Monday, May 13, 2013

Bulgaria's GERB to Seek Coalition with Ethnic Turks, Nationalists

As early as Monday, the center-right GERB party of former Bulgarian Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, will start coalition negotiations with the ethnic Turkish party Movement for Rights and Freedoms, DPS, and the latter's self-proclaimed archenemies - the far-right nationalist Ataka.
The statement was made for the media Sunday night by the member of the leadership of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party, GERB, Krasimir Velchev.

Velchev spoke after the closing of the polls in the May 12 early general elections.

Exit polls showed that four parties will certainly make their way to Bulgaria's 42nd General Assembly – GERB, the Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, DPS, and Ataka.

According to Velchev, DPS and Ataka can back GERB without them having any posts in the future Cabinet. He stressed only his party can continue the successful absorption of EU funds.

Both – the leader of DSP, Lyutvi Mestan and the leader of Ataka, Volen Siderov, meanwhile declared that coalition with GERB was out of the question.


  1. Protesters Clash with Police in Sofia after Bulgaria Elections....

    Some of the handful of protesters assembled downtown in Bulgarian capital Sofia following snap general elections Sunday have clashed with police.

    Stones and torches are being thrown at police and gendarmes in a chaotic incident that occured in front of the National Palace of Culture, reports the Bulgarian National TV.

    Political parties are expected to hold press conferences at the palace later on Sunday evening.

    Protesters are carrying signs against former ruling GERB party, which has won the vote according to exit polls, and are shouting "Mafia!"

    Their number is estimated to be over 200, according to media reports.

    The situation calmed down later on, with protesters still standing and calling for an annulment of election results.

    Bulgaria's last PM, GERB chair Boyko Borisov, filed his resignation end of February, after a string of streets protests against stagnation and corruption in Bulgaria.

    This was only months ahead of the July date for regular general elections.

  2. PARLAMENTSWAHL IN BULGARIEN.....Bulgarien ist gespalten....

    Nach der Parlamentswahl in Bulgarien dürfte die Bildung einer Regierung schwierig werden. Denn der erst kürzlich zurückgetretene Ex-Premier Borissow liegt mit seiner Mitte.Rechts-Partei nur knapp vorn. Nach der Wahl kommt es zu gewaltsamen Protesten.

    Bei dem Parlamentswahl am Sonntag wurde die konservative Partei des zurückgetretenen Regierungschefs Bojko Borissow laut Nachwahlbefragungen mit etwa 30 bis 32 Prozent stärkste Kraft, sie ist damit allerdings weit von einer eigenen Regierungsmehrheit entfernt. Die oppositionelle Bulgarische Sozialistische Partei (BSP) erhielt demnach 25,6 bis 26,2 Prozent. Mindestens zwei weitere Parteien schafften den Sprung über die Vier-Prozent-Hürde: Drittstärkste Kraft wurde den Prognosen zufolge das Sammelbecken der muslimischen Minderheit und der ethnischen Türken MDL mit 9,9 bis 13,4 Prozent, gefolgt von der ultra-nationalistischen Ataka mit 7,0 bis 8,5 Prozent.

    Auch eine unabhängige Auszählung durch ein von fünf Oppositionsparteien beauftagtes Institut ergab nach Teilergebnissen von Montagfrüh auf 30,1 Prozent für die GERB, 26,1 für die BSP, 11,6 Prozent für die MRF und 7,8 Prozent für Ataka.

    Borissow war im Februar nur wenige Monate vor dem regulären Ende seiner Amtszeit nach massiven Protesten gegen explodierende Strompreise zurückgetreten. Sein Sparkurs hatte die öffentlichen Finanzen saniert, die Wirtschaft im ärmsten Mitglied der Europäischen Union aber abgewürgt.

    Blockade befürchtet
    Wie nach diesen Ergebnissen eine stabile künftige Regierung aussehen könnte, war zunächst völlig unklar. Sollte es Borissow nicht gelingen, eine Koalition zu schmieden, würde der Regierungsauftrag an die Sozialisten gehen. „Die Ergebnisse sind sehr knapp“, sagte Andrej Raitschew vom Umfrageinstitut Gallup. Sollte es noch eine fünfte Partei ins Parlament schaffen, könnte sie der „Königsmacher“ werden. Beobachter befürchten eine Blockade des Parlaments.

    Noch am Sonntagabend gab es erste Proteste gegen den Wahlausgang. Etwa 150 Demonstranten versuchten in Sofia, den Kulturpalast zu stürmen, wo sich das Pressezentrum für Journalisten befand und im Laufe des Abends die wichtigsten Politiker des Landes erwartet wurden. Dabei kam es zu gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei. Die Demonstranten skandierten immer wieder „Mafia!“, es wurden Steine und Flaschen geworfen.

    Demonstranten kündigen Barrikaden an
    Es zeichne sich die Gefahr ab, dass „das vorherige Parlament der Oligarchie und Mafia, das wir hinausgedrängt haben, wiederkommt“, sagte einer der Organisatoren der Proteste, Angel Slawtschew. „Dieses Mal wird es Barrikaden geben, nicht nur Proteste.“

    Der Urnengang war von massiven Betrugsvorwürfen überschattet. Am Samstag beschlagnahmten Ermittler in einer privaten Druckerei unweit der Hauptstadt Sofia 350.000 gefälschte Stimmzettel. Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur BGNES unterhält der Druckereibesitzer enge Verbindungen zu Borissow. Die Opposition bezichtigte die GERB daraufhin des Wahlbetrugs. „350.000 Stimmzettel entsprechen zehn Prozent der erwarteten Wahlbeteiligung“, sagte der Parteichef der Sozialisten, Sergej Stanischew.

    Die Wahlkommission wollte das Ergebnis des Urnengangs erst am Montag verkünden. Auch die Einschätzung der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE), die ein Großaufgebot an Beobachtern entsandt hatte, wurde für Montag erwartet. (afp),1472596,22752726.htm

  3. Ethnic Turkish Party Wins 40% of Bulgaria's Overseas Vote.....

    According to preliminary results of the May 12 general elections, with 55.95% of the total of protocols of overseas polling stations processed, 41.30% of Bulgarians abroad voted for the ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) party.

    The center-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria GERB party of former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov won 24.53% of the overseas vote, the coalition Center – Liberty and Dignity was supported by 7.41%, and the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) by 5.85%, according to preliminary data of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

    The CEC, as cited by, informed Monday that a total of 115 464 Bulgarians had cast a ballot at the May 12 elections, the highest number of voters (65 035) registered in Turkey.

    The CEC noted that overseas voter turnout had dropped from the 2009 parliamentary elections, when over 156 000 people had gone to the polls.

  4. Bulgarian Turks Rule Out Coalition with Ex-Rulers, Nationalists....

    Bulgaria’s predominantly ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) will not enter a coalition with either the center-right GERB party or the ultranationalist Ataka (Attack), DPS leader Lyutvi Mestan has declared.

    Mestan told the Bulgarian National Radio on Tuesday that DPS and Ataka have not merely political differences but are “based on different values.”

    Mestan also declared that his party’s stance on GERB is “perfectly clear and definite.”

    “With the way it ruled the country, GERB deserved their total isolation,” he stated, referring to the fact that no parties in Parliament are willing to negotiate with the center-right outfit.
    The DPS leader noted that his party would consider entering a coalition with the Bulgarian Socialist Party only after it gets acquainted with its governing program.

    The liberal Movement for Rights and Freedoms's 10.46% can get it 33 seats in Parliament. The predominantly ethnic Turkish party is expected to cooperate with BSP.

    With 27.06% of ballots, the Socialists are likely to receive 87 of Bulgaria's 240 MP seats.
    Ataka, who are the fourth and last party to enter parliament this time over (7.39%), is likely to get 23 MP seats.

    The center-right GERB of former PM Boyko Borisov, which again came out first at the vote with 30.74%, is likely to get 97 MPs.

  5. Bulgarian president calls for urgent solution to government deadlock....

    Political parties face bitter struggle to form a cabinet following elections marred by allegations of fraud, manipulation


    Bulgarian president has urged the country's political parties to set aside political bickering to form a new cabinet following Sunday's general elections which failed to produce an outright winner but was plagued by allegations of fraud, wiretapping and extra ballot scandals.
    "I do not want a new election but a new cabinet as soon as possible," Rosen Plevneliev told a press conference on Wednesday, warning that a fresh early election call would destabilize the country.
    Former prime minister's Center-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, or GERB, won 30.7 percent of Sunday's vote, while the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) placed second with 26.6 pct.
    Two other parties, the Movement of Rights of ethnic Turks came third with 11.2 percent and the ultra-nationalist Ataka party was fourth with 7 percent.
    Plevneliev rejected the idea to cancel the vote saying that Bulgarian election authority had verified the legitimacy the voting.
    "It won't be easy for the parties entering the parliament especially to form the new cabinet following the scandals. I believe the parties will make the necessary concessions for reconciliation [...] Steps should be taken to set up a new cabinet as soon as possible," he said.
    An interim government will lead the country until a new government is formed.

  6. Bulgarian Electoral Body: No Reason to Cancel Vote....

    The results of Bulgaria’s May 12 general election should not be canceled, according to a member of the country’s electoral body.

    There are “no legal grounds” for the Central Electoral Committee to declare that violations of occurred on the day of reflection before the vote, according to Committee member Krasimira Medarova .

    Medarova’s comment followed the surprising request made by former PM Boyko Borisov that the election results be canceled by the Constitutional Court.

    Borisov, whose center-right GERB party narrowly won the election, announced Thursday that GERB will appeal to the constitutional court and seek the cancellation of the election due to “a gross violation of the law in the day before the vote."

    Borisov claimed that his party's chances had been damaged by allegations that it was about to commit voting fraud. He referred to the overnight raid of the Bulgarian prosecuting authority and the State Agency for National Security at a printing house on the eve of Election Day, during which a total of 350 000 illegal ballots were seized.

    The printing house is owned by a GERB municipal councilor, which prompted opposition parties to accuse GERB of an attempted voting fraud. The parties thus allegedly broke the mandatory pre-election silence on Saturday.

    However, Medarova has now pointed out that, even though political parties did comment on the illegal ballot scandal last Saturday, their comments could not be qualified as illegal campaigning, since they did not openly urge people to vote for them.

    Borisov said Thursday that failure to get a cancellation of the vote would oblige him to propose a minority cabinet, even though he said he knows this will fail. All other parties that overcame the election threshold have declared they would not cooperate with GERB, which won 97 seats in the country’s 240-seat Parliament.

  7. Βουλγαρία: Η κεντροδεξιά επιχειρεί να ακυρώσει το αποτέλεσμα των εκλογών .....Με προσφυγή ενώπιον του Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου....

    Με προσφυγή ενώπιον του Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου η κεντροδεξιά της Βουλγαρίας υπό τον τέως πρωθυπουργό Μπόικο Μπορίσοφ θα επιχειρήσει να ακυρώσει το αποτέλεσμα των πρόωρων βουλευτικών εκλογών της Κυριακής, επικαλούμενη «παραβίαση» της εκλογικής νομοθεσίας την προηγούμενη ημέρα της ψηφοφορίας.

    Το συντηρητικό κόμμα GERB απέσπασε μεν τις περισσότερες έδρες έναντι των Σοσιαλιστών και θα λάβει πρώτο την εντολή σχηματισμού κυβέρνησης, έχει όμως τις λιγότερες πιθανότητες να κυβερνήσει καθώς τα υπόλοιπα κόμματα αρνούνται να συνεργαστούν με τη δεξιά αφότου ανετράπη υπό το βάρος μαζικών διαδηλώσεων και ενεπλάκη σε σκάνδαλα παράνομων τηλεφωνικών παρακολουθήσεων και εκλογικών παρατυπιών.

    Την προσφυγή στο Συνταγματικό Δικαστήριο της Βουλγαρίας ανακοίνωσε ο ίδιος ο Μπόικο Μπορίσοφ στην πρώτη συνέντευξη Τύπου που παραχώρησε μετά την εκλογική αναμέτρηση, η οποία και επιτείνει το πολιτικό αδιέξοδο στη Σόφια.

    Η κεντροδεξιά υποστηρίζει ότι η στήριξη προς την παράταξη υπονομεύτηκε από την ανακοίνωση των εισαγγελέων την 11η Μαΐου, μία ημέρα πριν ανοίξουν οι κάλπες, ότι πλαστά ψηφοδέλτια εντοπίστηκαν σε τυπογραφείο που συνδέεται με το GERB. «Το κίνητρό μας είναι η χονδροειδής παραβίαση του νόμου την ημέρα πριν από την ψηφοφορία» είπε ο Μπορίσοφ.

    Ο πρόεδρος της Βουλγαρίας Ρόζνι Πλέβνιεφ ανοίγει την Παρασκευή τον κύκλο των διαβουλεύσεων με τα κόμματα, έχοντας ήδη επισημάνει πως δεν απαιτείται επιστροφή στις κάλπες παρόλο που οι εκλογές δεν ανέδειξαν καθαρό νικητή. Ωστόσο, οι αναλυτές δεν διαβλέπουν τη δυνατότητα συγκρότησης σταθερής κυβέρνησης που να μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει την οικονομική κρίση.

    Τα τελικά αποτελέσματα των βουλευτικών εκλογών δίνουν στο συντηρητικό GERB ποσοστό 30,5% και 97 έδρες, στους Σοσιαλιστές 26,6% και 84 έδρες, στο κόμμα της τουρκικής μειονότητας 11,3% και 36 έδρες και στο Ατάκα 7,3% και 23 έδρες.......


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