Sunday, November 23, 2014

German foreign minister speaks out against Ukraine joining NATO

Germany's FM, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has said he is against Ukraine joining NATO. In an interview with Der Spiegel, he said he considers “that it is possible for NATO to have a partnership with Ukraine, but not membership.”
He also added that he does not believe it is realistic for Ukraine to join the European Union in the foreseeable future, as the economic and political modernization of Ukraine is a “project for a few generations.”

He also urged Kiev to introduce reforms to fight corruption and mismanagement of the economy, saying they had to start immediately and that there was no time to lose. 

Meanwhile, Russia President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said one of the means of changing the balance of power in the world to eventually subdue Russia was NATO’s gradual approach toward its borders, which made Russia “nervous”, he said, speaking to the BBC.
  • Russia needs a “100 percent guarantee that no one would think about Ukraine joining NATO,” Peskov said.
  • On Friday, Jeff Rathke, a spokesman for the US State Department, said that Washington supported Ukraine’s ambitions to join NATO, but the final decision should of course be made by Kiev.
Rathke also said that lethal assistance to Ukraine was not yet “off the table.”
“Our position on lethal aid hasn’t changed. Nothing is off the table, and we continue to believe there’s no military solution. But we, in light of Russia’s actions, as the nominee mentioned yesterday in his testimony, this is – as he indicated, this is something that we should be looking at,” Rathke said. 


  1. L’Allemagne est contre l’adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'OTAN et à l'UE ...

    Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Frank-Walter Steinmeier s’est prononcé contre l’adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'OTAN et à l'UE. C’est ce qu’il a déclaré dans une interview accordée au Spiegel.

    La chef de MAE allemand considère également comme irréaliste l'adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'Union européenne à long terme. Selon Steinmeier, la modernisation économique et politique de l'Ukraine est un « projet de plusieurs générations ».
    Lire la suite:

    1. La Germania è contro l’adesione dell'Ucraina alla NATO e all'UE ...

      Il ministro degli Esteri tedesco Frank-Walter Steinmeier è intervenuto contro l’adesione dell'Ucraina alla NATO e all'UE, lo ha dichiarato in un'intervista a Spiegel.

      Il capo della diplomazia tedesca considera l'adesione dell'Ucraina all'Unione Europea in prospettiva come irrealistico. Secondo Steinmeier, la modernizzazione economica e politica dell'Ucraina è un "progetto per diverse generazioni".
      Per saperne di più:

  2. Ukraine: la nouvelle coalition confirme sa volonté de rejoindre l'Otan ...

    Après la signature d'un accord de coalition pro-européen, qui précède la formation du gouvernement, les cinq partis ukrainiens de la majorité n'ont toujours pas réussi à surmonter leurs contradictions internes pour savoir qui occupera les postes clés au gouvernement et comment mener le dialogue avec la Russie, écrit lundi le quotidien RBC Daily.

    La coalition obtiendra au moins 288 mandats et selon le premier ministre Arseni Iatseniouk, elle inclura même plus de 300 députés, lui garantissant la majorité constitutionnelle.............


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