Thursday, December 18, 2014

EU targets oil, gas investment in Crimea

The European Union imposed further sanctions on European investment in Crimea on Thursday, in attempt to prevent Russia from using Crimea to exploit Black Sea oil, according to officials.

European companies will be prohibited from exporting goods and technology that could be used by Crimean companies to explore and produce oil, gas and mineral resources.

Investment in both Crimea and Sevastopol will be outlawed from Dec. 20 and EU companies will no longer be able to buy real estate or finance companies in Crimea, the Council said in a statement on Thursday.

The statement said: ''It has also been prohibited to export certain goods and technology to Crimean companies or for use in Crimea.''

''These concern the transport, telecommunications and energy sectors or the prospection, exploration and production of oil, gas and mineral resources,'' the statement said.

The move by the Council of the European Union is a response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea – which the 28-nation bloc calls ''illegal'' and ''illegitimate.''

The Council’s decision to implement further sanctions in Crimea comes on the same day as European Union leaders gather in Brussels to discuss tense relations with Russia.

The summit will be led for the first time by former Polish Prime Minister and new European Council President Donald Tusk.



  1. Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с введением США и Евросоюзом дополнительных санкций против Республики Крым и г.Севастополя...

    Введение США и Евросоюзом новых односторонних санкций против Республики Крым и г.Севастополя является прямым свидетельством признания Западом того, что решение крымчан о воссоединении с Россией было единодушным и добровольным. Поэтому и «наказание» выбрано коллективное. Кстати, познание истории хотя бы на уровне учебника средней школы позволяет вспомнить, кто и когда вводил коллективные наказания против целых народов. Печально, что страны, называющие себя демократическими, прибегают к подобным методам в XXI веке.

    На протяжении веков севастопольцы и крымчане вместе со всем российским народом не раз доказывали свою способность противостоять агрессии и давлению. Убеждены, что очередные попытки сломить их дух обречены на провал.

  2. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday new Western sanctions against Ukraine's Crimea region were a "collective punishment" on residents who voted last March to join Russia, adding it was preparing to retaliate.

    Both the European Union and United States adopted tighter restrictions on investments in Crimea this week, targeting individuals, Russian Black Sea oil and gas exploration and tourism.

    The March referendum, which Ukraine and Western countries rejected as illegal, resulted in a 97 percent vote in favor of joining Crimea to the Russian Federation. President Vladimir Putin signed a decree the following day to annex the peninsula.

    "Introducing new unilateral sanctions against the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sebastopol by the USA and European Union is direct evidence that the West has acknowledged that the decision by the Crimeans to rejoin Russia was unanimous and voluntary," the ministry said in a statement.

    "That's why they chose the 'punishment' to be collective," it added. "It is sad that the countries which call themselves democratic resort to such methods in the 21st century."................Reuters..............


  3. Sanktionen / Krise in Russland besorgt die deutsche Wirtschaft...

    Die Rubelschwäche macht auch deutschen Unternehmen zu schaffen. Einige Politiker befürchten ein wirtschaftliches Chaos in Russland und erwägen, die Sanktionen zu lockern.

    Die drohende Rezession in Russland besorgt auch viele Wirtschaftsvertreter in Deutschland. "Die Krise der russischen Wirtschaft hinterlässt immer tiefere Bremsspuren im Russlandgeschäft deutscher Unternehmen", sagte DIHK-Außenwirtschaftschef Volker Treier der Bild am Sonntag. Eine Umfrage der deutschen Außenhandelskammer unter ihren Mitgliedern ergab: Sollte sich die Lage nicht verbessern, dann muss fast jedes dritte deutsche Unternehmen, das in Russland aktiv ist, nach eigenen Angaben dort Mitarbeiter entlassen. Insbesondere die Rubelschwäche mache den Unternehmen zu schaffen.

    Zehn Prozent der deutschen Firmen hätten sogar berichtet, dass sich ihr langjähriger russischer Geschäftspartner nun gen Asien orientiere. "Immerhin jedes achte Unternehmen erwägt einen Rückzug aus Russland. Der Bruch so mancher Geschäftsbeziehung steht also bevor," warnte Treier..............

  4. Sanctions against Crimea don't know difference between chalk and cheese ...

    On December 19, the Official Journal of the European Union published a message about the introduction of new sanctions against the Crimea. European officials decided to ban investment in the Crimean economy, exports of Crimean goods there (if they are not certified in Ukraine). Most importantly, European citizens were barred from visiting the Crimea.

    The reason, of course, is Russia's policy to reunify with the peninsula. The purpose of the new sanctions, apparently, is to complicate the life of Crimean residents to make them want to go back to Ukraine, to the delight of Kiev and its patrons in Brussels and Washington.

    Just how justified are these hopes? One may say at once that the Crimea has never produced any goods that could be competitive enough to be exported to the West. Tourism has always been the main source of income for the Crimea. However, tourism in the Crimea has never been highly important in the life of European citizens.

    In the last "peaceful" year, Crimean resorts and spas welcomed about six million people. Two-thirds of them - four million people - were citizens of Ukraine, followed by 300 thousand Russian and 250 thousand Belarusian tourists. The rest - 500 thousand tourists - came from the EU, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Israel and other countries...............


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