Sunday, December 7, 2014

Merkel slams Russia. (Merkel confirms intention offer if necessary military assistance Estonia, Latvia)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia on Sunday of interfering in the domestic affairs of numerous countries that are seeking closer ties to the European Union.

"Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine are three countries in our eastern neighborhood that have taken sovereign decisions to sign an association agreement with the EU," Merkel told German daily Die Welt in an interview. 

"Russia is creating problems for all three of these countries," she said, pointing to "frozen conflicts" in breakaway regions like Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as Russian interference in eastern Ukraine.
 Source:Reuters -
Merkel confirms intention offer if necessary military assistance Estonia, Latvia....

The EU response to Russia’s actions related to the situation in Ukraine is the correct decision, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview published in Welt am Sonntag on Sunday.

“I would have been incorrect to leave without a reaction that Russia had violated Ukraine’s territory integrity and sovereignty, which it guaranteed under the Budapest Memorandum of 1994,” she said.

“Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, our eastern neighbours, have signed association agreements with the EU on their own sovereign decisions. Russia is preparing problems for these countries,” Merkel added.
  • Speaking about Moldova, she said the country “has been suffering for many years because of Transdniestria.”

“We have undertaken big political efforts to help them out, but, in vain as yet,” she said mentioning also Kiev’s reaction to Crimea’s joining the Russian Federation. “At the same time, we can see Russia has been undertaking economic and political attempts to make dependent from it several Balkan countries.”
Should it be necessary, she said, military assistance would be offered to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

“The question of was in the Baltic countries is not on the agenda. However, we should observe Article 5 of the NATO agreement, which reads the obligation to offer assistance to all partners in the alliance,” she said. “This is why, for example, we are offering assistance in guarding the Baltic air space, organise new rapid reaction force and cooperate with Poland and Denmark.”

This is the approach to offer guarding of the air space in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, where those countries do not have necessary military air force. Since 2004, their NATO partners have been doing the guarding on the basis of rotation. The mission is delivered from Lithuania’s Zuokniai air base and Estonia’s Emari. The NATO fighters to enforce the guarding are located in Poland’s Malbork......................



  1. Russia ‘punishing EU friendly countries,’ Merkel says...

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia Dec. 7 of interfering in the domestic affairs of numerous countries that are seeking closer ties to the European Union.

    “Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine are three countries in our eastern neighbourhood that have taken sovereign decisions to sign an association agreement with the EU,” Merkel told German daily Die Welt in an interview.

    “Russia is creating problems for all three of these countries,” she said, pointing to “frozen conflicts” in breakaway regions like Transdniestria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as Russian interference in eastern Ukraine.

    Moscow has shown its displeasure with Moldova’s pro-European course, confirmed in an election last week in which a pro-Russian candidate was prevented from participating, by banning imports of Moldovan wines, vegetables and meat.

    Last month Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a “strategic partnership” agreement with Georgia’s breakaway region of Abkhazia, drawing strong criticism from NATO and the EU.

    Beyond these moves, Merkel accused Moscow of trying to make countries in the western Balkans economically and politically dependent on Russia in order to gain influence there.

    She defended her decision at a NATO summit in 2008 not to put Ukraine and Georgia on track for membership of the military alliance, but reaffirmed NATO’s commitment to defend countries in eastern Europe, like Poland and the Baltic states, that are members.

    “There is no reason to talk about a war in the Baltics. But regardless, Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which sees an attack on one member as an attack on the alliance as a whole, stands,” Merkel said.

  2. Merkel prête à défendre la Baltique et les Balkans contre Moscou...

    L'hebdomadaire allemand Welt am Sonntag a publié hier une interview de la chancelière Angela Merkel, dont les propos sont repris dans la presse allemande sous les titres "Merkel met à jour la critique de Poutine" ou encore "Merkel accuse la Russie de déstabiliser l'Europe de l'est", écrit lundi le quotidien Nezavissimaïa gazeta.

    Les journaux allemands soulignent que la chancelière a "réaffirmé son intention d'accorder un soutien militaire à la Lettonie et à la Lituanie, qui ressentent une menace émanant de la Russie".

    Dans le texte de l'interview, la chancelière affirme que Moscou "n'hésite pas à bafouer l'intégrité territoriale des pays voisins". Selon Merkel "la Moldavie, la Géorgie et l'Ukraine, trois pays de notre voisinage oriental qui ont pris la décision souveraine de signer un accord d'association avec l'UE, subissent des problèmes à cause de la Russie". A titre d'exemple, elle affirme que la Moldavie "souffre du conflit autour de la Transnistrie", la Géorgie "des conflits gelés en Abkhazie et en Ossétie du Sud", et l'Ukraine "doit survivre à l'annexion de la Crimée et aux combats dans l'est du pays". Mais aux yeux de Merkel, cette liste est loin d'être exhaustive. "Nous voyons en outre que la Russie cherche à rendre les pays des Balkans plus dépendants d'elle économiquement et politiquement", déplore-t-elle.

    Plus surprenant et choquant: la chancelière s'est dite prête à participer à un conflit armé avec la Russie......................

  3. Moldavia apuesta por la cooperación con la OTAN...

    Moldavia opta por la colaboración con la OTAN y prevé firmar un memorando de entendimiento mutuo con la Alianza, declaró este lunes el embajador moldavo ante la Alianza, Mihai Gribincea.

    El pasado 30 de noviembre Moldavia celebró comicios parlamentarios, con el Partido Socialista (que aboga por la integración euroasiática) como fuerza más votada, seguida por el Partido Liberal Democrático, europeísta. El Partido Comunista, que también tiene aspiraciones euroasiáticas, ocupó el tercer lugar.

    "Las negociaciones sobre el acuerdo de entendimiento mutuo entraron en su fase final, el documento será firmado en un futuro próximo", dijo Gribincea a la radio Nacional de Moldavia..............


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