Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hundreds of thousands rally in Rome in protest over ‘anti-job’ reforms (PHOTOS RT)

Protesters from all over Italy have packed the streets of Rome to express their anger at labor market reforms, one of the main building blocks of the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s policy.

Up to 1 million people flooded the streets of the Italian capital, the organizers of the rally said. Up to 300,000 more participants were set to arrive in Rome throughout the day to take part in the protests, including a boat and two chartered planes from Sardinia.
CGIL, Italy’s biggest labor union, organized the march and rally in Piazza St. Giovanni, with many protesters carrying red balloons and waving red union banners. 

Renzi eyes changing employee protection rules. In September the plan won backing from his party. Critics say the amendments would result in companies not hiring enough staff and creating the risks of chronic economic weakness.
"We want work for everyone, and work with rights. This is a demonstration for those without work, without rights, those who suffer, who have no certainties for the future," Susanna Camusso, head of the CGIL, addressed the protesters. 

"If Renzi and his government have their antennas up, as they usually do, they will receive a very strong signal today which is that the majority of the people who work and who want to work in this country do not agree with their politics," Fiom union Secretary-General Maurizio Landini told Reuters TV.
"If he really wants to change this country he needs to do it with these people, not against us," he added. 

Also fueling the public’s outrage is the austerity policies: increasing public spending cuts to cope with the EU budget restrictions. 

Italy’s current employment rate is one of the lowest in the EU, standing at 55.7 percent in August, with joblessness among the youth at 44.2 percent.
The current demonstration follows a 24-hour air and ground transport strike. More disruptions are set to happen on November 14, when Alitalia and Easyjet staff will stage a walk-out, according to a statement published on the Italian Transport Ministry’s website.
The unions plan to hold another demonstration on November 8.......[PHOTOS RT]......


  1. Italie : une importante manifestation antigouvernementale à Rome ...

    Une manifestation avec la participation de milliers de personnes contre la politique menée par le gouvernement italien a eu lieu à Rome. Elle a été organisée par la Confédération générale italienne du travail.

    Selon les organisateurs, 150 000 personnes de toute l'Italie y ont participé. 2500 bus, dix trains, un navire et deux vols charters à destination de la Sardaigne ont été spécialement mis à leur disposition.

    Vendredi, une grève de 24 heures s’est déroulée dans de nombreuses villes d'Italie contre une réforme du droit du travail proposée par le gouvernement.
    Lire la suite:

  2. Manifestation massive à Rome contre la réforme du marché du travail...

    Des centaines de milliers de personnes ont défilé contre le projet du gouvernement italien, qui veut faciliter les licenciements et réduire les droits des salariés en début de contrat.

    Des centaines de milliers de personnes ont manifesté samedi dans les rues de Rome pour dénoncer le projet de réforme du marché du travail de Matteo Renzi et rappeler au bouillonnant chef du gouvernement qu’il devait compter avec les syndicats. Selon les organisateurs, la manifestation à l’appel de la CGIL, le principal syndicat du pays, a mobilisé un million de personnes. Les forces de l’ordre n’ont pour leur part fourni aucune estimation.................

  3. Roma, Cgil: “In piazza un milione di persone”. Camusso: siamo pronti alla sciopero generale....

    Lavoratori, studenti, pensionati, sindacalisti, ma anche un parte del Pd. Hanno sfilato nelle strade della Capitale per partecipare alla manifestazione indetta dalla Cgil contro le politiche del governo Renzi. In mano striscioni che raccontano storie di mobilità, cassa integrazione, precariato. Tanti gli slogan contro il premier: “Renzi pifferaio”, “Pd partito di destra” si legge su alcuni cartelli. Ad accompagnare il corteo l’immancabile “Bella Ciao”. Secondo gli organizzatori in piazza c’erano un milione di persone. «La giornata di oggi non è solo una fermata. La Cgil è pronta a continuare la sua protesta per cambiare il Jobs act e la politica di questo governo anche con lo sciopero generale», dice Susanna Camusso sul palco.

    «Nessuno può dire in buona fede che licenziando le persone si crea occupazione. Evidentemente per Renzi l’articolo 18 è un’ossessione» ha incalzato dal palco la leader sindacale secondo cui quella di Renzi è «un’idea regressiva. Non si esce dalla crisi punendo il lavoro. Ci hanno provato altri, ma hanno fallito»...............

  4. One Million Protesters Gather in Rome Against Government's Labor Market Reforms ...

    Some one million people have gathered in a rally on Saturday organized by the Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL) in Rome against the government's labor market reforms.

    General Secretary of CGIL Suzanne Camusso, addressed the government on stage saying "do not deceive yourself," and warned that the union would take to the streets and squares of cities throughout Italy to promote their cause, according to Italian news agency TM News.

    "Today is not the last. CGIL will continue their protest to change the Job Act (law on employment) and the policies of the government, including by means of a nationwide strike," Camusso added.............


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