Friday, May 15, 2015

ISIS seizes government HQ in Iraq's Ramadi

Islamic State fighters took over the main government compound in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi on Friday, giving them nearly full control over Anbar's provincial capital, the group and officials said.

The jihadists seized the government complex at around 2:00 pm (1100 GMT) and raised the IS's black flag, capping an offensive launched on Thursday, a police officer said.

IS "now occupies the government centre in Ramadi and has also raised its flag over the police HQ for Anbar," the police major told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The group itself issued a statement in which it said its fighters "broke into the Safavid government complex in the centre of Ramadi."

The operation "resulted in the control of it after killing the 'murtadeen', then blowing up the adjacent buildings of Anbar's governorate and the Safavid Anbar police HQ."

Safavid is a term used by IS in a derogatory way to refer to government forces and "murtadeen" designates Sunni tribal fighters battling alongside the government.

A senior tribal leader in charge of the coordination of local fighters with regular government forces also confirmed the government complex had fallen.

"Daesh has managed to take over the provincial council and they have raised their flag," Sheikh Hekmat Suleiman told AFP by phone, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

"The only (government) forces still fighting are confined to a few pockets in Ramadi but they have no command post anymore," he said.



  1. Iraq sends troops to Ramadi...

    Iraq is sending military reinforcements to the city of Ramadi, a day after Islamic State (IS) militants seized key buildings there.

    A military spokesman said the troops were being supported by air strikes carried out by the US-led coalition.

    On Friday, militants raised black flags over a number of government buildings after taking them in an attack using suicide car bombs.

    Reports suggest they now control much of the city.

    Ramadi is the capital of the country's largest province, Anbar. If it were to fall, it would be a major blow to the government, says the BBC's Ahmed Maher in Baghdad.

    IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important province.
    'Dire situation'

    The Iraqi army says it has sent three regiments to the areas surrounding the city, which is just 100km (60 miles) from Baghdad....BBC

  2. Irak: l'EI contrôle presque totalement Ramadi, 500 morts en deux jours...

    (Belga) Le groupe Etat islamique (EI) s'est emparé dimanche du quartier général militaire de la province d'Al-Anbar à Ramadi, renforçant encore son emprise sur cette ville après deux jours de combat qui ont fait près de 500 morts, ont rapporté des responsables.

    "Le centre de commandement des opérations dans la province d'Al-Anbar a été déserté", a affirmé le porte-parole et conseiller du gouverneur de la province. "De nombreux" membres des forces de sécurité ont été tués et blessés dans l'assaut, a poursuivi Mouhannad Haimour, sans pouvoir donner de chiffre précis. La prise de ce QG assure à l'EI le contrôle de la quasi-totalité de Ramadi, où il a lancé jeudi une nouvelle offensive avec une vague d'attentats suicide. Les combats ont fait environ 500 morts --civils ou membres des forces de sécurité-- en deux jours, selon le porte-parole. L'EI contrôle déjà la majeure partie de la vaste province désertique d'Al-Anbar, qui s'étend des frontières syriennes, jordaniennes et saoudiennes jusqu'aux portes de Bagdad. A Ramadi, l'armée, la police, les unités antiterroristes et leurs alliés de tribus locales s'étaient retranchés dans leur QG et dans un important complexe judiciaire lui faisant face, avant de s'en retirer. "Ramadi n'est pas tombée, il y a toujours des combats dans certains quartiers", a toutefois insisté M. Haimour. Un lieutenant colonel de l'armée, qui a pris part au retrait du QG, a indiqué que l'EI contrôlait désormais tous les postes de sécurité de la ville. Une chute de Ramadi, à 100 km de Bagdad, serait un revers majeur pour le gouvernement du Premier ministre Haider Al-Abadi qui avait promis que la reconquête d'Al-Anbar serait l'objectif de ses forces après la reprise de Tikrit (nord) aux djihadistes en mars. (Belga)


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