Friday, November 29, 2013

Skopje 2014 triggers fresh debates in FYROM.

“Skopje 2014” project has once again triggered debates between  political parties in FYROM, as  opposition has launched accusations against the government.

The largest opposition  party, LSDM accused prime minister Nikola Gruevski, Minister of Culture, Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska and VMRO-DPMNE government of being involved in a multi-million affair based on the revision report prepared on “Skopje 2014” project by experts. “According to the revision that has been done, bids that amount to 227% higher than the budget have been accepted. The damages caused to the “Center” commune are estimated to be 8 million Euros”, declared LSDM.

This party said that Gruevski’s government must provide explanations for these abuses with the taxpayers’ money. But, the party in power VMRO-DPMNE, which has governed the Center commune, where the monuments of “Skopje 2014” project have been built, has reacted against the accusations of the opposition.

VMRO-DPMNE said that the law on public procurements has been complied with and according to this party, opposition or the current mayor of Center commune may press charges against all of those who are suspected of breaking the law on the realization of the “Skopje 2014” project. This project continues to trigger debates about the cost and the opposition claims that 500 million Euros have been spent, while the government claims that only 100 million Euros have been spent. /ibna/ 


1 comment :

  1. Кривични пријави од СДСМ за поставувањето споменици од „Скопје 2014“....

    Социјалдемократскиот сојуз на FYROM до Јавното обвинителство поднесе кривична пријава за организиран криминал против министерката за култура Елизабета Канческа-Милевска, поранешниот градоначалник на Центар, Владимир Тодоровиќ, и против советниците на Општина Центар од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ во претходниот мандат, соопшти денеска партискиот портпарол Петре Шилегов.

    Кривичната пријава, како што наведе, е поднесена поради основано сомневање за сторено кривично дело Злоупотреба на службената положба и овластување и нанесена штета на Буџетот на РМ од над 3,5 милијарди денари.....................


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