Sunday, August 16, 2015

US pulls Patriot-missile systems from Turkey

The US has decided to withdraw its border protection mission in Turkey which was deployed against possible threats from Syria, a joint statement by Washington and Ankara said on Sunday.

"The US has informed the Turkish government that the US deployment of Patriot air and missile defense units in Turkey which expires in October will not be renewed beyond the end of the current rotation," the statement said.

The batteries will be redeployed to the US for "critical modernization upgrades that will ensure the US missile defense force remains capable of countering evolving global threats and protecting Allies and partners, including Turkey," said the statement, adding that this decision follows a US review of global missile defense posture.

The US and NATO are committed to supporting Turkey's security and regional stability, and if needed, the US is prepared to return Patriot assets and personnel to Turkey within one week, noted the statement.

The US Navy multi-role Aegis ships in the eastern Mediterranean will continue their duty offering a range of capabilities to support the defense of Turkey and NATO missions, including support for NATO air and missile defense, it added.

The US, along with Netherlands and Germany, each deployed two Patriot batteries in Turkey as part of a broader NATO mission in 2013, after Ankara requested Patriot batteries' deployment to areas along the Syrian border following mortar shells fired from the Syrian side killed several Turkish nationals in southern Akcakale district.

Germany will pull two Patriot missile batteries and 250 troops from southern Turkey by the start of 2016, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen announced at the weekend.

Spain replaced the Netherlands in 2014 as the country announced it no longer had the resources to keep the Patriot batteries deployed in Adana province of southern Turkey.

  Xinhua -


  1. Auch die USA beenden "Patriot"-Einsatz...

    Nach Deutschland wollen auch die USA den Einsatz von "Patriot-Raketen" in der Türkei beenden. Man werde das Mandat im Oktober nicht verlängern, hieß es aus Washington. Gestern hatte die Bundesregierung angekündigt, die deutschen Soldaten würden in den kommenden Monaten zurückkehren.

    Washington wird den Einsatz von "Patriot"-Raketen an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze nicht über Oktober hinaus verlängern. Allerdings könnten die Luftabwehrraketen binnen einer Woche zurückkehren, sollte das notwendig werden, teilten die US-Streitkräfte mit. Die Entscheidung fiel einen Tag nach der Ankündigung der Bundesregierung, die deutschen Soldaten abzuziehen.
    Auch Deutschland zieht ab

    Ein Regierungssprecher hatte gestern Presseberichte bestätigt, wonach die Bundesregierung plant, die in der Türkei stationierten "Patriot"-Flugabwehrraketen und die rund 260 Bundeswehrsoldaten abzuziehen. Grund sei, dass die Gefahr syrischer Angriffe auf die Türkei nicht mehr gegeben sei. Das Bundestagsmandat für den Einsatz, das bis zum 31. Januar 2016 läuft, soll folglich nicht verlängert werden.
    Umstrittener Einsatz

    Der "Patriot"-Einsatz war seit längerem umstritten - unter anderem, weil die Türkei von vielen Dschihadisten als Transitland nach Syrien genutzt wird. Zudem waren zuletzt Berichte bekannt geworden, wonach der "Islamische Staat" Giftgas gegen kurdische Verbände einsetzt. Die Bundeswehr hatte eine Gefährdung ihrer Soldaten jedoch ausgeschlossen...............

  2. US, Germany to pull Patriot missiles from Turkey....

    The United States announced on Aug. 16 that it had informed the Turkish government that the U.S. deployment of Patriot air and missile defense units in Turkey, which expires in October, will not be renewed. The announcement came one day after Germany also said it would pull its Patriot missile batteries from southern Turkey.

    “The Patriots will be redeployed to the United States for critical modernization upgrades that will ensure the U.S. missile defense force remains capable of countering evolving global threats and protecting Allies and partners – including Turkey,” read a joint statement issued by the Turkish and U.S. governments.

    “The United States and NATO are committed to supporting Turkey’s security and regional stability,” it added. “As the United States deploys additional air assets and partners with Turkey to counter [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] ISIL, the United States will also continue to work closely with Turkey on how to support Turkey’s air defense capabilities, including against ballistic missile risks and threats.”

    The statement added that the U.S was ready to return Patriot assets within one week, if required.

    "The United States will maintain in-theater capability to rapidly transport and support emergent Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) requirements, and is prepared to sustain the current deployment site in a cold-basing status to facilitate future deployments of U.S. Patriots. If needed, the United States is prepared to return Patriot assets and personnel to Turkey within one week." it


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