Friday, September 6, 2013

UN chief warns against strikes on Syria. -Ban Ki-moon says that military action against Syria could lead to a worsening of sectarian violence in the country.

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has made an impassioned plea against military action in Syria, warning that it could spark further sectarian violence in a country already suffering from a humanitarian crisis "unprecedented" in recent history.
Speaking at a humanitarian meeting hosted by Britain on the sidelines of the G20 summit on Friday, Ban called on world powers to put aside their differences over the Syrian conflict, and to take concerted action to get desperately needed aid to the population.

"I must warn that ill-considered military action could cause serious and tragic consequences, and with an increased threat of further sectarian violence," Ban said.
About third of Syria's pre-war 20.8 million population has fled abroad or have been forced from their homes during the popular uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's regime which is now in its third year, UN refugee agency data showed.

"This is a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions in recent history," Ban said.
But "as as some flee the country, others dig in to fight," Ban said, pointing to the need therefore to "avoid further militarisation of the conflict and revitalise the search for a political settlement instead."
With a political solution proving elusive as world leaders dig in their heels over their entrenched positions, Ban called for unity in securing humanitarian aid for the population.

Food aid shortage
A funding shortage was also threatening to leave refugees in neighbouring countries with no food, he said, adding that stocks would run out within days in Lebanon and within two weeks in Jordan.
"The world must do everything within its powers to stop the suffering of the Syrian people. Let us use this united recognition of the problem as our starting point for focused and positive action," he said.
"Your support in exercising leverage on all parties to facilitate humanitarian access is critical."
On Thursday, the UN refugee agency said that from October, it will have to cut food aid to more than a quarter of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
From October, UNHCR will move to "targeted assistance," as it struggles to assist a refugee population of at least 720,000 people in Lebanon.
"We will have to switch to targeted assistance and cut some of our direct funding in part because of the shortfall in funds," UNHCR spokeswoman Roberta Russo said.
"Our campaign sought $1.7 billion for Lebanon, and that is only 27 percent funded," she added, saying aid agencies were making "difficult decisions" every day about how to use limited aid money.
Russo said a transition from blanket assistance of all refugees to a focus on the most vulnerable was not unusual when dealing with such a crisis.
"At the beginning of the emergency it is normal to give blanket assistance," she said.
"Then once you have a better knowledge of the population, as we do now, we are better able to distinguish between those who are able to survive without assistance and those who really cannot."
But she acknowledged that the decision to cut food assistance, which will affect around 200,000 refugees, 28 percent of those in Lebanon, was also driven by the agency's lack of funds.
"If we don't have an increase in funding we will not be able to meet, in general, even the needs of population we have now, not to mention the additional population that could arrive if the fighting intensifies."

  • VIDEO. A Damas, les miliciens défendent la ligne de front, à peine 5 km du centre-ville...
  • Le quartier de Tadamon est à cinq kilomètres du centre de Damas. C'est une zone de guerre, dévastée après des mois de combats acharnés.
La phase diplomatique se poursuit samedi 7 septembre pour une éventuelle intervention militaire en Syrie, les deux moteurs restant La France et les Etats-Unis. François Hollande annonce samedi qu'il s'adressera à nouveau aux Français après le vote du Congrès américain.
Pendant ce temps, la capitale syrienne vit toujours entre un calme relatif, dans la vielle ville, et une guerre civile qui se poursuit dans les faubourgs, à quelques kilomètres du centre-ville. D'une rue à l'autre, les combats sont visibles dans le reportage de nos confrères de France 2, sur place depuis plusieurs jours maintenant.
Le quartier de Tadamon est à cinq kilomètres du centre de Damas. Des chicanes bloquent les automobilistes qui veulent s'y engouffrer. C'est une zone de guerre, dévastée après des mois de combats acharnés. Les murs sont percés par les tirs des snipers, les rebelles, juste en face. Le quartier est tenu par des milices de la Défense nationale, d'anciens commerçants pour la plupart, soutiens de Bachar Al-Assad.[lestitres]



  1. Syrie : les Etats-Unis évacuent une partie du personnel de leur ambassade au Liban...

    Washington redoute d'éventuelles représailles contre sa représentation diplomatique à Beyrouth, alors qu'elle menace de lancer une frappe contre la Syrie voisine.

    Les Etats-Unis prennent leurs précautions. Alors que l'éventualité d'une intervention militaire en Syrie se précise, Washington a évacué vendredi 6 septembre une partie du personnel de son ambassade au Liban voisin. Le département d'Etat recommande également aux Américains d'éviter de se rendre dans ce pays ou en Turquie. Les Etats-Unis craignent d'éventuelles représailles contre leurs intérêts et leurs ressortissants dans la région s'ils se décident à intervenir contre le régime syrien.

    La Russie s'inquiète également de l'intervention qui se prépare, mais pour des raisons différentes. Moscou a mis en garde vendredi les Etats-Unis contre les risques de frapper l'arsenal chimique syrien. "Il y aurait une menace de rejets de substances hautement toxiques, avec des conséquences pour la population civile et l'environnement", s'inquiète le ministère russe. "On ne peut pas exclure qu'en outre, de tels actes inconsidérés n'offrent l'accès à des armes chimiques aux rebelles et aux terroristes", poursuit le communiqué.

    Cette mise en garde intervient alors que le principal allié de la Syrie a dépêché, jeudi et vendredi, trois de ses navires de guerre en Méditerranée orientale, à proximité des côtes syriennes où se trouvent déjà plusieurs navires américains. La Russie assure que la présence de ses navires est simplement un gage de sécurité......[lestitres]

  2. Syrien-Krise. -USA ziehen Diplomaten aus Libanon ab...

    Vorboten eines Militärschlags gegen Syrien? Die USA haben am Freitag begonnen, ihre Diplomaten aus dem Libanon abzuziehen. Gleichzeitig machen sich russische Kriegsschiffe auf den Weg.....

  3. La Russie continuera à aider la Syrie en cas de frappe (Poutine)...

    La Russie continuera d'aider la Syrie en cas de frappe militaire, a déclaré vendredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine à l'issue du sommet du G20 à Saint-Pétersbourg.

    "Vous voulez savoir si nous aiderons la Syrie? Nous le ferons, comme nous le faisons actuellement. Nous lui livrons des armes, nous collaborons dans le domaine économique. J'espère que nous élargirons notre coopération humanitaire, notamment en accordant une aide humanitaire aux civils syriens qui se trouvent actuellement dans une situation difficile", a indiqué M.Poutine à la question de savoir si la Russie aidera la Syrie en cas de frappe militaire.

    1. Putin: Our Aid to Syria Won’t Stop, Most of G20 States Oppose Military Action ...

      Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that his country would continue to provide assistance to Syria, including weapons.

      During a press conference at the end of the G20 summit in St. Petersburg, Putin noted that the Group of Twenty leaders has been unable to achieve a convergence of positions on the Syrian crisis during the summit.

      Putin stressed that the use of force against a sovereign state is prohibited by international law, and only allowed for self-defense or by a UN Security Council resolution, underlying that most of the summit participants expressed their rejection of any military operation against Damascus.

      Putin considered that destabilizing the Middle East would be counterproductive, indicating that all the regional events are reflected on the global economy.

      "In this difficult situation for the global economy as a whole, destabilizing the situation in the Middle East will lead to military results at least," he said.

      The Russian president also stressed that the situation regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria is the result of provocation by the militants.

      "I start from that everything happened on the alleged use of chemical weapons, is only a provocation by the militants who are hoping with the help of the countries backing them since the beginning. This is the goal of this provocation," Putin stated.

      Moreover, he stressed Moscow's determination to continue to provide aid to Syria.

      "Of course we will help Syrian," he said, recalling that Pope said in his last message that the start of a new series of military operations is unacceptable.

      The Russian President also expressed beliefs that a military strike against Syria may block the settlement of the North Korean nuclear file.

  4. Syria Parliament Urges US Congress to Block Strike ...

    The head of Syria's parliament has urged the US Congress to vote against military action targeting Syria, state news agency SANA said on Friday.

    "We urge you not to take reckless measures as you have the power to steer the United States from the path of war to that of diplomacy," SANA quoted parliament chief Jihad al-Lahham as saying.

    The message is intended to be sent to every member of the US Congress before they vote on a request from US President Barack Obama for authorization to use military force against Syria.

    "Any military intervention would be illegal because Syria is a sovereign country and does not represent a threat to the United States, and any strike would not be authorized by the (UN) Security Council," Lahham said.

  5. US Senate briefly convenes to receive Syria resolution...

    The US Senate convenes in a very brief session, perhaps only a few minutes, to receive a resolution from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee authorizing the limited use of American military forces against Syria.

  6. G20: Syria policy cannot be left to United Nations says Cameron...

    Relying on the UN to act over Syria would be tantamount to "contracting out foreign policy and morality" to a Russian veto, David Cameron has said.

    Speaking at the G20 summit in St Petersburg, the prime minister said the international community could not be hamstrung by a likely Russian veto.

    Countries supporting intervention had "far the better of the argument" in discussions, Mr Cameron added.

    But Vladimir Putin said more than half were opposed to any military action.

    Little progress was made on Syria at the two-day summit, although the UK said agreement had been reached on increasing access for humanitarian aid and medical assistance.

    The prime minister said he continued to press for a tough response to the "taboo" of chemical weapons - adding that the case they had been used by the Assad government was "overwhelming".....

  7. France's Hollande says any Syria action to focus on military targets...

    Any strikes on Syria would be limited to military targets, French President Francois Hollande said on Friday.

    "We will do everything we can so that France only strikes military targets to avoid civilian casualties," he said at a news conference after a summit of G20 nations in Russia's St. Petersburg.

    "A dictator cannot anticipate everything," he said when asked if Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops had already moved core weapons from potential target areas.

  8. In Ma’loula: Ringing Bells and Worshipers, Not Barricades and Slaughterers....

    Director of the Catholic Information Center, Father Abdo Abu Kasam, said that what happened in the Syrian town of Ma'loula is the result of violence and the senseless war under the guise of democracy and freedoms.

    In a statement he made to Al-Manar Website Friday, Abu Kasam wondered: "What freedoms they are seeking in a time when churches are violated and houses of worship are burnt which is supposed to be a place to build love."

    "Attacking the holy sites of Christianity affects the Christian heritage and entity. Ma'loula is an ancient city which houses monasteries and not barricades, where you hear the bells ringing not the sound of guns, where people pray and do not slaughter," the Father told Al-Manar Website.

    "Pope Francis has called on the international community, the G20 leaders, the United Nations and the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See to say 'stop the violence in Syria and come to establish and build a culture of peace and stand against the war which would be launched on Syria and to help its people instead' just like the Pope did when he called for a day of prayer for Syria," Abu Kasam went on to say.

    Abu Kasam stressed that "war only generates war and violence only generates violence."

    "Do Muslims accept the churches to be violated?", Abu Kasam asked, adding that he was waiting for an official stance of the Islamic clerics, pointing out that Islam is a religion of mercy and not of cracking, killing and slaughter.

    "Come to meet for the one word to build a culture of peace among ourselves," Father Abu Kasam concluded, calling upon those who support the armed groups in Syria to reconsider their accounts and learn more on those whom they support, feed and finance.

  9. Οι αντικαθεστωτικοί ελέγχουν την Μααλούλα...

    Οι αντικαθεστωτικοί αντάρτες στη Συρία κατέλαβαν τον έλεγχο της χριστιανικής πόλης Μααλούλα, βορείως της Δαμασκού, έπειτα από την υποχώρηση των κυβερνητικών δυνάμεων από αυτήν, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα το Συριακό Παρατηρητήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων.

    «Κατά τη διάρκεια της νύκτας, οι κυβερνητικές δυνάμεις εισήλθαν στην πόλη, όμως οι αντάρτες απέστειλαν ενισχύσεις και κατόρθωσαν να καταλάβουν τον έλεγχο όλης της πόλης», μεταδίδει στην ανακοίνωσή του ο επικεφαλής της ΜΚΟ Ράμι Αμπντέλ Ραχμάν.

    Μία κάτοικος, με την οποία στάθηκε δυνατή μία τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία, επιβεβαίωσε την υποχώρηση των κυβερνητικών δυνάμεων και την παρουσία δυνάμεων ανταρτών στην πόλη.

    Πηγή: ΑΠΕ

    1. Syria rebels seize Christian town Maalula: NGO, residents...

      Syrian rebels, including jihadists, have taken control of the historic Christian town of Maalula, north of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog and a resident said on Sunday.

      "Overnight, Syrian regime troops moved into the village, but rebel forces sent reinforcements and were able to take control of the entire town," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

      He said the jihadist Al-Nusra Front was among the forces that had taken control of the town.

      A Maalula resident, reached by phone, also confirmed that regime forces had withdrawn from the area and rebel forces were now in control.

      Speaking on condition of anonymity, the resident said the situation on the ground was quiet.

      "The rebels are inside Maalula, all of Maalula. The government troops have pulled out of Maalula," the resident said.

      Abdel Rahman said "fierce fighting broke out between regime forces and rebel fighters overnight, and the soldiers withdrew to the outskirts of the town." Maalula is considered a symbol of the Christian presence in Syria, and many of its inhabitants speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus Christ that only small, scattered communities around the world still use.

      The battle for the town left at least 17 rebels dead and more than 100 wounded, the Observatory said, adding that dozens of regime forces and pro-militia members were also killed or wounded in the fighting......


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