Friday, November 6, 2015

Putin suspends all flights to Egypt on security advice

President Vladimir Putin ordered the suspension of all Russian passenger flights to Egypt on Friday until the cause of a deadly plane crash at the weekend was established.

Putin's decision was a response to the unexplained crash of an Airbus A321 operated by a Russian carrier on Saturday over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. All 224 people on board were killed.

The move, which follows decisions by Britain and Ireland to suspend flights to and from Sharm al-Sheikh, the Egyptian resort where the downed Russian airliner originated, is the first sign that Moscow is attaching credibility to the theory that Islamist militants somehow planted a bomb on the aircraft.

Putin acted after Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russia's FSB security service, recommended that Russia suspend all passenger flights to Egypt until it knew exactly what caused the crash.

"The head of state agreed with these recommendations," Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.

"V. Putin has tasked the government with working out a mechanism to realise the recommendations of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and to ensure the return of Russian citizens to the motherland."

Putin had also ordered the government to open talks with Egyptian authorities to guarantee the safety of flights, said Peskov.

  • A Sinai-based group affiliated with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the militants who have seized swathes of Iraq and Syria, has claimed responsibility for the crash, which, if confirmed, would make it the jihadist organization’s first attack on civil aviation.

But before Friday afternoon, the Kremlin had firmly said it was too early to say what caused the crash and that all theories, including the possibility of technical failure, should be examined by the official investigation.

Britain and Ireland have already suspended regular flights to Sharm al-Sheikh amid growing concerns over what caused the plane crash and the level of security at the resort's airport.

Egypt is one of the most popular holiday destinations for Russians and any decision to suspend flights would cause major logistical problems for Russia's airlines and stranded tourists. 

  By Andrew Osborn and Polina Devitt Reuters, Moscow



  1. Putin ordena evacuar a los rusos de Egipto...

    El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, ordenó suspender todos los vuelos a Egipto hasta que se restablezca la seguridad aérea y evacuar a los ciudadanos rusos que se encuentran el país árabe, comunicó el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov.

    "El presidente (Vladímir Putin) se refería al cese de la comunicación aérea con Egipto hasta que no se logre junto a los socios egipcios garantizar el nivel de seguridad necesario", dijo Peskov al precisar que "se trata de todos los vuelos a Egipto".

    El funcionario explicó que Putin está de acuerdo con las recomendaciones hechas más temprano por el Servicio de Seguridad de Rusia y el Comité Nacional de Aviación de cancelar temporalmente los vuelos rusos a Egipto.

    "El jefe del Estado está de acuerdo con estas recomendaciones, Putin ordenó al Gobierno elaborar los mecanismos para la realización de estas recomendaciones del Comité Nacional de Aviación y garantizar la evacuación de los ciudadanos rusos", dijo Peskov.

    En este momento, en Egipto se encuentran unos 45.000 turistas rusos, entre ellos el 40 por ciento están en Sharm el Sheikh y la península del Sinaí, según la Agencia Federal de Turismo de Rusia..............

  2. US officials have said that intercepted intelligence "chatter" supports the theory that a bomb brought down the Russian jet that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula last weekend...

    Both the US officials and officials in Europe cautioned, however, that conclusive forensic evidence that the plane was brought down by a bomb was still lacking and that a possible mechanical failure had not been ruled out.

    One source said there was conflicting intelligence reporting as to where a bomb may have been placed on the plane.

    Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to suspend flights from Russia to Egypt and ordered his government to draft a mechanism for getting Russians out of the country..........

  3. L'explosion de l'Airbus A321 de la compagnie charter russe Metrojet survenue peu après son décollage de la station balnéaire égyptienne de Charm el-Cheikh ne serait pas consécutive à une panne du moteur, selon un enquêteur ayant eu accès aux boîtes noires...

    La thèse de l'attentat concernant le crash de l'Airbus A321 russe dans le Sinaï se précise donc.

    Les boîtes noires de l'appareil ont permis d'entendre distinctement le bruit d'une explosion durant le vol, a expliqué à France 2 cet enquêteur. Selon lui, cette explosion ne serait pas consécutive à un problème technique de l'appareil, ce qui écarterait l'hypothèse de l'accident.

    L'avion s'était écrasé samedi vingt-trois minutes après son décollage de la station balnéaire de Charm el-Cheikh, dans la pire catastrophe aérienne ayant jamais frappé la Russie. Le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique (EI) a affirmé être à l'origine du crash sans expliquer comment.

  4. Crash en Egypte: les boîtes noires confirment une explosion «non accidentelle»...

    La thèse de l’attentat se précise. Les boîtes noires de l’appareil ont permis d’entendre distinctement le bruit d’une explosion durant le vol, a expliqué ce vendredi un enquêteur à France 2. Cette explosion ne serait pas consécutive à une panne du moteur, ce qui écarterait l’hypothèse de l’accident.

    Le groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI) a dit être responsable du crash, tout en refusant d’expliquer comment.

  5. Kreml zu A321-Absturz-Ermittlungen: Keine der Versionen darf vorherrschen...

    Keine der Versionen des Absturzes des russischen Flugzeuges A321 in Ägypten darf vorherrschen, und es gibt keine eindeutigen Indizien für einen Terroranschlag, wie der Pressesprecher des russischen Präsidenten, Dmitri Peskow, am Freitag sagte.

    Er beantwortete damit die Frage, ob die von Präsident Wladimir Putin angeordnete Aussetzung des Flugverkehrs nach Ägypten bedeute, dass die Anschlag-Version die wichtigste sei...........


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