Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Syrie: cesser les livraisons d'armes aux belligérants (Ban Ki-moon)

Le secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon a appelé mercredi la communauté internationale à cesser les livraisons d'armes en Syrie et a souligné que le règlement militaire du conflit dans ce pays était impossible.

"J'appelle tous les pays qui livrent des armes en Syrie, arrêtez-vous s'il vous plaît", a déclaré M. Ban Ki-moon lors d'une conférence de presse à l'issue du forum de Montreux.
Le secrétaire général a souligné que le conflit syrien n'avait pas de solution militaire.

La conférence sur le règlement de la crise en Syrie s'est tenue le 22 janvier dans la ville suisse de Montreux. Les chefs de diplomatie de 40 pays du monde, les représentants de l'ONU et de la Ligue arabe, ainsi que des délégations du gouvernement et de l'opposition syriens se sont réunis dans les luxueux décors de l'hôtel Montreux Palace, au bord du lac Léman. 
  • La conférence de Montreux sera suivie de négociations qui réuniront le 24 janvier à Genève le pouvoir et l'opposition pour trouver une solution au conflit armé qui secoue la Syrie depuis bientôt trois ans.



  1. Brahimi to meet two Syrian sides on Thursday ....

    UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said on Wednesday that he will meet both Syrian delegations separately on Thursday, a day ahead of their first negotiations when he will try to bring them into the same room.

    Brahimi, speaking to a news conference after all-day ministerial talks in the Swiss resort of Montreux, first said it was not clear whether he would be able to bring two sides into the same room at the United Nations in Geneva on Friday.

    "We will try to see if we meet Friday morning separately and hopefully by Friday afternoon both sides will sit in one room," he said later.

    Describing the challenge ahead, Brahimi said: "We have no illusion that it is going to be easy but we are going to try very hard."

    Voice of Russia, Reuters
    Read more:

  2. Syrian enemies may discuss prisoner swaps despite talks acrimony....

    (Reuters) - Syria's government and opposition, meeting for the first time, vented their mutual hostility on Wednesday but a U.N. mediator said the enemies may be ready to discuss prisoner swaps, local ceasefires and humanitarian aid.

    Russia said the rival sides had promised to start direct talks on Friday despite fears that a standoff over President Bashar al-Assad's fate would halt the push for a political solution to Syria's civil war, which has killed over 130,000 and made millions homeless.

    Even if the sides are willing to discuss limited confidence-building measures, expectations for the peace process remain low, with Islamist rebels and Assad ally Iran absent and a solution to the three-year war still far off.

    Western officials were taken aback by the combative tone of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem at the one-day a U.N. peace conference in Switzerland, fearing follow-up negotiations would never get off the ground due to the acrimony.

    But after a day of bitter speeches in the lakeside city of Montreux, international mediator Lakhdar Brahimi signaled that both sides were ready to move beyond rhetoric. "We have had some fairly clear indications that the parties are willing to discuss issues of access to needy people, the liberation of prisoners and local ceasefires," he told a news conference.

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he had urged Damascus to release detainees as a confidence-building measure and appealed to both sides. "Enough is enough, the time has to come to negotiate," he told reporters.

    Russia, which co-sponsored the Montreux meeting with the United States, said the rival Syrian delegations had promised to sit down on January 24 for talks which were expected to last about seven days.............

  3. SYRIE. Ce qu'il faut retenir du premier jour de Genève 2...

    Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, les déclarations des nations qui ont participé à cette conférence historique sur la situation en Syrie ont fait valoir des points de vues souvent irréconciliables. La tension et la violence verbale ont atteint leur comble au cours des discours de Walid Mouallem représentant du régime et de Ahmed Jarba, celui de l’opposition. Mais dans ces discours publics, il s’agissait surtout pour les protagonistes syriens de ne pas perdre la face. Alors qu’ils ont été plus ou moins contraints par leurs alliés de venir participer à ces discussions, il s'agissait surtout pour eux d’affirmer leur ligne officielle à la veille des pourparlers secrets de Genève.
    "Bachar ne partira pas"

    Principal point de discorde entre les différentes parties : le sort du président Bachar al-Assad. Ainsi, le chef de la Coalition nationale syrienne, Ahmed Jarba, a appelé la délégation officielle syrienne à céder le pouvoir à un gouvernement de transition, et rappelé ce qui reste pour lui un point non négociable : "On doit nettoyer la Syrie du tyran Bachar al-Assad". Une demande appuyée par le secrétaire d'Etat, John Kerry, qui a rappelé que "d'aucune façon", le président syrien ne pouvait prétendre jouer un rôle dans la Syrie de demain.

    De leur côté, le chef de la diplomatie syrienne et celui de la Russie ont insisté sur le fait que les destinées de la Syrie devaient être décidées par le peuple syrien. Dans la salle de presse, Ahmad Dawa, le président de l’agence officielle de presse syrienne Sana, qui a voyagé avec la délégation syrienne, confie à ses collègues étrangers son admiration pour le président qui s’est révélé si courageux dans la tempête : "les Syriens l’aiment et le respectent. Vous verrez, il sera réélu", affirme-t-il. Un peu plus tard, le ministre syrien de l'Information, Omran al-Zohbi, a fait irruption dans la salle de presse où étaient réunis des centaines de journalistes et a assuré : "Bachar al-Assad ne partira pas", avant de manquer être étouffé par une armée de cameramen qui voulait recueillir son témoignage.

    En revanche, les différents participants de la conférence, s’il faut leur trouver un point commun, partagent l'idée qu’une solution militaire au conflit syrien n’est plus envisageable. Plus personne ne soutient officiellement une intervention extérieure armée, ni les Etats-Unis, ni la France, ni le Qatar............

  4. Вступительное слово Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова на открытии международной конференции по Сирии, Монтрё (Швейцария), 22 января 2014 года.....

    Уважаемый господин Президент,

    Уважаемый господин Генеральный секретарь,

    Дамы и господа, коллеги,

    Открытие Международной конференции по Сирии находится в центре внимания всего мирового сообщества, что возлагает на участников особую, я бы сказал, историческую ответственность.

    Прежде всего хотел бы отметить усилия тех, кто способствовал созыву этого форума: Организацию Объединенных Наций, ее Генерального секретаря Пан Ги Муна, спецпредставителя Л.Брахими, а также его предшественника К.Аннана. Особая благодарность – правительству Швейцарии, обеспечившему прекрасную организацию Конференции и максимально благоприятные условия для ее подготовки.

    Выражаем признательность всем странам и организациям – Лиге арабских государств (ЛАГ), Организации исламского сотрудничества (ОИС), Евросоюзу, поддержавшим совместную инициативу России и США о проведении «Женевы-2» с целью политического урегулирования сирийского кризиса. Работая все это время в самом тесном контакте с Госсекретарем США, я хорошо знаю, как много Джон (Дж.Керри) сделал лично, чтобы сегодняшняя встреча состоялась, несмотря на многочисленные реальные и мнимые проблемы.

    Наша общая задача заключается в том, чтобы добиться прекращения трагического конфликта в Сирии, который несет неисчислимые беды и страдания сирийскому народу и разрушает эту древнюю землю. Нельзя допустить, чтобы волна потрясений захлестнула соседние страны, весь ближневосточный регион, переживающий сложнейший период своей истории.

    Россия поддерживает устремления арабских народов к лучшей жизни, устойчивому развитию и процветанию. Убеждены, что назревшие преобразования могут быть эффективны только в том случае, если будут осуществляться мирным ненасильственным путем через национальный диалог с опорой на внутреннюю эволюцию обществ. Попытки навязывать странам Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки рецепты реформ извне, ставить эксперименты по социальной инженерии отбрасывают назад процесс политической и экономической модернизации. За примерами далеко ходить не надо. Вновь призываем всех внешних игроков к строгому соблюдению базовых принципов международного права, включая уважение суверенитета государств, невмешательство в их внутренние дела, мирное урегулирование споров..............

  5. U.S. arms flowing to ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels....

    U.S. Congress has “secretly” approved the delivery of light arms to Syrian rebels deemed “moderate” in the south of the country, Reuters news agency reported on Tuesday, citing U.S. and European security officials.

    According to report, closed-door Congress votes have funded the arms deliveries until the end of government fiscal year 2014, which ends on Sept. 30.

    The weapons include a variety of small arms, as well as some more powerful weapons, such as anti-tank rockets. They do not include, however, shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, which could shoot down military or civilian aircrafts, the officials told the news agency.

    Speaking to Reuters, Bruce Riedel, a former senior CIA analyst and sometime foreign policy adviser to President Barack Obama, described the Syrian civil war as a “stalemate.”

    “The rebels lack the organization and weapons to defeat Assad; the regime lacks the loyal manpower to suppress the rebellion. Both sides' external allies... are ready to supply enough money and arms to fuel the stalemate for the foreseeable future,” Riedel said.

    A U.S. official familiar with recent developments said national security officials and members of Congress are more confident that weapons delivered to southern Syria are going to, and remaining in, the hands of moderate rebels rather than militant jihadist factions.

    Congress approved funding for weapons deliveries to the Syrian rebels in classified sections of defense appropriations legislation, two sources familiar with the matter said. It was not clear when the funding was approved, but unclassified defense funding passed Congress in late December.

    Some additional budget tweaks may be necessary to ensure that all the approved funding is fully available for disbursement during the current fiscal year.

    Yet, officials who support providing U.S. arms to the rebels acknowledge that this has not greatly increased U.S. expectations of victory by anti-Assad forces, whether moderate or militant...............

  6. Both sides in Syria guilty of war crimes in ‘systematic effort to cause civilian suffering’ – UN experts....

    6 February 2014 – Government and opposition forces in Syria are committing war crimes by using civilian suffering, such as blocking access to food, water and health services, as a method of war, United Nations experts said today, highlighting the “most critical” situation of a quarter of a million people under siege.

    “As reports are piling up of indiscriminate shelling of civilians, enforced disappearances and executions, another horror of the war in Syria is becoming apparent: the deprivation of basic necessities of life and the denial of humanitarian relief as a method of war,” they warned, calling on all sides to halt such actions, in a statement issued by the UN human rights office (OHCHR).

    “Numerous cases show that Government and pro-Government forces as well as armed opposition groups are impeding humanitarian relief to populations facing extreme deprivation, including children, women, older persons, persons with disabilities, the chronically sick, and civilians and persons hors combat held in detention,” they said.

    The six rapporteurs, unpaid independent experts appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to whom they report, stressed that denial of access to food, water and health services and wantonly destroying housing clearly violate the human rights to food, water, sanitation, housing, health, and freedom from inhumane treatment enshrined in international treaties.

    “The acts being committed amount to crimes against humanity, carried out as a deliberate and systematic effort to cause civilian suffering. They also constitute war crimes and serious violations of customary international humanitarian law which binds all parties,” they said.....................


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