Sunday, March 9, 2014

Putin: Crimea’s legitimate authorities are acting in compliance with international law

The Russian president also called his interlocutors’ attention to the fact that the current authorities in Kiev were doing nothing to curb the rampage of ultra-nationalist and radical forces...

The legitimate authorities in Crimea are taking steps which are in compliance with international law with an aim to ensure the lawful interests of Crimea’s population, Russian President Vladimir Putin told British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel by telephone on Sunday.

“The Russian president also called his interlocutors’ attention to the fact that the current authorities in Kiev were doing nothing to curb the rampage of ultra-nationalist and radical forces in the Ukrainian capital and in many other regions,” the Kremlin press service reports.

The complicated socio-political situation in Ukraine and a referendum on Crimea’s future status slated for March 16 were central to Sunday’s telephone talks.

“Despite the existing differences in the assessment of what’s going on, the sides expressed common interest in the de-escalation of tensions and the earliest normalization of the situation on the peninsula,” the Kremlin press service went on to say.

The Russian, British and German leaders discussed possible international efforts which could be exerted to settle the crisis and agreed to continue close working contacts, including at the level of foreign ministers, the Kremlin press service emphasized.

Putin: "Crimea actúa conforme a las leyes internacionales"

Las medidas emprendidas por el Gobierno legítimo de Crimea cumplen con las leyes internacionales y corresponden a los intereses legítimos de la población de la república autónoma ucraniana, afirmó el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin.

El mandatario ruso realizó estas declaraciones en una conferencia telefónica con el primer ministro británico, David Cameron, y la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel.

El Parlamento de Crimea adoptó unánimemente el jueves pasado la decisión de pasar a formar parte de la Federación de Rusia y convocó un referéndum popular sobre el estatus de Crimea para el 16 de marzo.

La península no reconoce el autoproclamado Gobierno en Kiev que el pasado 22 de febrero destituyó al presidente Víktor Yanukóvich, cambió la Constitución y convocó elecciones anticipadas.
video RT

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