Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Crimean Parliament speaker calls Yatsenyuk’s statement on Crimea’s trade blockade PR step

The statement made by Ukraine’s prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on the beginning of Crimea’s trade blockade is nothing but a PR step, Speaker of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov told TASS on Wednesday.

"We are not consuming any Ukrainian goods for a long time. That is why this is just another political PR step and the only its goal is to attract international attention," the Speaker said.

Ukraine is making such steps to keep interest in it at the global stage, Konstantinov said. "They are not interesting globally, they have no arguments for their people, and it annoys them," he added.

Konstantinov noted that Ukraine’s decision could in no way affect the peninsula’s residents, unlike entrepreneurs in the neighboring country. "I talked to some [Ukrainian] entrepreneurs in the morning. Everything has stalled there, there is practically no economy, it is impossible to sell products, the buying power has declined to unprecedented levels," he said.

TASS reported earlier the government of Ukraine made a decision to start trade blockade of Crimea, the official Twitter of Ukraine’s prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Wednesday. "The decision of the cabinet of ministers prohibiting all supplies from Crimea to Ukraine and vice versa, except personal items, socially important foods and humanitarian aid, will carry into effect in 30 days," Yatsenyuk said.

Meanwhile the Russian government decided to introduce the food embargo against Ukraine since January 1, 2016 already early November.



1 comment :

  1. Ukraine stellt Handel mit der Krim ein...

    Erst fiel wochenlang der Strom aus, jetzt verschärft sich die Versorgungslage. Die Ukraine unterstützt nationalistische Aktivisten im Widerstand gegen russische Besatzer.

    Die Lebensmittelversorgung der von Russland annektierten Krim verschärft sich weiter: Die Ukraine hat angekündigt, den Handel mit der Schwarzmeerinsel in den kommenden 30 Tagen einzustellen. Regierungschef Arsenij Jazenjuk sagte: "Verboten wird die Lieferung von Waren und Dienstleistungen nach allen Zollregelungen." Ausgenommen werden sollen nur persönliche Gegenstände, wichtige Lebensmittel und humanitäre Hilfe.

    Damit unterstützt die Regierung krimtatarische und nationalistische Aktivisten, die bereits im September aus Protest gegen die russische Annexion eine Blockade begonnen hatten. Dabei war unter anderem Lastwagen die Durchfahrt versperrt


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