Monday, September 16, 2013

Η Φωτογραφία της ημέρας, 16-9-13, δίχως λόγια ...

Η Φωτογραφία της ημέρας, 16-9-13, δίχως λόγια


  1. US, French, British and Turkish foreign ministers meet in Paris...

    John Kerry, William Hague, Laurent Fabius and Ahmet Davutoglu met in Paris upon the agreement between US and Russia on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons
    ANKARA (AA) - US Secretary of State John Kerry, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met on Monday in Paris to discuss the chemical weapons agreement on Syria and a French-drafted UN resolution that would govern the agreement.

    Kerry was the first to talk, giving details about the agreement reached with Russia regarding Syrian chemical weapons, and the development of the process. Next, Kerry, Hague and Fabius gave information about the upcoming steps expected to be taken at the UN Security Council, as well as the draft resolution.

    - "Turkey key country"

    Acknowledging Turkey's key position regarding the situation in Syria, all 3 ministers said that they considered Turkey's opinions and concerns important, and asked Davutoglu about Turkey's stance.

    Although Davutoglu acknowledged that the agreement between US and Russia regarding Syrian chemical weapons was favorable, he expressed Turkey's deep concerns regarding the Assad regime's attacks and killings without using chemical weapons. Davutoglu said that effective steps needed to be taken in order to stop the violence and bloodshed going on in Syria, in addition to destroying the chemical weapons.

    - Geneva meeting

    Later, the 4 ministers discussed the terms and parameters of a meeting in Geneva within the framework of finding a political solution for the Syrian crisis. Referring to the meeting he had in Ankara on Sunday with members of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Davutoglu shared the Coalition's opinions and expectations on the issue.

    After Kerry left, Hague, Fabius and Davutoglu attended a working lunch to further discuss the Syrian issue and the next steps that could be taken in the near future.

    Davutoglu is expected to hold separate bilateral meetings with Saudi Arabian and Qatar Foreign Ministers later on.

  2. US to help Syrian rebels fight chemical weapons...Non-lethal assistance will include protective gear, medical assistance and training...

    The move comes nearly a month after a deadly chemical weapons attack near Damascus that raised the specter of a US military strike and resulted in a diplomatic deal aimed at stripping Syria of its stockpiles of deadly gases. While the White House says the international response should deter future attacks, the authorization of chemical weapons-related assistance signaled that the US was at least preparing for the possibility that the deadly gases might be used again.

    The White House said the non-lethal assistance could fall into three categories:

    — Chemical weapons-related “personal protective” equipment to international organizations working in Syria, including the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

    — Medical assistance to strengthen local Syrian health care providers’ ability to prepare for and respond to the use of chemical weapons

    — Defensive chemical weapons training and protective equipment to vetted members of the Syrian opposition to protect against the use of deadly gases

    A senior Obama administration official said the assistance and training would not give the Syrian opposition the ability to prepare, deploy or move the chemical weapons stockpiles. The US says it believes Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government retains control of the deadly gases.

    The US had already begun making plans to send the chemical weapons-related assistance to Syria before the Aug. 21 attack, said the official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the aid by name and insisted on anonymity.....

  3. Syria slams Western powers' interference in Syrian affairs...

    DAMASCUS, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Syria's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that talks about the political and constitutional legitimacy in Syria is an "exclusive" right of the Syrian people.

    In a statement carried by the state-run SANA news agency, the ministry said that the United States and its allies can't force their will on the Syrian people.

    "In a new confirmation about the size of their involvement in the Syrian crisis and their feverish resolve to impose their will and agendas on the Syrian people, the foreign ministers of the United States, France and Britain have tried to promote their contradictory stances through trying to reconcile between their support of terrorism and their allegations about supporting the political process in Syria," the ministry said.

    A day earlier, Britain, France and the United States agreed to seek a "tough" UN resolution against Syria over its use and stockpile of chemical weapons.

    During talks in Paris, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, U.S. Secretary of State Kerry and British Foreign Secretary William Hague also announced the organization of a "major international gathering" next week in New York to seek further support to the Syrian National Coalition, the main Syrian opposition coalition abroad.

    "In order to negotiate a political solution, we need a stronger position," Fabius said, adding that "we therefore intend to strengthen our support to Syrian national coalition rebels. If you want to change the Assad regime without falling in the hands of the terrorists, you have to support the moderate opposition."

    Meanwhile, the Syrian Foreign Ministry stressed that "President Bashar al-Assad is the legitimate president that the Syrian people have chosen and will remain so as long as the people of Syria want. "

  4. СООБЩЕНИЕ ДЛЯ СМИ....О телефонном разговоре Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова с Министром иностранных дел и по делам Содружества Великобритании У.Хейгом...

    17 сентября по инициативе британской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова с Министром иностранных дел и по делам Содружества Великобритании У.Хейгом.

    Стороны обменялись мнениями по текущей ситуации вокруг Сирии в контексте российско-американских договоренностей о передаче сирийского химоружия под международный контроль и поиске путей политического урегулирования сирийской проблемы.

  5. EE.UU. sabía que los rebeldes sirios poseían gas sarín procedente de Irak y Turquía...

    En una entrevista concedida a RT, Michael Maloof, exanalista de la política de seguridad del Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU., mostró una página de un informe secreto que revela cómo los rebeldes sirios se abastecían del gas tóxico.

    "Los militares estadounidenses realizaron una investigación basada en medio centenar de testimonios e interrogatorios secretos" que indican la procedencia iraquí del gas sarín en manos de la oposición armada siria, según Maloof.

    El gas tóxico se mandaba desde el territorio de Irak a Turquía, donde en mayo pasado una parte del envío fue confiscada. Los expertos señalan que una gran parte de sarín producido en esos dos países destinado a la rebelión siria acabó en las manos de terroristas de Al Qaeda y, en particular, del grupo Frente Al Nusra.

    "Tenemos distintas pruebas de que elementos de Al Qaeda están presentes en las filas de la oposición siria en cantidades considerables", añadió el exanalista del Pentágono.

    El informe de los inspectores de la ONU sobre el terreno sirio confirma el uso de armas químicas el pasado 21 de agosto en las proximidades de Damasco. Sin embargo, los expertos no estaban autorizados para esclarecer la autoría del ataque. Aún tendrán que regresar a Siria para aclararlo e investigar otras denuncias sobre el presunto uso de armas químicas.

    Texto completo en:

    1. 'Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra in Syria may have significant amounts of sarin'....

      The US military have reportedly proved that sarin gas production is going on among some Sunni salafists in Iraq, and via Turkey, can reach Syrian rebels, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told RT, citing classified sources.

      RT: France, the US and UK are saying the UN report clearly points to the Assad government's involvement in the August attack . But how can they be so sure, especially as the document states that improvised rockets may have been used, possibly pointing to rebel involvement?

      Michael Maloof: I have a report from a source who has direct connections with classified information and he basically told me that [the] US military did an assessment based upon 50 indicators and clandestine interviews that the sourcing of sarin originated out of Iraq and into Turkey before some of it was confiscated in May in Turkey. He believes that since that report was disseminated in August in 2013, that there has actually been a more significant amount of sarin production both in Iraq and in Turkey going to the opposition, principally Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra.

      That was their specific target, to see to what extent Al-Qaeda was actually involved in production, in research and dissemination. He says what was confiscated was bench level or small specimens at the time, but that the production now they believe is much more robust and that the non-proliferation, genie, as he says, is no longer exclusive. So there's quite an increasing concern that this is still ongoing, that production is occurring among some Sunni salafists in Iraq and continues to be transported into Turkey.

      RT: Can you tell us more about that classified document you’ve seen, which shows that the US knew that Al-Qaeda linked rebels in Syria had sarin gas?

      MM: The document itself was published in August 2013 by the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC). It’s part of the intelligence community. The fact that some of it was actually captured in May along the border in Turkey and it was actually Al-Qaeda, and since it was disseminated my sources are telling me that production has probably increased significantly and sarin gas is being produced quite widely now. That it's actually ongoing and there's actually a Saudi financier whose name I’m trying to obtain right now.

      This raises a whole host of questions, and even though Mr Kerry says we know what the origin of the August 21 shot was into the outskirts of Damascus that killed hundreds of people including children, he tells me that they have been scouring Syria for more than a year looking at all the Syrian military activities and that they have no information on any artillery having been fired that day at that time into that location. So this raises all kinds of further questions as to what this information is which Kerry possesses, but refuses to share with the world.

      RT: Why is the US not taking any action against the Syrian rebels then? After all, they believe that Al-Qaeda, their sworn enemy has chemical weapons.

      MM: Clearly the administration does not want to get more deeply involved in a Middle East conflict. It’s probably a political and policy call on the Obama administration’s part. Again, this is speculation on my part, but I think it would go absolutely against the grain of trying to assist the rebels and I think the administration’s goal really is regime change. You have an opposition and foreign fighters that have now integrated into the opposition being involved in this. This absolutely goes contrary to what their policy direction is and results in tremendous confusion........

  6. Μια ομάδα των εξεγερμένων που συνδέεται με την αλ Κάιντα κατέλαβε συριακή πόλη στα σύνορα με την Τουρκία...

    Μια ομάδα των εξεγερμένων που συνδέεται με την αλ Κάιντα κατέλαβε σήμερα μια συριακή πόλη κοντά στα σύνορα με την Τουρκία, αφού ξέσπασαν συγκρούσεις μεταξύ των μαχητών της και μελών του Ελεύθερου Συριακού Στρατού, όπως ανακοίνωσαν ακτιβιστές της αντιπολίτευσης.

    Μαχητές της οργάνωσης Ισλαμικό Κράτος στο Ιράκ και το Λεβάντε κατέλαβαν την πόλη Αζάζ, 5 χιλιόμετρα από τα σύνορα Συρίας-Τουρκίας, και σκότωσαν τουλάχιστον πέντε μέλη του Ελεύθερου Συριακού Στρατού, δήλωσαν οι ακτιβιστές, προσθέτοντας ότι 100 άνθρωποι συνελήφθησαν.

    Οι συγκρούσεις αυτές ήταν οι πιο σφοδρές που έχουν σημειωθεί από τότε που αυξήθηκε η ένταση νωρίτερα φέτος μεταξύ των δύο ομάδων των εξεγερμένων που μάχονται για την ανατροπή του σύρου προέδρου Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ.μια-ομάδα-των-εξεγερμένων-που-συνδέετ

  7. Syrie: l'opposition armée composée à 90% de terroristes (Assad)...

    L'opposition armée qui lutte contre l'armée syrienne est composée à 90% de terroristes, a déclaré mercredi soir le président syrien Bachar el-Assad dans une interview accordée à la chaîne télévisée américaine Fox News.

    "Chez nous, il ne s'agit pas d'une guerre civile. C'est la guerre, une guerre d'un genre nouveau (…) De 80 à 90% des terroristes sont membres d'Al-Qaïda et de ses branches", a indiqué le chef de l'Etat syrien.

    Selon lui, lors du conflit, les troupes gouvernementales ont perdu 15.000 hommes tandis que des dizaines de milliers de civils ont perdu la vie dans des attentats terroristes, dans l'ensemble perpétrés par des kamikazes.

  8. La Syrie n'est "pas en guerre civile", mais attaquée par Al-Qaïda (Assad)...

    Le président syrien Bachar al-Assad a affirmé que son pays n'était "pas en guerre civile", mais attaqué par des "dizaines de milliers de jihadistes", la plupart d'Al-Qaïda, dans un entretien à la télévision américaine FoxNews diffusé mercredi soir.

    Bach al-Assad, dont l'interview a été réalisée à Damas mardi, s'est en outre adressé indirectement à son homologue américain Barack Obama en l'exhortant à "écouter le bon sens de (son) peuple".

    Dans ce long entretien mené par deux journalistes américains de FoxNews, le président syrien a assuré que son pays n'était "pas en guerre civile".

    "Nous avons une guerre, une nouvelle sorte de guerre" avec des "dizaines de milliers de jihadistes" de plus de 80 nationalités différentes.

    "Ce que je peux vous dire c'est que 80% - certains disent 90%, nous n'avons pas de données précises - de ces terroristes sont membres d'Al-Qaïda et de ses branches", a dit le chef de l'Etat, qui s'exprimait en anglais.

    D'après lui, depuis le déclenchement du conflit il y a deux ans et demi, "des dizaines de milliers de Syriens" et 15 000 soldats gouvernementaux ont été tués, la plupart par "des attaques terroristes, des assassinats et des attentats suicide"......

  9. France Fears Backlash from Militants Fighting in Syria...

    France's interior minister revealed Thursday that hundreds of homegrown extremist militants were signing up to fight in Syria and warned they could pose a security threat when they come back.

    More than 300 French nationals or residents are either currently fighting in Syria, planning to go and fight or have recently returned from there, the minister, Manuel Valls, told France Inter radio.

    Most of them were young men, often with a delinquent past, who had become radicalized, he said.

    "This is a phenomenon which worries me because they represent a potential danger when they return to our soil," Valls said. "We have to be extremely attentive."

    According to British defense consultancy IHS Jane's, there are up to 10,000 militants from all over the world currently fighting in Syria on the side of insurgent groups.

    "If the extremists are not able to set up their state in Syria, they'll come back disappointed," Marc Trevidic, France's top anti-terrorism judge, was quoted as saying earlier this week.

    Valls has previously warned that there are "several dozen, perhaps several hundred, potential extremists in our country" and described their presence as a ticking time bomb.

    Citing intelligence reports, Valls said there were more than 130 French nationals or residents currently fighting in Syria, about 50 who had returned home, some 40 who were in transit areas and around a 100 who were likely to travel to Syria.

    1. La présence d’islamistes occidentaux en Syrie préoccupent la Russie et la France...

      Selon des experts russes, les islamistes du Caucase russe qui sont allés en Syrie pour le « jihad » représentent une grave menace à la sécurité de la Russie au cas où ils retourneraient dans le pays , en particulier concernant les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver qui auront lieu à Sotchi en Février prochain .

      Selon le quotidien libanais asSafir, citant le directeur du site russe Qafqaz Ozil, Gregory Chavidov, « les combattants d’origine russe ont acquis de l'expérience dans la guerre en Syrie : ils ont appris à combattre dans les villes. Or, les islamistes du Caucase ne jouissent pas de cette expérience. Et donc, s’ils retournent chez eux et qu’ils organisent leurs rangs, ils représenteront certainement une menace majeure ».

      L’expert russe a souligné que « Sotchi est sérieusement exposé à des attaques de la part de groupes islamistes qui ont participé dans des batailles de rues en Syrie, et ce en dépit de toutes les mesures prises pour assurer la sécurité des Jeux olympiques d'hiver ».

      A noter que le chef des insurgés islamistes dans le Caucase russe, Dokou Oumarov a menacé en Juillet dernier les Jeux olympiques d'hiver qui se tiendront à Sotchi, ville située sur la mer Noire, à proximité du Caucase, en promettant qu’ « il empêcherait par tous les moyens leur tenue » .

      L’expert russe a affirmé que « si les combattants islamistes d’origine russe reviennent dans le pays pour répondre à l’appel d’Oumarov cela représenterait une grave source de préoccupation ».

      Un autre expert de l'Institut Carnegie à Moscou, Alexei Malachenko a indiqué que « la véritable menace qui pèse sur les Jeux Olympiques vient de ces fanatiques à demi- fous ».

      De son côté, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a exprimé ses préoccupations au sujet du retour des islamistes d’origine russe qui se battent actuellement contre les forces syriennes .

      Il a écrit , dans un article publié dans le New York Times la semaine dernière , «on ne peut pas ne pas s’inquiéter de la présence de centaines d’islamistes venus de pays occidentaux, et même de la Russie, qui se battent en Syrie. Qui peut nous garantir que ces gens, forts de leur expérience acquise en Syrie ne reviendront pas dans nos pays ? C'est une réelle menace pour nous tous » .....

  10. Militantes pro Al Qaida expulsan al ESL de una ciudad siria...

    Militantes del Estado Islámico de Iraq y Siria (EIIS), afiliado a Al Qaida, se apoderó de la ciudad siria de Azaz, cerca de la frontera con Turquía, el miércoles tras derrotar a una brigada del Ejército Sirio Libre, apoyado por varios países occidentales.

    Los militantes del EIIS mataron a cinco miembros del ESL y cogieron prisioneros a otros 100 tras tomar la ciudad, situada a cinco kilómetros de la frontera turca.

    Los choques empezaron cuando militantes del EIIS entraron en el hospital de Al Ahli e intentaron detener a un médico, señalaron trabajadores sanitarios. La Brigada “Tormenta del Norte”, que controlaba el hospital, se negó.

    “Ellos afirmaron que querían llevárselo para interrogarle, pero los milicianos de la brigada no lo permitieron. Entonces comenzaron los combates,” dijo Abel Hamid al Hussein, un médico que trabaja en un hospital cercano.

    Hussein dijo que el médico en cuestión era un sirio-alemán que trabaja para una organización humanitaria alemana. Su destino ahora es desconocido, aunque parece haber sido detenido.

    Los enfrentamientos se han incrementado en las pasadas semanas entre diversos grupos armados que luchan contra el gobierno sirio. En estas luchas, los grupos pro-Al Qaida han demostrado una clara superioridad.

    Azaz se encuentra a unos 35 kms al norte de Alepo, donde grupos pro-Al Qaida, como el Frente al Nusra y el EIIS, mantienen tomadas diversas partes de la ciudad.

    Por otro lado, fuentes mediáticas han señalado que el EIIS ha ejecutado a miembros del ESL en la ciudad de Al Baba, al noreste de Alepo, después de anunciar que ellos eran agentes del gobierno sirio.

    Turquía ha sido repetidamente denunciada por el apoyo que presta a los terroristas que actúan en Siria.

  11. Syrische Opposition verurteilt Angriffe von Islamisten auf eigene „Waffenbrüder“....

    Die Führung der syrischen Nationalen Opposition hat die Überfälle von Rebellen, die gegen die Regierungstruppen kämpfen, auf bewaffnete Abteilungen der Freien Syrischen Armee – dem militärischen Hauptflügel der Oppositionskräfte – verurteilt, meldet AFP am Freitag.

    „Die Oppositionskoalition verurteilt die Aggression gegen Kräfte der syrischen Revolution und syrische Einwohner. Solche Handlungen laufen den Überzeugungen und Prinzipien der revolutionären Bewegung zuwider, die wir zu erzielen versuchen“, heißt es in einer Erklärung der Nationalen Koalition.

    Als Beispiel führten die Oppositionellen den jüngsten Überfall auf die Stadt Aazaz an, bei dem die Regimegegner einander einige Stunden lang gegenseitig beschossen hatten.

    Die Stadt Aazaz an der Grenze zur Türkei, die früher von Abteilungen der bewaffneten Opposition aus dem Bestand der Freien Syrischen Armee kontrolliert wurde, war am Mittwoch von dem internationalen Terrornetzwerk Al-Qaida nahe stehenden Kräften eingenommen worden.

    Nach vorliegenden Informationen stellten radikale Islamisten aus der Gruppierung „Islamischer Staat Irak und Levante“ die Kontrolle über die Stadt her. Während des Sturmes wurden zwei Angehörige der Freien Syrischen Armee getötet.

    In letzter Zeit kommt es immer häufiger zu Zusammenstößen zwischen den Gruppierungen, die gegen die syrische Armee kämpfen.

    Experten weisen darauf hin, dass die Zahl der Kampfgruppen, die radikale Ideen des islamischen Fundamentalismus als ideologische Basis nutzen, die Zahl der Oppositionskämpfer, die an weltlichen Prinzipien festhalten, wesentlich überflügelt.

  12. Assad: Terrorists may attack chemical weapons inspectors, blame Damascus...

    Syrian armed opposition may be ordered by its foreign sponsors to stage a false flag operation against foreign inspectors when they arrive in the country to monitor destruction of the country’s chemical weapons stockpile, says the Syrian president.

    Bashar Assad voiced his concerns in an interview by China's state television CCTV in Damascus. The Syrian leader proposed this possible scenario as he was explaining how his government may be accused of trying to dodge its obligations to destroy its chemical arsenal.

    “We know that these terrorists are obeying the orders of other countries and these countries do drive these terrorists to commit acts that could get the Syrian government blamed for hindering this agreement,” he explained.

    Russia brokered an agreement with Syria to dispose of its stockpile of chemical weapons amid US threats to use military force against Syrian army over alleged use of sarin gas, which killed an estimated 1,400 people in August.

    Moscow expects the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which received detailed inventory of the Syrian arsenal last week, to prepare a deadline for the operation. It also plans to work with other members of the UN Security Council on a resolution, which would support the OPCW plan and provide for security of the inspectors, who would control the disarmament.

    But Washington, London and Paris are insisting on a UNSC resolution which would involve punitive measures against Damascus for any possible hindering of the operation under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter. Chapter 7 allows for the enforcement of Security Council resolutions with military action. Russia opposes such provisions. .....

  13. Kerry informs his Turkish counterpart for upcoming UNSC resolution on Syria...

    NEW YORK (AA) - US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday met with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu who is in New York for the UN meetings.

    Kerry and Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu talked about Syrian civil war, the latest developments in the Middle East and the transformation after the Arab Spring in the region.

    According to diplomatic sources, the meeting was the continuation of a meeting Davutoglu attended with the US, UK, and French foreign ministers in Paris to discuss Syria as the "P3 and 1 meeting".

    The ministers also discussed about how to implement a UN Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution to destroy the stockpile of Syrian chemical weapons.

    Kerry informed Davutoglu about all items that the upcoming resolution of UN Security Council would cover.

    Davutoglu will meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif later on Monday.

  14. Moscow unhappy over ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting in London...

    Moscow opposes backroom discussions on the Syrian settlement, stated Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov in his commentary published on the ministry’s website.

    He also expressed surprise at the declared agenda of the forthcoming October 22 meeting of the “Friends of Syria” in London as preparations for the Geneva-2 peace conference. According to Gatilov, the group reflects only one "school of political thought" regarding the political settlement of the Syrian crisis and also only one part of the opposition forces in Syria. “The preparatory process for the Geneva 2 is presently underway following the format Russia-U.S.-UN, which also involves the UK, China and France. Precisely this scheme was agreed upon in late September in New York, during a meeting of the foreign ministers of the" five " permanent members of the Security Council and UN Secretary General, " he explained.
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