Friday, June 19, 2015

Belgian PM recognizes 1915 killing of Ottoman Armenians as ‘genocide’

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has recognized on the behalf of the Belgian government the killing of Ottoman Armenians in eastern Anatolia from 1915 as “genocide,” Belgian media reported on June 18.

Belgian newspaper Le Soir reported June 18 that Michel, the youngest prime minister in Belgium’s history, stated in parliament that the killings perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 to 1917 “must be viewed as a genocide.”

This comes a few months after the European Parliament adopted a resolution on April 15 recognizing the 1915 events affecting Armenians as “genocide.” The European Parliament resolution is not binding on member states, but recommends that they follow the same path.
Turkey has repeatedly rejected the EU’s definition of the killings, saying Armenians died during a relocation process during World War I after part of the Armenian population sided with the invading Russians and revolted against the Ottoman Empire.
Armenia has demanded an apology and compensation for the killings, while Turkey has said that although Armenians died, many Turks also lost their lives at the hands of Armenian gangs in Anatolia.

   Anadolu Agency


1 comment :

  1. Le ministère turc des Affaires étrangères s'en est pris au Premier ministre belge Charles Michel dont le gouvernement a reconnu comme génocide jeudi le massacre de centaines de milliers d'Arméniens par l'Empire ottoman pendant la Première Guerre mondiale...

    Le ministère a indiqué qu'il n'était "ni acceptable, ni justifiable" pour le dirigeant belge de politiser la problématique et a averti de conséquences pour les relations entre Ankara et l'Europe. Ankara a déjà procédé au rappel de ses ambassadeurs en Autriche, au Brésil, au Luxembourg et au Vatican cette année après que ces pays ont pris position autour du génocide. L'Arménie soutient que dès 1915, jusqu'à 1,5 million de citoyens ont été tués durant deux ans de déportations et de massacres visant les communautés chrétiennes. La Turquie estime ce chiffre exagéré et prétend que des civils ont été tués de part et d'autre.


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