Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nach Boeing-Crash: Niederländischer Experte findet in Zug 200 statt 282 Leichen (Washington Post)

Im Zug mit Leichen der beim Absturz eines malaysischen Passagierjets über der Ostukraine am 17. Juli ums Leben gekommenen Fluggäste befinden sich nach Worten eines niederländischen Experten nur 200 statt der von den ukrainischen Behörden angekündigten 282 Körper. Das berichtete die „Washington Post“ am Dienstag.

„Das einzige, wessen ich mir sicher bin, ist die Zahl (der Leichen) – 200“, sagte der Experte und gab zu, dass es ziemlich kompliziert war, sie zu zählen. „Die restlichen Leichen sollen gefunden werden. Wir müssen sie finden“, fügte er hinzu.

Zuvor hatte ein ranghoher Vertreter der ukrainischen Regierung mitgeteilt, dass an der Absturzstelle im Raum von Donezk 282 Leichen und 87 Fragmente der restlichen 16 Körper gefunden worden waren. Ein Zug mit vier Kühlwaggons war am Dienstag im ostukrainischen Charkow eingetroffen. Am Mittwoch sollen die Leichen zur Identifizierung in die Niederlande überführt werden.......http://de.ria.ru/society/20140722/269083104.html
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  1. A refrigerated train carriage carrying around 200 bodies from the crash site arrived in the government-held city of Kharkiv on Tuesday....

    The operation to find the remaining bodies and secure crucial evidence continues.

    Russia has repeatedly said Ukrainian government forces are to blame for the attack, but the US officials said that Russian claims were "not plausible"...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28431943

  2. The Netherlands sends 40 servicemen to Ukraine to search for bodies...

    The Netherlands will send 40 servicemen to Ukraine to help forensic experts search for the bodies of victims of the Malaysia Airlines’ Boeing crash. The country’s Prime Minister Mark Rutte said this at a news conference late on Thursday.

    He noted that this would be officers of the Royal Military constabulary that forms part of the Dutch Armed Forces. Rutte assured that the servicemen would not be armed and would not take part in providing security at the site of the catastrophe.

    The prime minister also said that two Dutch forensic experts were on their way from Kharkiv to the crash site in order to start searching for the remains on Friday, and in several days the number of experts would reach 23. The 40 officers of the Royal Military constabulary will be assisting them, according to the prime minister.

    “The return of the bodies is still our main task,” Rutte emphasized.

    Meanwhile, local media report that the Netherlands are also seeking to send to Ukraine under the United Nations’ aegis peacekeepers or armed servicemen to provide security of the forensic experts, as well as an international group of expert investigators of the tragedy’s causes, who couldn’t get to the site of the crash yet due to security concerns.

    On Thursday, another 74 victims’ bodies were delivered to Eindhoven, where they were moved to catafalques and sent to a military base in Hilversum. There, the victims will be identified. The identification procedure may take between several days and several months, Rutte warned earlier. More than 200 international experts are taking part in the process.

    The Ministry of Security and Justice specified that several dozens of bodies are expected to be delivered on Friday. They are transported in C-130 Hercules military transport planes of the Dutch Air Force and a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III of the Australian Air Force.


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