Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Le Kremlin dément l'implication de la Russie dans les bombardements sur la Ghouta

les bombardements
Le Kremlin a démenti mercredi l'implication de la Russie dans les bombardements sur la Ghouta orientale, qui ont fait 250 morts depuis dimanche dans cette enclave rebelle en Syrie d'après l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH) [soi-disant].

"Ce sont des accusations sans fondement", a déclaré à la presse le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, alors que la diplomatie américaine a accusé la Russie mardi d'être "responsable" de ces attaques, "de la situation humanitaire terrifiante dans la Ghouta orientale et de l'horrible bilan des morts parmi les civils" dans cette enclave assiégée à l'est de Damas.
 [RTBF avec Agences]
Sur le même sujet:


  1. Russian Defence Ministry announced on Wednesday that peace negotiations in Damascus suburb of East Ghouta have been derailed.

    Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported that appeals to illegal armed groups to cease resistance and surrender arms were unsuccessful. Also, Russian military said that critical humanitarian crisis was underway in the region.

    "The humanitarian and socio-economic situation in East Ghouta is getting critical. The appeals by the Russian reconciliation center to illegal armed groups to stop resistance, surrender arms and regulate their status did not bring positive results," spokesman Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenko said in a statement.

    "The negotiations for the peaceful settlement of the conflict in East Ghouta have been derailed," Yevtushenko stressed.

  2. Russia wants the U.N. Security Council to meet publicly on Thursday to discuss the situation in Syria's eastern Ghouta, where pro-regime forces are bombarding the "besieged opposition-held"[sic] enclave near Damascus.

    "This is necessary given the concern that we've heard today in order to make sure that all parties can present their vision, their understanding of this situation and come up with a ways of getting out of this situation," Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the 15-member council on Wednesday.

    "I think it is necessary given the concerns that we heard today in order to make sure that all parties present their understanding of this situation and come up the ways of getting of of this situation," he said.


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