Sunday, February 22, 2015

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov: US embassy had Ukraine coup script

The script of a coup d’etat that occurred a year ago in Ukraine had not been written by oppositionists in Kiev but was in the US embassy, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov said on the NTV television channel.

"The script was not written in Kiev. It was in the US embassy," Azarov said. "And the key puppet masters were not on Maidan [Independence Square in Kiev - the symbol of Ukrainian protests]. These dummies did not really manage anything and did not influence anything."

He said the West was discontented with the policy of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich because Ukraine announced during his presidency that it "will not join NATO."
"That policy did not suit the United States and some partners in the EU," the ex-premier said. "They were constantly lecturing us. Active preparation started, which I did not pay proper attention to."

Besides, Azarov said, the West did not like the doubts of the then-Ukrainian government regarding the expediency of signing an association agreement with the European Union.
"We were speaking much in the country, saying that if we thoughtlessly sign the deal we will face huge economic losses, and that happened," the former prime minister said. "Huge pressure started on the part of the EU leaders. The sense of the pressure was that we should put aside doubts and sign the agreement."

"They needed a pretext to depose our power," he said. "We were told: ‘if you don’t sign the deal, other authorities will.’"
The pretext, Azarov said, was when a rally of Euro-integration supporters was dispersed by force on Maidan. He said it was a provocation planned beforehand.
  • "The rally was sluggish. The organizers realized that the crowd could not be prompted to act without victims," he said. He said cameras were brought to the rally.
"Cameras professionally showed beaten faces. They started crying that children had been beaten. Signals were distributed via social networks and TV: let’s gather. This allowed organizers to say that the regime is bloody. It’s like what happened in Libya, Egypt," Azarov said.
  • Speaking about Yanukovich’s talks with the opposition, the ex-premier said "[current premier Arseny] Yatsenyuk went to get instructions to the American embassy every day: what to say and what demands to forward."
As a result, an agreement between the Ukrainian president and opposition leaders was signed on peaceful resolution of the conflict, and a number of European countries posed as guarantors, but no one except for Yanukovich fulfilled it, he said.

The events that followed, Azarov said, can’t be described other than a coup. "He [Yanukovich] was the constitutional president. He did not say he renounced power. He was overthrown, and it should be admitted. A coup d’etat occurred, I am sure."
"The fact that Yanukovich did not let others kill him is very positive," he said.
Summing up the year since the coup in Ukraine, he said: "What has Ukraine got? Ruin, decline, loss of revenues of the population, war, killed citizens. What could be celebrated? We should go light a candle and pray for forgiveness."..............................



  1. The leaders of Poland, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and Slovakia, as well as European Council President Donald Tusk will come to Kiev to participate in "March of Dignity" on Sunday to commemorate 2014 Ukrainian uprising events and demonstrate their solidarity with Ukraine...

    About ten leaders of European countries and thousands of Ukrainians are expected to participate in “March of Dignity” in Kiev on Sunday to commemorate 2014 Ukrainian uprising events.

    In February 2014, violent clashes with law enforcement officials broke out in central Kiev's Independence Square, or Maidan Nezalezhnosti, claiming the lives of 100 civilians. The protests led to military confrontation between Kiev forces and independence fighters in eastern Ukraine....................

  2. Ein Jahr nach dem blutigen Staatsstreich in der Ukraine wirft der ukrainische Ex-Ministerpräsident Nikolai Asarow den USA vor, den Umsturz dirigiert zu haben. Kiew hat unterdessen einen Haftbefehl gegen den im Exil lebenden Asarow erlassen...

    Die Ereignisse von 2013/2014 in Kiew seien nach einem von den USA verfassten Szenario abgelaufen, sagte Asarow (67) am Sonntag im russischen Fernsehen. Die Hauptakteure auf dem Kiewer Protest-Platz Maidan bezeichnete er als Marionetten. „Das Szenario lag in der US-Botschaft. Auch die wichtigsten Strippenzieher waren nicht auf dem Maidan. Dort waren nur Strohpuppen ohne Macht und realen Einfluss.“

    Während der Verhandlungen zwischen Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch und der Opposition sei Arsenij Jazenjuk (damals einer der Maidan-Anführer und heute ukrainischer Regierungschef) „jeden Tag bei der amerikanischen Botschaft vorbeigekommen und hat Anweisungen geholt“, sagte Asarow. Die Abmachungen zwischen Janukowitsch und der Opposition, die auch von drei EU-Außenministern als Garanten unterschrieben wurden, seien schließlich nur von Janukowitsch erfüllt worden. Die von den damaligen Außenministern Deutschlands, Polens und Frankreichs am 21. Februar mitunterzeichnete Vereinbarung über die Beilegung der Krise in der Ukraine bezeichnete Asarow als „Höchstmaß an Zynismus und Betrug in der Geschichte der Diplomatie.“....................

  3. Ron Paul: US, EU Behind Ukraine Coup...

    In an analysis of the Ukrainian crisis on the anniversary of the Maidan coup, former Republican congressman Ron Paul argues that there was a good chance to avert civil war in eastern Ukraine, were it not been for the West's interventionist foreign policy.

    Looking back on events leading up to the Maidan coup in Ukraine, former Texas Republican Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul notes that extreme turmoil and violence facing Ukraine following Maidan could have been avoided were it not for interventionist foreign policy by the West.

    Commenting on events leading up to the coup in a column on his website on Sunday, Dr. Paul noted that the coup "was not only supported by US and EU governments –much of it was actually planned by them." The former congressman added that while Ukraine was a deeply divided country prior to the coup, "it is clear that without foreign intervention Ukraine would not be in its current, seemingly hopeless situation." Paul lamented that the "interventionist project" on the part of political forces inside the US and the EU turned a very difficult situation into a disaster and "full-out civil war" for Ukraine.................Read more:

  4. Azarov: le coup d’Etat ukrainien téléguidé depuis l’ambassade US...

    Selon l'ex-premier ministre ukrainien Nikolaï Azarov, les organisateurs des troubles avaient leur état-major à l’ambassade américaine de Kiev, qui en outre finançait en grande partie le soulèvement.

    L’ex-premier ministre ukrainien Nikolaï Azarov a déclaré dans une interview au quotidien italien Il Giornale que le coup d’Etat mené à Kiev en février 2014 était la conséquence de l’ingérence américaine dans les affaires intérieures de cet Etat souverain.

    Selon lui, les Etats-Unis étaient hostiles à la position de l’Ukraine visant à entretenir de bonnes relations aussi bien avec la Russie qu’avec l’Union européenne.

    "Quand nous avons refusé de signer l’accord avec l’UE dans la forme avec laquelle on nous l’avait transmis, deux choses se sont produites. D’un côté, des manifestants apparus de nulle part ont commencé à prendre d’assaut les institutions d’Etat, de l’autre, une ingérence éhontée, absolument incroyable des Etats-Unis a commencé", a-t-il indiqué................


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