Saturday, March 19, 2016

Four killed, at least 20 injured in suicide attack in central Istanbul (video)

Four people were killed and at least 20 others were injured in a suicide bomb attack on March 19 in central Istanbul, on the busy İstiklal Avenue in Taksim.

The attack happened on Balo Street near the Demirören Mall and one of the killed was the attacker, Istanbul Gov. Vasip Şahin said in a statement.

The pedestrian street was completely sealed off and police officers and ambulances were deployed to the area.

According to a CNNTürk reporter on the scene, the suicide attacker was on his way to the actual target when the bomb went off in front of a döner kebab restaurant.

Doğan News Agency reported that six injured victims were taken to the Haseki Hospital, and one of them was in critical condition, while there were two injured in critical condition at Şişli Etfal Hospital.


  1. Five people were killed and at least 20 others were injured in a suicide bomb attack on March 19 in central Istanbul, on the busy İstiklal Avenue in Taksim...

    The attack happened on Balo Street in front of the local governor’s office of Beyoğlu, and a through investigation has been launched into the attack, Istanbul Gov. Vasip Şahin told reporters.....

  2. İstiklal Caddesi'nde patlama: 1'i canlı bomba 4 kişi öldü, 3'ü ağır 20 yaralı!...

    İstiklal Caddesi'nde canlı bomba... Balo Sokak'taki patlamada 1'i canlı bomba olmak üzere 4 kişi öldü, 3'ü ağır en az 20 kişi yaralandı...Caddenin giriş ve çıkışları kapatıldı... Olay yerine çok sayıda ambulans sevk edildi... Beyoğlu Kaymakamlığı önünde meydana gelen patlamayla ilgili gelişmelere yayın yasağı getirildi.

  3. Une explosion s'est produite samedi sur la grande rue piétonne et commerçante d'Istanbul, dans la partie européenne d'Istanbul...

    Un kamikaze a déclenché sa charge explosive "sous le coup de la peur". Il visait en fait une autre cible mais a été stoppé par les forces policières selon une source.

    Le bilan actuel est de 4 morts et 20 blessés. L'explosion est un attentat suicide ont rapporté les chaînes d'information. Il a eu lieu dans le centre névralgique de la plus grande ville de Turquie, bouclé après l'attentat, a précisé CNN-Türk.

    Un hélicoptère survolait la zone fréquentée par des milliers de personnes chaque jour alors que des artificiers de la police sont arrivés sur place, selon les chaînes de télévision.

  4. Mehrere Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag in Istanbul...

    Bei einem Anschlag in der Istanbuler Einkaufsstraße İstiklâl sind fünf Menschen gestorben, 19 wurden verletzt.

    Das Auswärtige Amt rät Deutschen, im Hotel zu bleiben.


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