Thursday, April 3, 2014

Russia hikes gas prices for Ukraine, squeezes fragile economy

Russia increased the gas price for Ukraine to $485 per 1,000 cubic metres and urged Kiev on Thursday to pay its $2.2 billion debt, stepping up pressure on an economy already on the brink of bankruptcy.
The head of Russia's top natural gas producer, Gazprom , told Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that from this month the price would rise by 26 percent after Moscow introduced an export duty on gas to Ukraine.
Russia, no stranger to using its economic muscle for geopolitical gains, was incensed when protesters toppled pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovich, installing new leaders bent on pursuing closer ties with the European Union.

Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region last month deepened the worst East-West crisis since the end of the Cold War in 1991.
"The gas price is increasing automatically from April," Alexei Miller told Medvedev, adding that the end of zero-export duties would trigger the rise.
The increase came just two days after Gazprom announced a 44 percent hike in the gas price for Ukraine starting from April 1 to $385.5 per 1,000 cubic metres due to the unpaid bills.
Earlier on Tuesday, Gazprom said Ukraine had to increase the level of gas in storage to ensure its stable transit to Europe.
The European Union receives around a half of Russian gas via Ukraine.  



  1. Russland macht Erdgas für die Ukraine noch viel teurer

    03.04.2014 · Gerade erst hat der mächtige russische Erdgaskonzern Gazprom der Ukraine die Gas-Rechnung erhöht. Nun langt er nochmal kräftig hin, macht nun insgesamt 80 Prozent mehr.

  2. Gazprom schraubt den Preis weiter hoch

    Im Konflikt mit der Ukraine setzt Russland seine Gaspreise verstärkt als politisches Druckmittel ein. Der Staatskonzern Gazprom strich erneut Rabatte für das Nachbarland und verteuerte so den Preis für Gaslieferungen deutlich.

  3. Russia announces 2nd gas price hike for Ukraine....

    Russia increased the gas price for Ukraine to $485 per 1,000 cubic meters for the second time in one week, said the head of Russia’s largest gas company on Thursday.

    On April 1, Gazprom’s chief executive officer, Alexei Miller, announced the price increased from $268.5 to $385.5 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas and said Kiev had not paid any of its $1.7 billion debt to Russia.

    "Ukraine bought 1,956 billion cubic meters of gas in March, but did not pay even one penny," Miller said.

    Half of Ukraine’s natural gas is exported by Russia. Miller said Ukraine owes Russia $2.2 billion for gas, which was delivered in 2013 and 2014.

  4. US criticises Russia’s gas price hike for Ukraine....

    The White House has objected to Russia’s increase in natural gas prices for Ukraine on Thursday and said that markets should determine prices.

    White House Spokesman Jay Carney spoke after Russian natural gas producer Gazprom announced it would virtually double the gas price for Ukraine to $485 per 1000 cubic meters this month, which Ukraine said was politically motivated.

    “That kind of action taken coercively against Ukraine is something we oppose,” Carney told reporters.

    “We believe that markets should determine energy prices.”

    The price hike amounts to an 80 per cent increase, piling more pressure on the Ukraine economy, already on the brink of bankruptcy.

  5. Crimée - La Russie réclame à l'Ukraine 11 milliards de dollars de "dette" gazière...

    Le président de la compagnie gazière russe Gazprom, Alexeï Miller, a affirmé samedi que l'Ukraine devrait rembourser les 11,4 milliards de dollars correspondant à la réduction sur le prix du gaz qui lui avait été accordée ces quatre dernières années. Cette réduction était prévue par l'accord de Kharkiv, signé en avril 2010, prolongeant jusqu'en 2017 l'utilisation par la Flotte de la Mer Noire russe de la base de Sébastopol, en Crimée.
    Puisque cet accord a été annulé cette semaine, a soutenu M. Miller au cours d'une interview aux télévisions russes d'Etat, l'Ukraine doit rembourser. "La Russie en fait payait pour garder sa Flotte en Ukraine, (...) pour que l'accord soit prolongé, donc on peut dire que la Russie payait en avance. Ces 11,4 milliards sont donc une dette que l'Ukraine a contractée envers la Russie", a-t-il affirmé. La Russie a annoncé cette semaine l'annulation de l'accord de Kharkiv, estimant qu'il n'avait plus lieu d'être puisque la Crimée est maintenant considérée comme russe par Moscou. L'Ukraine doit maintenant payer son gaz au tarif de 485 dollars les 1.000 mètres cubes, et Gazprom a annoncé qu'il comptait se faire payer immédiatement les 2,2 milliards correspondant aux livraisons récentes. (Belga)


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