Monday, November 17, 2014

EU to extend sanctions against pro-Russians in Ukraine (Bulgarian Foreign Minister)

There is agreement for the European Union to extend the personal sanctions list against pro-Russian representatives in Ukraine and a decision is expected soon, according to Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov, who was attending an EU foreign ministers meeting on November 17.
In Brussels, where Ukraine is a main topic of the foreign ministers’ meeting, Mitov said that the EU should build a new policy on its relations with Russia and Bulgaria must be part of this process.

As quoted by public broadcaster Bulgarian National Radio, Mitov said that there was complete consensus that there should be more personal sanctions over the so-called “elections” in Donetsk and Luhansk.

He said that those affected would be pro-Russian representatives, organisers of the illegal elections and those who supported the results of these.

Mitov said that the EU’s current sanctions policy againt Russia was having an effect.

He named the state of the rouble and the state of the Russian economy following the withdrawal of investors and the inability of Russian banks to have access to credit and funds from Western markets................



  1. La Repubblica Ceca sostiene le sanzioni UE contro la Russia ...

    La Repubblica Ceca approva l’ampliamento dell'elenco delle singole sanzioni dell'Unione Europea nei confronti della Russia a causa della situazione in Ucraina.

    La decisione sulle sanzioni economiche deve essere presa dai Leader membri dell'UE. Questo è il parere del Ministro degli Esteri ceco Lubomir Zaoralek. "Siamo pronti a sostenere le sanzioni contro le persone e ciò potrà essere una delle principali questioni all'ordine del giorno" ha detto prima di una riunione dei Ministri degli Esteri dell'Unione Europea, che oggi a Bruxelles prenderanno in considerazione la questione delle sanzioni.
    Per saperne di più:

  2. Lituania pide a la UE endurecer las sanciones contra Rusia ...

    El ministro lituano de Asuntos Exteriores, Linas Linkevicius, pidió a sus colegas de la UE ampliar las sanciones contra Rusia por la situación en Ucrania.

    Según el jefe de la diplomacia lituana, la crisis en el este de Ucrania se agravó tras las elecciones del 2 de noviembre en Donbás.

    Asimismo, Linkevicius acusó a Moscú de apoyar a los milicianos de Donbás y de violar los acuerdos de Minsk.

    "Debemos fijar plazos concretos para la distensión (en el este de Ucrania) y si Moscú no los respeta, introducir sanciones adicionales", dijo el diplomático lituano.

    Moscú ha dicho en reiteradas ocasiones que no está implicada en el conflicto ucraniano y que aboga por su solución a través de la vía diplomática.


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