Monday, January 4, 2016

Bahrain cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over storming of Saudi embassy

 Bahrain has cut diplomatic relations with Iran following the storming of Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran, Reuters reported, citing state media, adding that Bahrain authorities have demanded that Iranian diplomats leave the country within 48 hours.

The decision was announced by Bahraini Media Minister Isa al-Hamadi.

"Bahrain decided to break off diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and calls upon all members of the mission to leave the kingdom within 48 hours," Bahrain state news agency BNA said.

Angry Iranian protesters stormed and set ablaze the Saudi Embassy in Tehran on Saturday night during a rally to condemn Riyadh’s execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Nimr was among 47 prisoners beheaded or shot by firing squad across Saudi Arabia on Saturday – the largest number of individuals executed in the Gulf kingdom in a single day since 1980.

The Saudi consulate in the city of Mashhad in northwestern Iran was also attacked by protesters on Saturday, with police intervening after rocks and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the building...


  1. A number of nations allied to Saudi Arabia have joined diplomatic action against Iran, amid a row over the Saudi execution of a Shia Muslim cleric...

    Bahrain has cut ties, Sudan has expelled Iran's ambassador and the UAE has downgraded its diplomatic team.

    Saudi Arabia on Sunday gave Iranian diplomats two days to leave after an attack on its embassy in Tehran.

    Saudi Arabia and Iran are the key Sunni and Shia powers in the region and back opposing sides in Syria and Yemen.

    Bahrain, which is ruled by a Sunni Muslim king but has a majority Shia population, on Monday gave Iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave the country.

    It accused Iran of "increasing, flagrant and dangerous meddling" in the internal affairs of Gulf and Arab states.

    It said the attack on the Saudi embassy was part of a "very dangerous pattern of sectarian policies that should be confronted... to preserve security and stability in the entire region".

  2. Le président islamo-conservateur turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a refusé mercredi de condamner l'exécution par Ryad d'un dignitaire chiite à l'origine d'une grave crise avec l'Iran, jugeant qu'elle relevait des "affaires intérieures" de l'Arabie saoudite...

    "Les exécutions relèvent des affaires intérieures de l'Arabie saoudite", a déclaré M. Erdogan devant des élus locaux à Ankara, en contradiction avec le porte-parole du gouvernement turc Numan Kurtulmus qui avait déploré lundi cette décision.

    Le chef de l'Etat turc s'est étonné de la forte réaction suscitée par l'exécution du dignitaire chiite Nimr el-Nimr, hostile au pouvoir saoudien. "Il y a avait ce jour-là 46 exécutions, dont 43 de Sunnites. Seulement 3 d'entre-eux étaient des chiites", a-t-il relevé.

    L'attaque de l'ambassade saoudienne à Téhéran, "inacceptable"

    "On a condamné des milliers de personnes à la mort en Egypte (après le putsch militaire de 2013), personne n'a rien dit. Pourquoi le monde n'y a pas réagi?", s'est indigné M. Erdogan, soutien de l'ex-président Mohamed Morsi destitué par l'armée.

    Le chef de l'Etat turc a par ailleurs qualifié d'"inacceptable" l'attaque de l'ambassade saoudienne à Téhéran par des


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