Friday, April 25, 2014

International Criminal Court opens preliminary examination of alleged Ukraine crimes

AMSTERDAM - The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court opened a preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine in the period leading up to the fall of former president Viktor Yanukovich, the court said in a statement on Friday.

Ukraine is not a member of the world's permanent war crimes court, but has granted the ICC jurisdiction over any crimes that might have taken place on its territory from Nov. 21 to Feb. 22, when the parliament removed Yanukovich from his post.

The new government of Ukraine referred the case to the ICC, alleging that Yanukovich's troops killed more than 100 demonstrators in Kiev and other cities. The referral runs up to the day before Russia's annexation of Crimea, meaning the court would not be obliged to consider the possibility of crimes committed by Russian soldiers or officials. Court prosecutors will use the preliminary investigation to decide if any of the alleged crimes are of sufficient gravity to warrant a full-blown investigation. 



  1. La Haya estudia supuestos crímenes contra la humanidad en Ucrania...

    La petición del Gobierno ucranio no incluye los posibles delitos cometidos por el Ejército ruso en suelo ucranio
    Kiev no es miembro de la Corte, pero ha aceptado su competencia para que empiece la investigación
    La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) ha abierto este viernes una investigación preliminar sobre los supuestos crímenes contra la humanidad perpetrados en Ucrania entre el 21 de noviembre y el 22 de febrero pasados. A partir de ahora, la fiscalía examinará lo ocurrido cuando las tropas del depuesto presidente Víctor Yanukóvich fueron enviadas a sofocar las manifestaciones en su contra, desatadas en Kiev y en otras ciudades del país. Según el nuevo Gobierno, los choques entre uniformados y civiles derivaron en un ataque en toda regla donde murieron centenares de personas. Las fechas presentadas a la Corte no incluyen la anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia, ocurrida a partir del 27 de febrero. Ello significa que su Ejército no figura en las pesquisas.

    Las investigaciones preliminares son un trámite obligatorio para que los fiscales decidan si procede abrir una causa sobre Ucrania. El país no es miembro de la CPI, pero el pasado 17 de abril aceptó su jurisdicción para que estudiara la naturaleza de los delitos. Rusia tampoco forma parte del Estatuto de Roma, texto fundacional de la Corte (rechazado también por Estados Unidos, China e India), y no ha reconocido nunca su competencia..........................

  2. Ukraine: Ban urges diplomatic solution to crisis; International Criminal Court opens probe...

    25 April 2014 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on all parties to seek a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, warning that the situation could “spin out of control quickly,” while the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced that is opening a preliminary probe into alleged crimes of humanity committed in the country.

    “It would be a grave mistake, in the Secretary-General’s view, for any party to turn to military means in an attempt to resolve political issues that can and must be addressed by peaceful means,” UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told reporters in New York.

    “The Secretary-General is deeply troubled by the escalation in rhetoric and hardening of positions. The stakes are extremely high, with potentially negative implications for international peace and security that extend far beyond eastern Ukrainian cities,” Mr. Dujarric added.

    Despite an agreement reached last week in Geneva during a meeting between the United States, the European Union, Ukraine, and Russia on a series of steps to de-escalate tensions in eastern Ukraine, the crisis shows no sign of abating.

    “The Secretary-General cautions all Ukrainians and their partners that the situation could spin out of control quickly, with grave and unpredictable consequences,” said Mr. Dujarric.

    “He expects all sides to understand that time is of the essence and that they therefore must cease any unhelpful actions and, instead, re-engage diplomatically to ensure full implementation now.”

    Meanwhile, the Government of Ukraine, which is not a party to the ICC, has accepted the Court’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed on its territory from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014.

    As a result, the Office of the ICC Prosecutor, as a matter of policy, has decided to open a preliminary examination of the situation in Ukraine to establish whether a full investigation is warranted.

    Located in The Hague, in the Netherlands, the ICC is an independent, permanent court that tries persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern – namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.


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