighters IG and are now operating on the European territory. Residents of Canada and the United States jihadists are recruited mainly through social networks, and more valuable prey are those who do not have a criminal record – they can buy weapons legally.

According to experts at the us military Academy West point, ISIS has recruited fighters from all over the world, including China, Australia and even the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

In the ranks of this group are fighting more than 4,000 foreigners from 71 countries, however, the largest suppliers of the jihadists are Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Morocco.

1 comment :

  1. L'incroyable récit d'Harry Sarfo, jeune djihadiste, passé par l'usine à recrutement de l'EI...

    Ce ne sont pas des services secrets, comme les services de renseignements extérieurs américains, russes ou israéliens chargés d'opérations secrètes de déstabilisation, mais cela y ressemble un peu.

    C'est plutôt une véritable centrale qui recrute, forme, organise des attentats terroristes à travers le monde et en fait la promotion par des vidéos minutieusement mises en scène. Cette centrale du crime terroriste a un nom, EMNI.

    Elle est dirigée par le porte-parole de l'organisation "Etat islamique", Abou Mouhammad al-Adnani, un homme dont on sait peu de choses si ce n'est qu'il est recherché par les Etats-Unis en échange d'une récompense de cinq millions de dollars.......


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