Sunday, February 22, 2015

Turkish army ‘evacuates’ tiny Syrian enclave (The Süleyman Shah Tomb)

Turkish convoy has completed an operation in Syria to evacuate the garrison at a tiny enclave where the tomb of the forefather of the Ottoman empire stands, Reuters reported on Sunday, citing two unnamed senoir Turkish officials.
Despite the operation - launched late on Saturday - being successful and without any clashes, and the contingent having returned to Turkey, one solider was killed in an accident, according to the Turkish military.

Shortly after the news broke, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Twitter that the remains of Suleyman Shah, the forefather of the founder of Ottoman Empire, had would be moved to a different area of Syria which has been brought under Turkish military control.

The Turkish government said late last year that ISIS militants were advancing on the mausoleum.

The convoy, which included tanks, passed through Kobane, the city that Kurdish fighters retook last month from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the BBC reported.

They were more numerous and more heavily armed than usual because of recent fighting between the Kurdish militia and Syrian rebel groups against ISIS.

The operation, which was coordinated with the Kurds, is not a mission against ISIS, according to the BBC.

In 2012, Turkey issued a warning that it will consider any assault on the 8,000 square-meter area of the tomb of Suleyman Shah, in Syria, as an attack on its territory.

The tomb is guarded by 40 Turkish soldiers and is considered Turkish territory, based on agreements made first with France and then with Syria.

Suleyman Shah was the grandfather of Osman Bey, the founder of the Ottoman Empire that dominated the Arab world until the end of the First World War.

ISIS and other Islamist groups, whose strict Salafi interpretation of Islam deems the veneration of tombs to be idolatrous, have destroyed several tombs and mosques in Syria.





  1. The Turkish military has successfully completed an operation into Syria to evacuate Turkish soldiers guarding a tomb, but one soldier was killed in an accident during the mission, a Turkish official said on Sunday...

    Turkey's armed forces launched the operation late on Saturday to evacuate soldiers guarding the mausoleum of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, two senior Turkish officials earlier told Reuters.................

  2. Hundreds of Turkish troops in armoured vehicles have entered into northern Syria and evacuated a historic Ottoman tomb and the soldiers guarding it...

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the remains of Suleyman Shah would be moved elsewhere in Syria.

    He said troops had destroyed the tomb's complex, apparently to prevent it from being used by Islamic State (IS) militants.

    Turkey considers the shrine be to sovereign territory.

    Suleyman Shah was grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman empire, Osman the first.
    'Highly successful'

    "We had given the Turkish armed forces a directive to protect our spiritual values and the safety of our armed forces personnel," Mr Davutoglu said in televised remarks.

    Earlier, in a series of tweets (in Turkish), Mr Davutoglu hailed the armed forces for carrying out a "highly successful" operation amid the "inherent risks" of conflict in Syria.

    He said the remains had been moved to Turkey but would soon be rehoused in an area of Syria under Turkish military control, closer to the Turkish border.

    The Turkish flag had already been raised over the site, the PM said.

    There were no clashes with IS during the operation, but one soldier died in an accident, he added...............

  3. Turkey evacuates troops from Syria enclave...

    Turkey launched an overnight military operation into neighboring Syria to evacuate troops guarding an Ottoman tomb and to move the crypt to a new location, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday.

    Davutoglu said nearly 600 troops and 100 tanks and armored personnel carriers were involved in the operation. One group crossed into Syrian territory to reach the tomb, just over the border near the town of Kobani, while a second group took control of an area near the Turkish border where authorities plan to move the tomb..............

  4. Turquía ha lanzado hoy una operación militar para evacuar a las tropas que custodiaban una tumba otomana en Siria y el propio sepulcro, según ha informado el Ejército turco...

    Soldados de tierra han entrado en territorio sirio apoyados por aviones de guerra para evacuar a los militares que custodiaban la tumba de Suleiman Shah, el abuelo del fundador del Imperio Otomano, justo en la frontera cerca de la ciudad de Kobani...................


    Suruç'tan Mürşitpınar Sınır Kapısı'na geçen ve IŞİD'in kısa bir süre önce terk ettiği Kobani üzerinden Süleyman Şah Türbesi'nin bulunduğu Halep'in Karakozak köyüne doğru hareketlenen yaklaşık 40 zırhlı aracın bulunduğu Türk Zırhlı Birlikleri'ne Diyarbakır 2. Hava Taktik Jet Üssü'nden havalanan F-16 savaş uçakları da destek verdi.


    Uluslararası anlaşmalar çerçevesinde, türbenin güvenliğini sağlamak üzere yapılan "Şah Operasyonu" Ankara'dan gelen talimatla başladı. Başbakanlık Koordinasyonu'nda, Dışişleri ve İçişleri bakanlıkları, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri ve Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı tarafından hazırlanan harekat planı uygulandı....................

  6. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "Daha önce iki defa yeri değiştirilmiş olan Süleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu, yine uluslararası hukuk ve anlaşmaların bir gereği olarak yeni mekanında bayrağımızı dalgalandırmaya ve ecdadımızın hatırasını yaşatmaya devam edecektir" dedi...

    Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Şah Fırat Operasyonu'na ilişkin yazılı açıklama yaptı.

    Süleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu'nun yerinin, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin yaptığı başarılı bir operasyon neticesinde değiştirildiğini belirten Erdoğan, şunları kaydetti:

    "Sevk ve idaresini bizzat takip ettiğim, Sayın Başbakanımızın ve Genelkurmay Başkanımızın harekat merkezinden bizzat yürüttüğü bu operasyon, ecdadımızın bizlere emaneti olan Süleyman Şah Türbesi'ni, savaş şartlarının hakim olduğu Suriye'de daha güvenli bir mevkiye nakletmeyi amaçlamıştır. Gece boyu gerçekleştirilen Şah Fırat operasyonuyla Süleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu'ndaki tüm emanetler ve orada görev yapan askerlerimiz, salimen ülkemize getirilmiş bulunmaktadır. Operasyon, devletimizin kararı ve uygulamasıyla başarılı bir şekilde tamamlanmıştır. Süleyman Şah'ın naaşı, askerlerimiz tarafından kontrol altına alınan ve şu anda bayrağımızın dalgalandırıldığı, Suriye sınırları içinde sınırımıza 200 metre mesafede bulunan Eşme bölgesine nakl-i kubur ile getirilecektir. Daha önce iki defa yeri değiştirilmiş olanSüleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu, yine uluslararası hukuk ve anlaşmaların bir gereği olarak yeni mekanında bayrağımızı dalgalandırmaya ve ecdadımızın hatırasını yaşatmaya devam edecektir."

    Erdoğan, operasyonda herhangi bir çatışmanın yaşanmadığını, bir askerin kaza sonucunda şehit düştüğünü ifade ederek, şehide Allah'tan rahmet, ailesine ve yakınlarına başsağlığı diledi...........................

  7. Turkey delivered a diplomatic note to the Syrian consulate in Istanbul to inform Damascus that the Tomb of Süleyman Şah was being temporarily moved to a new site in Syria corresponding to the size of the previous one, to the north of Eşmesi village, according to Turkish diplomatic sources...

    Turkish soldiers have taken control of one hectare of land, 180 meters away from the Turkish border, on the basis of its rights in international law, the note said, adding that the move did not constitute any change to the status of the tomb and its annex.

    The diplomatic note was delivered after the military operation was conducted on early Feb. 22, the source added.

    The tomb and memorial outpost is a Turkish territory within the borders of Syria as per agreements concluded in accordance with international law...................

  8. The Tomb of Suleyman Shah and Saygi Outpost will continue to wave the Turkish flag and cherish the memory of Turkish ancestry in their new location, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement on Sunday...

    "Tomb of Suleyman Shah and Saygi Outpost, which were relocated twice before, will continue to wave the Turkish flag and cherish the memory of Turkish ancestry in their new location," said Erdogan.

    The two-pronged operation, which began late Saturday, simultaneously returned the body of Suleyman Shah and sacred relics from the original exclave to Turkey, and secured another area in Syria close to the border with Turkey to act as a temporary burial place.

    Stating that relocation is under the guarantee of the international law and treaties, Erdogan said the operation was completed successfully with the determination and implementation of the Turkish government.

    Erdogan said he closely followed the operation........................


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